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which we mail to the various parts of the so contracted as to afford, on an average,


It will be remembered that there are towns of the same name in several of the counties in this Commonwealth.


Dep. Sup't Pub. Inst.


only forty or fifty feet of cubic air to each pupil, instead of one hundred and fifty or two hundred; if no provision is made for a constant supply of that indispensable element of health and life, pure air, except the rents and crevices which time and wanton mischief have made; if it is so utterly destitute of internal conveniences and external attractions, as to

THE close connection of good houses resemble a gloomy prison or an Indian with good schools, is now conceded by wigwam; if it stands in disgraceful conevery intelligent friend of popular educa-trast with all the other edifices in the neighborhood, public or private; if the Indeed, it is hardly possible to have a only plan or principle which determined good school without a good school house; its size and furniture, was the minimum and the ultimate success of our whole scale of expenditure; if the pupils, while system of Common Schools depends as attending school in it, should suffer from! much on a thorough reform in the con-heat or cold, from too much or too little struction, furniture, and care of school light; if the quantity of air contained in houses, as upon any other single circum- it, is so small as to be soon exhausted of stance whatever. its oxygen, and to cause the pupils to The people should bear in mind, and suffer from dullness, depression, and head be encouraged by the fact, that when ache; if, in short, it is so badly constructeach district shall be provided with a suit- jed, so imperfectly ventilated, so replete able school house, the expense will not with vulgar ideas, and so utterly repugrecur for a generation. Parents should nant to all habits of neatness, thought, also remember, that the interest which taste, or purity, as to cause the pupil to their children take in their studies, and regard it as the most comfortless and the progress which they make in the ac-wretched tenement which he ever enterquisition of learning, most materially de-ed, to think of it with utter repugnance, pend upon the condition, location, and to dread instinctively the tasks which it general arrangement of the school house imposes, and, finally, to take his leave of which they occupy. If it is located with- it as a prison, from which he is bat too out reference to the taste, health, or com- happy to escape; if such is the condition fort of the teacher or pupil; if it stands of their school house, then, surely, paon the public highway, on the border of rents ought to remember that if their a swampy moor, on the top of a barren children attend school in such an inconknoll, in the middle of a bleak plain, or in venient, repulsive, disparaging, unhealthy any other exposed, unpleasant, uncom- tenement, their lives will be endangered, fortable spot; if it is destitute of play-their intellects impaired, their love of ground, enclosure, shrub, or shade tree, learning deadened, their moral sensibiliand every thing else calculated to render ties blunted, their manners become vul it pleasing and attractive; if its ceiling is gar, and every impression connected with the school, deepened into the most irreonly eight or ten feet high, instead of pressible antipathy.—Michigan Journal twelve or fourteen; if its dimensions are of Education.

VISIT YOUR SCHOOLS.-The following habit, as is now the general custom, of remarks are worthy of the attention of keeping the child of the defendant, with those interested: other scholars, after school hours, to You could not do a better thing. Your learn her lessons, which had been imperboy has the idea that you care scarcely fectly recited during school hours. The more than a fig's value about his progress parent believing that the detention was there; your girl thinks you are too busy illegal, went to the school house and deabout more important matters to worry manded his child. This was after reguabout her recitations. Grammar is dry lar school hours. The master said that as dust to her, Geography is tedious, the child should go as soon as she had Arithmetic is a bore, Reading is horrid, recited her lesson. The parent attemptWriting is her special abomination. If ed to enter the school room to take his she speaks of either at the table, she is child, but his entrance was resisted by hushed up. You talk of stocks and Se- the master, and the assault upon the masnatorship, of the war and free trade. ter was the result. The Court ruled that The young ones learn to think their the keeping of a child until the lessons studies very small matters in comparison of the day had been perfected, was legal; with yours. that the parent in attempting to enter But visit your school to-day. Hear a the school room, in opposition to the will lesson or two recited. Learn from their of the master, was in the wrong; that a teachers what their standing is, in what child placed at school by the parents is they oftenest fail, in what they excel. under the control of the master until See who sits next them in the school regularly dismissed; and that the parent room. See how they compare in person- cannot withdraw the child from school al appearance, whether they look happy during the day against the master's will, and at home. If acquainted with their except through the intervention of an school habits, you cannot but be inter-officer and the school committee. The ested in them, and then you cannot defendant was fined $30 and costs.—Bost. possibly avoid talking of them. Making Traveller. their matters subjects of home conversation will certainly stimulate them to better efforts―make better scholars of them. grammar when I was a soldier on the By all means then visit your schools. Go pay of sixpence a day. The edge of my alone, if no one will go with you. You will always be welcomed by the teacher, unless he is a fit one to be turned off. Pittsburg Visitor.


