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7498 Digby (Sir K.) Two Treatises on the Nature of Bodies and of Mans Soule, LARGE PAPER, mor., gt. edge, Paris, 1644,

fol. (1911)

Stevens, £6. 7499 Donne (J.) Poems, with Elegies on the Author's Death, portraits, cf., 1639, 8vo. (1309) Ellis, £I IS. 7500 Drudonis (H.) Practica Artis amandi, mor. ex., gt. marbled edge, by Trautz-Bauzonnet, Ursellis, 1606, 8vo. (1318)

Gondi, £3. 7501 Dunbar (W.) Poems, with Notes and Life by D. Laing, 2 vol. and Supplement, uncut, Edinb., 1834-66, 8vo. (1337)

Sotheran, £2 25.

7502 Edwards (E.) Anecdotes of Painters in England, in Continuation to the Anecdotes of Painting, by H. Earl of Orford, LARGE PAPER, illustrated with 64 engravings of portraits and views, hf. mor., uncut, t. e. g., 1808, 4to. (1549)

Sotheran, ₤I IOS. 7503 Eliot (J.) Orthoepia Gallica: Eliot's Fruits for the French,

vel., 1593, 4to. (1553)

Quaritch, £3 145.

7504 Erasmus (D.) De Contemptu Mundi, translated by T. Paynel, black letter, Ædibus, T. Bertheleti, 1533, 8vo. (1375)

Ellis, £2. 7505 Euclid. First Six Books of Elements, with coloured diagrams and symbols by Oliver Byrne, hf. mor., uncut, t. e. g., W. Pickering, 1847, 4to. (1564)

Quaritch, £1 25.
Sotheran, £1 85.

7506 Evans (E.) Catalogue of engraved Portraits, 2 vol., 1837-53,

8vo. (1403)

7507 Evelyn (J.) History and Art of Chalcography and Engravings on Copper, portrait and plate, etched by Worlidge, mor., borders of gold, gt. edge, 1755, 8vo. (1405)

Toovey, £1 5s.

7508 Eyton (J. W. K.) Library Catalogue, LARGE PAPER, 50 copies printed for presents, MS. prices and names, hf. mor., uncut, t. e. g., 1848, 4to. (1565)

Gondi, £1 55.

7509 Falconer (W.) Shipwreck, designs by Westall, mor., gold borders, tooled leather joints, silk fly-leaves, gt. edge, 1818,

8νο. (1420)

Bain, £1. 7510 Faustus, his Life, Death, and Descent into Hell, translated by G. Borrow, coloured front., uncut, 1825, 8vo. (1431)

Stevens, £2 15s. 7511 Florio (J.) Second Frutes, with his Gardine of Recreation yeelding Six Thousand Italian Proverbs, 2 vol. in 1, vel.,

1591, 4to. (1817)

Harvey, £4. 7512 Florio (J.) Worlde of Wordes, or most copious and exact Dictionarie in Italian and English, woodcut title, vel., 1598,

fol. (2235)

Harvey, £1 185. 7513 Fuller (T.) History of the Holy Warre, front. by Marshall, Gondi, £1 8s.

and map, cf., Camb., 1639, fol. (2242)

7514 Gaguinus (R.) De Puritate Conceptionis B. Mariæ Virginis, black letter, woodcut title, gt. edge, Paris, F. Baligault,

s. a., 4to. (1843)

Ellis, £1 10s.

7515 Gay (J.) Poems, 2 vol., plates, mor., gt. edge, 1731, 8vo.


Walford, £1 25.

7516 Gibbs (H. H.) Game of Ombre, front. and coloured plate,

1878, 4to. (1869)

Quaritch, £1 25. 7517 Glover (R.) Leonidas, a Poem, 2 vol., bust and plates, mor. ex., borders of gold, leather joints, gt. edge, by Staggemeier, 1804, 8vo. (1738)

Quaritch, £1 75. 7518 Gower (J.) De Confessione Amantis, gothic letter, Berthelet, 1532-Muntaner (R.) Chronica del Rey Don Jaume I, Ist ed., wanted several ll., Valencia, 1558-Daniel (S.) Works, fol. (2581)

Quaritch, £1 145.

7519 Grose (F.) Provincial Glossary, with Local Proverbs and Superstitions, 1790-Rules for Drawing Caricatures, 20 humorous etchings, 1791-Etchings of Scenery, 18 plates, n. d.-Guide to Health, 1785-Olio, 1792, gt. rus., in 3 vol., 8vo. (1801) Tonge, £I IIS.

