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[For the Journal of Education. EDUCATION IN ALABAMA.

mense educational fund of the State might be of use to its children. The well known policy of devoting in every township the section numbered sixteen, Alabama is a noble land. The story obtained here as in many other states;of its name has something of a classic but instead of keeping its proceeds a genturn, for it is related that when a weary eral fund, the state divided it at once company of travelers, driven far from among the people where it had been lotheir native forests, had found its bor-cated. Now the difference in the value ders in the years beyond man's memory, of lands is so great that while, in some so beautiful was the scene which greeted instances, according to the State Supertheir chieftain's glance, he struck his intendent, a county has a hundred thouspear upon the earth with the exclama- sand dollars from its educational fund, in tion, "Ala bama,"-"Here we rest!"-another the sum total of the share is just To that little band it was of more impor- ninety-three cents! A pretty school tance than in the parallel case of anti-that would support! It is well for the quity when Archimedes, warm with the state that in Mr. Perry a faithful officer generous glow of a new thought, rushed has been found to act as Superintendent forth with "Eureka," trembling upon his of Public Instruction. A man better lips. suited for the duties than he, is rarely to

The sources of the educational fund may be enumerated as follows:

Alabama is noble in many respects.-be met. In her cotton trade, she leads the world. In her minerals she is rich. In all the essentials which render a nation great and happy, she finds no lack. The education of her sons and daughters, too, is looked after with care equal to any in 2. The interest on the proceeds of the the United States. The College and the extra lands granted from the United University are found, as well as the Acad-States in 1848.

emies, High Schools and Public Schools.


1. The annual interest, at eight per cent., on the surplus revenue deposited with the state in 1836.

3. The interest at six per cent on sales

5. Escheats to the State.

Her Female Institutions are second to of sixteenth sections. Alabama is awakening to a sense 4. An appropriation from the State of her capacities and is developing her Treasury of a sum not exceeding one resources with extraordinary. rapidity.-hundred thousand dollars. Railroads are doing their work in bringing men nearer each other, and as men know each other better they do not fail to love each other more. It is false knowledge which causes difficulty between man and man. The true-removing that which seems and showing that which is doth ever help man on to higher perception of the worth and the grandeur of the human soul.

Within the last few years a movement has been inaugurated by which the im

6. Banks and Insurance Companies pay annually one hundred dollars on every hundred thousand of their capital; the same of Railroad Companies, after having declared a dividend,

7. A tax on Foreign Banks and Exchange Companies of one hundred dollars; and every agency of Insurance Companies pays one per cent on profits.

These constitute the principal sources of the fund, which amounts to more than

twenty-five hundred thousand dollars; nears the better land. To such a one, a fund which is hardly equalled in any the reward comes, if life be spared, even other state, when we take into conside-, here, in a sufficient salary. If the inner ration relative age and pozulation.- growth be strong, the world will find it Heretofore little has been affected for out, and aid in the outer development.— common schools, but within three or Underpaid as we are, there is yet a highfour years past energetic supervision has 'er work for us than to whine about low accomplished much in reducing a chaotic, salaries. Let us sow more, and in due mass to order, and now the motive pow-time we shall reap if we faint not. er is nearly ready to be applied. The! We had intended to notice a project results must be auspicious, for when a which is proposed for a Common School great state is aroused in such a work, system in Mississippi, and also to notice History recognizes no such word as fail. the formation of a State Educational AsOne of the greatest difficulties to be sociation recently, but time forbids. We encountered now is the want of qualified will perhaps speak further of these matteachers. Plenty can be found every ters in a future communication. In the day from nine till four, teaching a little meantime, permit us to mention the learning to the little boys," as Dickens pleasure we receive, as monthly come the has it; but the County Superintendents visits of the Journal of Education, conuniversally complaia of the extremely ducted by the teachers of education of those who come be. We love to hear the sounds of manly fore them for examination. If they re-strife from the broad plains of that fafuse certificates to the unqualified, two- vorite land. We remember well the thirds of the common schools would be free breath we drew as we traveled over vacant, and the people have not yet her boundless prairies and anticipated learned that "it is better to have no the carnest days that seem now to have school than to have a poor one." Welcome-when men and women should hope it will be a long time before they do consecrate their thoughts and their lives learn that, though enthusiastic teachers in the great profession of our choice. entrancing large Associations sometimes! By the way, Mr. Editor. you give us declare it as an unquestionable truth.-much food for thought respecting the Our only method is, then, to grant certi- Public Schools. Will you favor your ficates to the best we can get, and cheer readers by requesting somebody to prethem on, develop, encourage, restrain pare an article on Female Education, inand make them better by advice and cluding a sketch of Female Institutions, sympathy. It is a matter of surprise how they are conducted, how many there how rapidly teachers grow when well, are, what they do, and how they do it. cared for, even by one man. Much is said now-a-days of raising salaries, as if that would produce men. It were well for such talkers to look about them and see how many are carning the moncy they now receive. The true teacher) grows from within, toiling, enduring and hoping, he develops his own nature, and becomes nobler day by day as hel

Judson Female Institute,
Marion, Ala., July 28.

S. I. C. S.

He prayeth best, who loveth best
All things both great and small;
For the dear God who loveth us,
He made and loveth all.

S. T. Coleridge.


[For the Journal of Education. employed, and they pay one $4,50, and the other $5 a week, and board them.-This is as it should be, and it will encourage teachers to fit themselves for their business, that they may not only demand, but earn an increased compen


A. J. C.

For the Journal of Education. TEMPLE OF LIBERTY.

