Page images

the margins of most of the Il. mended, mor. ex., gt. edge, protected with loose mor. cover, Isaac Iaggard and Ed. Blount, 1623, fol. (929) Pickering, £28 105.

6566 Shakespeare (Mr. William). Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the True Originall Copies, The Second Impression, portrait by Droeshout, verses and last 1. backed, mor., gt. edge, Tho. Cotes, for Robert Allot, 1632, fol. (930) Pickering, £21 IOS.

6567 Shakespeare (Mr. William). Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the True Original Copies, The Third Impression. And unto this impression is added seven Playes, never before printed in fol., portrait by Droeshout with verses underneath, fore-edge mended, mor. ex., gt. edge, by F. Bedford, protected in drop mor. case, Printed for P. C., 1664, fol. (931) Pickering, £52.

6568 Shakespeare (Mr. William). Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the True Original Copies. Unto which is added seven Plays, never before printed in fol., The Fourth Edition, portrait by Droeshout with verses beneath, a copy of a later impression of the Droeshout portrait inserted, the last two ll. defective, rus. ex., gt. edge, H. Herringman, E. Brewster, and R. Bentley, 1685, fol. (932) Pickering, £25 IOS. 6569 Shelley (P. B.) Zastrozzi, a Romance, Ist ed., mor. ex., gt. edge, by W. Pratt, 1810, 8vo. (734) Pearson, £5 155. 6570 Shelley (P. B.) St. Irvyne, or the Rosicrucian, a Romance, by a Gentleman of the University of Oxford, 1st ed., hf. mor., uncut, t. e. g., 1811, 8vo. (735) Stevens, £6 IOS. 6571 Shelley (P. B.) Queen Mab, a Philosophical Poem, with Notes, Ist ed., title mended, portrait inserted, mor. ex., gt. edge, by W. Pratt, Printed by P. B. Shelley, 1813, 8vo. (736) Bain, £2 125. 6572 Shelley (P. B.) The Cenci. A Tragedy, in Five Acts, Ist ed., hf. mor., uncut, t. e. g., by Rivière, Italy, 1819, 8vo.


Ellis, £3 5s. 6573 Shelley (P. B.) Rosaland and Helen, a modern Eclogue, with other Poems, 1st ed., hf. mor., uncut, t. e. g., by Revière, Walford, £1 175. 6574 Shelley (P. B.) Prometheus Unbound, a Lyrical Drama in Four Acts, with other Poems, Ist ed., portrait added, hf. mor., uncut, t. e. g. by Rivière, 1820, 8vo. (744)

1819, 8vo. (743)

£.2 75.

6575 Shelley (P. B.) Laon and Cythna, or the Revolution of the Golden City, a Vision of the Nineteenth Century, in the Stanza of Spenser, 1st ed., hf. mor., uncut, t. e. g. by Rivière, 1818, 8vo. (740)

Pearson, £5. 6576 Shelley (P. B.) Posthumous Poems (including Alastor), Ist ed., edited by Mrs. Shelley, hf. mor., uncut, t. e. g., 1824,

8νο. (746)

Richardson, £1 125.

6577 Sibbald (J.) Chronicles of Scottish Poetry, from the XIIIth Century to the Union of the Crowns, with a Glossary, 4 vol., mor. ex., gt. edge, Edinb., 1802, 8vo. (755) Edwards, £1 IOS. 6578 Skelton (J.) Poetical Works, with Notes, and some Account of the Author, etc., by the Rev. A. Dyce, 2 vol., cf. ex., gt. edge, by F. Bedford, 1843, 8vo. (758) Walford, £1 45. 6579 Spenser (E.) Complaints, containing sundrie small Poemes of the Worlds Vanitie, Ist ed., title to "Muipotmos" cut into, mor. ex., gt. edge, by C. Lewis, W. Ponsonbie, 1591, 4to.


Pearson, £9. 6580 Spenser (E.) Colin Clouts come Home again, Ist ed., wormed, mor. ex., gt. edge, W. Ponsonbie, 1595, 4to. (901)

Quaritch, £6.

