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1826 Ingoldsby Legends, or Mirth and Marvels, 3 vol. complete, with plates by G. Cruikshank, J. Leech, etc., mor. ex., gt. backs, t. e. g., uncut, by Bedford, all ist eds., with the original covers preserved, Bentley, 1840-42-47, 8vo. (367)

Bain, £39. 1827 Ireland (W. H.) Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, 27 plates by G. Cruikshank after Vernet, 4 vol., J. Cumberland [1823-8],

8νο. (473)

Jackson, £13 5s. 1828 Ireland (W. H.) Memoirs of Jeanne d'Arc, with History of her Times, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol., 1824, 8vo. (383)

Grimshaw, £4 Ios.

1829 Jamieson (J.) Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language, illustrating the words in their different significations by examples from ancient and modern writers, explaining many terms now obsolete, with a Dissertation on the Scottish Language. 4 vol., hf. mor., t. e. g., uncut, Edinb., 180825, 4to. (373)

Massey, £2 25.

1830 [Johnson (Chas.)) Chrysal, or the Adventures of a Guinea, with Striking Scenes and curious Anecdotes of Noted Persons (a Satire), Ist ed., 2 vol., cf. ex., gt. edge, by Rivière, 1760, 8vo. (384) Bumpus, £2 5s.

1831 Johnson (Samuel). Dictionary of the English Language, in which the Words are deduced from their originals, with a History of the Language and an English Grammar, 2 vol., mor. ex., full gt. backs, t. e. g., uncut, by Bedford, 1755, fol. (385)

Stevens, £21.

1832 Johnson (Samuel). Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language addressed to Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield, Ist ed., mor. ex., t. e. g., uncut, by Bedford, 1747, 4to. (386) Pearson, £3 Ios.

1833 Jones (Owen). Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Details of the Alhambra, from drawings taken on the spot, in 1834, by the late M. Jules Goury, and in 1834 and 7 by Owen Jones, Architect, with Translation of the Inscriptions and Notices of the Kings of Granada, 2 vol., with 101 plates, many coloured and heightened with gold, LARGE PAPER, plates on India paper, mor., full gt. back, gt. edge, 1842-45, fol. (388)

Walford, £18.

1834 Jones (Owen). Grammar of Ornament, illustrated by examples from various styles of ornament, 100 folio plates drawn on stone by F. Bedford, and printed in colours, some heightened with gold, with letter-press descriptions, original ed. in hf. mor., gt. edge, as published, Day and Son, 1856, fol. (389)

Bull, £8 155.

1835 Kay (J.) Series of Original Portraits and Caricature Etchings, by J. Kay, Miniature, Painter, Edinburgh, with Biographical Sketches and Illustrative Anecdotes, 2 vol., Ist complete ed., containing 356 plates, hf. mor., gt. edge, Edinb., 1837-38, 4to. (390)

Brown, £6 15s.

1836 Kaye (J. W.) History of the Sepoy War in India, 1857-58, with Col. G. B. Malleson's History of the Indian Mutiny, 1857-58; also Analytical Index to both works by F. Pincott, together 7 vol., with maps, uniformly bd. in cf. gt., t. e. g., uncut, 1877-80, 8vo. (391)

Bain, £7 15s. 1837 Keene (C.) Our People Sketched by C. Keene, from the collection of "Mr. Punch," cl., 1881, 8vo. (392) Bain, £1 8s. 1838 Keats. Letters of John Keats to Fanny Brawne, written in the years 1819-20, and now given from the original MS., with Notes by H. B. Forman, LARGE PAPER, 50 copies printed, two portraits and facsimile, mor. ex., t. e. g., uncut, by Bedford, printed for private circulation, 1878, 8vo. (393) Stevens, £3.

1839 Kennel Club Calendar and Stud Book. A Record of Dog Shows and Field Trials, from the commencement to the present time, 1859 to 1887, in 14 vol., cl., complete, 8vo. (395) Robson, £3 35.

