Page images

portraits of Shakespeare, including an impression of the "Droeshout," inserted, rus., Harding, 1793, 4to. (356)

Sabin, £6 6s.

6409 Shakespear (Mr. William). Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Unto which is added Seven Plays never before printed in Folio, 4th ed., portrait by Droeshout, with verses beneath, corner of I leaf wanting, otherwise sound, rus., rebacked, marbled edge, printed for H. Herringman, E. Brewster, etc., 1685, fol. (449)

Sotheran, £11. 6410 Shakespeare (W.) Dramatic Works, Boydell's edition, 9 vol., engravings after Westall, Smirke, Opie, Northcote, etc.,

rus., backs cracked, gt. edge, 1802, fol. (450) Roche, £6 15s. 6411 Shakespeare Gallery. Boydell's Illustrations to Shakespeare, 2 vol. in I, 100 plates, with the additional engraving, "Shakespeare nursed by by Tragedy and Comedy," inserted,

binding broken, 1803, fol. (451)

Luyster, £11. 6412 Shaw (S.) History and Antiquities of Staffordshire, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, map and plates, rus., gt. edge, 1798-1801,

fol. (452)

Sotheran, £31 IOS. 6413 Slezer (J.) Theatrum Scotiæ, containing the Prospects of their Majesties Castles and Palaces, etc., views and coats

of arms, 1693, fol. (453)

Daniells, £6 5s. 6414 Smollett (T.) Works, with Memoirs of his Life, etc., by J. Moore, 8 vol., portrait, etc., cf., 1797, 8vo. (298)

Stibbs, £1 175. 6415 Speed (J.) Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine, maps, initial letters, etc., coloured, portrait of Speed added, 161 -History of Great Britaine, portrait, engraved title, and woodcuts, 2 vol., 1627, fol. (454)

Stibbs, £3 12s. 6d. 6416 Somers (Lord). Collection of scarce and valuable Tracts, edited by Sir W. Scott, 13 vol., rus. gt., gt. edge, 1809-15,

4to. (362)

Roche, £9. 6417 Sowerby (J.) English Botany, or Figures of British Plants, vol. i to xxxi, wanted vol. vii, coloured plates, cf., 1790

1810, 8vo. (299)


Walford, £2 25.

6418 Strutt (J.) Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, fine paper, coloured plates, mor., leather joints, gt. edge, Pickering, £2 145.

1801, 4to. (367)

6419 Stuart and Revett. Antiquities of Athens, vol. i to iii, in 2 vol., original impressions of the plates, rus., backs cracked,

1762-94, fol. (459)

Rimell, £2 1OS.

6420 Stukeley (W.) Itinerarium Curiosum, 2 vol, in 1, best ed., maps and plates, rus. gt., 1776, fol. (460) Quaritch, £4 125. 6421 Swift (J.) Works, with Life and Notes, by J. Hawkesworth, 14 vol., plates, with 4 portraits of the author inserted, cf., 1755-79, 4to. (368) Ridler, £I IIS.

6422 Tanner (T.) Notitia Monastica, with Additions by J. Nasmith, best ed., portrait and plates of arms, binding broken, Camb., 1787, fol. (461).

Sotheran, £3 5s. 6423 Taylor (John, the Water-Poet). Workes, with front., portrait, and woodcuts, some ll. with rough edges, rus. gt., 1630, fol.


Hazlitt, £13. 6424 Thane (J.) British Autography. A Collection of the Facsimiles of the Hand-writings of Royal and Illustrious Personages, authentic portraits, 3 vol., original impressions of the portraits, mor. ex., 1788, etc., 4to. (370) Stibbs, £7 17s. 6d. 6425 Thoroton (R.) Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, with large Additions by R. Throsby, 3 vol., plates, rus., marbled edge, Nottingham, 1790, 4to. (371)

Ridler, £6. 6426 Throsby (J.) Select Views in Leicestershire, with Supplementary volume, 2 vol., portrait and plates, cf., 1789-90,

4to. (373)

Hextall, £1 15s.

