248 Byble (Matthew's Version). Recognised by E. Becke, black letter, with Prologues by W. Tindale, woodcuts, title, last 1. of dedication, last 1. of New Testament and table in facsimile, blue mor., sold with all faults, 1549, fol. (682) Bull, £3 16s. 249 Bible (Holy). 2 vol., front. by Lombart, and engravings by Hollar, old English red mor., Harleian gold tooling, gt. edge, Cambridge, J. Field, 1660, fol. (718) Macmillan, £26s. 250 Bible (Holy). 3 vol., ruled, illustrated with a series of engravings by Picart, Houbraken, Hoet, and other Dutch engravers, bd. in old red mor., ornamented with gold tooling, gt. marbled edged, Cambridge, J. Hayes, 1674, fol. (719) Davis, £7 7s. 6d. 251 Bible (The Bishops'), with Genevan Notes, black letter, (several 11. supplied from a shorter copy), 1584-Psalmes in Meter, with music, 1583, cf. ex., sold with all faults in I vol. (696) Dore, £1 8s. 252 Bible (The Bishops'), black letter, woodcuts, wanted 7 ll. (title and genealogy), portrait of Earl of Leicester (but had that of Lord Burleigh), and last 1., large copy in oak bds., covered in rough cf., with brass corners and bosses, sold with all faults, 1568, fol. (693) Dunlop, £3 17s. 6d. 253 Bible (Bishops' Version), black letter, woodcuts, cf., R. Barker, 1602, fol. (701) 254 Byble (Holy), Bishops' Version, 2 vol. black 1585, fol. (698) 255 Bible (Bishops' Version), with Genevan blue mor., R. Barker, 1584, fol. (697) 256 Bible (Bishops' Version), Old Testament, cuts, imperfect, 1572, fol. (695) Ridler, £1 IOS. letter, C. Barker, Roberts, £2 15s. Notes, imperfect, Atkinson, £I IS. black letter, woodRoberts, £I IS. 257 Byble in Englysshe (Cranmer's Great Bible), black letter, woodcuts, imperfect, mor., R. Grafton, 1540, fol. (687) H. White, £3 125. 258 Byble (Cranmer's), black letter, title in facsimile, wanted all before first chapter of Genesis, sheets N and O damaged, and wanted sheets O vi to xii, sold with all faults, cf. tooled in antique style, E. Whytechurch, 1549, fol. (690) I 125. Barber, £1 7s. 259 Bible (Cranmer's) black letter, imperfect, mor., Rouen, 1566, fol. (691) Ridler, £1 1 260 Byble (Matthew's) in reality Taverner's, with trivial variations by E. Becke, and for first time III Maccabees, with Prologues by W. Tyndal, black letter, imperfect, Jhon Daye, 1551, fol. (684) Barber, £2 45. 261 Byble (Matthew), with Prologues by W. Tindal, revised by E. Becke, black letter, imperfect, J. Daye and W. Seres, 1549, fol. (680) Dore, £1. 262 Bible. Old and New Testaments, with Psalms, old dark blue mor. ex., gt. edge with silver corners, centre pieces and clasps, in open-work and chased, 1629, 8vo. (149) Sotheran, £8 IOS. 263 Bible (Holy), Authorised Version, thick paper, ruled, old rus., gt. edge, 1701, fol. (721) Dore, £1 15, 264 Bible (Holy), Authorised Version, usually known as the Vinegar Bible, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, front. and vignettes, ruled, old blue mor., ornamented with gold tooling and variegated leathers, gt. edge, J. Baskett, 1717 & 1716, fol. (722) fol. (688) Wrigley, £1 4s. 265 Byble (Cranmer's Great), black letter, woodcuts, wanted be. ginning and end, sold with all faults, E. Whitchurche, 1541, Barber, LI IOS. 266 Bible (Holie). Ist ed. of Parker's or the Bishop's Bible, black letter, woodcuts imperfect, but had portrait of Lord Burleigh, sold with all faults, R. Jugge, 1568, fol. (692) Dore, £1 25. 