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crated to the Memorie of Henry, Prince of Wales, with the Prince of Wales' Feathers printed in black on a white ground, and the reverses of some of the pages black, 1613, 2 vol. in 1, hf. bd. rus., 4to. (970)

Ellis, £5 5s. 2406 Hemingi Chartularium Ecclesiæ Wigorniensis, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, ruled with red lines, mor., with borders of gold, gt. edge, ed. T. Hearne, 1723, 8vo. (702) Toovey, £7 IOS. 2407 Hemingford (W.) De Rebus Gestis Edwardi I, II et III, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, cf. gt., ed. T. Hearne, 1731, 8vo. (720)

Toovey, £1 15s. 2408 Hewitson (W. C.) Illustrations of the Eggs of British Birds, coloured plates, 2 vol., cf. gt., 1846, 8vo. (884) Young, £2 18s. 2409 Hieronymus (St.) Opera, edente Des. Erasmo, 9 vol. in 4, Ridler, £1. 2410 Hieronymus (St.) In Vitas Patrum, woodcut in initials, black letter, cf. (Henry VIIIth's copy), Lugd., 1520, fol. (1025)

Basil, 1537, fol. (1024)

Quaritch, £14 105.

2411 Higden (R.) Polycronicon, containing the Berynges and Dedes of many Tymes (translated by John de Trevisa in 1387, continued in an English book by Caxton), 1st ed., black letter, ist, 3rd, and 5 end ll. in facsimile, by Harris, mor. ex. (imprinted by W. Caxton, 1482), fol. (1026)

Quaritch, £110. 2412 Higden (R.) Polycronicon, black letter, mor. ex., blind-tooled after an old pattern by Bedford (title and last 1. containing the printer's device in facsimile, and the first 7 ll. and a portion of the last mounted). Emprynted at Westmestre, by Wynkyn Theworde, 1495, fol. (1027)

Ellis, £18. 2413 Higden (Ranulph). Polycronycon, black letter, mor. ex., gt. edge, by C. Lewis (a portion of the last 1. mended), Southwerke, by my Peter Treueris, 1527, fol. (1028)

Young, £13 2s. 6d. 2414 Hinderwell (T.) History of Scarborough, hf. bd. rus., uncut, Walford, £1 25.

York, 1798, 4to. (978)

2415 Historia Ricardi II, a Monacho de Evesham, etc., LARGE PAPER, cf., ed. T. Hearne, 1729, 8vo. (703) Stanley, £1 8s. 2416 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Ancient History of South Wiltshire, plates, LARGE PAPER, mor. ex., joints, gt. edge, 1812, fol. Robson, £5 15s. 2417 Hoare (Sir R. C.) History of Modern Wiltshire: the Hundred of Heytesbury, plates, LARGE PAPER, rus. ex., gt.


edge, 1824, fol. (1031)

Daniell, £2 10s. 2418 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Hints on the Topography of Wiltshire, LARGE PAPER, 10 copies privately printed, mor. ex., gt. edge, by Hayday, Salisbury, 1818, 8νο. (885)

Walford, £1 IOS. 2419 Hoare. Hungerfordiana, or Memoirs of the Hungerford Family, 100 copies privately printed, plates, cf. gt., 1823,

8vo. (886)

Quaritch, £2 95.

2420 Hodgson (J.) History of Northumberland, plates, 7 vol., rus. ex., gt. edge, by Bedford (wanted vol. i, pt. 1, containing the General History), Newcastle-on-Tyne, 182040, 4to. (979)

Walford, £37. 2421 Hofland (Mrs.) Description of White Knights, a seat of the Duke of Marlborough, plates, privately printed, mor. ex., gt. edge, 1819, fol. (1033)

Paul, £2 155. 2422 Holbein (Hans). Portraits of the Court of Henry VIII, with Memoirs by E. Lodge, published by J. Chamberlaine, engravings by Bartolozzi, Cooper, etc., with portraits of Holbein and his Wife, and the miniatures of the Children of the Duke of Suffolk, original impressions on tinted paper, mounted, rus. ex., gt. edge, by Staggemeier, 1792, fol. (1035)

Ellis, £20.

2423 Holbein (Hans). Icones Historiarum Veteris Testamenti, woodcuts by Hans Lutzelburger, after Holbein's designs, French cf., gt. edge, Lugd., 1547, 4to. (980) Quaritch, £8 5s. 2424 Holbein (Hans). Imagines Mortis, woodcuts of the Dance of Death, mor., gt. edge, Coloniæ, 1573, 8vo. (887)

Robson, £3 15s.

