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7587 Sadler (M. T.)

Law of Population, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, hf. mor., uncut, 1830, 8vo. (3602) Quaritch, £1 125. 7588 Sandys (G.) Paraphrase upon the Divine Poems, with music and Psalms, mor., gt. edge, with "E. B." in gold on sides, 1648, 8vo. (3635) Ellis, £2 25. 7589 Scoresby (W.) Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery, maps and plates, mor. ex., borders of gold, tooled leather joints, gt. edge, by Rivière, Edinb., 1823, 8vo.


Toovey, £2 25. 7590 Scot (R.) Perfite Platforme of a Hoppe Garden, black letter, cf. ex., leather joints, gt. edge, by C. Lewis, 1578, 4to. (3779) Bain, £5 185. 7591 Scott (Sir W.) Poetical Works, 12 vol., fronts. and vignette titles, uncut, Edinb., 1833-34, 8vo. (3675) Ellis, £I IIS. 7592 Scott (Sir W.) Waverley Novels, 48 vol., fronts. and vignette titles, cl., uncut, Edinb., 1829-33, 8vo. (3676)

Ellis, £7 5s. 7593 Shakespeare (W.) Plays, Booth's reprint of the first fol. printed in 1623, portrait, mor., gold tooling, gt. edge, by F. Bedford, 1864, 4to. (379)

Ridler, £3 Is. 7594 Shakspere (W.) Midsummer-Night's Dream, vel. paper, illustrated with 24 silhouettes by P. Konewka and woodcuts by A. Vogel, Heidelberg, 1868, 4to. (3792) Turner, £I IS. 7595 Sidney (Sir P.) Countesse of Pembroke's Arcadia. Now the fourth time published, with some new Additions, vel. ex., gold tooled sides, gt. uncut edge, 1613, fol. (4158)

7596 Skeat (W. W.) Language, cl., 7597 Smith (Adam).

Gondi, £12. Etymological Dictionary of the English Oxford, 1882, 4to. (3802) Quaritch, £1 65. Wealth of Nations, 3 vol., rus. ex, by Turner, £1 IOS. ed., mor. ex., gt. Gondi, £2 6s.

Kalthœber, 1793, 8vo. (3867)

7598 Smith (J. and H.) Rejected Addresses, 1st edge, by F. Bedford, 1812, 8vo. (3871)

7599 Smythe (Sir J.) Discourses of Weapons, cf. ex., gt. edge,

by F. Bedford, 1590, 4to. (3806)

Sotheran, £1 65.

7600 Spencer (H.) Education, uncut, 1861-Eirst Principles, 2 eds., 1862 and 1867--Principles of Biology, 2 vol., 186467-Principles of Psychology, 2 vol., 1870-72--Principles of Sociology, 2 vol., 1876, woodcuts, uncut, 8vo. (3905)

Walford, £2 185. 7601 Stephen (H.) World of Wonders, or Apologie for Herodotus, autograph of "Ben Hyde," with autograph letter of J. Crossley added, cf., 1607, fol. (4164)

Gondi, £2 25. 7602 Stephen (H.) World of Wonders, translated by R. C[udworth], both parts in I vol., cf. gt., Edinb., 1608, fol. (4165)

Toovey, £2 4s.

7603 Stewart (J.) Plocacosmos, or Whole Art of Hair Dressing, LARGE PAPER, plates, uncut, 1782, 8vo. (3925)

Toovey, £I IS. 7604 Swift (J.) Travels of L. Gulliver, 2 vol., Ist ed., portrait and maps, cf., from the Library of Thackeray, 1726, 8vo. (3941) Harvey, £10 2s. 6d. 7605 Swinburne (H.) Travels through Spain, LARGE PAPER, map and plates, mor. ex., leather joints, gt. edge, by Staggemeier, 1779, 4to. (3827) Sotheran, £I IS. 7606 Sydney (Algernon). Discourses concerning Government, Letters, Trial, Apology, and Life, portrait, T. Hollis's ed.,

mor., 1763, 4to. (3828)

Toovey, £1 25. 7607 Taylor (Bp. J.) Rule of Holy Living, Ist ed., engraved title and portrait, 1650-51-Holy Dying, Ist ed., front. and plate, mor. ex., gt. edge, by F. Bedford, 1651, 8vo. (3984)

Ellis, £5 10s. 7608 Thurlow (E. Lord). Moonlight, Doge's Daughter, and other Poems, mor. ex., leather joints, watered silk linings, gt. edge, 1814, 8vo. (4036)

U.S.. 1872, 8vo. (4011)

Tonge, £1. 7609 Ticknor (G.) History of Spanish Literature, 3 vol., Boston, Quaritch, £2 5s. 7610 Toland (J.) Life of J. Milton, with Amyntor, mor., with symbolical tooling of T. Hollis, 1761, 8vo. (4040) Tonge, £1 85. 7611 Torriano (G.) Italian Proverbs, cf. ex., 1649- Introduction to Italian, with Dialogues, 2 vol. in 1, 1657, 8vo. (4046)

Hazlitt, £1 IIS. 7612 Turbervile (G.) Booke of Falconrie or Hawking, and Noble Arte of Venerie or Hunting, black letter, both very imper

fect, 1611, 4to. (4129)

Ridler, £1 IOS. 7613 Twinus (J.) De Rebus Albionicis, Britannicis et Anglicis, cf., with arms of Sir E. Dering in gold on sides, 1590, 8vo.