7520 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) New Boke about Shakespeare and Stratford-on-Avon, with his Will, facsimile, uncut, only 50 copies printed on this paper, 1850-Observations on the Shaksperian Forgeries at Bridgewater House, facsimile, uncut, printed for private circulation only, 1853, 4to. (2176) Stevens, £2 185.

7521 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Palatine Anthology, a Collection of Ancient Poems and Ballads relating to Lancashire and Cheshire, uncut, 1850, 4to. (2177)

Stevens, £1 6s.

7522 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Account of Antiquities, Coins, Manuscripts, Rare Books, Ancient Documents, and other Reliques, illustrative of the Life and Works of Shakespeare in his Possession, thick paper, facsimiles, uncut, Brixton Hill, 1852, 4to. (2170)

Stevens, £2 8s.

7523 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Account of a Collection of several thousand Bills, Accounts and Inventories illustrating Prices between 1650 and 1750, presented to the Smithsonian Institution, Brixton Hill, 1852, 4to. (2171) Stevens, £4. 7524 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Brief Account of an Unique Edition of Sir P. Sydney's Arcadia, uncut, Brixton Hill,

1854, 4to. (2172)

Stevens, £3. 7525 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Contributions to Early English Literature, thick paper, uncut, 1849, 4to. (2173)

Stevens, £2 6s. XVIth and XVIIth Centuries, illustrated by Reprints of very rare Tracts, thick paper, uncut, 1851, 4to. (2175) 7527 Harington (Sir J.) Nugæ Antiquæ, with 2 vol., thick paper, mor. ex., gt. edge, by ford, 1804, 8vo. (1956)

7526 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Literature of

Stevens, £2 6s. Notes by T. Park, Clarke and BedToovey, £2 15s.

7528 Head (R.) English Rogue described in the Life of Meriton Latroon, plates, cf. gt., 1666, 8vo. (1971) Leighton, £I 125. 7529 Heywood (T.) England's Elizabeth, her Life and Troubles, full-length portrait, mor. ex., gt. edge, by F. Bedford, 1631 -Generall History of Women, front., cf., 1657-Pleasant Dialogues and Drammas, cf. ex., gt. edge, 1637, 8vo. (1996) Gondi, £4 45. 7530 Heywood (T.) Preparative to Study, or Vertue of Sack, in verse, mor. ex., gt. edge, by C. Lewis, 1641 (2200)

Stevens, £4 45. 7531 Heywood (T.) Hierarchie of the Blessed Angels, impres. sions of the engraved title by Cecill, and plates by Marshall (11) by 7 inches), original cf., A. Islip, 1635, fol. (2591) Walford, £6 1os.

7532 Hibbert (G.) Library Catalogue, LARGE PAPER, MS. prices and names, with a privately printed Memoir and portrait of G. Hibbert added, mor., uncut, t. e. g., by Leighton, 1829-37, 8vo. (1997)

Stevens, £3 3s. 7533 Higinii Poeticon Astronomicon, woodcuts, Venetiis, 1482,


Ridler. £1 8s. Toovey, £2 45.

7534 Hobbes (T. of Malmesbury). Leviathan, cf., 1651, fol. (2592)

7535 Holder (W.) Elements of Speech, with Appendix concerning Persons Deaf and Dumb, mor., Harleian gold tooling, gt.

edge, 1669, 8vo. (2018)

Ellis, £1 125.

7536 Hughes (W.) Compleat Vineyard, plates, 1670, 8vo. (2047)

Bain, £I IS.

7537 Humphreys (H. Noel). History of the Art of Printing, with 100 facsimile illustrations in photo-lithography, Quaritch,

1867, fol. (2596)


Ridler, £2 7538 Humphreys (H. Noel). Masterpieces of the Early Printers : a series of Facsimiles from Rare and Curious Books, 1870,

fol. (2597)

Quaritch, £1 6s. 7539 Hunt (Leigh). Stories from the Italian Poets, 2 vol., uncut, Walford, £2 45.

1846, 8vo. (2057)

7540 Ireland (A.) List of the Writings of W. Hazlitt and Leigh Hunt, with Chronological List of the Works of C. Lamb, hf. mor., uncut, t. e. g., 1868, 8vo. (2079) Hutt, £I IIS. 7541 Jewel (Bp. J.) Sermons before the Queene and at Paules Crosse, with a Treatise of the Sacraments, mor. ex., gt. edge, by Rivière, 1583, 8vo. (2105)

Grose, £1 45. 7542 Johnston (A. K.) Royal Atlas of Modern Geography, 48 coloured maps and Index, binding cracked, Edinb., 1877,

fol. (2901)

Black, £I IIS.