2425 Holinshed (R.) Chronicles of Englande, Scotland, and Irelande, woodcuts, 2 vol., black letter, cf. ex., 1586, fol. (1037)

2426 Homer. Opera, Gr. cum Commentariis Gr. editio princeps, hf. bd. VELLUM, Roma,

2427 Homer. Opera, Gr., 4 vol. in 2, Foulis' ed.,

Robson, £7 10S. Eustathii, 4 vol., 1542-50, fol. (1040) Robson, £3. VELLUM, Glasgua, 1756, fol. (1041) Philpot, fi 125. 2428 Homer. Opera, Gr., 2 vol., mor., gt. edge, Venetiis, Aldus, 1524, Robson, £2 4s.

8vo. (888)

2429 Holmes (Randle). Academy of Armory, or a Storehouse of Armory and Blazon, plates, with the Index, rus. ex., gt. edge, Chester, 1688, fol. (1039)

Quaritch, £9 5s. 2430 Houbraken and Vertue. Heads of illustrious persons of Great Britain, with lives, by Birch, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, proofs, 1743, fol. (1047)

B. F. Stevens, £8 2s. 6d.


2431 Hooker. Botanical Miscellany, plates (some coloured),

vol., cf. gt., 1830-3, 8vo. (893)

2432 Hooker. British Jungermanniæ, coloured plates, cf. gt., 1816,

4to. (981)

2433 Hooker. Exotic Flora, coloured plates, 3 vol., cf. gt., Edinb.,

1823, 8vo. (891)

Dulau, £2 25. Dulau, £9 10S. B. F. Stevens, £3 IOS.

2434 Hooker. Musci Exotici, or Figures and Descriptions of Foreign Mosses, coloured plates, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, cf. gt., 1818-20, 4to. (983)

Ellis, £3 7s. 2435 Hooker. Paradisus Londinensis; containing Plants cultivated near London, coloured plates, 2 vol. in 1, cf., 1806,

4to. (982)

Parsons, £1 IOS. 2436 Hope (T.) Costume of the Ancients, outline plates, 2 vol. in I, LARGE PAPER, rus. ex. (binding broken), 1809, 4to.


Bull, £1 8s. 2437 Horsfield (T.) Zoological Researches in Java, coloured plates, uncut, 1824, 4to. (987) Dulau, £3 35. 2438 Horsfield (T. W.) History of Sussex, plates, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, rus. ex., gt. edge, Lewes, 1835, 4to. (988)

Harvey, £11 1OS. 2439 Horsley (J.) Britannia Romana, or Roman Antiquities of Britain, plates, cf. gt., 1732, fol. (1043) Walford, £6 1OS. 2440 Horticultural Society's Transactions from 1820 to 1841, coloured plates, 10 vol., cf. ex., 1820-41, 4to. (989)

Quaritch, £3 18s. 2441 Hunter (J.) Hallamshire, History of Sheffield, plates, rus. ex., gt. edge, 1819, fol. (1052) Harvey, £3 10s.

2442 Hunter (J.) History of Doncaster, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER (25 copies printed), rus. ex., gt. edge, 1828-3, fol. (1053)

2443 Hunter (J.) Hallamshire, History of Sheffield, plates, rus.

Quaritch, £25 IOS. ex., joints, gt. edge, 1819 (1052) Harvey, £3 IOS. 2444 Hunter (H.) History of London, plates, 2 vol.. cf. gt., 1811, Ridler, £1 6s.

4to. (991)

2445 Hutchins (J.) History of Dorsetshire; enlarged by R. Gough and J. B. Nichols, plates, 4 vol., rus., 1774-1815,

fol. (1054)

Robson, £6 15s.

2446 Hutchinson (W.) History of Cumberland, plates, 2 vol., cf.

gt., Carlisle, 1794, 4to. (992)

Grey, £4 8s. Ellis, £4 125.

2447 Hutchinson. History of Durham, plates, 3 vol., rus. ex., 1778,

4to. (993)

2448 Hutton (W.) Works, viz., History of Birmingham, 1795History of Derby, 1791-Battle of Bosworth Field, 1813History of the Roman Wall, 1813-Trip to Coatham, 1810 -North Wales, 1803-Trip to Scarborough, 1817-Court of Requests, 1787-Poems, 1804-Life, 1816 :-10 vol. in 9, plates, cf. gt., 8vo. (906)

Bull, £4.

