6334 Ames (J.) Typographical Antiquities; or, an Historical Account of the Origin and Progress of Printing in Great Britain and Ireland, augmented by W. Herbert, 3 vol., portrait and facsimiles, binding of one vol. broken, 1785-90, 4to. (53) Stibbs, £1 IS. 6335 Archæologia (The). Vol. i to xv, plates, mor. ex., 1770-1806, 4to. (56) Ridler, £I IIS. 6336 Ashmole (E.) Institution, Laws, and Ceremonies of the Order of the Garter, portrait by Sherwin, and plates by Hollar, rus., gt. edge, 1693, fol. (161) Rimell, £1 6s. 6337 Atkyns (Sir R.) Ancient and Present State of Gloucestershire, LARGE PAPER, map and plates, rus., back broken, 1768, fol. (162) Walford, £9. 6338 Blomefield (F.) History of Norfolk, with Continuation by the Rev. C. Parkin, 5 vol., maps and plates, rus. gt., marbled edge, Fersfield, 1739-41, and Lynn, 1769-75, fol. (180) 4to. (73) Rimell, £11 15s. 6339 Borlase (W.) Antiquities and Natural History of Cornwall, with Cornu-British Vocabulary, 2 vol., maps and plates, a few ll. of the Natural History stained, cf., 1758-69, fol. (181) Ridler, £2 45. 6340 Brand (J.) History and Antiquities of the Town and County of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2 vol., map and plates, rus., 1789, Sutton, £1 35. 6341 Brathwait (R.) English Gentleman, Ist ed., front. by Vaughan (mounted), and the scarce folding "Draught," cf., 1630, 4to. Sabin, £1 195. 6342 Bridges (J.) and P. Whalley. History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, 2 vol., portrait, map, and plates, with Faden's large map and portrait of P. Whalley inserted, several ll. with rough edges, rus., Oxford, 1791, fol. (182) Sotheran, £8. (78) 6343 Bry (T.de). Merveilleux et estrange Rapport toutesfois fidele, des commoditez qui se trovvent en Virginia, etc., par T. Hariot, engravings, wanted the map, and 2 or 3 11. wormed, sold therefore with all faults, cf., Franc., J. Wecheli, sumtibus (sic) vero T. de Bry, Venales, etc., 1590, fol. (183) Stevens, £56. 6344 Buck (S. and N.) Antiquities, or venerable Remains of above 400 Castles, Monasteries, Palaces, etc., in England and Wales, with nearly 100 Views of Cities and chief Towns, 3 vol., upwards of 500 plates, rus., backs scratched, 1774, fol. (184) Jervis, £22 IOS. 6345 Bulwer (J.) Anthropometamorphosis: Man Transformed, or the Artificiall Changling, portrait by Faithorne, front. by Cross (cut) and woodcuts, mor. gt., 1654, 4to. (86) Ellis, £3 35. 6346 Burney (C.) General History of Music, 4 vol., portrait and plates, cf., binding of I vol. broken, 1789, 4to. (87) Ellis, £3 5s. 6347 Camden (W.) Britannia, enlarged by R. Gough, 4 vol., portrait, maps, and plates, ll. stained, rus., 1806, fol. (191) Stibbs, £1 5s. 6348 Carter (J.) Specimens of the Ancient Sculpture and Painting now remaining in this Kingdom, 2 vol. in I, original impressions of the plates, some finished in colours, rus., uncut, 1780-7, fol. (195) Millner, £1 16s. 6349 Catesby (M.) Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, revised by G. Edwards, 200 coloured plates, rus., 1771, 2 vol., fol. (197) Luyster, £5. 6350 Cervantes Saavedra (M. de). Don Quixote, translated, with some Account of the Author's Life, by T. Smollett, 2 vol., plates by Hayman, with portraits of the author and translator inserted, cf., 1755, 4to. (91) 6351 Chalmers (G.) Caledonia, vol. i and ii, LARGE PAPER, map, uncut, 1807-10, 4to. (93) Stibbs, £1 16s. 6352 Collins (A.) Historical Collections of the noble Families of Cavendish, Holles, Vere, Harley, etc., portraits, etc., cf., 1752, fol. (205) Harding, £2 45. 