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Editor's Department.


to tax carries with it the right to educate. If it is the duty of the state to tax for educational purposes, it is also a duty to see that its purposes are not thwarted. The state does not

THERE RE are about twenty thousand youth in provide schools only for the purpose of allowour state growing up in ignorance and conse-ing its children to become intelligent citizens. quent vice. It is from this class that our The schools are established for the purpose of almshouses, jails and prisons will be filled; it protection, and if this purpose be not realized, is to guard against the crimes of this class that the objects of the government are defeated. A our police is organized, and the costly machin- practical question is-are we educating the ery of criminal prosecution kept in order.-youth of the state? Let the register of almost Reasoning knows no arguments that will reach every school, public and private, in our state this class; patriotism knows no appeals that answer; let the crowds of vagrants that infest will affect them; liberty with them is synony-our streets answer; let the police reports in our mous with license, and the public good an ab- daily papers answer. We appeal to police officers, teachers and editors to say, whether, under existing forms of education, we may hope to see our youth grow up to an honorable manhood.


It is the opinion of our wisest educators that ninety-nine hundredths of our youth would become moral and intelligent citizens, should they attend school regularly and punctually We would not recommend legislation on this from the age of six to sixteen years. Poor as matter yet; the magnitude of the evil is not our schools are they will do as much as this. yet understood; the people need more facts, Four-fifths of all the juvenile criminals in our more observation, more reflection. Law should country are found to have been truants from so far as possible, be an exponent of public school, or else so situated that they have nev-feeling; but we hope the day is not far distant er attended school. It is truancy and irregu- when the people of our state will see and feel larity that keep the schools in many parts of that no child must be allowed to grow up in our state from making any progress. This is ignorance and crime, who has a mind to eduparticularly the case in our cities and large cate. Of what use is matter without mind?villages. These evils are the prolific parent of all the petty vices that are but germs of the upas of crime that is casting its deadly shade in lengthened shadows over the state.

It is the mind of the state that gives it power

railroads, steamboats, telegraphs and cities are only the great words with which mind pietures its thoughts. It is our duty to educate Every government ought to exercise the all. We must have asylums for the deaf and power of self-protection, should guard against dumb, the blind and the insane; we must have its own subversion. Morality and knowledge hospitals for the sick and infirm-prisons for are the safe guards of the republic. This is an the criminal-houses of refuge for the desoaxiomatic truth, but, like many truths of this late. This is well. Christianity and philosocharacter, often lost sight of in our legislation. phy point to these as their brightest jewels, We enact laws to punish crime, not to prevent and their noblest monuments; but a time may it. We wait until vice has become herculean come when it shall be thought nobler to prebefore we attack it-forgetting that the mon- vent crime than to punish it-then the prison ster could have been strangled while in the will be tenantless; when it shall be thought cradle. All the states claim, and many exer- better so to educate that all shall be rich, then cise the right of taxing property to sustain the alms-house shall be without an inmate; systems of public instruction. The general when the laws of our nature shall be so well government recognizes an obligation to pro- understood that obedience to them shall convide education for every child, in the munifi- vert our asylums into schools. We want light. cent endowment bestowed upon our public Let the press, the pulpit and the rostrum raschools. Now, if the property of the state diate it, until education shall be considered as may be made to sustain the schools-the right necessary a condition of life as the air and the

sun-light. Let not the terrible lessons of the past be lost upon us; let us not refuse to listen to the muttering premonitions of the volcano that may soon burst forth; the future, gilded

as it is by the hues that hope casts over it, is dark and threatening. We must educate.


MILWAUKEE PUBLIC SCHOOLS.-The schools commenced the summer term on the 14th inst. We last term visited the 2d Ward School-Mr. F. C. Pomeroy Principal-and were pleased with the neatness and order of the school. Mr. P. works hard and does good; and although he labors under difficulties that would discourage some men, he resolutely meets and overcomes them.

The following are the names of the Principals of the different Schools, employed for the ensuing year:

First Ward, - Geo. McWhorter. Second Ward,-H. W. Spaulding. Third Ward,-F. C. Pomeroy. Fourth Ward,-C. H. Martin. Fifth Ward,-John Drew.