267 Bible (Holy), with Apocrypha, 7 vol. Macklin's ed., engravings from pictures and designs by the most eminent English artists, rus. ex., leather joints, gt. edge by Staggemeier, 180016, fol. (731) H. White, £4 45. 268 Bible (Breeches), with Calendar, black letter, woodcuts, brass corners and clasps, C. Barker, 1583, fol. (708) White £38s. 269 Bible, Old and New Testaments, 3 vol. plates by Westall and Heath, green mor. ex., gt. edge, 1815, imp. 8vo. (159) Atkinson, £I IS. 270 Bible (Great She), black letter, second issue of first authorised Version, imperfect, 1611, fol. (710) Dunlop, £1. 271 Byble, translated by T. Matthew, black letter, woodcuts, title in facsimile, table mended, all faults, 1537, fol. (678) Lincoln, £17. 272 Bible (Breeches) with Psalms in Meeter, 3 vol. in 1, woodcuts, ruled, illustrated with additional engravings, old red mor., gold tooling, gt. edge, back broken, 1610-12, 4to. (575) Dunlop, £I IOS. 273 Biblia Belgica. Bybel overset te Duytsche uten Latine, 2 vol., stained, oak bds., covered in stamped leather, with clasps, Delf, Jacob Jacobs Soen en M. Yemants Soen, 1477. fol. (393) Atkinson, £19. 274 Biblia Belgica, black letter, woodcuts, Antwerpen, J. van Atkinson, ₤I 145. Liesvelt, 1542, fol. (396) 275. Biblia Græca. Vetus Testamentum Septuaginta Interpretum, edidit J. E. Grabe, 4 vol., LARGE PAPER, portrait of Q. Anne seated on her throne, with Grabe presenting his book, English red mor., Oxon., 1707-19, fol. (366) Barber, £1 5s. 276 Biblia Germanica, vol. i, black letter, woodcuts, oak bds. covered in stamped pigskin, with brass corners and centres, Augspurg, A. Sorg, 1480-vol. ii, black letter, woodcuts, oak bds. covered in stamped pigskin, Nürenberg, A. Koberger, 1483, fol. (653) Trübner, £3 5s. 277 Biblia Germanica, 2 vol., black letter, coloured woodcuts in the style of Block-books, oak bds. covered in stamped leather, vol. i dated 1577, wanted end of vol. ii, sold with all faults, Nurnberg, J. Koberger, 1483, fol. (654) Ridler, £3. 278 Biblia Germanica, 2 vol. in 1, black letter, numerous coloured woodcuts, oak bds. covered in stamped pigskin, inscribed C. G. (Christopher Gelen) 1560, with clasp, Zürych, C. Froschouer, 1556, fol. (655) Atkinson, £2 6s. 279 Bibel. Tgheheele Oude ende Nyeuwe Testament, black letter, woodcuts, oak bds. covered in stamped leather, with brass corners and centres, Thantwerpen, 1541, fol. (657) Ridler, £1. 280 Bible in Dutch, black letter, numerous woodcuts, oak bds. covered in old rus., with brass corners and clasps, Thantwerpen, W. Vorsterman, 1545, fol. (648) Barber, £2 7s. 281 Bible in Dutch, black letter, woodcuts, stained, and title damaged, sold with all faults, Antwerpen, 1560 (659) Ridler, £1. 282 Bibel in Nederduytsch, black letter, woodcuts, oak bds. covered in stamped leather, Thantwerpen, W. Vorsterman, 1531, fol. (660) Barber, £2 7s. 283 Bibel durch J. Ecken verdolmetscht, black letter, woodcuts by Hans Behan, identical with those in Coverdale 1535, Matthew 1537, and Antwerp 1560, oak bds. covered in stamped pigskin, Ingolstat, 1550 (664) Ridler, £1. 284 Biblia Armenica, best ed., corrected by Michitar, monk of St. Lazarus, plates, Venetiis, 1733, fol. (672) Atkinson, £2 85. 285 Biblia Latina, lit. goth.. some capital letters illuminated, s. 1., 1484, 4to. (269) Atkinson, £1 125. 286 Biblia Latina cum Cordantiis, woodcuts, VELLUM, Venetiis, L. A. de Giunta, 1511, 4to. 287 Biblia Latina, Venetiis, N. Jensen, 1476, fol. (369) 288 Biblia Latina, Nurnberga, A. Coberger, 1478, fol. (370) Barber, £1 55. Quaritch, £2 125. Quaritch, £5. 