6353 Collins (A.) Peerage of England, Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical, augmented and continued by Sir Egerton Brydges, 9 vol., best ed., coats of arms, hf. cf., 1812, 8vo. (19) Sotheran, £2 55. 6354 Collinson (J.) History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset, 3 vol., map and plates, cf. binding of I vol. broken, Bath, 1791, 4to. (97) Rimell, £5 17s. 6d. 6355 Copper-Plate Magazine, 5 vol. in 3, views in Great Britain and Ireland, rus., 1792-1803, 4to. (99) Millner, £2 8s. 6356 Curtis (W.) Flora Londinensis, or Plates and Descriptions of such Plants as grow wild in the Environs of London, 2 vol., coloured plates, binding of vol. ii broken, 1777, fol. (209) Wheldon, £1 35. 6357 Dart (J.) History of Westminster Abbey, 2 vol., portrait and plates, with the 12 additional plates, 1723-History of Canterbury Cathedral and Monastery, 1726, LARGE PAPER, rus., gt. edge, but wanted rebacking, 3 vol., fol. (210) Millner, £2 IOS. 6358 Donovan (E.) Natural History of British Insects, Io vol. in 5, coloured plates, rus., 1802-1, 8vo. (22) Thomas, £1 125. 6359 Dryden (J.) Fables, LARGE PAPER, engravings (coloured) by Bartolozzi, etc., after drawings by Lady D. Beauclerc, rus., 1797, fol. (213) Parsons, £3. 6360 Dugdale (Sir W.) Baronage of England, an Historical Account of the Lives and Actions of our English Nobility, 3 vol. in 1, pedigrees, portrait of Dugdale by Hollar inserted, one 1. of Index mended, mor. ex., gt. edge, 1675-76, fol. (215) Walford, £3 185. £2. 6361 Dugdale (Sir W.) History of St. Paul's Cathedral, published by E. Maynard, LARGE PAPER, portrait and plates by Hollar, rus., marbled edge, 1716, fol. (216) Millner, 6362 Dugdale (Sir W.) Monasticon Anglicanum, to which are added two additional vols. by Captain J. Stevens, 3 vol., plates by King, etc., portrait of Dugdale added, rus. gt., 1718-22-23, fol. (217) Roche, £4 12s. 6d. 6363 Dugdale (Sir W.) Antiquities of Warwickshire, augmented and continued by W. Thomas, 2 vol., portrait, maps, and plates by Hollar, etc., with an additional portrait of Dugdale and MS. list of Illustrations inserted, title of vol. i and some of the plates mended, rus., 1730, fol. (218) Walford, £15 5s. 6364 Evelyn (J.) Memoirs, including his Diary, etc., edited by W. Bray, 2 vol., duplicate set (proofs) of the portraits, uncut, 1819, 4to. (117) Jones, £I IS. 6365 Fénelon (M.) Adventures of Telemachus, translated by J. Hawkesworth, corrected and revised by G. Gregory, 2 vol. in I, LARGE PAPER, plates by Stothard, with an additional series of illustrations inserted, rus., 1795, 4to. (119) Millner, £1 135. 6366 Fielding (H.) Works, with an Essay on his Life, etc., by A. Murphy, 10 vol., portrait, rus., 1806, 8vo. (29) Stibbs, £1 135. 6367 Gentleman's Magazine, from the commencement, 1731 to 1809, part 1; and General Index (1731-86), wanted 1764, 105 vol., 8vo. (30) Ridler, £2. 6368 Giraldus de Barri. Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales, translated, and with Annotations, etc., by Sir R. C. Hoare, 2 vol., plates, rus., gt. edge, 1806, 4to. (124) Nield, £1 IOS. 6369 Grose (F.) Military Antiquities and a Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons, 3 vol., original impressions of the plates, rus., 1786, 4to. (129) Millner, £1 15s. 6370 Hakluyt (R.) Collection of the Early Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries of the English Nation, with Additions, etc., by G. Woodfall and R. H. Evans, 5 vol., rus., 1809-12, 4to. Young, £10. 