6427 Vertue (G.) Heads of the Kings of England, proper for Rapin and Tindal's History, LARGE PAPER, portrait of Vertue inserted, cf., 1736, fol. (430)

Ridler, £2 6s. 6428 Ward (E.) History of the Grand Rebellion, 3 vol., portraits, Stibbs, £3 6s. 6429 Ware (Sir J.) Works concerning Ireland, revised, etc., by W. Harris, 2 vol., portraits and plates, with an additional portrait of the Author inserted, rus. gt., gt. edge, Dublin, 1764, fol. (482) fol Quaritch, £6 1ος. 6430 Watson (J.) History and Antiquities of the Parish of Halifax, portrait, map, and plates, rus., 1775, 4to. (388)

some mounted, 1715-13, 8vo. (305)

Ridler, £4 175. 6431 Webster (J.) Displaying of supposed Witchcraft, cf., 1677,

fol. (483) 6432 Whitaker (J.) History of Manchester, 2 vol., maps, etc., rus.,

1771-5, 4to. (391)

Pickering, £1 125.
Grose, £1 Is.

6433 Whitaker (T. D.) History and Antiquities of the Deanery of Craven, 1805-History of the original Parish of Whalley and Honor of Clitheroe, 1806, pedigrees and plates, rus., gt. edge, 2 vol., 4to. (392)

6434 White (G.) Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne,

Ist ed., plates, rus., 1789, 4to. (393)

Ridler, £2 25.
Thorpe, £2.

6435 Wilkes (B.) English Moths and Butterflies, together with the Plants, Flowers, and Fruits whereon they Feed, etc., coloured plates, rus. gt., gt. edge, n. d., 4to. (394)

6436 Williams (D.) History of Monmouthshire, fine paper, plates

in tints, 1791, 4to. (395)

Thomas, £2 125.
Ridler, £2 45.

6437 Willis (Browne). Survey of the Cathedrals of York, Durham, Carlisle, Chester, Man, Lichfield, Hereford, Worcester, Gloucestershire, Bristol, Lincoln, Ely, Oxford, and Peterborough, 3 vol., plates and plans, with a portrait of the author added, cf., 1727-30, 4to. (396) Young, £1 15s. 6438 Worsley (Sir R.) History of the Isle of Wight, map and

plates, 1781, 4to. (399)

Rimell, £1 195.

6439 Wright (J.) History and Antiquities of Rutlandshire, engravings, wanted map, with a view of Okeham Castle added, cf., 1684, fol. (490)

Ridler, £1 65. [JULY 4TH AND 5TH, 1888.]



6440 Britton (J.) Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, 5 vol., LARGE PAPER, plates, rus. ex., borders of gold, gt. edge, 1805-1826, 4to. (242)

Ridler, £1 IS. 6441 Britton (J.) Cathedral Antiquities of Great Britain, 6 vol., LARGE PAPER, plates, hf. cf., uncut, 1836, 4to. (458)

Rimell, £5 17s. 6d. 6442 Chatto and Jackson. Treatise on Wood Engraving, 400 illustrations, Chatto and Windus, 8vo. (115) Hagendon, £1. 6443 Chauncy (Sir H.) Historical Antiquities of Hertfordshire, 2 vol., map and plates, hf. cf., 1826, 8vo. (332)

Walford, £I IS. 6444 Clutterbuck (R.) History of Hertfordshire, 3 vol., plates, hf. mor., t. e. g., 1815-21-27, fol. (293) Walford, £10 55. 6445 Cussans (J. E.) History of Hertfordshire, 3 vol., coloured and other illustrations, hf. mor. gt., t. e. g., 1870-1881, fol. (289) Wilson, £5 5s. 6446 Dodwell (E.) Thirty Views in Greece, coloured and mounted in imitation of drawings, cf. ex., 1821, fol. (294) Ridler, £I IS. 6447 Fletcher (J.) The Bloody Brother, a Tragedy, by B. J. F., 1st ed., 1639-The Night Walker, or the Little Thief, 1661 -The Coronation, Ist ed., 1640, 4to. (212) Ridge, £1 45. 6448 Glossary of Architecture, 3 vol., 1,100 woodcuts, rus. ex., Ox

ford, 1845-6, 8vo. (156)

Walford, £1 4s. 6449 Greek Testament, edited by H. Alford, 4 vol., mor., 1859-61, Westell, £1 15s.