2449 Hutton (W.) History of Birmingham, plates, LARGE PAPER, hf. bd. rus., uncut, Birmingham, 1781, 8vo. (907)

Ellis, £1 8s. 2450 Ionian Antiquities, by Chandler, Revett, and Pars, plates, 2 vol., with the additional chapter, original ed., rus. ex., by

Staggemeier, 1769-97, fol. (1055)

8vo. (908)

Bull, £2 4s. 2451 Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography, portraits, 6 vol., Brown, £I IOS. 2452 Ireland (S.) Views on the Medway, aquatinta plates, LARGE PAPER, mor. ex., gt. edge, 1793, 4to. (996) Ellis, £3 5s. 2453 Ireland (S.) Views on the Wye-Views on the Thames, 2 vol., 1792--Tour in Holland, 2 vol., 1796- Views of the Inns of Court, 1800:-6 vol. aquatinta plates, cf. gt., 8vo. (909)

Robson, £3 10s. Nattali, £1 6s. Walford, £1 IOS. 2456 Jacquin. Flora Austriaca, coloured plates, 5 vol., gt. rus., Dulau, £23.

2454 Isocratis Opera, Gr. et Lat. edente Wolfio, mor. ex., gt. edge,

by Clarke, Basil, 1613, 8vo. (912)

2455 Izacke (R. and S.) Antiquities of Exeter, plates, mor., tooled

sides, gt. edges, 1724, 8vo. (913)

gt. edges, Vindob., 1773-8, fol. (1059)

2457 Jacquin. Hortus Botanicus Vindobonensis, coloured plates, 3 vol. (162 copies printed), French mor., gt. edge, Vienna,

1770-77, fol. (1060)

Walford, £13 IOS.

2458 Jacquin. Stapeliarum in Hortis Vindobonensibus cultarum Descriptiones, coloured plates, hf. bd. mor., uncut, Vindobona 1806, fol. (1061)

Quaritch, £7 10s

2459 Jacquin. Plantarum Rariorum Horti Cæsarei Schoenbrunnensis Descriptiones et Icones, coloured plates, 4 vol., rus. ex., Vindob., 1797-1804, fol. (1062) Quaritch, £21 IOS. 2460 Jacquin. Icones Plantarum Rariorum, coloured plates, 3 vol., old rus. ex., Vindob., 1781-93, fol. (1063) Dulau, £26. 2461 Jacquin. Stirpium Americanarum Historia, coloured plates, rus. ex., gt. edge, by Kalthoeber, Vindob., 1763, fol. (1064)

8vo. (914)

Quaritch, £22.

2462 James I. Basilicon Doron, mor. ex., gt. edge, Edinb., 1603 Corbett, £7 10s. 2463 James I. True Narration of the Entertainment of his Royall Majestie from the time of his Departure from Edinburgh till his receiving in London, hf. bd. mor., 1603, 4to. (1001) Quaritch, £15 105. 2464 Jewitt (A.) History of Buxton, plates, cf. ex., 1811, 8vo. (918) Bull, £1 55. 2465 Johannis de Trokelowe. Annales Edwardi II, etc., LARGE PAPER, cf. gt., ed. T. Hearne, 1729, 8vo. (705)

Toovey, £1 14s. 2466 Johannis Glastoniensis Chronica, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, Maggs, £2.

cf., ed. T. Hearne, 1726, 8vo. (704) 2467 Johnson (Dr.) English Dictionary, 2 vol., in gt. rus., 1773,

fol. (1066)

Hatchard, £2. 2468 Jones (T.) Diary of the Quordon Hunt, 1816-Compleat Gamester, 1726-Amusemens de la Chasse et de la Pêche, plates, 2 vol., Amst., 1743, 4 vol., 8vo. (921) Robson, £4. 2469 Jones (Sir W.) History of the County of Brecknock, plates, 2 vol., hf. bd. cf., 1805, 4to. (1004) 2470 Jonson (Ben). Works, portrait, cf. ex., 1692, fol. (1068)

Quaritch, £6 155.

Robson, £1 15s. Lamplough, £2 IOS. Ridler, £I 195. 2473 Kenilworth Illustrated a History of the Castle, Priory, and Church, portraits and plates, India proofs, LARGE PAPER, cf. ex., 1821, 4to. (1007)

2471 Junius. Letters of, ports., mor. ex., gt. edge, 1813 (1005)

2472 Keatinge (J.) History of Ireland, plates, 1723, fol. (1073)

Ellis, £2 105. 2474 Kennett (W.) Parochial Antiquities: attempted in the History of Ambroseden, Burcester, etc., plates, cf. gt., Oxford,

1695, 4to. (1008)

Walford, £1 12S. 2475 Kilburne (R.) Topographie and Survey of Kent, portrait by Crosse, cf. gt., 1659, 4to. (10ΙΟ) Ellis, £2 IOS. 2476 King (D.) The Vale Royal, or the County Palatine of Chester, plates, rus., 1656, fol. (1077) Young, £3 155. 2477 King (E.) Munimenta Antiqua, or Observations on Ancient Castles, 4 vol., cf. gt., 1799-1805, fol. (1078) Reeves, £3 35. 2478 Kip. Nouveau Théâtre de la Grande Bretagne, avec le Supplément, views of Churches, Palaces, Castles, Seats, Parks, etc., in Great Britain, 5 vol. in 2, with plates, including the set of Winstanley's Audley End, Wimbledon, Ricott, the Eddystone Lighthouse, and the set of 29 views in Scotland, French cf. gt., Londres, 1724-8, fol. (1079)

Quaritch, £54. 2480 Knapp.

