6169 Nichols (J.) Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, 9 vol.-Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century, 8 vol., 17 vol., portraits, cf. gt., 1812-58, 8vo. (211) Sotheran, £13 IOS. 6170 Notes and Queries, from the commencement in 1849, to May 1876; with Index to the first 12 vol. and Art Catalogue, 49 vol., cl., and the remainder in Nos., 1849-76, 4to. (280) Bennett, £6 5s. 6171 Ottley (W. Y.) Facsimiles of Prints by the Early Masters of the Italian, German, and Flemish Schools, with the niellos finished in silver, hf. bd. mor., uncut, 1826, fol. (310) Stibbs, £2 14s. 6172 Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers; Excursions by Members of the Alpine Club, maps and plates, 3 vol., 1859-62, 8vo. (213) Brown, £4. 6173 Portfolio (The). From the commencement in 1870 to 1887, etchings and woodcuts, 18 vol., 1870-86, fol. (312) Jackson, £10 IOS. 6174 Pugin (A.) Specimens of Gothic Architecture, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, proof impressions of the plates, rus. ex., joints, gt. edges, by Hering, 1821, 4to. (281) Walford, £2 25. 6175 Redgrave (R. and S.) Century of Painters of the English School, 2 vol., 1866-Dictionary of Artists of the English School, 1874, 3 vol., 8vo. (222) Stibbs, £1 13s. 6176 Reynolds (Sir Joshua). Life by C. R. Leslie and Tom Taylor, illustrations, 2 vol., 1865, 8vo. (223) West, West, £1 £I 165. 6177 Reynolds (Sir Joshua). Works, engraved in mezzotint, by S. W. Reynolds, 357 portraits, proofs on India paper, 4 vol., mor. ex., borders of gold, gt. edges, by Mackenzie, 1820, etc., fol. (318) Rimell, £79. 6178 Richardson. Series of Portraits, illustrating Granger's Biographical History, hf. bd. cf., 8vo. (224) Maggs, £3 55. 6179 Roadside Songs of Tuscany, translated by F. Alexander, edited by J. Ruskin, illustrations by F. Alexander, in parts, 1884, 4to. (374) Leighton, £1 125. 6180 Roberts (D.) Views in the Holy Land, Syria, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia, lithographic plates, 6 vol. in 3, hf. bd., mor. ex., uncut, 1855, 4to. (420) Rimell, £1 125. 6181 Roberts (D.) Views in the Holy Land, Syria, Egypt, Nubia, Arabia, etc., with descriptions by Croly and Brockedon, lithographic plates, 6 vol. in 5, original edition, hf. bd. mor., gt. edges, 1842, fol. (320) George, £6 6s. 6182 Roby (J.) Traditions of Lancashire, both series, 4 vol., LARGE PAPER, India proofs, mor. ex., gt. edge, 1829-31, 8vo. (225) Edwards, £4 125. 6183 Ruskin. Bibliotheca Pastorum, edited by J. Ruskin, cin, 2 vol., cf. ex., gt. edge, and pts. I to 3 of vol. 4, 1876-7, 8vo. (352) White, £1 Is. 6184 Ruskin. Elements of Drawing, illustrations by the author, Nattali, £1 IS. cf. gt., 1857, 8vo. (354) 6185 Ruskin. Lectures on Architecture and Painting, illustra tions by the author, uncut, 1855, 8vo. (355) Major Jackson, £1. 6186 Ruskin. On the Old Road: a Collection of Essays, etc., 3 vol., 1885, 8vo. (356) Edwards, £I IS. 6187 Ruskin. St. Mark's Rest, 6 parts, 1877-84-Mornings in Florence, 6 parts, 1875-7, 12 parts, 8vo. (357) Bromley, £1 5s. 6188 Ruskin. Modern Painters, engravings and woodcuts by the author, 5 vol., Ist ed., uncut, 1846-56-60, 8vo. (227) Sotheran, £20 IOS. 6189 Ruskin. Seven Lamps of Architecture, illustrations by the author, hf. bd., mor. ex., uncut, by Rivière, 1855, 8vo. (228) Westall, £4 5s. 6190 Ruskin. Stones of Venice, illustrations by the author, 3 vol., hf. bd., mor. ex., uncut, by Rivière, 1858-67, 8vo. (229) 1854-60, 8vo. (342) Westall, £10 IOS. 6191 Ruskin. Modern Painters, illustrations by the author, 5 vol., vol. i 6th ed., vol. ii 4th, and vol. iii, iv, and v ist ed., uncut, Fine Art Society, £23. 