8vo. (62)

6450 Grose (F.) Antiquities of England and Wales, 8 vol., plates, mor., borders of gold on sides, gt. edge, 1787, 4to. (241)

Pitt, £2 145. 6451 Hallam (H.) State of Europe during the Middle Ages, 4 vol., 1829-1848-Constitutional History of England, 3 vol., 1829-Introduction to the Literature of Europe, 3 vol., 1848, cf. gt., uniform, 10 vol., 8vo. (113) Millner, £1 55. 6452 Hearne and Byrne. Antiquities of Great Britain, illustrated 6453 Herp (Fratris Hen.) Speculum aureum X Præceptorum Dei, gothic letter, printed in double columns, mor. gt., borders of gold on sides, gt. edge, Moguntia, P. Schoyffer de Gernsheym, 1474 (259)

in views, 2 vol., 1807, fol. (496)

Bennett, £1 25.

James, £9.

6454 Hope (T.) Costume of the Ancients, 2 vol., plates, mor. ex., tooled sides, by Mackenzie, 1812, 4to. (426) Rimell, £1 65. 6455 Lowe (E. J.) Ferns, British and Exotic, 8 vol., coloured illustrations, 1861-New and rare Ferns, coloured illustrations, 1862, 9 vol., 8vo. (381)

6456 Manning (Card.) Sermons, 4 vol., uncut, 1847-50, 8vo. (351)

Parsons, £2 45. Harding, £1 IOS.

6457 Newman (Card.) Sermons, 6 vol., uncut, 1839-42, 8vo. (361)

1516, fol. (470)

Borwick, £1. 6458 Pausanias, Græcè, editio princeps, rus. gt., Venetiis, Aldus, LI TIS. 6459 Shaw (H.) Art of Illumination in the Middle Ages, facsimile Walford, £1 IIS. Westell, £6. 6461 Testament (New). In the original Greek, with Introductions and Notes by C. Wordsworth, Bp. of Lincoln, 2 vol., hf. mor., 1877, 4to. (217)

illustrations, 1866, fol. (280) 6460 Strype (J.) Works, 27 vol., cf. gt., 1812-28, 8vo. (371)

Bull, ₤I IIS. Harding, £1 55. 6463 Virgilii Opera, LARGE VELLUM PAPER, proofs before letters, plates after Gérard and Girodet, hf. mor., uncut, Paris,

6462 Tracts for the Times, 6 vol., cf., 1840, 8vo. (72)

Didot, 1798, fol. (291)

Ridler, £1 135. 6464 Wilkinson (J. G.) Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, both series, 6 vol., plates, some in colours, 1837-41, 8vo. (380)

Rimell, £3 3s.

6465 Wilson (Prof.) Works, 12 vol., 1855-58, 8vo. (88)

Cox, £1 45.

[JULY 6TH, 7TH, AND 9TH, 1888.]



6466 All the Year Round, edited by C. Dickens, Ist series, 20 vol., 1859-68-2nd series, vol. i to xxxvii, 1869-86, hf. cf., 57 vol., 8vo. (8)

Sotheran, £4.

6467 Arthur. The most ancient and famous History of the renowned Prince Arthur King of Britaine. As also, all the Noble Acts, and Heroicke Deeds of his Valiant Knights of the Round Table, 3 parts in 1, black letter, with all three fronts., mor. ex., gt. edge, by C. Lewis, W. Stansby, 1634, 4to. (291) Pearson, £9 95.

6468 Arthur of Little Britain, a Romance of Chivalry, translated from the French by J. Bourchier, Lord Berners, edited by E. V. Utterson, plates, hf. mor., marbled edge, 1814, 4to. (292) Luyster, £1 25.

