334 Caxton (W.) Game of the Chesse reproduced in facsimile of that printed by Caxton, by V. Figgins, cf. antique, red edges, 1860, 4to. (983) Quaritch, £1. 335 Chandler (R.) Marmora Oxoniensia, numerous engravings, rus. ex., leather joints, gt. edge, by C. Herring, Oxonii, 1763, fol. (1106) Barber, £1 125. 336 Chaucer (G.) Workes, black letter, woodcuts, imperfect, cf., 1532, fol. (1111) 337 Chaucer (G.) Works, with Life, to which is adjoyn'd the Siege of Thebes, by J. Lidgate, black letter, portrait, cf., 1687, fol. (1112) 338 Chemical News, edited by Wm. Crookes, vol. i to xlviii, 1860-83, 4to. (997) Barber, £1 125. 339 Chetham Society's Publications, vol i to cxii, and Index to vol. i to xxx, 113 vol., 1844-84, 4to. (998) Young, £18. 340 Chronicon Nurembergense, Germanice (Cronick von Nürnberg, Auctore H. Schedel), black letter, upwards of 2,250 woodcuts, many very large and several coloured, by M. Wolgemut (Master of Albert Dürer) and W. Pleydenwurff, Nürnberg, A. Koberger, 1493, fol. (1125) Barber, £5 17s. 6d. 341 Chronicon Nurembergense (Auctore H. Schedel), woodcuts by M. Wolgemut and W. Pleydenwurff, wanted title and several ll. defective and mended, sold with all faults, cf., Nuremberga, A. Koberger, 1493, fol. (1126) Quaritch, £3 5s. 342 Chronicon Nurembergense (Auctore H. Schedel) in Deutsch durch G. Alt, black letter, woodcuts, several ll. mended, sold with all faults, Augsburg, 1500, fol. (1127) Ridler, £1 IS. 343 Collart (A.) Vita Jesu Salvatoris Passio et Virginis Mariæ Vita, 88 plates, cf., Antverpia, s. a., 8vo. (800) Ellis, £1 25. 344 Collins (D.) Account of New South Wales, maps and plates, Sotheran, £1 125. 345 Constable (J.) English Landscape Scenery, 40 mezzotinto engravings by D. Lucas, hf. red mor., gt. edge, 1855, fol. hf. cf., 1804, 4to. (1016) (1149) Davis, £1 14s. 346 Costumes of Yorkshire, descriptions in English and French, original ed., 41 coloured plates, mor., gt. edge, 1814, imp. 4to. (1024) Ridler, £3. 347 Cotman (J. S.) Engravings of Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk and Suffolk, with Essay by D. Turner, and Notes by Sir S. R. Meyrick, A. Way, and Sir N. H. Nicolas, 2 vol., tinted plates, hf. mor., uncut, t. e. g., 1839, fol. (1158) Hill, £2 16s. 348 Cox (T.) Magna Britannia et Hibernia, or New Survey of Great Britain, 6 vol., maps and plates, cf., 1720-31, 4to. (1023) H. Gray, £1. 349 Cronica Cronicarum abbrege et mis par Figures, Descentes et Rondeaulx depuis la Création du Monde jusqu'à l'An 1521, black letter, printed on 32 sheets of parchment, on one side only, with woodcuts, forming a long roll on rollers, Paris, 1521, fol. (1129) H. White, £4 4s. 350 Cruikshank (G.) Cruikshankiana, being a Collection of his most celebrated works, 83 plates of caricatures, cl., n. d. 1835, fol. (1421) Davis, £1 Is. 351 Cuba (J.) Ortus Sanitatis cum Tractatu de Urinis, 1st ed., numerous coloured woodcuts, wanted a few ll., sold with all faults, s. 1. (anno 1517), fol. (1423) Barber, £1 15s. 352 Cuba (J.) Ortus Sanitatis cum Tractatu de Urinis, numerous woodcuts, wanted title, sold with all faults, Venetia, 1517, fol. (1422) Ridler, £1. 353 Cuitt (G.) Wanderings and Pencillings amongst Ruins of the Olden Time, 73 etchings, hf. red mor., gt. edge, 1848, fol. (1425) Ridler, £2 5s. 354 Curtis (W.) Botanical Magazine, vol. i to xxxiv, many coloured plates, bd. in 17 vol., 1793-1811-General Indexes to the first 53 vol., by Saml. Curtis, portrait, 18 vol., 1828, 8νο. (843) Hitchman, £2. 355 Curtis (W.) Flora Londinensis, with Continuation by Sir W. J. Hooker, 6 vol. in 5, coloured plates, vol. i to iii, rus., rest hf. rus., 1777-1828, fol. (1426) Roche, £10. 