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[MARCH 19TH, 20TH, 21ST, AND 22ND, 1888.]



3060 A'Beckett (Gilbert). Comic History of England, 2 vol., éd. de luxe, coloured plates and woodcuts, by John Leech, n. d., 4to. (245)

Roche, £I IOS. 3061 A'Beckett (G. A.) Comic History of England, 2 vol., Ist ed., coloured and other illustrations, by J. Leech, original

cl., 1847-8, 8vo. (1023)

Edwards, £3. 3062 A'Beckett (G. A.) Comic History of Rome, 1st ed., coloured and other illustrations, by J. Leech, original cl.,

n. d., 8vo. (1024)

Walford, £2 8s. 3063 Ackerman (R.) Microcosm of London, 3 vol., coloured plates, by Rowlandson and Pugin, hf. cf., 1808-9, 4to. (246)

Robson, £9.

3064 Ackerman (R.) Repository of Arts, Literature, Fashions, and Politics, the 3 series complete in 40 vol., coloured plates, by Rowlandson and others, 2 series in hf. rus., the other in hf. cf., Ackerman, 1809-28, 8vo. (703)

Salisbury, £21.

3065 Acosta (J.) Naturall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies, Intreating of the remarkable things of Heaven, of the Elements, Metalls, Plants, and Beasts, Ceremonies, Laws, etc., translated into English by E. G., cf., 1604, 4to. (132)

Ellis, £2 16s.
Warton, £2.

3066 Addison (J.) Miscellaneous Works, with Life by T. Tickell,

4 vol., mor. ex., gt. edge, 1765, 8vo. (1)

3067 Æsop. Fables, in Verse, with Annotations by John Ogilby, 2nd ed., portrait by Faithorne, and plates by Hollar and others, that of Fable 29 in duplicate, front. mounted, 1668 -Æsopics, a Second Collection of Fables, in Verse, by J. Ogilby, plates, by Hollar and others, inserted from a smaller copy, 1668, both in cf., all faults (2), fol. (48)

Warton, £1. 3068 Ainsworth (W. H.) Tower of London, Ist ed., illustrated by G. Cruikshank, in the original parts, prepared for binding, with some of the wrappers, 1840, 8vo. (158) Warton, £2 6s. 3069 Ainsworth (W. H.) Crichton, plates by Hablot IK. Browne, Spencer, £1 IS. 3070 Alexander Earle of Sterline (Sir W.) Tragedie of Darius, mor. ex., rich gold tooling, gt. edge, by David, Edinb., Ridge, £22. 3071 Alken (H.) Symptoms, vol. i, coloured title and 40 coloured plates by Alken, hf. mor., McLean, 1822, 4to. (249)

original cl., 1849, 8vo. (159)

1603, 4to. (93)

Rimell, £5 15s. 3072 Allot (R.) England's Parnassus; or the choycest Flowers of our Moderne Poets, with their Poeticall comparisons.

Descriptions of Bewties, Personages, Castles, Pallaces, Mountaines, Groves, Seas, Springs, Rivers, etc., whereunto are annexed other various discourses, both pleasaunt and profitable, dedication in facsimile, mor. ex., gt. edge, by F. Bedford, 1600, 8vo. (84)

Robson, £10 5s.

3073 America. A Brief Description of the Province of Carolina, on the Coast of Florida, and more particularly of a New Plantation begun by the English at Cape Feare on that River, now by them called Charles River, map, mor. ex., gt. edge, by Bedford, 1666, 4to. (137)

Ridge, £46.

3074 America. A Declaration of the Demeanour and Carriage of Sir Walter Raleigh, as well in his Voyage as in and since his returne, and of the true motives and inducements which occasioned his Majestie to proceed in doing justice upon him, as hath been done, uncut, 1618, (143)


B. F. Stevens, £9 155.

3075 America. The Charter and Laws of the City of New York, "Laws", 24 pp., "Charter", II pp. Printed and sold by William Bradford, in the city of New York, 1719, fol. (316)