Gondi, £I IS. 7614 Walker (C.) Life, Intrigues, and Adventures of the celebrated Sally Salisbury, portrait, cf. gt., 1723, 8vo. (4289)

Bain, £1 125. 7615 Walker (J.) Account of the Numbers and Sufferings of the Clergy, mor. ex., gt. edge, by J. Clarke, 1714, fol. (4461)

Ridler, £I IIS.

7616 Walpole (Horace). Catalogue of English Engravers, interleaved with MS. additions, and illustrated with portraits (including drawings), by J. S. Biscoe, hf. cf., uncut, 1786, 8νο. (4294)

1824, 4to. (4416)

Ellis, £1 8s.

7617 Watt (R.) Bibliotheca Britannica, 4 vol., pigskin, Edinb., 7618 Webster (J.) Displaying of supposed Witchcraft

Turner, £4. also

the Existence of Angels and Spirits, Truth of Apparitions, etc., cf., 1677, fol. (4462)

Ellis, £1 18s.

7619 Westwood (J. O.) Facsimiles of the Miniatures and Ornaments of Anglo-Saxon and Irish Manuscripts, plates in gold and colours, 1868, fol. (4464)

7620 Wilkinson (Tate). Memoirs of his own Life, 4 vol., mor.,

uncut, t. e. g., York, 1790, 8vo. (4326)

Ellis, £1 IOS.
Bain, £4 125.

7621 Wit Academy, or the Muse's Delight, front., 1704-Wit' Interpreter, front., cf. ex., gt. edge, by F. Bedford, 1671,

8νο. (4335)

Stevens, £4 45.

7622 Wolff (Jens). Tour to Copenhagen through Norway and Sweden, India proof plates, mor. ex., gold tooling, tooled

leather joints, gt. gaufré edge, 1814, 4to. (4424)

Quaritch, £1 5s.

7623 Woolsey (Cardinall T.) Negotiations, containing his Life and Death (by G. Cavendish), Ist ed., portrait by Marshall (before artist's name), cf. ex., blind tooling, 1641, 4to. (4427) Rimell, £4. 7624 Worthington (W. H.) Portraits of the Sovereigns of England, LARGEST PAPER, India paper proofs of the portraits, hf. mor., uncut, t. e. g., Pickering, 1824, fol. (4467)

Ridler, £2 135. 7625 Wootton (Sir H.) Elements of Architecture, LARGE PAPER, vel., gt. edge, 1624, 4to. (4428) Ellis, £1 155. INDEX.

Abbotsford Club. Publications, 3324 A'Becket (Saint Thomas). Life, 6873 A'Beckett (G. A.) Comic History of Eng. land, 192, 1059, 2886, 3060, 3061, 4859 A'Beckett (G. A.) Comic History of Rome, 1058, 2887, 3062

A'Beckett (G. A.) Comic Histories of England and Rome, 1057

A'Beckett (G. A.) Cruikshank's Table Book,


Abeillard and Heloisa, History of, 1328 Abram (W. A.) History of Blackburn, 7288

Academy of Wit, 7621

Ackerman (R.) Abbey Church of St. Peter's, 7206

Ackerman (R.) History of Cambridge, 598 Ackerman (R.) History of Oxford, 7067,


Ackerman (R.) Microcosm of London, 1907, 1963, 3063, 4185, 7014

Ackerman (R.) Repository, 193. 3064, 6630 Ackerman (R.) Views of London, 1060 Ackerman (R.) Westminster Abbey, 980, 1964

Ackerman (R.) Winchester, Eton, and Westminster, 981

Aconce (J.) Les Ruzes de Satan, 3327 Acosta (Jos.) East and West Indies, 3065 Acta Apostolorum, 1965

Acta Sanctorum, 5154

Acts of Parliament. See Statutes

Adair (J.) Sea Coast of Scotland, 3329

Adam (R. and J.) Architectural Works,

[blocks in formation]

Æschylus. Tragædiæ, 7428

[blocks in formation]

Aldine British Poets, 6862
Aldrovandus (U.) Opera, 1971, 3340
Alesius (A.) Ordinatio Ecclesiæ, 5155
Alexander (W.) Johnny Gibb of Gushet-
neuk, 3341

Alexander (W.) Journey to Beresford
Hall, 5156, 5178

Alexandre (N. M.) Memoirs and Anecdotes, 1330


Alexis (G.) Blason de faulses Amours,

Alford (H.) Greek Testament, 4354. 6449 Alfred (King) Bœthius de Consolatione, 5526

Alison (A.) History of Europe, 190, 916, 1582, 1972, 4230, 4745, 4861, 6036, 6597

Alken (H.) Analysis of the Hunting Field, 1584

Æsop. Fables, 194, 597, 1329, 1969, 3067, Alken (H.) Illustrations for Landscape

5040, 5522, 6243, 6333, 7429, 7430

Scenery, 1332, 1583

Agassiz. Poissons Fossiles, 1970

Alken (H.)