6192 Ruskin. Seven Lamps of Architecture, etchings by the author, Ist ed., original cl., uncut, 1849, 8vo. (343) Maggs, £4 25. 6d. 6193 Ruskin. Seven Lamps of Architecture, etchings by the author, mor. ex., gt. edge, 1855, 8vo. (344) George, £28s. 6194 Ruskin. Stones of Venice, illustrations by the author, 3 vol., vol. i 2nd ed., ii and iii Ist ed., uncut, 1858-3, 8vo. (346) Bumpus, £7 155. 6195 Ruskin. King of the Golden River, illustrations by DoyleGrimm, Popular Stories, with Introduction by J. Ruskin, etchings by Cruikshank, 2 vol., 8vo. (366) White, £1 25. 6196 Ruskin. Seven Lamps of Architecture, etchings by the author, mor. ex., gt. edge, 1880, 8vo. (345) Edwards, £1 10S. 6197 Ruskin. The Two Paths, plates, cf. ex., gt. edge, 1859, 8vo. White, £1. 6198 Ruskin. Notes on the Pictures in the Royal Academy, 1858-9-Review of the Manchester Exhibition, 1856, 6 vol. in 1, hf. bd., cf. gt., uncut, 8vo. (361) Ward, £2. 6199 Ruskin. Notes on his Collection of Drawings by Turner, 35 photo-gravures, hf. bd. mor., uncut, 4to. (371) (360) Fine Art Society, £1 135. 6200 Ruskin. Notes on S. Prout and W. Hunt, 20 autotypes, hf. Maggs, £1. bd. mor., uncut, 1880, 4to. (372) 6201 Ruskin. Arrows of the Chase; a Collection of Letters, with Preface by the author, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, mor. ex., gt. edge, 1880, 4to. (373) Sotheran, £2 145. 6202 Ruskin. Works, vol. i to xi, cf. ex., gt. edges (wanted vol. 10), 1876-80, 8vo. (349) Edwards, £5 IOS. 6203 Ruskin. Fors Clavigera, plates, 8 vol., cf. ex., gt. edge (vol. viii in parts 6204 Scott (W. H.) woodcuts by 6205 Scott (Sir W.) 8vo. (232) 1871-84, 8vo. (350) White, £4 15s. by J. Scott and Nattali, £1. Waverley Novels, plates, 48 vol., uncut, 1830, mor., 1858, 8vo. (234) 6206 Shakspere. Works, edited by C. Knight, woodcuts, 8 vol., the Pictorial ed., cf. gt., 1839-43, 8vo. (233) Forbes, £4 125. 6207 Shakespeare. Plays, edited by J. Payne Collier, 6 vol., hf. Walford, £2 1OS. 6208 Shakespeare (Mr. W.) Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, published according to the true Originall Copies, Ist ed. (wanted all before p. 1; 3 ll. wanted and several damaged in the Merry Wives of Windsor, a part of 3 ll. torn off, and last 1. wanted), 1623, fol. (422) Nattali, £10 5s. 6209 Shaw (H.) Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages, plates, coloured, 2 vol., mor. ex., gt. edge, Pickering, 1843, Daniell, £7. 6210 Shelley (P. B.) Works, with Life by Rossetti, 2 vol., 1870Hogg, Life of Shelley, 2 vol., 1858, 4 vol., 8vo. (237) 8vo. (236) Stibbs, £2 25. 6211 Smiles (S.) Lives of the Engineers, portraits and woodcuts, 5 vol., tree-marbled cf. gt., 1861, 8vo. (238) Meynell, £2. 6212 Smith (J.) Catalogue Raisonné of the works of the Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters, with the Supplement, 9 vol., 1829-42, 8vo. (244) Jackson, £14 3s. 6d. 6213 Smith (Dr. W.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, woodcuts, 3 vol., hf. bd. mor., by Rivière, Meynell, £3 Ios. 6214 Smith (Dr. W.