KENOSHA PUBLIC SCHOOLS.-The North Ward School closed on the 11th inst. This school has, during the past year, been under the charge of Mr. V. BUTLER. Mr. B. is an earnest teacher and is winning friends among those who know the conditions of a good school. He is doing a good work. The Public School No. 1 will close on the 18th inst. It is under the charge of Mr. J. G. McKindley, who has conducted it with marked ability during the past two years. Kenosha is still among the first in respect to Public Schools.

GRANT COUNTY ITEMS. LANCASTER.-The inhabitants of this thriving village have taken the lead in the march of

improvement in this county. They have erec

ted a fine brick School House, large enough for
the wants of the village for some years, unless,
as probably will be the case, settlers are attracted
thither by their superior accommodations for
Public Schools. They deserve much credit for
their prudent foresight and their interest in
Common School Instruction, not only in the
building erected but also in the living teacher,
Mr. H. Wood, who has had charge of the school
for the past winter.

HAZEL GREEN will be next in the list, with
a School House to cost them not less than $4000.

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The Racine Public Schools closed the number, with the first, to every School District winter term on the 11th inst. There will be a in the State. The number necessary to supply vacation of three weeks. The teachers and each Town will be sent to the Town Superinpupils of Kenosha Public Schools, to the num-tendent, and distributed by him. We hope ber of more than one hundred, visited the Ra- every Town Superintendent will act as an agent cine Schools during the examination. The visit to obtain new subscribers. Every teacher was a pleasant one. ought to subscribe as well as write for and circulate the Journal.

The Public School at Beaver Dam, Mr. N. G. Harvey Prin., closed on the 11th inst. We hear very favorable reports of this school. Mr. H. is doing a man's work in Beaver Dam.

The Teachers of Winnebago County hold an Institute, commencing on the 14th inst. Our friends are awake in that part of the State.

J We would call the attention of Teachers and School Officers to our advertising sheet. By consulting it they may find what books are published, and thus be better qualified to discharge the important duty of selecting text books suitable for their schools.

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NEW SCHOOLS. From all parts of the State,

A bill for the establishment of four Nor

accounts reach us of the interest manifested in mal Schools, in accordance with the petition of Public Schools. This is as it should be. Ev- the Teachers' Association, has been introduced ery new school organized-every good school into the Ohio Senate-also a bill to establish a sustained, makes us stronger as a State and State Reform School. nobler as a people. The real power of a State There are two Normal Schools now in suedoes not consist in its mineral or agricultural cessful operation, established by the teachers of resources, its fertile plains and healthful streams. Ohio, and at no distant day there will be two It does not consist in the number of its inhabi-more, affording facilities for the education of tants. It is the mind as well as the muscle twelve hundred teachers.


that constitutes national wealth and true great- A more self-sacrificing, far-sighted and enIf we educate the thousands that peo-lightened class of men than the teachers of ple our prairies and fell our forests, it shall be Ohio, never blessed any land. There are names well with us, but if we trust to any other power among them that are watch-words throughout than the power of education, it were better that the West. our forests were undisturbed and our prairies uninhabited. Our Public Schools are our safety -the patriot will labor for them, the philanthropist will cherish them and the christian will

love them.

The people of Sheboygan are finishing

one of the finest School Edifices in the State.When completed it will accommodate about six hundred pupils. We look for a good school in Sheboygan. Mr. M. M. FLINT has charge of SOMETHING NEW.— The Connecticut School the school at present, and it is his wish to lay Journal gives an account of a meeting of thirty the foundation deep and broad. We would or forty teachers of the Public Schools of New suggest to our Sheboygan friends that they diLondon, Conn., by invitation, at the house of

Mayor H. P. HAVEN.

The Teachers and His Honor seem to have enjoyed the interview. Speeches were made and the time spent in such a manner as became such a dignified body as the party must have been. We commend the fact to the consideration of other Mayors in other States. There is no danger in imitating the people of the "Land of Steady Habits."