356 Dante (Alighieri) Visions of Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise, translated by Rev. H. F. Cary, 2 vol. in I, illustrations by G. Doré, blue mor. ex, blind tooling, leather joints, gt. edge, n. d., fol. (1429) Barber, £1 35. 357 Davenport (C.) Articles of the Anglican Church considered and explained by F. a S. Clara (Davenport) in Latin and English, with Introduction and Life by F. G. Lee, 1865, 4to. (1039) (Sold with the next Lot.) Ellis, £1 65. 359 Dent (Emma). Annals of Winchcombe and Sudeley, plates, Walford, £1. 358 David (Joan). Paradisus Sponsi et Sponsæ, in quo Messis Myrrhæ et Aromatum Passionis Christi colligenda, 102 plates by Theod. Galle, crimson mor. ex., gt. edge, Antv. ex Officina Plantiniana, 1618, 4to. (1040) cl., uncut, t. e. g., 1877, 4to. (1344) 360 Dialogues of Creatures, moralysed, Ist ed., black letter, woodcuts, inlaid, wanted title, B iv K ii and iii, S iv and TT, sold with all faults, rus., gt. edge, n. d., 4to. (1347) Ridler, £4 4s. 361 Dibdin (T. F.) Tour in France and Germany, 3 vol., plates and woodcuts, uncut, 1829, 8vo. (903) E. Parsons, £1 25. 362 Dibdin (T. F.) Reminiscences of a Literary Life, 2 vol., portrait and plates, wanted index, 1836, 8vo. (904) Luyster, £1. 363 Dibdin (T. F.) Introduction to the Classics, Bibles, Testaments, Lexicons, and Grammars, 2 vol., 1808, 8vo. (897) (Sold with the next Lot.) 364 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliomania, illustrated with 66 portraits, autograph letters, memoirs of several persons mentioned in the work, hf. mor. gt., t. e. g., 1809, 8vo. (898) J. Wilson, £2 16s. 365 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliotheca Spenseriana, 4 vol., numerous illustrations, with portrait of the author (a drawing in Indian ink) added, uncut, 1814-15, 8vo. (899) Sotheran, £6 155. 366 Dibdin (T. F.) Ædes Althorpianæ, 2 vol., plates, hf. rus., t. e. g., 1822, 8vo. (900) 367 Domesday Book cum Additamentis et Indicibus, with Introduction by Sir H. Ellis, 4 vol., hf. bd., uncut, 1783-1816, fol. (1444) Sage, £4 4s. 368 Drake (F.) Eboracum, or History of York, plates, rough cf., 1730, fol. (1450) Barber, £5 17s. 6d. 369 Drayton (M.) Works, 1748, fol. (1451) Ridler, £1 Is. 370 Dryden (J.) Fables, engravings from designs by Lady Diana Beauclerc, by Bartolozzi, etc., green mor., gt. edge, 1797, fol. (1453) Quaritch, £2 155. 371 Dugdale (Sir W.) Antiquities of Warwickshire, 1st ed., portrait, maps and plates by Hollar, wanted title, sold with all faults, 1656, fol. (1458) Barber, £3 75. 372 Earwaker (J. P.) East Cheshire, Past and Present, 2 vol., plates, privately printed, 1877-80, roy. 4to. (1372) Downing, £1 6s. 373 Edwards (G.) Natural History of Birds and Gleanings of Natural History, 7 vol., LARGE PAPER, coloured portrait and duplicate set of plates (plain and coloured to resemble drawings), hf. bd., uncut, backs broken, 1802-6, fol. (1472) 2 vol., 1833, 8vo. (1174) Barber, £4 1OS. 374 Edwardi III Annus XLVIII, black letter, mor. ex., gt. edge, by Bedford, R. Pynson, 1518, fol. (1471) Pickering, £1 15s. 375 Ellis (Sir H.) Introduction and Indexes to Domesday Book, Quaritch, £2 125. 376 Epistles and Gospels, with a brief Postil upon the same, by Richard Tavernier, 2 vol. in 1, title wanted to 2nd vol., black letter, rus. ex., Richarde Bankes, 1540, 4to. (1383) Quaritch, £6 15s. 377 Erasmus (D.) Paraphrase upon the Newe Testament, 2 vol., black letter, a few pages cut in headlines, hf. cf. gt., sold with all faults, 1548-49, fol. (1483) Pickering, £2. 