6469 Aurelio and Isabella. Historie of Aurelio and of Isabell, Doughter of the kinge of Schotlande, nyeuley translatede in foure lanagies, Frenche, Italien, Spanishe, and Inglishe, woodcut portrait, border of title and one 1. mended, cf., Anvers, 1556, 8vo. (17) Pearson, £1 145.

6470 Aytoun (W. E.) Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, and other Poems, illustrations by J. Noel Paton, etc., mor. ex., gold tooled borders, gt. edge, by Hayday, 1865, 4to. (293)

Neish, £1 15. 6471 Bale (J.) A Mysterye of Inyquyte, black letter, headlines cut into, mor. ex., gt. edge, Geneva, M. Woode, 1545, 8vo. (20) Bull, £1 IOS.

6472 Bale (J). The first two partes of the Actes or unchast examples of the Englysh votaryes, gathered out of their owne legenades and Chronycles by Johan Bale, black letter, both parts in I vol., title defective and headlines cut into, mor., gt. edge, Abraham Vele, 1551-50, 8vo. (21) Luyster, £1 135. 6473 Beaumont and Fletcher. Comedies and Tragedies, 1st collected ed., portrait of Fletcher by Marshall, backed, and the margins of last 1. mended, cf. gt., marbled edge, 1647, fol. (335) White, £2 18s.

6474 Beaumont and Fletcher. Works, with Notes and a Biographical Memoir by the Rev. A. Dyce, 11 vol., portraits, cf. ex., uncut, contents lettered, gt. edge, 1843-46, 8vo. (33)

Rimell, £10. 6475 Beckford (W.) An Arabian Tale (Vathek), Ist ed., cf. ex., Richardson, £1 175.

by F. Bedford, 1786, 8vo. (34)

6476 Behn (Mrs. A.) Plays. Forc'd Marriage, 1671-Amorous Prince, 1671 - Dutch Lover, 1673 - Abdelazer, 1677 Town-Fop, 1677-Rover, 1677-Second Part of the Rover, 1681-The Debauchee, 1677-Sir Patient Fancy, 1678Feign'd Curtizans, 1679-City-Heiress, 1682-False Count, 1682 - Roundheads, 1682-Young King, 1683 - Lucky Chance, 1687-The Emperor of the Moon, 1687-WiddowRanter, 1690---Younger Brother, 1696, Ist eds., 2 portraits of Mrs. Behn inserted, cf., contents lettered, in 2 vol., 4to. (295)

Reader, £2 14s.

6477 Beloe (W.) Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books, 6 vol., hf. cf. gt., marbled edge, 1807-12, 8vo. (40)

Luyster, £1 6s. 6478 Bible (The). With Annotations, etc., Genevan Version, 2 vol. in 1, maps mounted, a portion of the Apocrypha from another ed., title in facsimile, and several ll. mended, Edinb., 1579-1576, fol. (336) White, £5 IOS. 6479 Boyd (Z.) Last Battle of the Soul in Death, edited by G. Neil, portrait and facsimile, hf. cf., uncut, t. e. g., Glasgow,

1831, 8vo. (69)

Bull, £1. 6480 British Theatre, or a Collection of Plays, with Biographical and Critical Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald, 25 vol., portraits

and plates, 1808, 8vo. (73)

Luyster, £1 3s.

6481 Browne (Sir T.) Works, portrait by White, backed, mor. ex., broad gold tooled borders, gt. edge, by Rivière, 1686, fol.


6482 Browne (Sir T.) Hydriotaphia, Urne-Buriall, Ist ed., cf.,

1658, 8vo. (79)

White, £1 45. Stevens, £1 5s.

6483 Browne (Sir T.) Works, including his Life and Correspondence, edited by S. Wilkin, 4 vol., portrait, etc., cf. ex., marbled edge, Pickering, 1836-35, 8vo. (80) Rimell, £2 6s. 6484 Burns (R.) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, Ist ed., autograph inscription on title, otherwise a good and tall copy, mor. ex., gt. edge, by Bedford, Kilmarnock, 1786, 8vo. (103)

Richardson, 86.

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