6371 Hamilton (Count A.) Memoirs of Count Grammont, with Notes and Illustrations, 76 portraits, coloured, mor. ex., gt. edge, Harding, 1793, 4to. (132) (131) Ellis, £11 105. 6372 Harleian Miscellany: a Collection of scarce, curious, and entertaining Pamphlets and Tracts, with Notes by W. Oldys and T. Park, 10 vol., rus., some of the backs cracked, 1808-13, 4to. (133) Stibbs, £6 6s. 6373 Hasted (E.) History and Topography of the County of Kent, 4 vol., maps and plates, rus., Canterbury, 1778-99, fol. (236) Ridler, £4 14s. 6374 Herrara (A. de). History of the Vast Continent and Islands of America, translated by Capt. J. Stevens, 6 vol., portrait and plates, 1725-6, 8vo. (43) Stibbs, £3 125. 6375 Holbein (H.) Portraits of Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII, in imitation of the originals by J. Chamberlain, 84 portraits, including Holbein and his wife, and the two miniatures of the Dukes of Suffolk, rus., 1792, fol. (240) Jackson, £13 155. 6376 Holinshed (R.) Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 3 vol., black letter, title of vol. i backed, that of vol. iii inlaid, and corners of 2 ll. mended, and reprint of the castrations, mor. ex., 1586, fol. (241) Ridler, £8 10s. 6377 Houbraken and Vertue. Heads of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain, with Lives by T. Birch, 2 vol. in I, LARGE PAPER, 108 portraits, with portrait of Houbraken added, cf., 1756, fol. (243) Rimell, £7 155. 6378 Hunter (J.) South Yorkshire. The History and Topography of the Deanery of Doncaster, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, portrait, maps and plates, with 3 drawings, etc., loosely inserted, hf. cf., 1828-31, fol. (245) Walford, £12 155. 6379 Hutchins (J.) History and Antiquities of Dorset, 2 vol., Ist ed., maps and plates, bindings broken, 1774, fol. (246) Ridler, £1 8s. 6380 Hutchinson (W.) View of Northumberland, with an Excursion to the Abbey of Mailross, 2 vol. in 1, plates, rus., back broken, Newcastle, 1778, 4to. (143) Walford, £1 6s. 6381 Hutchinson (W.) History and Antiquities of Durham, 3 vol., map, portraits, and plates, rus., backs cracked, ib., 1785-94, 4to. (144) Howell, £2 11S. 6382 Hutchinson (W.) History of the County of Cumberland, and some Places adjacent, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, plates and map, rus., Carlisle, 1794, 4to. (145) Howell, £3 10s. 6383 Hutton (W.) History of Birmingham, LARGE PAPER, map and plates, with additional engravings inserted, Birm., 1783, 8vo. (274) Stibbs, £1 8s. 6384 Jeffreys (T.) Natural and Civil History of the French Dominions in North and South America, 2 parts in 1, maps, etc., rus. gt., 1760, fol. (247) Stevens, £1 18s. 6385 Kæmpfer (E.) History of Japan, etc., translated by J. G. Scheuchzer, 2 vol., plates, cf., 1728, fol. (251) Bain, £2 155. 6386 King (D.) Vale-Royall of England, or the County Palatine of Chester, illustrated by W. Smith and W. Webb, to which is annexed a Discourse of the Island of Man (by J. Chaloner), maps and plates by Hollar (coloured), and the "Hugh Lupus sitting in Parliament" (plain), mor. ex., gt. edge, by Kalthœber, 1656, fol. (252) Harvey, £7 5s. 6387 Lewis (J.) Life of Mayster Wyllyam Caxton, portrait, 150 copies printed, uncut, 1737, 8vo. (281) Stibbs, £2 19s. 6388 Lumisden (A.) Remarks on the Antiquities of Rome and its Environs, maps and plates, with a series of views coloured by hand added, mor. ex., gt. edge, 1812, 4to. (155) scarce Harvey, £2 125. 