7543 Johnson (S.) Lives of the English Poets, 4 vol., portrait,

mor., gt. edge, 1794, 8vo. (2107)

Mason, £2 8s.

7544 Johnson (S.) Life and Tour to the Hebrides, Notes and Appendices by A. Napier, 4 vol., portraits and plates, 1884 -Johnsoniana, collected by Robina Napier, portrait and facsimiles, uncut, 5 vol., 1884, 8vo. (4512) Barnes, £1 25. 7545 Jones (Inigo). Stoneheng restored, portrait by Hollar, and

wood engravings, cf., 1655, fol. (2903)

Ellis, £1 8s.

7546 Jones (Inigo). Most Notable Antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called Stoneheng on Salisbury Plain, restored, portrait by Hollar, and plates, cf. gt., 1655, fol. (2904)

Turner, £1 85. 7547 Jonson (Ben). Horatius, his Art of Poetry Englished with other Works never printed before (Execration against Vulcan, Masque of the Gypsies and Epigrams), front. by Marshall, 1640, 8vo. (4513)

Stevens, £4 IOS. 7548 Keats (J.) Poetical Works, with Memoir by R. M. Milnes (Lord Houghton), portrait and 120 designs drawn on wood by G. Scharf, cl., uncut, 1854, 4to. (2476)

Walford, £1 125. 7549 King (Bp. H.) Poems, Elegies, Paradoxes, and Sonets, Horace Walpole's copy, with his book-plate, cf., gt. edge, 1664, 8vo. (2134)

Ellis, £1 6s. 7550 Kinglake (A. W.) Eothen, coloured plates, 1844, 8vo. (2136) Ridge, £1 35. 7551 Knox (J.) Works, collected and edited by D. Laing, 6 vol.

in 7, uncut, Edin., 1846-64, 8vo. (2249) Bumpus, £2 10S. 7552 Kugler. Hand-Book of Painting in Italy, with Notes by Sir C. Eastlake, 2 vol., 1851-German, Flemish, Dutch, Spanish, and French Schools, with Notes by Sir E. Head, 2 vol., 1854, plates, uncut, 4 vol., 8vo. (2255)

Quaritch, £1 45. e. g., by Cecil Bain, £6 5s. uncut, 1833Specimens of English Dramatic Poets, 2 vol., 1835, 8vo. (2286) Bain, £1. 7555 Langford (T.) Instructions to raise Fruit Trees in England, plates, ruled mor., gold tooling, 1681, 8vo. (2300)

7553 Lamb (C.) Works, 2 vol., hf. mor., uncut, t.
and Larking, 1818, 8vo. (2285)
7554 Lamb (C.) Elia, 1823-Last Essay of Elia,

Bain, £1 125. 7556 Lewis (Sir G. C.) Essay on the Romance Languages, 2 eds., uncut, Oxford, 1835 and 1862-Letters to various Friends, portrait, uncut, 1870, 8vo. (2371)

Sotheran, £1 155. 7557 Lloyd (Dean D.) Legend of Captaine Jones (in Verse), front. by Marshall, cf. ex., gt. edge, 1648, 4to. (2526)

Ellis, £2 15s. 7558 Lord (H.) Display of Two Sects in the East Indies (Banians and Persees), engraved title by Marshall, vel., gold tooling,

gt. edge, 1630, 4to. (2535)

Toovey, £1 25. 7559 Lowndes (W. T.) Bibliographers' Manual of English Literature, enlarged by H. G. Bohn, 4 vol., hf. mor., uncut, t. e. g., 1864, 8vo. (2425)

Leighton, £1 155.

7560 Lucas (T.) Memoirs of famous Gamesters and Sharpers,

front., 1714, 8vo. (2429)

7561 Manwood (J.) On Forrest Lawes, black letter, vel., gold

tooling, gt. edge, 1598, 4to. (2567)

Grose, £1.

Ellis, £1 12s.

Sotheran, £I I2S.
Ridler, £1 16s.

