Page images

156 Montaigne (M. de). Essays, 3 vol., portrait spotted, cf. gt., 1811, 8vo. (744) Stibbs, £1 13s. 157 Monteith (R.) An Theater of Mortality, or a further collection of Funeral Inscriptions over Scotland, old cf., gt. edge,

Edinb., 1713, 8vo. (745)

Bull, £I IS. 158 O'Conor (C.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Stowe Library, with Appendix to vol. i, 3 vol, uncut,

Buckingham, 1818-19, 4to. (914)

Quaritch, £2 125. 159 Oliver (G.) History of Exeter, cf., Exeter, 1821-Historic Collections relating to the Monasteries in Devon, cf., Exeter,

1820, 2 vol., 8vo. (202)

Jarvis, £1 45. 160 Parliamentary Register, 76 vol., hf. bd., 1775-1801, 8vo. (800)

Herschfield, £1 55.

161 Pliny. Historie of the World: or, Naturall Historie, by P. Holland, 2 vol. in I, sound copy in cf., 1634, fol. (980)

Cox, £1 45. 162 Pliny. The letters of Pliny the Younger, translated by John Earl of Orrery, 2 vol., old red mor., broad boarders of gold, gt. edge, 1751, 8vo. (822) 163 Ptholemæi (C.) Liber Geographiæ

Toovey, £1. (cum Annotationibus B. Sylvani Eboliensis), maps, Ill. stained and mended, copy in VELLUM, Venet, 1511, fol. (1256) H. Stevens, £3 16s. 164 Ptolemæi Geographia, Gr. et Lat. edente P. Bertio, 2 vol. in 1, the portraits and maps coloured by hand, cf., Amst., 1618-19, fol. (1257)

Quaritch, £5. 165 Public Records (Various), 35 vol., rus. gt., 1800-33, fol. (1258) Sage, £5 10s.

166 Racine (J.) Œuvres, par Coste, 2 vol., portrait by Vertue, and plates by Dubosc, etc., old red mor., broad boarders of gold, gt. edge, 1723, 4to. (929)

Roques, £1 85. 167 Richardson (S.) Correspondence, selected from the Original Manuscripts, with biography by A. L. Barbauld, 6 vol., portrait and plates (some coloured), uncut, 1804, 8vo. (851)

Ridler, £1 9s.

168 Robinson (W.) History and Antiquities of Stoke Newington,

Jarvis, £1 25.

plates, cf., 1820, 8vo. (729) 169 Robinson (W.) History of Tottenham High Cross, plates, cf.,

Middlesex, 1818, 8vo. (855)

170 Robinson (W.) History and Antiquities

Leighton, £1 25. of the Parish of

Edmonton, plates, cf., 1819, 8vo. (856) Jarvis, £1 8s. 171 Robinson (W.) History and Antiquities of Enfield, Middlesex, 2 vol., map, and plates, cf., 1823, 8vo. (857) Sage, £3 1s. 172 Rudge (T.) History of the County of Gloucester, 2 vol., cf. Harvey, £1 IOS. 173 Rushworth (J.) Historical Collections, 8 vol., best ed., LARGE PAPER, portrait, old cf. gt. (last vol. wormed), 1721. fol.

gt., Gloucester, 1803, 8vo. (408)


Bull, £2 165. 174 Rymer (T.) et R. Sanderson. Fœdera, edidit G. Holmes, 20 Bull, £6.

vol., cf., 1727-35, fol. (1269)

175 Scriptores Historiæ Romanæ Latini Veteres, 3 vol., fine paper, plates, pigskin, Heidelb., 1743-48, fol. (1274) Stibbs, £1 75. 176 Selden (J.) Opera Omnia (Latin and English), edidit D. Wilkins, 3 vol. in 6, no portrait, cf. gt., 1726, fol. (1275)

Sage, £1 175. 177 Somervile (W.) The Chase: a poem, with vignette woodcuts by T. Bewick, uncut (several ll. not being cut open), in the original bds., Bulmer, 1796, 4to. (1217) Toovey, £3 5s. 178 Sibbald (R.) History of Fife and Kinross, LARGE PAPER, plates, rus. gt., Cupar-Fife, 1803, 8vo. (1009) Walford, £1 75. 179 Sinclair (Sir J.) Statistical Account of Scotland, 21 vol., rus., Bull, £2 185. 180 Smeeton (G.) Reprints of Rare Historical and Biographical Tracts (16 tracts), 2 vol., portraits and plates, cf. gt. Westminster, 1820, etc., 4to. (1211)

Edinb., 1791-99, 8vo. (1008)

Stibbs, £2 IIS. 181 Spelmann (H.) Glossarium Archaiologicum, best ed., LARGE PAPER, but portrait cut round and mounted, preface, and pages 109 to 114 inlaid from another ed., rus. gt., 1787, fol. Ridler, £16s.