6581 Spenser (E.) Faerie Queene, Books I to III, 1st ed. (with the cancelled II. at end; the Welsh words at p. 332 left blank), William Ponsonbie, 1590-Second part, Books IV to VI, 1st ed., William Ponsonby, 1596, a few ll. cropped in binding, and 4 11. repaired, mor. ex., gt. edge, by F. Bedford, 2 vol., 4to. (902)

Quaritch, £20. 6582 Stirling (W. Earl of). Recreations with the Muses, India proof, portrait by Thurston inserted, mor. ex., gt. edge, 1637,

fol. (928)

Pickering, £1 45. 6583 Swift (J.) Travels into several Remote Nations of the World, by L. Gulliver, 4 parts in 2 vol., 1st ed., portrait and maps, hf. cf., B. Motte, 1726, 8vo. (781)

Leighton, £I IS.

6584 Swift (J.) Travels into several Remote Nations of the World, by L. Gulliver, 4 parts in 2 vol., 1st ed., portrait and maps, cf. ex., B. Motte, 1726, 8vo. (782) Richardson, £2 IOS. 6585 Swift (J.) Works, with Notes and Life of the Author, by Sir W. Scott, 19 vol., portrait, etc., cf., Edinb., 1814, 8vo. (783) Luyster, £2 125. 6586 Taylor the Water-Poet (John). Workes, front. (backed), woodcuts, mor. ex., gt. edge, by Rivière, 1630, fol. (933)

Sabin, £7. 6587 Tennyson. Poems, chiefly Lyrical, by Alfred Tennyson, cf. ex., uncut, t. e. g, by Rivière, Effingham Wilson, 1830,

8νο. (797)

£5 5s. 6588 Tennyson. Poems, MDCCCXXX, MDCCCXXXIII, interleaved, with MS. notes, cf. ex., t. e. g., privately printed, 1862, (798)

Quaritch, £3 IOS.

6589 Tennyson. Poems by Alfred Tennyson, cf. ex., uncut, t. e. g., by Rivière, E. Moxon, New Bond Street, 1833, 8νο. (799)

Robson, £13. £2 16s.

6590 Tennyson. Poems, 2 vol., cf. ex., t. e. g., uncut, by Rivière, E. Moxon, Dover Street, 1842, 8vo. (800) Walford, 6591 Tennyson. The Princess, a Medley, Ist ed., cf. ex., t. e. g.,

by Rivière, 1847, 8vo. (804)

Quaritch, £1 145. 6592 Tennyson (Alfred Lord). Poems by Two Brothers (Alfred and Charles Tennyson), cf. ex., uncut, t. e. g., by Rivière, Simpkin and Marshall, and J. and J. Jackson, Louth, 1827, 8vo. (794) Walford, £13 IOS.

6593 Tennyson. Timbuctoo, a Poem which obtained the Chancellor's Medal at the Cambridge commencement mdcccxxix, by A. Tennyson, of. Trinity College, cf. ex., uncut, t. e. g., Cantab., 1829, 8vo. (795)

Robson, £2 6s.

6594 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, with original Memoirs and Notes by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 2 vol., portraits and illustrations by Stothard, etc., mor. ex., gt. edge, by Wright, Pickering, 1836, 8νο. (847)

Pickering, £14. 6595 Webster (J.) Works, now first collected, with some Account of the Author, and Notes by the Rev. A. Dyce, 4 vol., mor. ex., gt. edge, Pickering, 1830, 8vo. (854) Walford, £4 18s. 6596 Wordsworth (W.) Lyrical Ballads, with a few other Poems, Bain, £3 5s.

2 vol., 1st ed., cf., 1798-1800, 8vo. (869)

[JULY IOTH, 1888.]