289 Biblia Latina, Nurnberga, A. Coberger, 1479, fol. (372) Quaritch, £7 1os. 290 Biblia Latina, with index in MS., Nurnberga, 1479, fol. (373) Bull, £3 125. 291 Biblia Sacra Vulgatæ Editionis Sixti V Jussu recognita et edita, cf. ex., gt. edge, by C. Lewis, with Aldine anchor in gold on sides, Romæ ex Typographia Vaticana (Aldus), 1598, 8vo. (132) Rimell, £3 IOS. 292 Biblia Sacra Latina ex S. Pagnini Tralatione edente M. Serveto, stained and II. mended, VELLUM, sold with all faults, Lugduni, 1542, fol. (383) Atkinson, £5. 293 Biblia Latina, oak bds., covered in leather, Nurnberga, A. Coberger, 1475, fol. (68) Quaritch, £7 Ios. 294 Biblia Latina cum Concordantiis, woodcuts, VELLUM, Lugd., 1531, fol. (381) Quaritch, £1 8s. 295 Biblia Latina cum Concordantiis, woodcuts, oak bds., Lugd., J. Crespin, 1527, fol. (379) Quaritch, £2 85. 296 Biblia Latina, numerous woodcuts, cf., Lugd., 1569, fol. (386) Atkinson, £4 5s. 297 Bible traduicte par les Théologiens de Louvain, black mor., gt. edge, old style, Rouen, 1605, 4to. (600) Atkinson, £1 IOS. 298 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, Hebraice, Chaldaice, Græce, et Latine, Philippi II Pietate et Jussu ad SS. Ecclesiæ Usum edita cura B. Ariæ Montani, 8 vol., stained, sold with all faults, old red mor., gold tooling, gt. edge, Antverpia, C. Plantinus, 1569-72, fol. (359) Atkinson, £9 15s. 299 Biblia Polyglotta cum Apparatu, Appendicibus, etc., edente B. Waltono, 6 vol., with Republican preface, portrait and plates by Hollar, 1657-Castelli (E.) Lexicon Heptaglotton, 2 vol., portrait by Faithorne, 1669, rough cf., 8 vol., fol. (360) Atkinson, £10 155. 300 Blackwall (J.) History of the Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland, 2 vol., Ray Society, 1861-4, fol. Collins, £2 18s. 301 Blair (R.) The Grave, with Life, portrait of W. Blake, and plates from his designs engraved by Schiavonetti, hf. mor., gt. edge, 1813, roy. 4to. (611) Sotheran, £1 185. 302 Block-Book. Biblia Pauperum, reproduced in facsimile, with Introduction by J. P. Berjeau, hf. mor., 1859, fol. (741) Ridler, £I IS. 303 Block-Book. Canticum Canticorum, reproduced in facsimile, with Introduction by J. P. Berjeau, VELLUM, 1860, fol. (742) Atkinson, £I IS. 304 Bodley (Sir T.) Life, by himselfe, portrait and plates, Oxford, Sotheran, £1 175. 1647, 4to. (615) 305 Bolton (J.) Natural History of British Song-Birds, 2 vol., coloured plates of birds, nests, and eggs, hf. red mor., 1824, Barber, £1 5s. 306 Bolton (J.) Natural History of British Song-Birds, 2 vol. in 1, with 80 coloured plates of birds, nests, eggs, food, plants, 4to. (619) etc., hf. cf., 1794-96, fol. (745) Dulau, £1 195. 307 Bolton (J.) History of Funguses growing about Halifax, 4 vol., plates, hf. cf., Halifax and Huddersfield, 1788-91, 4to. (618) Dulau, £2 45. 308 Booke of Common Prayer, 1611-Scripture Genealogies, by J. Speed, woodcuts, n. d. -Bible (Breeches), corner of A I torn off, 1611-12-Psalmes in Meeter, with Music, 1618— old olive mor., inscribed on sides in letters of gold "Mary Wotton", in 1 vol., fol. (751) Barber, £1 155. 309 Booke of Common Prayer, black letter, wanted title and prayers at end of Psalter, cf., sold with all faults, R. Jugge and J. Quaritch, £1. 310 Borlase (W.) Antiquities of Cornwall, with Cornu-British Vocabulary, map and plates, Oxford, 1754, fol. (763) Cawood, 1571, 4to. (623) Atkinson, £1 125. 