berth, or that of my guard-bed, was my seat to study on; my knapsack my book case, and a bit of board, lying on my lap, was my writing-table. I had no money to purchase a candle or oil; in winter, it was rarely that I could get any THE RIGHTS OF SCHOOLMASTERS AND light but that of the fire, and only my PARENTS.-A case of considerable inter- turn even of that. To buy a pen or piece est was tried recently before Justice Ladd, of paper, I was compelled to forego some of Cambridge, Mass. A citizen of New-portion of my food, though in a state of ton was complained of for an assault up-half-starvation. I had not a moment of on the master of a school at that place. time that I could call my own; and I It appeared that the master was in the had to read and write amid the talking,

laughing, singing, whistling and bawl- CONGREGATIONAL

ing of at least half a score of the most thoughtless men-and that, too, in their



hours of freedom from all control. And THE Pennsylvania School Journal, for I say, if I, under these circumstances, April, contains a paper on this subject, could encounter and overcome the task in which it is maintained, that the gene-is there, can there be, in the whole ral establishment of denominational world, a youth who can find an excuse schools is both unnecessary and inexpefor the non performance?-Cobbett.


dient. Some of the injurious effects of such schools on the great common systems of the day, are thus stated in the article before us:

1. Their establishment withdraws the


OCCASIONALLY one may be found who selects teaching as an occupation during Clergy connected with them, from their the continuance of health and strength, proper position as Directors or Visitors of but such cases form the exception, and as the Common Schools; thus abandoning a general rule teachers have small induce- the latter to the risk of improper influments to continue in that line. Why is ences, which their presence might reit so? The profession of teacher is as 2. They estrange the parents of their necessary as that of the minister, doctor pupils from the same cause and field of labor. or lawyer. Why is not their standing equal? The great importance of education, the respect which should be felt and expressed for those engaged in the most elevating duty,-second only to that of the clergy, of laying the foundation for 4. They add to the aggregate expense a superstructure of improvement carried of the educational means of the place, on, if disposed, through life, and standing and weaken their efficiency, by division. for so many hours in the place of the pa- the Common School, injure the effect of 5. They, and all rival institutions to rents of the children committed to their its discipline, by presenting an open instruction, with these claims to equality, school-door to all who will not submit to will any one give a good reason why the the equal and impartial rules of the pubrank of the school teacher is lower than lic institution.

that of other professions?

3. They tend to increase opposition to Common Schools, by the fact that they subject their patrons to double expense, viz., for tuition in or contribution to the Parish school, and for Common School


6. They retard the perfecting of the Common Schools of the locality by diIs it owing to the fact, that the instruc-viding the efforts of the friends of education of children is supposed to require tion; thus delaying the period when, by less effort of the faculties than other pro- proper gradation and other improvements, fessions, that the minds of schoolmasters struction to every child, under the eye the Common School will impart sound inaccommodate themselves to the calibre of his parent. of their less intelligent pupils, and are thereby made less capable of decided manly action? Who will answer this question?-R. I. Schoolmaster.

In early life, acquire the habit of using good language.

By six qualities may a fool be known-anger without cause-speech without profit, change without motive, inquiry without an object, putting trust in a stranger, and wanting capacity to discriminate between a friend and foe.Arab Proverb.



INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND the vacation. The period of instruction allowed is from five to seven years. Promptness in entering at the opening of the term, is urged upon all applicants, This institution is situated at Delavan, as pupils cannot ordinarily be received Walworth County, Wisconsin, on the at any other time.

line of the Racine and Mississippi Rail-. Persons desiring to place a pupil in the road. It was established and is support-, school, should address the Principal, aced by the bounty of the State, and is free quainting him with the name, age, resito all deaf mutes, of ordinary health and deace of the mute, the cause of deafmental capacity, residing within the limits, ness, &c., &c.

of the State and between the ages of 10 The isolated and deplorable condition and 30 years—no charge being made for of the uneducated deaf mute-more betuition or board. nighted than the heathen-utterly desti- || The building occupies an elevated and inte of a knowledge of his own soul, of healthy site, is capable of accommodating God, and of his moral relations and obliabout 10 pupils, and will doubtless be gations, strongly appeals to all benevoenlarged as the increase of pupils may lent citizens to interest themselves in his require. behalf.

The officers consist of Principal, Stew- The extreme difficulty of reaching ard, Assistant Teachers, Matron and Phy- many of the parents of the deaf and sician, all of whom, except the Physician, dumb, even by the most wide-spread and reside in the Institution, and with the pupils, constitute one family.