6389 Lysons (D. & S.) Magna Britannia, being a Topographical Account of Bedfordshire, Berkshire, and Buckinghamshire, with the additional plates and corrections, Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derbyshire, and Devonshire, 10 parts in 6 vol., LARGE PAPER, maps and plates, hf. cf., 1806-22, 4to. (307) Ridler, £4 10s. 6390 Miller (P.) Figures of Plants described in the Gardener's Dictionary, 2 vol., coloured plates, rus. gt., 1771, fol. (271) Wheldon, £1. 6391 Morant (P.) History and Antiquities of Essex, 2 vol., maps and plates (including the scarce view of Audley House), and a few additional prints inserted, rus., 1768, fol. (403) Walford, £16 155. 6392 Nash (T). Collections for the History of Worcestershire, with Supplement, 3 vols. in 2, map, portraits, plates, and pedigrees, several ll. with rough edges, binding broken, 1781-99, fol. (408) Lloyd, £9 155. 6393 Newcastle (Duke of). General System of Horsemanship, in all its branches, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, plates, cf., 1743, fol. (409) 6394 Nichols (J.) Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, 8 vol., plates, rus., 1780-90, 8vo. (322) 6395 Nichols (J.) Progresses and Public Elizabeth, 3 vol., map and plates, rus., 1788-1805, 8vo. (323) Sotheran, £8. Ridler, £12 15s. Processions of Queen Stibbs, £1 17s. 6396 Nichols (J.) History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester (including the original Hundreds of West Goscote and Guthlaxton, nearly all of which were burned), 4 vol. in 7, LARGE PAPER, portraits, maps, and plates, rus., 1795-1811, fol. (410) Walford, £115. 6397 Nostradamus (M.) True Prophecies, front. by Dolle, bind Stibbs, bs, £1 IOS. ing broken, 1672, fol. (413) 6398 Ovid. Metamorphoses, Latin and English, with historical Explications by the Abbot Banier, 2 vol., engravings by Picart, Folkema, etc., cf., Amst., 1732, fol. (416) Stibbs, £4 10s. 6399 Painter (W.) Palace of Pleasure, 2 vol., black letter, some ll. in facsimile, etc., with all faults, cf., T. Marshe, n. d., 4to. Stibbs, £3 125. 6400 Peck (F.) Antiquarian Annals of Stanford, LARGE PAPER, plates, with a portrait of the author added, binding broken, (328) 1727, fol. (419) Sotheran, £I IOS. 6401 Pennant (T.) Tour in Scotland, Warrington, 1774-Tour in Scotland and Voyage to the Hebrides, Chester, 1774Tour in Scotland, 1772, part 2, Lond., 1776-Tour in Wales, ib., 1778-Journey to Snowdon and Continuation, 2 vol., 1781--Journey from Chester to London, 1782, engravings, cf., 7 vol., 4to. (331) Ridler, £1 55. 6402 Pinkerton (J.) Collection of Voyages and Travels, 17 vol., plates, rus., marbled edge, 1808-14, 4to. (335) Stibbs, £3 12s. 6403 Pinkerton (J). Scottish Gallery, or Portraits of eminent Persons of Scotland, 2 vol., portraits, rus., marbled edge, 179799, 8vo. (287) Stibbs, £1 9s. 6404 Plot (R.) Natural History of Staffordshire, map and plates, some of the latter mended, rus., with the rare "Proposals and List of Subscribers" and Sheet of "Arms omitted", Oxford, 1686, fol. (426) Sotheran, £5 5s. 6405 Pontoppidan (E.) Natural History of Norway, 2 vol. in 1, map and plates, binding broken, 1755, fol. (429) Cox, £1 25. 6406 Rolt (R.) Lives of the principal Reformers, portraits in mezzotinto by Houston, tree-marbled cf. gt., 1759, fol. (436) Sotheran, £1 IOS. 6407 Rudder (S.) History of Gloucestershire, map and plates, rus., marbled edge, Cirencester, 1779, fol. (439) Young, £1 125. 6408 Shakespeare illustrated by an assemblage of Portraits and Views, etc., LARGE PAPER, 150 proof plates, with three |