1840 [Lamb (C.)] Elia, Essays which have appeared under that signature in the London Magazine-The last Essays of Elia, being a Sequel to Essays published under that name, 2 vol., 1st ed., rus ex., t. e. g., uncut, by Bedford, 1823-33, 8vo. (399)

Ellis, £11 155. 1841 Lamb (C.) Some Enquiries into the Effects of Fermented Liquors by a Water Drinker, cf. ex., gt. edge, by Bedford, 1814, 8vo. (400)

Sotheran, £2 IOS. 1842 Lecky (W. E. H.) History of England in the 18th Century, Nattali, £3 10s. 1843 Leech (J.) Follies of the Year, a Series of Coloured Etchings from Punch's Pocket Books, 1844-64, with Notes by Shirley Brooks, 22 coloured plates, hf. mor., gt. edge, as published, Bradbury and Evans, 4to. (402) Harvey, £1 185. 1844 Leech (J.) "Ask Mamma," or the Richest Commoner in England, with 13 full-paged coloured plates and 69 woodcuts by J. Leech, Ist ed., in the original parts, with all the covers and advertisements, 1858, 8vo. (403) Leighton, £3 5s.

6 vol., cl., library ed., 1883-7, 8vo. (401)

1845 Leech (J.) Sponge's Sporting Tour, 1860-Handley Cross, 1854-Facey Romford's Hounds, 1865-Plain or Ringlets, 1860, 4 vol., numerous coloured plates by Leech, cl., 8vo. (404)

Lupton, £4. 1846 Leech. Young Troublesome, or Master Jacky's Holidays, designed and etched by John Leech, first impressions, bds., as published, Bradbury and Evans, n. d., 8vo. (405)

Robson, £2 25.

1847 Le Sage. Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillana, rendered into English by Henri Van Laun, with Life and Notes, 3 vol., with 21 full-page etchings by Lalauze, imperial paper copy, with 2 sets of proofs of the plates, 75 copies printed, uncut, as issued, Edinb., 1886, 8vo. (406) Harvey, £2 4s. 1848 Lever (C.) Charles O'Malley, the Irish Dragoon, with 44 illustrations by Phiz, early impressions, Ist ed., 2 vol., hf. cf., Dublin, 1841, 8vo. (408)

Sherry, £1 125.

1849 Lever (C.) The Knight of Gwynne, with 40 illustrations by

Phiz, Ist ed., cl., 1847, 8vo. (410)

Neale, £1.

1850 Lever (C.) Roland Cashel, with 40 illustrations by Phiz, Ist

ed., cl., 1850, 8vo. (411)

Cunliffe, £2 2s.

1851 Lever (C.) The Daltons, or Three Roads in Life, with illustrations by Phiz, 2 vol., 1st ed., cl., 1852, 8vo. (412)

Cunliffe, £1 5s. 1852 Life in London (Real). Rambles and Adventures of Bob Tallyho and Hon. Tom Dashall through the Metropolis, exhibiting a Picture of Characters, Manners, and Amusements in High and Low Life, with a series of coloured prints by Rowlandson, Alken, Dighton, etc., 2 vol., cf. ex., gt. edge, 1821, 8vo. (415)

Walford, £7 10S.

1853 Lindsay (Lord). Lives of the Lindsays, a Memoir of the Houses of Crawford and Balcarres, with Official Correspondence and Personal Narratives, 3 vol., with pedigree and facsimiles, cl., uncut, as published, Murray, 1849, 8vo. (416)

Bain, £2 25.

1854 Lockhart Papers, containing Memoirs and Commentaries upon the Affairs of Scotland, 1702 to 1715, by G. Lockhart of Carnwath, his Secret Correspondence with the son of James II, Journals and Memoirs of the Young Pretender's Expedition in 1745, etc., 2 vol., cf. gt., marbled edge, 1817, 4to. (418)

James, £1 5s. 1855 Lowndes (W. T.) Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature, revised and enlarged by H. G. Bohn, 4 vol., 1871, Roberts, £1 16.

8vo. (426)

1856 Lyndsay (Sir D.) Facsimile of an Ancient Heraldic Manuscript, Emblazoned by Sir David Lyndsay, of the Mount, Lyon King of Armes, 1542, title, and 133 heraldic plates, all coloured, LARGE PAPER copy, 50 copies printed, uncut, as issued, 1878, fol. (427)

Sotheran, £2.