6597 Alison (A.) History of Europe, 20 vol., and Atlas, 1847-8,

8vo. (115)

Stibbs, £1. 6598 Beaumont and Fletcher's Works, edited by A. Dyce, II vol., Walford, £9 5s.

portraits, 1843, 8vo. (102)

6599 Behn (Mrs. A.) Plays, 2 vol., original cl., some ll. stained,

1702, 8vo. (20)

Grose, £I IOS. Harvey, £I

6600 Boswell (J.) Life of Dr. Johnson, Ist ed., 2 vol., portrait, hf.


bd., uncut, 1791, 4to. (213) 6601 Boyne (W.) Tokens issued in the XVIIth century, 42 plates, LARGE PAPER, 1858, 4to. (201) Shaw, £1 25. 6602 Bryan (M.) Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, enlarged by G. Stanley, portrait and cyphers, Bohn, 1849, 8vo. (11)

Edlin, £1 6s. 6603 Butler (S.) Hudibras, with Annotations by Z. Grey, 2 vol., plates, mor. ex., gt. edge, 1801, 8vo. (107) Ridler, £I IIS. 6604 Chappell (W.) Popular Music of the Olden Time, 2 vol.,

Cramer, Beale & Co., 8vo. (15)

Stevens, £1 155. 6605 Davenant (Sir W.) Works, portrait by Faithorne, 1673, and Ridler, £1. 6606 Dickens (C.) Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi, edited by "Boz," with illustrations by George Cruikshank, 2 vol., 1st ed.,

2 others, 3 vol., fol. (290)

original cloth, 1838, 8vo. (116)

George, £3. 6607 Dugdale (Sir W.) Monasticon Anglicanum, abridged in English by J. Stevens, 3 vol., plates, cf. (rebacked), 1722

23-18, fol. (278)


Ridler, £3 IOS. 6608 Fletcher (J.) The Elder Brother, text cut into, 1637-Rule a Wife and have Wife, 1640-The Night Walker, text cut into, 1640, all 1st ed., hf. cf., 3 vol., 4to. (239) Grose, £1 145. 6609 Garrick (D.) Life by P. Fitzgerald, 2 vol., portrait, 1868, 8vo. Sotheran, £1 16s. 6610 Gibbon (E.) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, edited by Dr. Wm. Smith, 8 vol., portrait and maps, 1854, 8vo.



Luyster, £1 16s. 6611 Goldsmith (O.) Works, edited by Peter Cunningham, 4 vol., George, £1 55.

1854, 8vo. (80)

6612 Hogarth's Works. From the original plates restored by Heath, with explanations by Nichols (including "Before" and "After," and "Feeding Poultry"), hf. mor., gt. edge, Baldwin and Cradock, fol. (247)

Roche, £3.

6613 Jameson (Mrs.) Memoirs of the Beauties of the Court of Charles II, 2 vol. in 1, portraits, mor. ex., by Wright, 1838, 8vo. (2)

Stibbs, £1 16s.

6614 Jerrold (Douglas). Works, 8 vol., Bradbury and Evans, 1851-4,

Robson, £1 3s.
Hill, £1 35.

8vo. (113)

6615 Johnson (Sam.) Lives of the English Poets, with Notes by

Peter Cunningham, 3 vol., 1854, 8νο. (85)

6616 Massinger (P.) The Emperour of the East, 1st ed., hf. cf.,

1632, 4to. (242) 6617 Massinger (P.) The Maid of Honour, Ist ed., hf. cf., 1632,

4to. (243)

Pearson, £I IS. Grose, £1. 6618 Milton (J.) Works, in verse and prose, printed from the original ed., with Life of the Author by Mitford, 8 vol., portrait, uncut, W. Pickering, 1851, 8vo. (32)

Walford, £6 17s. 6d. 6619 Nash (J.) Mansions of England in the Olden Time, first and second series, 2 vol., illustrations, hf. mor., M'Lean, 1839-40,

fol. (281)

Parsons, £1 16s. 6620 Prayer. Reprints of Early Editions of the Common Prayer Book from Edward VI to Charles II, in black and red letter, by Whittingham for W. Pickering, 6 vol., hf. vel., 1845, fol. (279)

Westall, £6 1OS. 6621 Rabelais (F.) Works, by Ozell, 5 vol., portrait and plates,

1750, 8vo. (152)

Ridler, £1. ed., plates, original Sotheran, LII 11 5s. Cathedral Churches plates, 1814-19, 8vo. Roche, £1 125. by Cerberus, en(131) Sotheran, £9 5s. 6625 Thoms (W. J.) Collection of Early Prose Romances, 3 vol., uncut, Pickering, 1828, 8vo. (27) Stibbs, £1 25. 6626 Turner (J. M. W.) and J. Buckler. Views in Richmondshire, 32 plates, with descriptions by T. D. Whitaker, hf. mor., Ridler, £2 45. 6627 Walpole (H.) Earl of Orford. Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors, enlarged by Park, 5 vol., portraits, hf. mor., t. e. g., Stibbs, £4 6s. 6628 Whitaker (T. D.) History and Antiquities of Craven in the County of York, aquatinta plates by Alken, rus. ex., 1805,