378 Facsimiles of National Manuscripts from William the Conqueror to Queen Anne, photozincographed by Sir H. James, with Translations and Notes, 4 vol., 1865-68, fol. (1497) Quaritch, £3 17s. 6d. 379 Fairbairn's Crests of the Families of Great Britain and Ireland, 2 vol., 144 plates, Edinb., n. d., roy. 8vo. (1179) Barber, £1 25. Ridler, £1 105. 380 Fenton (R.) Historical Tour in Pembrokeshire, mapand plates, 1810, 4to. (1395) 381 Finden (E. and W.) Royal Gallery of British Art, 48 engravings and facsimiles of signatures of subscribers, hf. blue mor., gt. edge, 1849-51, fol. (1508) Rimell, £1 185. 382 Fitzherbert (Sir A.) L'office et auctoryte des Justyces de Peas, black letter, with the printer's device on last 1., stamped cf., Robert Redman, 1538, 8vo. (1213) H. Stevens, £1 35. 383 Forbes (A. P.) Kalendars of Scottish Saints, plates, hf. mor., Edinb., 1872, 4to. (1401) £I IOS. 384 Froissart (Sir J.) Cronycles of Englande, Fraunce, Spayne, Portyngale, Scotlande, Bretaine, Flaunders and other Places adjoynynge, translated by Lord Berners, 2 vol., black letter, title to vol. i in MS., and several ll. mended, title to vol. ii in MS., and last 2 Il. facsimiled, with all faults, rus. ex., leather joints, gt. edge, W. Myddylton and R. Pynson, 1523-25, fol. (1528) Leighton, £5 5s. 385 Fry (F.) Bibliographical Descriptions of the Editions of the New Testament, Tyndale's Version in English, 73 facsimile plates and portraits, 1878, 4to. (1410) Bull, £1 65. 386 Fuller (T.) Worthies of England and Wales, wanted porBarker, £2 75. trait, 1662, fol. (1532) 387 Gaguin (R.) Grandes Chroniques des Royes de France, black letter, woodcuts, citron mor., gt. edge, by Thompson, Paris, 1514, fol. (1533) 388 Genealogist, edited by G. W. Marshall, 6 vol., coats of arms, 1877-82, 8vo. (1249) 389 Gerson (J. de). Opera, 4 vol. cf. gt., Colonia, J. Kælhoeff. 1483 84, fol. (1539) Leighton, £2 5s. 390 Geyler (Joannis). Navicularum sive Spectulum fatuo in Sermones juxta turmarum seriem divisa, lit. goth., woodcuts, wormed, cf. ex., Argent, 1511, 4to. (1418) Ridler, £2 35. 391 Gigault de la Salle (A. E.) Voyage Pitturesque en Sicile, 2 vol. in 1, map and views, hf. mor., uncut, t. e. g., Paris, 182226, fol. (1544) Leighton, £1. 392 Giraldus. Itinerary of Abp. Baldwin through Wales in 1188, by Giraldus de Barri, translated with Notes by Sir R. Colt Hoare, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, map, plates, 1806-Itinerarium Cambriæ, auctore Giraldo Cambrense, cum annot. D. Poweli, map and portraits, LARGE PAPER, 1806, together 3 vol. uniformly bound in rus. ex., marbled edge, 4to. (1420) Barber, £3. 393 Gordon (A.) Itinerarium Septentrionale (Scotland and North Ridler, £1 15. of England), plates, 1726, fol. (1823) 394 Gordon (J. F. S.) Ecclesiastical Chronicle for Scotland, 4 vol., plates, hf. mor., Glasgow, 1867, 4to. (1734) Sotheran, £1 145. 395 Gregorii IX Decretalia cum Commentario B. Bottoni, original oak bds., covered in stamped leather, Moguntiæ, P. Schoiffer, 1479, fol. (1835) Pickering, £6 2s. 6d. 396 Gough (Richard). History and Antiquities of Pleshy, Essex, plates, hf. cf., 1803, 4to. (1736) Barker, £1 15s. 397 Grose (F.) Military Antiquities, 2 vol.-Ancient Armour and Weapons, together 3 vol., plates, cf. gt., 1786, 4to. (1743) Lewin, £2 25. 398 Grose (F.) Antiquities of England and Wales, with Supplement, 8 vol., LARGE PAPER, wanted vol. from small paper ed., numerous plates, ii, which was supplied 1784-87, fol. (1840) Ridler, £1 45. 399 Guest (John). Historic Notices of Rotherham, thick vol., plates, etc., but a limited number printed, Worksop, 1879, Downing, £1 55. 