1857 Maidment (J.) Collectanea Genealogica. Notes compiled by Mr. M. on a collection formed by him, and which afterwards passed into the possession of the late Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, 69 copies printed for private circulation, hf. mor., uncut, Edinb., 1883, 4to. (430) Vicars, £1 10s. 1858 Malefactor's Register, or Newgate and Tyburn Calendar, containing the authentic lives, trials, accounts of executions, and dying speeches of the most notorious violators of the laws of their country, with numerous plates, 5 vol., complete, hf. cf. gt., y. e. [1779], 8vo. (432) Sotheran, £3 35. 1859 [Marat (T. P.)] Philosophical Essay on Man: an Attempt to Investigate the Principles and Laws of the Reciprocal Influence of the Soul on the Body, 2 vol., Ist ed., cf. ex., by Rivière, 1773, 8νο. (437)

Holden, £2 25.

1860 Markham (Gervase). The Pleasures of Princes, containing the Art of Fishing, with the Choyce, Ordering, Breeding, etc., of the Fighting Cocke, black letter, mor. ex., paned sides, gt. edge, by Rivière, Ist ed., 1614, 4to. (438)

Ellis, £15 15s. 1861 Marryat (Capt.) Poor Jack, with 46 illustrations by Clarkson Stanfield, cf. ex., marbled edges, by Rivière, 1850, 8vo.


Lorent, £1 15s. 1862 Marryat (Capt.) The Pirate and the Three Cutters, illustrated with 20 engravings by Clarkson Stanfield, cl., 1854,

8vo. (441)

Holden, £I IOS.

1863 Mathews (C.) Memoirs of Charles Mathews, Comedian, by Mrs. Mathews, 4 vol., portraits, some representing Mr. Mathews, full length, in character, cf. ex., у. е., 1838-39, 8νο. (442)

Walford, £2 125. 1864 Maxwell (Sir. W. Stirling). Annals of the Artists of Spain, 3 vol., with portraits, plates, and woodcuts, tooled backs and sides, t. e. g., uncut, by Rivière, Ollivier, 1848, 8vo. (443) Roberts, £25.

1865 Maxwell (Sir W. Stirling). Annals of the Artists of Spain, 3 vol., LARGE PAPER, 25 copies printed, unbd., imperfect, sold with all faults, 1848, 8vo. (444) Quaritch, £2 5s. 1866 Maxwell (Sir W. Stirling). Cloister Life of the Emperor Charles V, 1st ed., LARGE PAPER, 25 copies printed, mor. ex., t. e. g., uncut, 1852, 8vo. (445)

Mason, £20. 1867 Maxwell (Sir W. Stirling). Cloister Life of the Emperor Charles V, 3rd ed., enlarged, cl., uncut, 1853, 8vo. (446)

Ellis, £1 35. 1868 Maxwell (Sir W. Stirling). Velasquez and his Works, portrait, cl., uncut, 1855, 8vo. (447) Ellis, £2 6s. 1869 Maxwell (Sir W. Stirling). Examples of the Ornamental Heraldry of the 16th Century, 110 pages of engravings of arms with letterpress description and index, uncut, as issued, the 2 parts complete, 1867-68, 4to. (448) Ellis, £1ι. 1870 Maxwell (Sir W. Stirling). The Chief Victories of the Emperor Charles V, designed by Martin Heemskerck in 1555, and now illustrated with portraits, prints and notes, 200 copies privately printed, presented to David Laing, LL.D., with the editor's autograph inscription, in the illustrated covers, uncut, as issued, 1870, fol. (449) Harvey, £5.

1871 Maxwell (Sir W. Stirling). The Turks in 1533, a Series of Drawings made in that year at Constantinople by Peter Coeck, of Aelst, and published at Antwerp, 1553, reproduced with other illustrations, in facsimile, with Introduction by Sir W. Stirling Maxwell, Bart., 100 copies privately printed, presented to James Drummond, Esq., from the editor, Keir, Nov. 14, 1873, cl., as issued, 1873, fol. (450) Ellis, £15155.

1872 Maxwell (Sir W. Stirling). The Entry of the Emperor Charles V into the City of Bologna, 5th Nov. 1529, reproduced from a series of engravings on wood printed at Venice in 1530, 16 double full-page plates with description, 100 copies privately printed, presentation copy to John Drummond, Esq., R.S.A., with the editor's autograph inscription, in the illustrated covers, as issued, 1875, fol. (451) Harvey, £7.