Life of Mytton, 1888

Agincourt (Seroux d'). History of Art, 3335

Alken (H.)

Sporting Scrap Book, 1331

Agnew (D. C. A.) Henri du Ravigny, 3336

Alken (H.)

Symptoms of being Amused,

Agostini (L.) Le Gemme Antiche, 724


Agricultural Reports, 91

All the Year Round (Magazine), 807, 6466

Allen (T.)

Allen (T.)

Allen (T.)


County of York, 202, 544
History of Lambeth, 6863
History of Lincolnshire, 1973,

Allibone (S. A.) Dictionary of English
Literature, 203, 4445, 5527, 6797

Allman (G. J.) Fresh Water Polyzoa, 200
Allman (G. J.) Tubularian Hydroids, 201
Allot (R.) England's Parnassus, 3072
Almanach Iconologique, 1062

Almon. Political Remembrancer, 4812
Amadis de Gaule, 1974, 5528, 5529
Amatus Fornacius Amator Ineptus, 5530
Ambrosius (S.) Opera, 4446, 5468, 7433
America. Acts of Congress, 1063
America. Picturesque, 887, 1011

America. Voyages and Travels (General),

[blocks in formation]


America. Works relating to, 3073-6, 3344, 3346, 3347, 6244-5

Apperley (C.) Hunting Reminiscences, 6037

American Library Journal, 808
Ames (J.) Typographical Antiquities, 204-5, Apperley (C.) Sporting, 211

Apperley (C.) Life of John Mytton, 1888

3348, 5531, 6334,

Apuleius (L.) Golden Ass, 3358, 4449, 5536

Amman (J.) Various works of, 206

Aquilanus (S.) Opere, 5537

Amsinck (P.) History of Tunbridge Wells, Aquinas (Thomas). Catena Aurea, 1099

[blocks in formation]

Aquinas (Thomas). Opera Omnia, 5439 Arabian Nights (various editions), 1590, 5160

[blocks in formation]


Anderson (J.) Royal Genealogies, 7211
Anderson (J.) Selectus Numismatum
Scotiæ, 3353, 7292
Anderson (J.) Scotland in Pagan and
Christian Times, 6864

Anderson (J. C.) Shropshire, 207
Anderson (R.) British Poets, 891, 4187
Anderson (W.) Pictorial Arts of Japan,
Andrea (J.) Arbor consanguinitatis, 208
Andreino (G. B.) L'Adamo, 3354

Andrews (H. C.) Botanists' Repository, 1980

Andrews (H. C.) Engravings of Heaths, 1981

Andrews (J.) Map of Wilts, 93

Andrews (L.) Preces privatæ quotidianæ,


Androuet du Cerceau (J.) Livre d'Architecture, 3355

Angas (G. F.) New Zealanders Illustrated, 209, 4981, 6633

Angas (G. F.) General Works, 6632-6

Angelo (D.) Works, 725, 1512, 1586, 1587, 1982, 4355

Angling. Works on, 3480, 4084, 6002, 6943, 6955,7452. See also Walton (Isaac)

Angus. Ancient Monuments of, 1065 Angus and Mearns, Baronage of, 1588 Annals (The) of Sporting (Magazine), 4131, 6865

Annual Register, 1983, 4188, 5157, 7015,

[blocks in formation]

Arabian Nights (Burton), 809, 1334, 5539, 6724, 6725, 7016, 7017 Arabian Nights (Forster), 600, 2890, 6867 Arabian Nights (Lane), 2, 726, 4450, 4746, 4863, 5540, 6038 Arabian Nights (Macnaghten), 3342 Arabian Nights (Payne), 1333, 1457, 1458, 3077, 4752, 5538, 7018 Arabian Nights (Scott), 4356, 4864 Arber (E.) English Reprints, 1066, 4451,

[blocks in formation]

Architect, The British, 939
Architect Journal, The, 922

Architects, Papers relating to Institutes of,


Architectural Publication Society, 5164
Architecture, Glossary of Terms in, 4954,
6448. See Parker, J. H.
Arcq (Chev d'). Histoire des Guerres, 3362
Aretino (P.) Bibliothèque, 5543
Argentinus (R.) De Præstigiis, 5544
Argyle Papers, 1592

Aringhus (P.) Roma Subterranea, 5165
Ariosto (L.) Orlando Furioso, 1335, 1987,
2891, 3363, 5043, 7436
Aristophanes. Comoediae, 3364, 4231
Aristotle. Opera, 1988

Armada, History of the, 95, 7437
Arminian Nunnery at Little Gidding, The,

Armstrong (J.) Navigation of King's Lyn, 5166

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