311 Borlase (W.) Another ed., map and plates, 1769, fol. (764) 312 Bowdich (T. E.) Fresh Water Fishes of Great Britain, drawn and described, plates in gold, silver, and colours, with descriptions added in manuscript by S. Bowdich, dark green mor. ex., gt. edge, 1828, imp. 4to. (635) Walford, £4 1s. 313 Brand (J.) History of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2 vol., 1789, 4to. (640) 314 Brayley (E. E.) and J. Britton. History of Surrey, 5 vol., plates, 1850, 8vo. (463) 315 Brasses. Manual of Monumental Brasses, 2 trations, 1861, 8vo. (460) 316 Breviarium Aberdonense, 2 vol., black letter, 1854, 4to. (644) Walford, £2 5s. vol., many illusMaggs, £1 75. Bannatyne Club, Ellis, £2. 317 Breviarium Frisingense. Pars æstivalis, lit. goth., rubricated, old stamped pigskin, Augusta, E. Ratdolt, 1491, 8vo. (466) Westell, £1 25. 318 Breviarium ordinis S. Benedicti de novo in Monte Pannoniæ S. Martini, woodcuts, oak boards covered in leather, Venetiis, P. Liechtenstein Mandato L. Alantsæ, 1519, 8vo. (467) Ellis, £1 195. 319 Breviarium ad usum Ecclesie Sarisburiensis: pars Hyemalis, black letter, printed in red and black, last 1. supplied from a smaller copy, cf., Paris, Franc. Regnault, 1555, 8vo. (468) Quaritch, £5. 320 Breviarium ad Usum Sarum cum Psalterio et Calendario Studio F. Procter et C. Wordsworth, 3 vol., Cantab., 1879-82-86, Quaritch, £1 85. 8νο. (469) 321 Breviarium una cum Psalterio et Calendario secundum Ritum Monarchorum de Observantia S. Benedicti in Tegernsee, 2 vol., oak bds. covered in stamped pigskin, Tegernsee, 1576, fol. (1045) Ellis, £4 125. 322 Britton (J.) History and Antiquities of Exeter Cathedral, LARGE PAPER, plates, crimson mor. ex., gt. edge, 1826, 4to. Ridler, £I IOS. (649) 323 Bruce (J. C.) The Roman Wall, 3rd ed., map, and many plates and woodcuts, hf. mor., 1867, 4to. (954) Maggs, £4 6s. 324 Bry (J. T. et J. I. de) Indiæ Orientalis, parts i-viii, 6 vol., numerous engravings, hf. cf. gt., Francof., 1598-1607, fol. (1055) H. White, £3 7s. 6d. 325 Burke (Sir B.) Visitation of Seats and Arms, 2 vol., plates, Walford, £1 55. 326 Burney (Jas.) Chronological History of Discoveries in the South Sea and Pacific Ocean, 5 vol., maps, 1803-17, fol. (962) 1858, roy. 8vo. (502) J. Nield, £3 IOS. 327 Burton (J.) Monasticon Eboracense, plates, cf., York, 1758, fol. (1067) Ridler, £2 135. 328 Camden (W.) Britannia, enlarged by R. Gough, 4 vol., portrait, maps and plates, hf. bd., uncut, 1806, fol. (1084) 329 Carlyle (T.) Works, with general index, People's ed., 37 vol., Luyster, £2 10OS. portrait, 1872-74, 8vo. (531) 330 Cartusiensis Ordinis Statuta, a Domno Guigone Priore Cartusiæ edita cum Repertorio. Accedunt Privilegia et Confirmatio, 5 parts in I, woodcuts, oak bds. covered in stamped leather, Basilea, 1510, fol. (1090) H. White, £3. 331 Caulfield (J.) Portraits, Memoirs, and Characters of remarkable Persons from the Revolution in 1688 to the End of the Reign of George II, portraits and woodcuts, purple mor. ex., gold and blind tooling, gt. edge, 1819-20, 8vo. (546) Sotheran, £2 195. 332 Caxton (W.) Chronicles of England, black letter, wanted part of index, A 2, x 6, Y 5, and 6, and a few other ll., sold with all faults, W. Caxton, 1480, fol. (1097) Barber, £67. 333 Caxton (W.) Chronycle of Englonde, black letter, woodcuts, imperfect, Wynkyn de Worde, 1515, fol. (1099) Barber, £1 175. |