B. F. Stevens, £75

3076 America. A Plaine Description of the Barmudas, now called Sommer Ilands, with the Manner of their discoverie, Anno 1609, by the Shipwreck and deliverance of Sir T. Gates and Sir G. Sommers, with an Addition, or more Ample relation of remarkable matters concerning those Ilands, 1613Jobson (R.) The Golden Trade, or a Discovery of the River Gambia, also a Commerce with a great Black called Buckor Sano, 1623, both bd. in I vol., in contemporary cf., 1613-23, 4to. (138)

B. F. Stevens, £25. 3077 Arabian Nights. Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, translated from the original Arabic, with Notes, by John Payne, 9 vol., gt. vellum, Villon Society, for subscribers only, 1882-84, 8vo. (771) Stevens, £12. 3078 Atkyns (Sir R.) Ancient and Present State of Gloucestershire, 2nd ed., 73 plates, cf., 1768, fol. (49) Allen, £15 10s. 3079 Auctores Latini, Typis J. Baskerville, viz., Horatius, plates by Gravelot, Birminghamia, 1770-Virgilius, ib., 1757Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius, ib., 1772-Juvenalis et Persius, ib., 1761-Lucretius, ib., 1772-Sallustrius et Florus, ib., 1773-Terentius, ib., 1772, mor. ex., leather joints, gt. edge, by Kalthoeber, 7 vol., 4to. (257)

Toovey, £14 15s.

3080 Bacon (Sir Francis). The Two Books of the Proficiency and Advancement of Learning, Ist ed., mor. ex., tooled back and sides, gt. edge, by Bedford, 1605, 4to. (146)

Baines, £4 10S. 3081 Beckford (P.) Thoughts upon Hunting, front., by Cipriani and Bartolozzi, plates, cf., 1802, 4to. (29) Simpson, £1 15s. 3082 Beckford Library Catalogue. The 4 parts complete, LARGE and THICK PAPER, with prices and names, 1882-83, 8vo.


Bull, £1 115.

3083 Bentley's Miscellany, Jan. 1837 to June 1842 (wanted nos. for March and May, 1841), 64 nos., containing: Lover's Handy Andy, Dickens' Oliver Twist, Ainsworth's Jack Sheppard, and Guy Fawkes, Colin Clink, etc., illustrated by S. Lover, G. Cruikshank, A. Crowquill, J. Leech, and others, a few plates wanting, and some nos. loose. (178)

Waugh, £10 1Ios.

3084 Bentley's Standard Novels, vol. i to cxxvi (7 vol. wanted),

119 vol., fronts., 1833-55, 8vo. (2)

Sotheran, £9 5s.

3085 Berry (W.) Pedigrees of Berkshire Families, hf. cf., 1837,

fol. (322)

Walford, £4 45.

3086 Bible (The). Ist ed. of the Genevan version, usually known as The Breeches Bible, from the rendering of verse 7 of chapter iii of Genesis, woodcuts and maps (2 of them mounted and mended, and a few ll. slightly cut on top), mor. ex., tooling, gt. edge, by Zaehnsdorf, Geneva, Rowland Hall, 1560, 4to. (264)



Ellis, £19 10S.

3087 Bigland (R.) Collections relative to the County of Gloucester, vol. i, complete, with the Cleeve l. in 2 states, and vol. ii, ending with Marshfield (p. 192), in I vol., plates, with a few ex. inserted, hf. mor., t. e. g, 1791-92, fol. (329)

Walford, £6 12s. 6d. 3088 Billings (R. W.) Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland, 4 vol., in the original cl., uncut, 1845-52, 4to. (268) Bull, £7 5s. 3089 Bishop (J.) Marrow of Astrology, cf., 1688, 4to. (256) Reader, £1. 3090 Blake (W.) America, a Prophecy, sewed, uncut, printed in blue ink, Lambeth, printed by W. Blake, 1793, fol. (154) Barnes, £23. 3091 Blake (W.) Poetical Sketches by W. B., uncut, London, printed in the year mdcclxxxiii (183) Pearson, £16. 3092 Blake (W.) Wit's Magazine, 2 vol. in 1, folding plates by Dobell, £1 1s.

Blake and others, 1784-5, 8vo. (1027).