6622 Ruskin (J.) Stones of Venice, 3 vol., Ist

cl., uncut, 1851-53, 8vo. (1)

6623 Storer (J.) History and Antiquities of the
of Great Britain, 4 vol., numerous

6624 Theatrical Inquisitor, or Literary Mirror,
gravings, 17 vol., hf. bd., 1812-20, 8vo.

1843, fol. (280)

uncut, 1806, 8vo. (46)

4to. (189)

Shaw, £1 25. 6629 Whitaker (T. D.) History and Topography of Leeds, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, plates, some extra plates inserted and some of the arms coloured, Leeds, 1816, fol. (265)

Shaw, £6 10s. [JULY IITH, 12TH, AND 13TH, 1888.]



630 Ackermann. Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, etc., Complete from its Commencement in 1809 to 1828, coloured views, illustrations by Rowlandson, plates of Fashions and Furniture, Specimens of Texture, etc., 40 vol., hf. bd. (not uniform), 1809-28, 8vo. (350) Rimell, £10. 6631 Adams (W. H. D.) History, Topography, and Antiquities of the Isle of Wight, Illustrated with a large number of extra Views of the Island, coloured and plain, mor. gt., 1856, 4to. (184) Thorpe, £2 65. 6632 Angas (G. F.) Savage Life and Scenes in Australia and New Zealand, illustrations, 2 vol., hf. mor., 1847, 8vo. (17)

Quaritch, £1 25. 6633 Angas (G. F.) The New Zealanders Illustrated, 60 coloured views, front. soiled, cl., 1846, fol. (263) Petherick, £13. 6634 Angas (G. F.) South Australia Illustrated, 60 coloured plates,

front. soiled, cl., 1847, fol. (264)

Petherick, £12.

6635 Angas (G. F.) The Kafirs Illustrated, portrait, soiled, and

30 lithographs, 1849, fol. (265)

6636 Angas (G. F.) Views of the Gold Regions lithographs, cl., Hogarth, 1851, fol. (568)

Petherick, £2. of Australia, 6 Roche, £1 6s.

6637 Behn (Aphra). Plays, 3rd ed., portraits, 4 vol., title of vol. i

mended, cf., 1724, 8vo. (784)

woodcuts, cl., 1837, 8vo. (875)

Stibbs, £1 15s. 6638 Bell (T.) History of British Quadrupeds, LARGEST PAPER, Quaritch, £2 IS.

6639 Bewick (T.) History of British Birds, with Synopsis, woodcuts, 2 vol., mor. ex., Newcastle, 1847, 8vo. (873)

Wheldon, £2 125. 6640 Booth (E. T.) Rough Notes on the Birds of the British Islands, coloured plates, 3 vol., hf. mor., t. e. g., 1881-7, fol.


Walford, £16. 6641 Bossoli (C.) The Beautiful Scenery and chief Places of Interest throughout the Crimea, 52 coloured views, cl., Day

and Son, 1856, fol. (316)

Asher, £I IS. 6642 Brees (S. C.) Pictorial Illustrations of New Zealand, 67 views, on 22 plates, on India paper, cl., 1847, fol. (261)

Rimell, £2 6s. 6643 Buller (W. L.) Birds of New Zealand, coloured plates, hf. Wheldon, £7 155.

mor., Van Voorst, 1873, 4to. (1001) 6644 Clarke (L.) The Cities and Towns of Scotland, 29 coloured views, with MS. title, hf. mor., Smith Elder, 1824, fol. (258)

Rimell, £1 185. 6645 Claude. Liber Veritatis, a Collection of Prints, after the original designs of Claude Lorraine, engraved by Earlom, original ed., portrait, and 300 plates (I wanting), 3 vol. in 2, Boydell, n. d., fol. (10134)

Parsons, £5 2s. 6d.

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