There are two Union Public Schools in the City of Fond du Lac, each of which is in a flourishing condition and an honor to the place. Three hundred and fifty scholars have been enrolled in one during the term which has just closed, and two hundred and fifty in the other. Each lately closed with an interesting examin


rect all their energies towards the elevation of their Public Schools, for nothing less than the united and hearty co-operation of all classes will secure for them that position which they may and ought to take among the educational centres of the State.

ROW. B. SMITH & Co., of Cincinnati, have donated two hundred dollars to the Indiana State Teachers' Association, towards defraying the expenses of their Journal. We might expect just such an act from the men that gave the Cincinnati teachers seven hundred dollars, for the purpose of procuring a Teachers' Library.

A resolution has been offered in the Pennsylvania Legislature, to repeal the law which creates the office of State Superintendent. This office was abolished in New York a few years since, and we are assured by the best REPORT OF ROBERT ALLYN, COMMISSIONER educators in that State, that the schools have OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS, R. I.-We have a large retrograded since. Let Pennsylvania take the report from a small State. It is full of sound backward step contemplated by the resolution, sense, and will do good wherever it may be read. and the progress she is now making will at once It is creditable to the writer and honorable to the Commissioner. We shall take the liberty of laying parts of it before our readers from time to time.

be arrested.

Prof. Emerson, of Western Reserve College Ohio, has resigned in consequence of ill health.

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We make the following extract from a Grammar-Mr. Hodges in Physical Geography letter, from Sheboygan:

"Enclosed find $8, for Journals for one year. I will hunt up subscribers and send you their names as soon as I get leisure." With a few such friends of education to sustain the Journal, we fear nothing.

-Mr. A. Pickett in Arithmetic-C. S. Crossman in Singing and Dr. E. L. Griffin in Physiology.

Evening lectures were delivered by Dr. E. L. Griffin, Mr. A. Pickett and Hon. A. C. Barry, State Superintendent. The officers for the ensuing year, are W. Van Ness, of Fond du Lac, THE INDIANA SCHOOL JOURNAL,-Published President; Mr. C. J. Allen, Miss M. S. Merrill, by the Indiana State Teachers' Association. Mr. Henry Van Allen, Miss Mary Bassett, Miss Resident Editor, GEO. B. STONE, Indianapolis. Cordelia W. Allen, Mr. J. H. Burns and Miss This Journal has been recently established.-L. M. Ward, Vice Presidents; Mr. Isaac JohnWe conclude from a perusal of the first three son, of Waupun, Recording Secretary; Miss numbers, that it will do good, and receive a lib- Love S. Brown, of Fond du Lac, Assistant Seceral support. retary; Mr. Allen Gibson, of Fond du Lac, Cor. Sec., and George W. Willard, Treasurer.

Prof. S. B. WOOLWORTH, late Principal of the Normal School at Albany, N. Y., having been elected Secretary of the Board of Regents, has been succeeded by Prof. COCHRANE. Prof. DAVIES has become connected with this Institution also.

The citizens of Oshkosh have lately purchased a beautiful site for a Public High School. It cost some four or five thousand dollars and they intend to erect a building upon it that will cost at least twelve thousand dollars.

EDUCATIONAL CONVENTION.-Delegates from several Presbyterian and Congregational Churches are to meet at Watertown on the 23d inst., for the purpose of adopting measures for the establishment of a Female Seminary.

The Committee on Resolutions, Henry Van Allen, Chairman, presented the following which after discussion were unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That the educational interests of our State will be promoted by elevating the standard of our Public Schools, and that this can be effected only by the united and well directed efforts of Teachers and Patrons.

Resolved, That Parents show that they do not properly appreciate the interests of their children, by placing their mental culture in care of such persons as are not duly qualified to direct and discipline the mind.

Resolved, That we lament the present defective system of teaching too generally adopted in our schools, of educating the intellect only, thus leaving the moral powers a barren waste or an uncultivated wilderness; and also totally neglecting the physical powers, thus preventing a happy and harmonious developement of the


Resolved, That our zeal is unabated; and we feel more than ever to attach a growing importance to our Institutes from the practical utility conferred by them.