3093 Blener-Hasset (T.) A Direction for the Plantation in Ulster, and securing that Wilde Countrye to England, withdrawing of all the charge of the Garrison and Men of Warre, etc., mor. ex., gt. edge, by Bedford, 1610, 4to. (150) Ridge, £5.

3094 Blome (R.) Gentleman's Recreation in Horsemanship, Hunting, Hawking, etc., plates, cf., 1686, fol. (52)

Ellis, £3 17s. 6d. 3095 Borland (Rev. F.) History of Darien, giving a Description of the Country, an Account of the Attempts of the Scotch Colony there, cf. ex., gt. edge, by Bedford, Glasgow, 1779, 8vo. (118)

Stevens, £I IOS. 3096 Boswell (Sir A.) Books printed at his private Auchinleck Press. Frondes Caducæ, complete in 7 vol. Dialogi duo, together 8 vol., hf. rox., uncut, Auchinleck Press, 1816-18, 4to. (270)

Stevens, £4 10S. Daniells, £115S.

3097 Boutell (C.) Monumental Brasses of England, LARGE

PAPER, plates, 1849, fol. (331)


3098 Bridges (J.) History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, edited by P.. Whalley, vol., portrait and plates, with Faden's 4-sheet map of the county, 1779, inserted, cf., full gt.backs, Oxford, 1791, fol. (556) Dobell, £8. 3099 Brockedon (W.) Passes of the Alps, 2 vol., plates by Brockedon, engraved by Finden, 1828, 4to. (31)

original wrapper, 1837, (1098)

Warton, £1 IS. 3100 Browning (R.) Bells and Pomegranates, Nos. 1, 2, 3, in the original wrappers, 1841-42, 8vo. (1097) Bain, £1 8s. 3101 Browning (R.) Strafford, an Historical Tragedy, in the Bain, £2. 3102 Brydges (Sir Egerton). British Bibliographer, 4 vol., portraits, hf. rus., uncut, 1810-14,8vo. (198) Lockwood, £6 8s. 6d. 3103 Buchanan (G.) Rerum Scoticarum Historia. Editio princeps, with the l. of errata at end, cf., Edinb., 1582, fol. (54) Warton, £2 16s. 3104 Burgess (H. W.) Eidodendron, the general character and appearance of Trees as connected with Picturesque Scenery, portraits and plates, mor., 1827, fol. (55)

Quaritch, £1 165. 3105 Burney (C.) History of Music, 4 vol., plates, some by Cipriani and Bartolozzi, cf., 1776-89, 4to. (32) Warton, £48s. 3106 Burns (R.) Autograph Poems, transcribed by himself on foolscap (80 folio pp., but pp. 5 to 10 having been torn out were supplied by a transcript), comprising Holy Fair Hallowe'en, Address to the Deil, Auld Farmer's Address to his Mare, John Barleycorn, Scotch Drink, Man was made to Mourn, Twa Dogs, Cotter's Saturday at E'en, Author's earnest Cry and Prayer, Address to James Smith, Winter, Epistle to Davy, Death of Poor Mailie and Poor Mailie's Elegy, contained on pp. 1 to 65, the remaining 15 pp. blank, except having on p. 80 two amended Stanzas of the Address to James Smith, fol. (555) Adams, £215 5s.

3107 Burton (J. H.) The Book Hunter, with Memoir of the Author, etched portrait, 1882, 8vo. (206) Rimell, £1 45. 3108 Byfield (N.) An Account of the late Revolution in New England, together with the Declaration of the Inhabitants of Boston, mor., gt. edge, by Bedford, 1689, 4to. (135)

Stevens, £3 5s. 3109 Camden (W.) Britannia, enlarged by R. Gough, 3 vol., maps and plates, cf., bds. loose of vol. i and ii, and one bd. missing, 1789, fol. (57)

Warton, £3. 3110 Cervantes. Don Quixote, translated by C. Jarvis, 2 vol., plates by Vander Gucht, hf. mor., 1756, 4to. (33)

Warton, £1 10s.