Parents may rest assured that no effort will be spared to promote the comfort, and to secure the physical and social, the mental and moral improvement of the pupils. Out of school hours, the female pupils are in charge of the Matron, and receive instruction in needle-work, housework, &c.

frequent publications, in consequence of their isolated dwellings and out-of-theway localities, calls upon all citizens who know of any such persons, to acquaint them with the existence of this institution, and if possible, induce them to send their childrea, or at least, to forward their names and Post Office address. Medical gentlemen, in particular, whose practice is likely to acquaint them with such persons, are solicited to lend their co-operation,

The male pupils, during the same hours, are employed, as far as practicable, in industrial cccupations, under the super- Any communications respecting the Invision of responsible persons. Due time stitution may be addressed to J. S. OFFand attention are devoted to recreation, CER, Principal of Institution for the Deaf and to the cultivation of the manners and Dumb, Delavan, Walworth County, and social feelings.



Religious exercises are held twice every Sabbath, in the sign language, in the Chapel of the Institution. Thus, with CIRCULAR OF THE WISCONSIN INSTIa system of government mild and parental, it is the aim ts combine, in one establishment, the advantages of the home, the school, the work-house and, to a considerable extent, of the Church.

Pupils are expected to come amply provided with substantial clothing, and with their names distinctly marked on each article. A small sum of money should also be left in the hands of the Principal to meet incidental expenses.


Any person wishing to make application for the admission of a pupil into the Institute, must address the Superintendent, giving definite and truthful answers to the following questions, viz:

The school commences annually on the 1st. What are the names and Post Offirst Wednesday of September, and closes fice address of the parents or guardians on the last Wednesday of June, when of the person for whom application is the pupils return to their homes to spend made.

2:41. Are such parents or guardians legal residents of the State of Wisconsin?

3d. What are the name and age of the person for whom application is made?

4th. At what age did he or she become blind, and from what cause?

5th. Is he or she of sound mind, and susceptible of intellectual culture?

6th. Is he or she free from bodily formity and all infectious diseases?

shall be made for the departure of every pupil from the Institute within a few days after the close of each session.

All letters to the pupils should be addressed to the care of the Institute in order to insure their prompt reception.

WHY SHOULD ANY MAN SWFAR?-I de-conceive of no reason why he should, but of ten reasons why he should not.

7th. What are his or her personal habits and moral character?

Upon the receipt of such application by the Superintendent, the applicant will be notified as to whether or not the person in question will be admitted, and no one must be sent to the Institute until such notification shall have been received.

1. It is mean. A man of high moral standing would almost as soon steal a sheep as swear.

2. It is rulgar; altogether too low for a decent man.

3. It is cowardly; implying a fear either of not being believed or obeyed. 4. It is ungentlemanly. A gentleman, according to Webster, is a gentleman--

No person of imbecile or unsound mind, or of confirmed immoral character, will be knowingly received into the Institute: and in case any pupil shall, after a fair well bred, refined. Such a one will no trial, prove incompetent for useful in- more swear, than go into the street to struction, or disobedient to the whole-throw mud with a clod hopper.

some regulations of the Institute, such pupil will be thereupon discharged.

No charge is made for the boarding and instruction of pupils from the State of

5. It is indecent; offensive to delicacy, and extremely unfit for human cars.

6. It is foolish. Want of decency is

Wisconsin, but all are expected to come want of sense.'-Pope.

provided with an adequate supply of good, 7. It is abusive. To the mind which comfortable clothing, which must be re-conceives the oath, to the tongue which plenished from time to time as it becomes necessary.

utters it, and to the person to whom it is | aimed.

The stock of clothing should embrace suitable articles for both summer and 8. It is renomous; showing a man's winter, and a sufficient number of each heart to be a nest of vipers, and every kind to admit of the necessary changes for washing and repairing.

All of the clothing must be sent in good order and condition, not only upon the first entrance of the pupil, but also at each subsequent return from home

after the vacation.

time he swears one of them sticks out his head.

9. It is contemptible; forfeiting the respect of all the wise and good.

10. It is wicked; violating the divine

Each article should also be distinctly law, and provoking the displeasure of marked with the owner's name or initials, Him who will not hold him guiltless who in order to prevent confusion or loss. will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.

N. BATEMAN, Secretary and Agent of

It is important that new pupils should] enter upon their term of instruction at the commencement of a session, and it is expected of all others that they shall be present at the opening of the school and remain until it closes, on the last day of the Illinois State Teachers' Institute, has rethe session, unless prevented from doing signed his office. The teachers of this State so by sickness or other emergency. It is will regret this scarcely less than the teachers also expected that timely arrangements of Illinois.

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