182 Tanner (T.) Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibernica: præfixa est D. Wilkinsii Præfatio Historiam Lit. Britan. ante Cæsaris Adventum complectens, portrait by Vertue, old cf., 1748, fol. (1293) Stibbs, £3 IOS. 183 Thuani (J. A.) Historia sui Temporis, Cura S. Buckley, 7 vol., portrait, old panelled cf., 1733, fol. (1298) Slater, £1. 184 Thurloe (J.) Collection of State Papers, with Life, by Dr. Birch, 7 vol., portrait, hf. cf., uncut, 1742, fol. (1299) Bull, £1 5s. 185 Turner (D.) Account of a Tour in Normandy for the purpose of investigating the Architectural Antiquities of the Duchy, ol., plates, cf. gt., 1820, 8vo. (1090) Turner, £1.


186 Verstegan (R.) Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities, engravings, rus., Ant., 1605, 4to. (1238) Stibbs, £1 7s. 187 Vertue (G.) Catalogues of the Collection of Pictures, etc., of K. Charles I, and K. James II, and Villiers Duke of Buckingham; with Description of the Works of Hollar, port., bd. in 2 vol., cf., 1757-59, 4to. (1240)

Rimell, £3 5s. 188 Virgilii Opera, per J. Ogilvium edita, portrait of Ogilby, by Faithorne, plates by Hollar, Lombart, etc., ruled, in old cf.,

1658, fol. (1302)

Ridler, £1 IOS. 189 Wigstead (H.) Remarks on a Tour to North and South Wales in the year 1797, with plates from Rowlandson, Pugh, Howitt, etc., aquatinted by J. Hill, uncut, 1800, 8vo. (1168)

Pearson, £4 10s. 190 Xenophon. Opera, Gr. et Lat. ex recensione Ed. Wells, 5 vol., old red mor., by Roger Payne, Oxon., 1703, 8vo. (1190)

Stibbs, £2 6s.

191 Young (A.) Tour in Ireland, 2 vol., plates, cf., 1780, 8vo. (502)

[DECEMBER 14TH TO 23RD, 1887.]

Bain, £2 75.


192 A'Beckett (G. A.) Comic History of England, 2 vols., hf. cf. Luyster, LI IOS.

gt. 1847-8, 8vo. (808)

193 Ackermann (R.) Repository, 14 vol., coloured plates (including costume, wanted 25 plates), hf. bd., 1809-15 (1)

Ellis, £2 45. 196 Aikin (J.) Description of the Country Thirty to Forty Miles round Manchester, plates, and the two large maps, hf. bd., uncut, 1795, 4to. (184)

Ridler, £1 155. 194 Æsop's Fables and Life, 2 vol., 112 engravings by Bell, Bromley, Grainger, etc., cf. 1793, 8vo. (10) Luyster, £I IOS. 195 Agenda sue Liber Obsequiorum juxtæ Ritum Diocesis Brixiensis, with music, emblazoned arms of the Bishop, in stamped pigskin, with clasp, Dilinga, S. Maoer, s. a. circa 1553, 4to. (183)

Clay, £1 35. 197 Ainsworth's Magazine, vol. i. to vii, plates by G. Cruikshank Barclay, £1 135.

and Phiz, hf. cf., 1842-5, 8vo. (11) 198 Akerman (J. Y.) Descriptive Catalogue of rare and unedited Roman Coins, 2 vol., plates, 1834, 8vo. (12) Rimell, £1 35. 199 Alison (A.) History of Europe, 21 vol., portrait, 1848-56,

8vo. (22) 200 Allman (G. J.)