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, woodcuts, 2 vol., hf. bd. mor., by Rivière, 1864, 8vo. (241) 1856, 8vo. (240) Meynell, £1 6s. 6215 Smith (Dr. W.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, woodcuts, hf. bd. mor., by Rivière, 1866, 8vo. (242) Forbes, £1 14s. 6216 Smith (Dr. W.) Dictionary of the Bible, woodcuts, 3 vol., hf. bd. mor., by Rivière, 1863, 8vo. (243) Meynell, £4. 6217 Smyth (Coke). Souvenir of the Bal Costume at Buckingham Palace, May 12, 1842, coloured plates of the Costumes, descriptions by Planché, 1843, fol. (435) Watts, £.1 15s. 6218 Sotheby (S. L.) Principia Typographica, facsimiles of BlockBooks, Paper Marks, etc., 3 vol., hf. bd. mor., gt. edge, 1858, fol. (327) Maggs, £4 10S. 6219 Sotheby (S. L.) Typography of the xvth Century, facsimiles, hf. bd. vel., uncut, 1845, fol. (326) Luyster, £1 14s. 6220 Spectator, Tatler, and Guardian, with Prefaces by Chalmers, 12 vol., hf. bd. cf., 1822, 8vo. (245) Stibbs, £1 35. 6221 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) Annals of the Artists of Spain, Bain, f,18. 6222 Stothard (C. A.) Monumental Effigies of Great Britain, plates, cf., blind tooled, gt. edge, 1817, fol. (328) portraits, 3 vol., uncut, 1848, 8vo. (248) Stibbs, £2 7s. 6223 Strutt (J. G.) Sylva Britannica and Sylva Scotica, portraits of Forest Trees, India proofs, mor. ex., gt edge, 1822, fol. (329) £3 Ios. 6224 Turner Gallery. Portrait, and 60 engravings after Pictures by J. M. W. Turner, with Descriptions by R. N. Wornum, LARGE PAPER, India proofs before letters, hf. bd. mor., gt. edge, 1875, fol. (333) Graves, £5 10s. 6225 Turner (J. M. W.) Picturesque Views in England and Wales, with Descriptions by Lloyd, 2 vol., largest paper, 96 engravings, India proofs before letters, mor. ex., gt. edge, by Bedford, 1827-38, fol. (330) Graves, £51. 6226 Turner (J. M. W.) land, 2 vol. in I, 1826, fol. (376) 6227 Turner (J. M. W.) Views on the Southern Coast of EngLARGE PAPER, proofs, mor. ex., gt. edge, Ward, £9 19s. 6d. Liber Studiorum, reproduced in Autotype, 8 vol., 1871, fol. (377) Maj. Jackson, £1 155. 6228 Turner (J. M. W.) Southern Coast of England, a complete set of the 80 engravings, early proofs on India paper, in a port. with leaves, mor. ex., with silk linings, from the Dillon and Mendel Collections, fol. (332) Agnew, £47 55. 6229 Vernon Gallery of British Art, plates, 1850, 4to. (419) George, £1 6s. 6230 Walpole (Horace). Anecdotes of Painting in England, enlarged by Dallaway, portraits, proofs on India paper, 5 vol., cf. ex., 1828, 8vo. (263) Rimell, £11 5s. 6231 Walpole (Horace). Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors, enlarged by T. Park, portraits, 5 vol., mor. ex,, gt. edge, 1806, 8vo. (262) Adair, £5. 6232 Walpole (Horace). Letters, edited by P. Cunningham, portraits, 9 vol., hf. bd. cf. gt., 1861-6, 8vo. (264) Edwards, £5 2s. 6d. 6233 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited by Sir. H. Nicolas, plates after Stothard and Inskipp, 2 vol., 1860, 8νο. (265) Luyster, £1 I 9s. 6234 Westwood (I. O.) Illustrations of the Bible from illuminated MSS., coloured plates, cf. ex., gt. edge, 1846, 4to. (299) 6235 Wilkinson (R.) Londina Illustrata, plates, 2 vol., hf. bd. mor., uncut, 4to. (300) Maggs, £2 6s. 6236 Winkles. Illustrations of the English Cathedrals. 3 vol., LARGE PAPER, India proofs, uncut, 1835, 4to. (301) £4 45. 