400 Guillim (J.) Display of Heraldry, best ed., portraits and plates of arms (many correctly coloured), cf., 1724, fol. (1845) imp. 4to. (1744) Ridler, £2 18s. 401 Halfpenny (Jos.) Gothic Ornaments in York Cathedral, 105 plates, mor. ex., gt. edge, York, 1795, 4to. (1747) Ridler, £1 402 Hamerton (P. G.) Etching and Etchers, 12 etchings and woodcuts, 1876, 8vo. (1305) I IS. Maggs, £1 125. 403 Hamilton (Sir W.) Collection of Etruscan, Greek, and Roman Antiquities, 2 vol., plates, coloured and in outline, hf. rus., uncut, t. e. g., Naples, 1766-67, fol. (1852) Barker, £1 135. 404 Hassell (J.) Life of G. Morland, portrait and plates, hf. cf. Maggs, £1 33. ex., 1806, 4to. (1752) 405 Hay (Sir And. Leith). Castellated Architecture of Aberdeenshire, plates, Aberdeen, n. d., 4to. (1754) Brebner, £1 IS. 406 Harleian Society's Publications, consisting of Visitations of various Counties, a set, 22 vol., 1869-86, roy. 8vo. (1314) Sotheran, £15 IOS. 407 Harleian Society's Publication; Marriage Licenses (1520-28), 4 vol, 1886-87, 8vo. (1315) Walford, £I IS. 408 Hain (L.) Repertorium Bibliographicum, 4 vol., fine paper, uncut, Stuttgartiæ, 1826-38, 8vo. (1297) Ellis, £3 12s. 409 Hibbert (S.) and W. R. Whatton. History of the Foundations in Manchester of Christ's College, Chetham's Hospital and Free Grammar School, 4 vol., LARGE PAPER, proof plates and portraits, vol. i, ii, iii, in hf. mor., gt. top, vol. iv in cloth, Manchester, 1828-30, 4to. (1767) H. Gray, £1 25. 410 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Modern Wilts, Old and New Sarum (Salisbury), by R. Benson and H. Hatcher, 2 parts, LARGE PAPER, proof plates, 1843, fol. (1884) E. Parsons, £1 155. 411 Hoare (Sir R. C.) History of Ancient Wiltshire, part i, plates, hf. red mor., gt. edge, 1810, fol. (1882) Ridler, £1 95. 412 Hogarth. Genuine Works, with Anecdotes, etc., by J. Nichols and G. Steevens, 2 vol., plates, rus., marbled edge, 1808-10, 4to. (1774) Davis, £1 25. 413 Hogenberg (F.) Franche en Nederlandsche Historien, 341 engravings, including portraits and views of battles, sieges, etc., vellum, Colonia, 1583-84, fol. (1885) Fontaine, £1 8s. 414 Holinshed (R.) Description of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 3 vol. in 2, black letter, numerous waodcuts, imperfect, 1577-Historie of England, black letter, 1586, fol. (1887) Ridler, £1 145s. 415 Holbein (H.) Portraits of Illustrious Personages of the Court of Henry VIII, engraved in imitation of the original Drawings, with Biographical and Historical Memoirs by Edm. Lodge, hf. crimson mor. gt., gt. edge, 1828, imp. 4to. (1775) Sotheran, £4. 416 Hone (W.) Every Day Book, Year Book, and Table Book, 4 vol., many woodcuts, hf. cf. gt., n. d., 8vo. (1556) Bull, £1 75. 417 Hooker (Sir W. J.) Century of Ferns, 100 coloured plates, hf. mor., gt. top, 1854, imp. 8vo. (1563) 418 Horsfield (T. W.) History, Antiquities, Luyster, £1. and Topography of Sussex, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, map and plates, hf. bd., Lewes, 1835, 4to. (1784) 419 Horsley (J.) Britannia Romana, map and plates, rus., 1732, fol. (1896) Sotheran, £2 165. 420 Houbraken and Vertue's Heads of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain, with Lives by T. Birch, 108 portraits, red mor., gt. edge, 1813, fol. (1898) Atkinson, £3 3s. 421 Howitt (S.) The British Preserve, etchings of natural history by S. Howitt, n. d., 4to. (1785) 422 Hulme (Edw.) Sketches from Nature of Plant Form, coloured plates, 1868, 4to. (1795) Neish, £1 IS. Rimell, £1 125. 423 Hume (D.) History of England, 10 vol., Bowyer's ed., portrait and engravings, India proofs, rus. ex., leather joints, gt. edge, 1806, fol. (1902) Davis, £5 15sS |