Reeves, £1 Is. Monograph of Fresh-Water Polyzoa, coloured plates, Ray Society, 1856, fol. (284) Dulau, £1 125. 201 Allman (G. J.) Monograph of Gymnoblastic or Tubularian Hydroids, 2 vol., coloured plates and woodcuts, Ray Society, 1871-72, fol. (285)

Authors, 3 vol., 1881, 8vo. (25)

R. Sutton, £1 155. 202 Allen (T.) History of the County of York, 3 vol., plates, India paper, rus. ex., gt. edge, 1828-31,4to. (193) Sotheran, £2 25. 203 Allibone (S. A.) Critical Dictionary of English and American Sotheran, £2 155. 204 Ames (J.) Typographical Antiquities, augmented by W. Herbert, 3 vol., plates, hf. cf., 1775-90, 4to. (198) Масmillan, £1 5s. 205 Ames (J.) Typographical Antiquities, augmented by W. Herbert and Dibdin, vol. i, iii, iv, mezzotint portraits, 181019, 4to. (199)

Claudin, £I IOS. 206 Amman (J.) Beschreibung aller Stande auf Erden, 132 woodcuts by Jost Amman, mounted on cartridge paper, stamped pigskin, dated 1579, Franckfurt, 1574, fol. (288)

Leighton, £1 175.

207 Anderson (J. C.) Shropshire. its Early History and Antiquities, many illustrations, cf. antique, gt. edge, 1864, 8vo.


Sotheran, £1 135.

208 Andrea (J.) Arbor Consanguinitatis, cuts, cf. Nuremberga,

H. Holtzel, 1506, 4to. (206)

209 Angas (G. F.) New Zealanders illustrated, 60 coloured

plates, hf. green mor., 1847, fol. (291)

210 Antiquary (The) a

Quaritch, £1 IOS. Pickering, £1 6s. Magazine devoted to Study of the Past, edited by Edw. Walford, 14 vol., many illustrations, hf.

mor., 1880-86, 4to. (211)

Quaritch, £1 125.

211 Apperley (C.) Sporting, edited by Nimrod, text inlaid and illustrated with portrait and 93 engravings each page ruled with red lines, red mor. ex., gt. edge, 1838, fol. (303)

Pickering, £4.

212 Archæological Institute Proceedings at Winchester, York, Norwich, Lincoln, Bristol, 6 vol., plates, etc., 1845-51, 8vo.


Sotheran, £1 25. 213 Archæologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity, published by the Society of Antiquaries, vol. i to xlvi, with the 2 index vol., 47 vol., recently bd. in hf. cf., vol. xlvi in cl., 1770-1881, 4to. (212)

Quaritch, £19 IOS. 214 Archæologia Cantiana, Transactions of the Kent Archæological Society, 7 vol., many plates, etc., 1858-68, 8vo. (43)

Maggs, £3 125.

215 Ars memorandi per Figuras Evangelistarum sive Rationarium,

woodcuts copied from the Black Book

(Phorcæ), 1507, 4to. Barber, £2 25. 216 Art Journal, 1849 to 1858, 10 vol., hf. mor., gt edge, not uniform, 1855 is in cl.-Art Union, 1848, hf. cf.-Art Journal Exhibition Catalogue, hf. mor., 12 vol., 1851, 4to. (221) Reeves, £1 12S.

217 Arundel Society's Chromolithographs, viz., Poets of Mount Parnassus, by Raphael-St. Stephen's Ordination and his Distribution of Alms, by Fra Angelico-SS. Peter and Paul before Nero, and Martyrdom of St. Peter, by F. Lippi -Events in the Life of Moses, by L. Signorelli-Christ's Charge to St. Peter, by P. Perugino, coloured and mounted on cardboard, fol. (309)

Atkinson, £1 155.

218 Astexani Summa de Casibus Conscientiæ, rough ll., with painted capitals, oak bds. covered in stamped leather, re

backed, fol. (310)

Barber, £3 5s.

219 Atkinson (J.) Sketches in Afghanistan, 26 coloured plates, mounted on cardboard in imitation of drawings, in atlas fol. port., hf. mor., n. d., fol. (311)

220 Atkyns (Sir R.) Ancient and Present State shire, map and plates, cf., 1768, fol. (312) 221 Augustinus (B.) de Disciplina Cristiana, cf., Colonia, Ulricus Zell, circa 1465, 4to. (228)

Barber, £1 15s. of GloucesterRidler, £7 75. s. 1. & a sed Rimell, £2.

222 Bambergische Peinliche Halszgerichts-Ordnung, black letter, woodcuts, cf. gt., Bamberg, 1580, fol. (326) Leighton, £2 75. 223 Bailey (T.) Annals of Nottinghamshire, 4 vol., plates, with -some additional inserted, hf. cf., n. d., 8vo. (66)

Sotheran, £1 45. 224 Baldeschi (J.) Ceremonial according to the Romish Rite, translated by J. D. H. Dale, 1868, 8vo. (70) Barber, £1 8s. 225 Bale (J.) Actes of English Votaries, both parts, black letter, cf.