3111 Chalkhill (J.) Thealma and Clearchus, a pastoral History in smooth and easie verse (edited by by I. Walton), mor. ex., gt. edge, by F. Bedford, 1683, 8vo. (84) B. F. Stevens, £6 IOS. 3112 Chapman (G.) Monsieur d'Olive, a Comedie, mor. ex., gt. edge, by F. Bedford, 1606, 8vo. (85) B. F. Stevens, £9 15s. 3113 Chaucer. Canterbury Tales, with Introduction, Glossary, etc., by T. Tyrwhitt, 5 vol., LARGE PAPER, portrait on India paper, mor. ex., Pickering, 1822, 8vo. (228) Toovey, £10. 3114 Chaucer. The Workes of Geffray Chaucer newly printed, with divers workes whiche were neuer in print before, black letter, edges frayed of preliminary ll., cf., Rycharde Kele, n. d. (1542), fol. (589)

Pearson, £3 5s. 3115 Chaucer (Geffrey). Woorkes with divers Addicions never in Printe before, and the Siege of Thebes by Jhon Lidgate (edited by J. Stowe), black letter, mor. ex., gt. edge, by F. Bedford, 1561, fol. (111)

Quaritch, £18 1ος.

3116 Chertsey Worthies Library. Consisting of the works of the following authors :-John Davies of Hereford, 2 vol.Henry More-Nicholas Breton, 2 vol.-Joshuah Sylvester, 2 vol.-Dr. J. Beaumont, 2 vol.-Francis Quarles, 3 vol.-Abr. Cowley, 2 vol., edited by A. B. Grosart, 100 copies printed for subscribers, 14 vol., portraits, 18-1881, 4to. (279)

Stevens, £10.

3117 Chinese Repository, from 1832 to 1851, with Index, 20 vol.,

Canton, 1833-51, 8vo. (230)

Brandt, £22.

3118 Churchyard (T.) Generall Rehearsall of Warres (Churchyardes Choise in Prose and Verse), black letter, mor. ex., gt. edge, by C. Lewis, E. White (1579), 4to. (94)

B. F. Stevens, £9.

3119 Claude de Lorrain. Liber Veritatis. A Collection of his original Designs executed in the Manner and Taste of the Drawings, by R. Earlom, 3 vol., LARGE PAPER, portrait and 300 engravings, mor. ex., gt. edge, by J. Wright, 1819, fol. (592)

Smith, £6.

3120 Cole (A. W.) Lorimer Littlegood, Esq., 1st ed., illustrated by G. Cruikshank and W. M'Connell, in the original parts, prepared for binding, with the wrappers, 1858, 8vo. (235)

Spencer, £3 5s. 3121 Combe (W.) Dance of Life, coloured plates, by RowlandReader, £2 15s.

son, cf., 1817, 8vo. (238)

3122 Combe (W.) Tours of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturesque and Consolation, 2 vol., coloured plates, by Rowlandson, hf. rus., 1819-20, 8vo. (239)

Reader, £3 5s. 3123 Costumes of Yorkshire. Illustrated by a series of Engravings, being facsimiles of original Drawings, with descriptions in English and French, 40 coloured engravings, hf. cf., 1814, (153)


3124 Cotman (J. S.) Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk and Suffolk, with Introduction by Dawson Turner, Notes by Meyrick, Way, and Nicolas, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, tinted plates and front. illuminated, hf. mor., t. e. g., 1839, fol. (597)

Walford, £3 35.

3125 Cotton (J.) War of the Churches of Christ in New England, or, the Way of Churches walking in Brotherly Equality, containing a full declaration of the Churchway in all particulars, 1645, 4to. (142)

Ellis, £1 125.

3126 Crosswell (A.) Narrative of the Founding and Settling the Congregational Church in Boston, cf. ex., gt. edge, by Pratt, Boston, N. E., 1749, 4to. (136) Pearson, £1 6s. 3127 Cruikshank (G.) Scraps and Sketches, 4 parts complete, Ist ed., uncut copies in original wrapper, 1828-32, 8vo.


Harvey, £7 17s. 6d. 3128 Cruikshank (G.) Points of Humour, Both Series, 2 vol. in 1, Ist ed., coloured etchings, by G. Cruikshank, mor. ex.,

gt. edge, 1823-24, 8vo. (1036)

Walford, £5.

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