We notice in many papers of the state Resolved, That we tender a vote of thanks articles on the subject of education, and some to the Teachers and Lecturers of the Institute, have an educational column. When the press for their careful and beneficial instruction; and takes hold of this matter in earnest, the schools to those citizens of Fond du Lac who have exwill improve. Let every teacher co-operate with pleasant and comfortable homes; also, to tended to us their hospitalities by furnishing us with the editors in furnishing facts, and in the citizens of School District No. I, for the use awakening a deeper interest in education. of their large and commodious School House.

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E. HODGES Esq.-At the last meeting of the

In order to secure those who will faithfully discharge the duties of Teachers, their services should be amply remunerated; and as an inducement to a proper qualification for the voca- Fond du Lac County Teachers' Association, tion of teaching, and to make the same professional material aid is required; therefore be it resolutions highly complimentary to this genResolved, That the welfare of both Teachers tleman were passed. We have known Mr. and Patrons, and the advancement of Education. HODGES for the last six years as a working would be greatly subserved by the increase of friend of education, and it is with regret that

Teachers' wages. Whereas, E. Hodges. Esq., the "Teachers' we learn that it is his intention to leave our counsel and Scholars' friend," who has long State. Every teacher in the State, acquaintbeen connected with the Fond du Lac County

Teachers' Association, and who has ever beened with him, will feel that he has lost a wise an active and appreciated member of the same, counsellor and a warm, true-hearted friend. is about to leave this, his field of usefulness, for The Ladies of the Association, with a nice a more western home, therefore it is unanimous-perception of Mr. H.'s necessities, presented ly

Resolved, That a vote of our warmest thanks be tendered him for his labors among us. and in behalf of our Association, and our most grateful wishes be proffered him for his future success, happiness and long life.


him with a beautiful and well filled "Gentleman's Dressing Box," as a token of their esteem for him as a friend of education, and gave him some good advice appropriate to the occasion. Our friend is a bachelor, and his misfortune was vividly portrayed by one of the young ladies, and illustrated by an allusion to the

NATIONAL EDUCATION IN EUROPE.-By Hen- scissors, "which work nicely double," but

"single" they are good for nothing. May the lesson sink deeply into his heart.

ry Barnard, L. L. D,—This is a Thesaurus for school masters. It contains a vast amount of information in regard to the organization, administration, instruction and statistics of Mr. J. E. Munger has resigned the office of schools of all grades in the different countries Principal of the Oshkosh Union School. Sorin Europe. No teacher can be posted up in re-ry to hear it.

the Racine Schools, has resigned his post in Bethel College, Ky., and become Principal of a Seminary in New Castle Ky.

gard to the great philanthropic movement of Prof. F. B. Downes, formerly connected with popular education that is now going on in Europe, without consulting this work. On every page is spread the experience of those who have labored lovingly and long to advance the interests of Public Schools-and who in their

counsels and in their labors have left the teachers of the present day a rich heritage; in short, we have here "grouped under one view the varied experience of nearly all civilized countries."

We unhesitatingly advise every friend of education, whether teacher or not, to send immediately for this work. Published by H. Cowperthwaite & Co., Phil.

BERARD'S UNITED STATES.-This is a new work, and is well spoken of by good judges.We have not yet read it. H. Cowperthwaite

& Co., Phil.

THOMPSON'S ARITHMETICAL ANALYSIS.-The preface is worth all the book costs. From a cursory examination, we have formed a favorable opinion of this work. Published by S. C. Griggs & Co., Chicago.

Rev. M. P. KINNEY was re-elected City Superintendent of Schools, at the late charter election of the City of Racine. He has served long and well in the same office.

J. C. Dore Esq. has resigned the office of Superintendent of Schools of Chicago. We regret this.

Mr. J. M. Angear, formerly Principal of the Fifth Ward school of this city, has been appointed Principal of the Elkhorn Public School.

Nearly all the teachers in the Milwaukee Public Schools are subscribers of the Journal. This is what may properly be called co-opera


Married, in Racine, Tuesday April 15th, Mr. Porter Haywood, Principal of Public School, Aurora Ill., to Miss S. M. Upham, Teacher in Racine Public Schools.

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