Abr. Vele, 1551, 8vo. (72)

Atkinson, £1 6s. 226 Bartoli (P. S.) Colonna Traiana, plates, rus., borders of gold, Barber, £2 25.

gt. edge, Roma, s. a., fol. (328)

227 Bartoli (P. S.) Columna Cochlis M. Aurelio Antonino Augusto dicata Notis J. P. Bellorii illustrata, plates, rus., borders of gold, gt. edge, Roma, 1704, fol. (330) Ridler, £1 IS. 228 Batty (Captain) French Scenery, LARGEST PAPER, India proof views, red mor., gt. edge, 1822, fol. (333) Barber, £1.

229 Bayeux Tapestry, coloured roll in a box, 1822, fol. (335)

Quaritch, £1 125. 230 Beale (L.) Microscope in Medicine, coloured plates and 270 woodcuts, 1858-How to work the Microscope, with Illustrations, 2 vol. upwards of 150 separate figures, 1857-59, 8νο. (95)

Reeves, £2 25, 231 Beesley (A.) History of Banbury, plates, hf. mor., Banbury, 1841, 8vo. (99) Dulau, £1 45. 232 Bernhardini (Sancti) Sermo de gloriosa Virgine Maria, cf., s. 1. and a. sed Colonia, Ulricus Zell, circa 1470, 4to. (259)

Jenkinson, £2. 233 Bewick. General History of Quadrupeds, LARGE PAPER,

k. cf.

many woodcuts by T. Bewick,
upon-Tyne, 1792, 8vo. (110)

ex., gt. edge, NewcastleRimell, £2 1OS.

234 Bewick Collector, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Thos. and John Bewick, with the Supplement, by Thos. Hugo, 2 vol., cuts, 1866-68, 8vo. (112) Maggs, £1 25. 235 Bible. Old and New Testaments, with Hebrew and English, and Greek and English on opposite pages, and Index, plum coloured mor., gt. edge, silver clasps and corners, with the Bp. of Durham's label inside, in a mor. case, 1823, 8vo. (164)

Tyne, n. d., 8vo. (170)

Atkinson, £1.

236 Bible. Genevan Version, Ist ed. of the Breeches Bible, portrait of Calvin added, old cf. several ll. mended, sold with all faults, Geneva, R. Hall, 1560, 4to. (568) Atkinson, £2 15s. 237 Bible in Verse by J. Bileliff, uncut, blue mor., Newcastle-uponPickering, £1 185 238 Bible, Old and New Testaments, in the Earliest English Version made from the Latin Vulgate by John Wycliffe and his Followers, edited by J. Forshall and Sir F. Madden, 4 vol., Oxford Univ. Press, 1850, 4to. (593) Bull, £1 125. 239 Bible. Old and New Testaments, 6 vol., plates by Westall and Heath, further illustrated with several hundred of old and modern engravings, some by Collaert, Hollar, De Vos, Galle, Maratti, and others, dark blue mor., gt. edge, 1813, 4to. (589)

Ridler, £2 115. 240 Bible (Holy) translated by the English College at Doway and Rheims with Notes, edited by Very Rev. F. C. Husenbeth, 2 vol., numerous plates, purple mor. ex., G. Henry and Co., 1850, 4to. (594)

Atkinson, £I IS.

241 Bible, Old and New Testaments, with Original Notes, 4 vol.,

woodcuts, dark blue mor. ex., gt. edge,
39, 4to. (592)

242 Bible. Bishop's Version, black letter, R.

Chas. Knight, 1838-
Atkinson, £1 IS.
Jugge, 1575-Book

of Common Prayer, black letter, wanted title, ib., 1575, in I vol., 4to. (577).

243 Bible, translated by the English College of Doway, 2 vol.,

Doway, 1609-10, 4to. (579)

Atkinson, £I IIS.
Rimell, £4 155.

Whytechurche, 1539, fol. (677)

244 Byble in Englisshe, by Myles Coverdale, black letter, imperfect and sold with all faults, 1535, fol. (676) B. F. Stevens, £72. 245 Bible (Cromwell's), black letter, imperfect, R. Grafton and E. White, £1 16s. 246 Byble (Matthew's), with W. Tyndale's Prologues, black letter, title in facsimile, and wanted several ll. in New Testament, etc., sold with all faults, 1549, fol. (683) Ridler, £I IOS. 247 Bible. Translated by T. Mathew, black letter, wanted titles,

except to Apocrypha, part of table, and last 1., sold with all faults, 1551, fol. (685)

Ridler, £1 IS.

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