6237 Winkles. French Cathedrals, LARGE PAPER, India proofs, 6238 hf. bd., mor. ex., gt. edge, 1837 (302) £3 Winchester (Marques of). The Lord Marques Idleness, mor. ex., gt. edge, by Mackenzie, E. Bollifant, 1587, 4to. (403) Macken • woodcuts, 3 vol., 1836-60 (270) Pearson £5 5s. 6239 Yarrell (W.) History of British Birds, with the Supplement, woodcuts, 4 vol., hf. bd. mor., uncut, 1843-56 (269) Cox, £5. 6240 Yarrell. History of British Fishes, with the Supplement, Nattali, £1 155. 6241 Zoology and Botany of the Voyage of H.M.S. Sulphur, in 1836-42, edited by R. B. Hinds, plates, many coloured, 2 vol., hf. bd. mor., uncut, 1844, 4to. (417) Sotheran, £7 IOS. 6242 Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Samarang, edited by A. Adams, plates, many coloured, hf. bd. mor., uncut, 1850, 40. (416) Wheldon, £2 5s. [JUNE 29TH, 1888.] CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS. A PORTION OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE LORD CHANCELLOR HARDWICKE (THE WIMPOLE LIBRARY). 6243 Æsop. Vita et Fabulæ, Gr. et Lat., cum Versione Italica et Allegoriis Fr. Tuppi, wood engravings, with arabesque borders, ruled with red lines, mor., tooled sides, gt. edge, Aquile, Impresse per Eusanium de Stella, 1493, fol. (92) Ellis, £57. 6244 America. Harcourt (R.) Voyage to Guinea, 1613-Keymis (L.) Relation of the Second Voyage to Guiana, 1596Declaration of the Demeanour of Sir Walter Raleigh, 1618 -Publication of Guiana's Plantation newly undertaken by the Earle of Barkshire, 1632-Jobson (R.) Golden Trade, or Discovery of the Gambier, 1623-Golden Coast, or Description of Guinney, 1665-Whitbourne (R.) Discovery of Newfoundland, 1622 Thorowgood (T.) Jews in America, or the Probabilities that those Indians are Judaical, 1660-Proceedings of the English Army in the West Indies, 1655; 9 Tracts in I vol., cf., 4to. (43) Bowden, £66. 6245 America. Las Casas, the Spanish Colonie, or Chronicle of the Acts and Gestes of the Spaniardes in the West Indies, black letter, 1583-Brereton (H.) Relation of the Discoverie of the North Part of Virginia, 1602-Hamor (Raphe). True Discourse of the present estate of Virginia, 1615-Declaration of the State of Affairs in Virginia, 1622-Journal of the English Plantation at Plimouth, New England, 1622-Discovery and Plantation of New England, 1622-Smith (Capt. J.) New England's Trials and present Estate, 1622-Cotton (J.) Abstract of the Laws of New England, 1641-Strange Accidents in the Kingdom of the Great Magor, 1622-Ashley (R.) Relation of CochinChina, 1633-Hamond (W.) Madagascar, the richest Island in the World, 1643-Description of Jamaica, 1657; 12 Tracts in I vol., cf., 4to. (42) H. Stevens, £555. 555. 6246 Anson (Lord). Voyage round the World, by R. Walter, LARGE PAPER, plates, mor., 1748, 4to. (41) Toovey, £4 10s. 6247 Ascham (Roger). Toxophilus, T. Marshe, 1571-Scholemaster, J. Daye, 1571-Report and Discourse of the Affaires of Germany, J. Daye, 1552, 3 vol in 1, black letter, original binding, tooled sides, 4to. (44) Ellis, £8 18s. 6d. 6248 Atkyns (Sir R.) History of Gloucestershire, views of seats Edwards, £27. 6249 Beverley (R.) History of Virginia, plates by Gribelin, cf. gt., by Kip, original edition, 1712 (fol.) 1705, 8vo. (4) Ellis, £3 15s. 6250 Bible (Holy). Translated into the Indian Language by John Eliot, with a Metrical Version of the Psalms in the Indian Language, rough leaves, in the contemporary mor. binding, |