1873 Maxwell (Sir W. Stirling). The Procession of Pope Clement VII, and the Emperor Charles V, after the Coronation at Bologna, 24 Feb. 1530, designed and engraved by Nicolas Hogenberg, and now reproduced in facsimile, with historical introduction, 40 full-page plates, 250 copies printed, in the illustrated covers, as issued, 1875, fol. (452)

Grimshaw, £3 15s.

1874 Maxwell (Sir W. Stirling). Antwerp delivered in 1577, a passage from the History of the Troubles in the Netherlands, illustrated with facsimiles of designs by Martin de Vos, Franz Hogenberg, and others, 250 copies printed on Dutch paper, fancy bds., uncut, as issued, Edinb., 1878,

fol. (453)

Quaritch, £3 3s.

1875 M'Diarmid (Angus). Striking and Picturesque Delineations of the Grand, Beautiful, Wonderful, and Interesting Scenery around Loch Earn, 1st ed., mor., t. e. g., uncut, by Rivière, Edinb., 1815, 8vo. (454)

Bain, £5 Ios. 1876 M'Diarmid (Angus). Description of the Beauties of Edinample and Lochearnhead, hf. cf., t. e. g., uncut, with original covers preserved, Aberfeldy, 1841, 8vo. (455)

Bain, £2 IIS. 1877 Merivale (C.) History of the Romans under the Empire, 7 vol., library ed., maps, cf. gt., 1852-62, 8vo. (457)

8vo. (458)

Sotheran, £5 5s. 1878 Metternich (Prince). Memoirs, 1773-1835, 5 vol., cl., 1880-82, Jackson, £1 25. 1879 Meyer (H. L.) Coloured Illustrations of British Birds and their Eggs, 7 vol., with 432 coloured plates, with letterpress descriptions, hf. cf. gt., marbled edge, 1842-50, 8vo. (459) Bain, £12 5s.

1880 Meyrick (S. R.) Critical Inquiry into Antient Armour in Europe, but particularly England, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of King Charles II (1066 to 1685), with a Glossary of Military Terms, etc., 3 vol., with 80 plates, mostly coloured and heightened with gold, LARGE PAPER, Ist and best ed., cf. gt., marbled edge, 1824, fol. (460)

Harvey, £9 155.

1881 Milton (J.) History of Britain, that part especially now call'd England, from the first Traditional Beginning to the Norman Conquest, portrait by Faithorne, 1st ed., cf. ex., gt. edge, by Bedford, 1670, 4to. (461) Harvey, £4 4s. 1882 Molière (J. B. P.) Théâtre, collationné minutieulement sur les premières Editions & sur celles des années 1666, 1674, 1682, 8 vol., vignette etchings by various artists, with Sup. plementary volume, "Galerie Historique des portraits des Comédiens de la Troupe de Molière," portraits, 9 vol., mor. ex., tooled backs and broad tooled borders on sides, t. e. g., uncut, Lyon, 1864-70, 8vo. (462)

Sotheran, £5 155.

1883 Molière (J. B.) Dramatic Works, rendered into English by Henri Van Laun, with Memoir, Notices, Appendices, and Notes, 6 vol., 35 etched plates by Lalauze, proofs on India paper before the letters, and each plate being in duplicate, 20 copies printed, cl., uncut, as issued, Edinb., 1875-6, 8vo. (463)

Rimell, £4 1os. 1884 Moore (T.) Lalla Rookh, an Oriental Romance, Ist ed., mor. ex., tooled back, t. e. g., uncut, by Bedford, 1817, 4to. (464) Harvey, £5 5s.

1885 Moryson (Fynes). An Itinerary, containing his Ten Yeeres Travell through the 12 Dominions of Germany, Switzerland, France, England, Scotland, Ireland, Turkey, Poland, etc., in 3 parts, tall copy, containing rough ll., bd. in antique cf. ex., gt. back and sides, t. e. g., by Bedford, with the leaf opposite the title, generally wanting, J. Beale, 1617, fol. (465) Harvey, £5 5s.

1886 Munchausen (Baron). Gulliver Revived, or the Vice of Lying Exposed, containing Singular Travels, Campaigns,

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