2479 Kit-Cat Club. Memoirs of the celebrated Persons composing the Kit-Cat Club, portraits, with the series of poraits engraved in mezzotint by Faber inserted, hf. bd. rus., uncut, 1821, 4to. (1011) Parsons, £5 155. napp. Gramina Britannica, coloured plates, cf. gt., 1804, 4to. (1012)

Bull, £1 25.

2481 Knight (T. A.) Pomona Herefordiensis, coloured plates, cf.

ex., gt. edge, 1811, 4to. (1013)

Quaritch, £1 195.

2482 Knip (Madame). Histoire Naturelle des Pigeons; le Texte par C. J. Temminck, coloured plates, 2 vol., mor. ex., gt. edge, Paris, s. d., fol. (1081)

Quaritch, £16 10s.

2483 Knolles (R.) Historie of the Turkes, rus. ex., blind-tooled,

1638, fol. (1082) Young, £1 75. 2484 Lactantius. Opera. Original binding, with clasps, Basil, 1524, 4to. (1015) Quaritch, £2 25. 2485 Lambert (A. B.) Description of the Genus Pinus, coloured plates, 2 vol., hf. bd. mor., 1803-24, fol. (1084)

Walford, £7 155. 2486 Langton (J.) Copy Book of the small Italian Hand, 2 parts in 1 vol., mor. (binding broken), 1723, 4to. (1085) Ellis, £3. 2487 Laplace. Voyage autour du Monde, sur la Corvette La Favorite, 1830-32, 4 vol., and 2 fol. Atlases of maps and plates, hf. bd. mor., Paris, 1833, fol. (1087) Quaritch, £8 55. 2488 Latham (J.) History of Birds, coloured plates, 11 vol., cf. Bickers, £8 15s. 2489 Lavater (J. C.) Essays on Physiognomy, translated by Dr. Hunter, plates by Holloway, Bartolozzi, etc., 5 vol. in 3, mor. ex., gt. edge, 1789-98, 4to. (1175) Roach, £8 155. 2490 Leach (W. E.) Malacostraca Podophthalmata Britanniæ, coloured plates by Sowerby, cf. ex., gt. edge, by Clarke, 1815, 4to. (1176)

gt., 1821, 4to. (1174)

Dulau, ₤,3 15s.

2491 Le Brun. Voyages en Perse et aux Indes Orientales, plates,

Ellis, £1 £I IS.

2 vol., Amst., 1718, fol. (1088) 2492 Leland (J.) Itinerary, 9 vol., cf. ex., gt. edge, ed. T. Hearne,

1710-4, 8vo. (707)

Ridler, £5. 2493 Leland (J.) Itinerary, 9 vol. in 5, LARGE PAPER, cf. gt., ed. Toovey, £8 8s.

T. Hearne, 1745, 8vo. (708) 2494 Leland (J.) De Rebus Britannicis Collectanea, 6 vol., LARGE PAPER, cf. gt., ed. T. Hearne, 1715, 8vo. (706)

Toovey, £6 10S. 2495 L'Estrange (Hamon). History of Charles I, front. by Faithorne, cf. gt., by Clarke, 1655, fol. (1093) Bull, £1 4s. 2496 Le Neve. Monumenta Anglicana: Inscriptions on Monuments of Eminent Persons, 1600-1718, 5 vol., LARGE PAPER (50 copies printed), mor., gt. edge, 1717-19, 8vo. Quaritch, £4 4s.


2497 Le Roy. Ruines des plus beaux Monuments de la Grèce, plates, 2 vol. in 1, cf. gt., Paris, 1770, fol. (1092) Bull, £1 25. 2498 Le Sage. The Devil upon Two Sticks, plates, 2 vol., mor., Toovey, £2. 2499 Le Vaillant. Histoire Naturelle des Perroquets, avec le Supplément par Boujot Saint-Hilaire, coloured plates, 3 vol., hf. bd. mor., uncut, Paris, 1801-38, fol. (1094) Dulau, £14.

tooled sides, gt. edge, 1729, 8vo. (942)

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