7562 Marvel (A.) Rehearsal transpros'd, 2 vol., mor., gt. edge,

1672-74, 8vo. (2668)

7563 Markham (G.) Way to get Wealth, woodcuts, 6 parts in I

vol., 1676, 4to. (2809)

7564 Maunsell (A., Bookseller). Catalogue of English printed Bookes, both parts, cf. ex., by F. Bedford, gt. edge, 1595,

fol. (3230)

Bowden, £5 25. 6d. 7565 Mayerne (Sir T.) Receipts in Cookery, Preserving and Hutt, £1 25. 7566 Merivale (J. H.) Poems, 3 vol., mor. ex., gt. edge, by Clarke and Bedford, W. Pickering, 1844, 8vo. (2708)

Sugar Works, mor., 1658, 8vo. (2683)

Mason, LI IOS 7567 Milton (J.) Poetical Works, with Life by Rev. J. Mitford, 3 vol., portrait, mor., gt. edge, W. Pickering, 1839, 8vo.


Prevost, £1 25. 7568 Milton (J.) Literæ Pseudo-Senatus Anglicani Cromwellii, etc., Jussu conscriptæ, cf. ex., uncut, by F. Bedford (Elzevir), 1676, 8vo. (2734) Ellis, £.2 25. 7569 Montagu (Lady Mary Wortley). Letters and Works, edited by Lord Wharncliffe, 2 vol., portraits, hf. mor. ex., uncut, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf, 1861, 8vo. (2758) Toovey, £1 5s. 7570 Montrose (J. Marques of). History of the King's Affaires in Scotland under his Conduct, portrait, cf ex., gt. edge, 1649, 8vo. (2767)

Bowden, £1 35. 7571 Naunton (Sir R.) Fragmenta Regalia, with portrait of Q. Elizabeth by Elstrak, gt. vel., uncut, 1641, 4to. (2872)

Toovey, £3 12s. 6d. 7572 Nelson (Admiral Lord). Dispatches and Letters, with Notes by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 7 vol., portrait and facsimiles, cf. ex., 1845-46, 8vo. (2941)

Sotheran, £1 6s. 7573 Neperi (J.) Rabdologia, hf. cf. ex., uncut, t. e. g., by F. BedGondi, £4 10s.

ford, Edinb., 1617, 8vo. (2942)

7574 Pace (R.) De Fructu qui ex Doctrina precipitur, oak bds. covered in stamped leather, Basilia, 1517, 4to. (3146)

Ellis, £1 125. 7575 Paracelsus (Theophrastus). Prognosticatio, portrait and 32 emblematical engravings of Alchemy, mor., silk linings, gt. edge, Anno 1536, 4to. (3160)

Miller, £1 135. 7576 Paston Letters. New ed., containing upwards of 400 Letters, etc., hitherto unpublished, edited by J. Gairdner, 3 vol., LARGE PAPER, uncut, 1872-75, 4to. (3172) Leighton, £2 25. 7577 Pope (A.) Rape of the Lock, Du Roveray's ed., engravings by Bartolozzi, Smith, etc., from designs by Stothard, Fuseli, etc., mor. ex., gold tooling, gt. edge, 1801, 8vo. (3294)

Leighton, £1 25. 7578 Rainoldes (J.) Th' Overthrow of Stage Plays, limp vel.,

Harvey, £2 45. letter. cf. ex., gt. Gondi, £4 4s.

1599, 4to. (3484) 7579 Rastel (J.) Beware of M. Jewel, black gaufré edge, Antverpia, 1566, 8vo. (3361) 7580 Richworth (W.) Dialogues, or Judgment of Common Sense in the choise of Religion, gt. mor., 1640, 8vo. (3148)

Ellis, £2 25. 7581 Rogers (J.) Displaying of the horrible Sect of Familie of Love, black letter, vel., G. Bishop, 1578, 8vo. (3448)

Stevens, £2 14s. 7582 Rolleston (S.) Dissertation on Barley wine, Decency and Places of Retirement for necessary Occasions, 2 vol. in I, 1750-51, 4to. (3516)

Harvey, £1. Ellis, £2. 7584 Rose (W. S.) Letters from the North of Italy, 2 vol. interleaved, the author's own copy, with his autograph additions and corrections for a new ed., 1819, 8vo. (3558)

7583 Roscoe (T.) Italian Novelists, 4 vol., vignette titles, hf. mor.

ex., uncut, t. e. g., 1825, 8vo. (4543)

Stevens, £1 5s.

7585 Rowe (N.) Royal Convert, a Tragedy, the Dedication copy to Charles Lord Halifax, in mor., ornamented with tooling and Halifax arms, stamped in gold on sides, 1708, 4to. Stevens, £2 IOS.


7586 Roxburghe (J. Duke of). Library Catalogue, with Supplement, 2 vol. in I, LARGE PAPER, portrait added, MS. prices and names, and also with the printed prices, mor. ex., leather joints, gt. edge, 1812, 8vo. (3571) Gondi, £1 195.

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