Horicon, Dodge Co. ED. JOURNAL :—One of the best evidences of an increasing interest in educational matters, on the part of the people of our state, is seen in the beautiful and commodious structures rising all over the land, devoted to the instruction of our children. The citizens of this beautiful Riding along the other day in the town village are wide-awake, and have com- of Aztalan, Jefferson county, my attention menced the erection of a Union School was drawn to a neat brick building, House 41x61 feet, and three stories high, standing a few rods in advance by the including the basement. The basement roadside. As it was surmounted by a is to be 8, and the other stories 14 feet cupola, or bell tower, I supposed at first in the clear from floor to ceiling. It is that it was a small church; but, upon arto be built of brick, and will cost, when riving in front of it, I discovered the folfinished about eight or nine thousand lowing inscription cut in stone, and indollars. The site is an excellent one, serted in the wall a few feet above the being on an elevation overlooking the entrance-"TEMPLE OF LIBERTY. Disvillage and surrounding country, in full trict No. 6." It was a school house. view of the Milwaukee and La Crosse I rode along, I kept repeating to myself, Railroad, and about 60 rods south of the Temple of Liberty"-"Temple of Libdepot. It was designed by Mr. Mygatt, erty"; and many an hour since has that of Milwaukee, and is to be finished with simple inscription furnished me food for the latest and most approved furniture.- thought. One day, when considering the It is to be finished by the first of January subject, I found myself ta'king aloud, and '57, and when finished, and a good corps a listener might have heard something of teachers secured, this village will not be behind any in the State in regard to educational advantages.

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like what follows: "Yes, it is a 'Temple of Liberty'; for while freedom is the birthright of every human soul, here all Another evidence of an awakening in- may secure instruction-may freely parterest in the cause of education is the in- take of that nourishment which develops creased remuneration given to teachers. the intellect and the heart, and gives digNot many years since, 12 shillings a week nity to manhood and womanhood. On was considered good wages for a female this altar any one may offer sacrifice.teacher in a country district school. In The Jew and the Gentile, the Pagan and several districts which I have visited dur- the Christian, the black and the white, ing the present summer, they pay their the rich and the poor, every race and nateacher $5 a week, without board; and, tion, and kindred, and tongue, may bow in the village of Mayville, in this county, together and adore the goodness and tethey give $6 a week, the teacher board- neficence of God our Father, developed ing herself. In the village of Lake Mills, in our institutions. Here the children of Jefferson county, they have two teachers parents who may be estranged or enemics

to each other, are brought together and ing the financial condition of the Univertaught to forget family feuds. Here sec- sity.

tarianism, Religion's bane and Truth's Messrs. BALLARD, DUNN, WEST and deadly foe, can find no lodgment in minds Yocum addressed the meeting.

and to raise the standard of education.

emulous for distinction, and eager in the The following ressolutions were then pursuit of knowledge, or in hearts from offered: which confidence and affection instinc- 1. Resolved, That we have the utmost tively flow. Here the artificial distinc-confidence in the competency and ability of the present Faculty of Lawrence Unitions of society-the frost-work which versity, and that we congratulate them on encrusts the cold and proud-disappears, the eminent success of their untiring ef melted by the warm glow of generous forts to promote the progress of their puimpulses, rising in hearts uncontaminated pils, and the welfare of the University, by the selfish policy of a calculating, money-getting world. When partizan strife and sectional animosity shall attempt to shake the pillars of our Constitution, and undermine the foundation of our government, from these temples, scattered all over our land, shall go out an influence swift to rebuke disaffection and intrigue, mighty to reform and save."

[blocks in formation]

2. Resolved, That we deeply regret that any circumstances should have arisen, rendering it necessary that a portion the Faculty should be used for the comof the fund provided for the support of pletion of the College Building.

3. Resolved, That the present Fund of the University is not commensurate with its growing wants, and that recognizing our obligation to do our part towards making Lawrence University the first and best Institution of the kind, not only in the State, but in the west, we the people of Appleton and vicinity do hereby pledge ourselves to raise and secure a fund equal to $10,000, which shall yield an annual income of at least ten per cent., for the purpose of endowing an additional professorship; provided, that a fund of not less than $20,000-with a proportionate income, one half of which shall be dedicated to a like purpose, shall be raised from abroad.

4. Resolved, That the proceedings be published in the papers at Appleton, and by other Editors favorable to the institution.

Pursuant to previous call of a CommitAnd were separately read and adopted tee appointed by the trustees of the Law- after full discussion, in which Messrs, rence University, for the purpose of taking Conkey, Eaton, J. M. Phinney, Jackson, into consideration the financial interests McDonald, Yocum, Baker, Bateman, and of the Institution, a large number of the others took part. After which the meetbusiness men of Appleton and vicinity ing adjourned.

assembled in the College on Wednesday

evening, August 13th.

CHARLES AIKEN, Esq., was chosen Chairman, and F. PICKARD, Secretary.


FRED. PACKARD, Secretary.

What are a nation's possessions? The great words that have been said in

Rev. Mr. JENNE, the Agent of the Uni- it-the great deeds that have been done versity, read a detailed statement, show-in it.

[For the Journal of Education. is a wide field open for pleasant and useMATHEMATICAL STUDIES AND THE ful employment-one which seems to us FINE ARTS, AS BRANCHES OF WO-quite as well adapted to the tastes and inclinations of woman as handling the sculptor's chisel. Her compensation has,


In the definition of the word "Educa-in times past, it is true, been far less than tion,” we would not differ essentially from the real value of the labor performed.— the one given in the last No.-"That which But, in this respect, we hope for a brightpreparcs one for usefulness and happiness er future. Her education has hitherto in his or her sphere of life." But, with been very superficial. She has not been regard to what constitutes the true sphere taught to think and reason correctly; of woman, our views do not exactly co- some have been almost tempted to believe incide with those which have been ex-that she does not, and cannot, possess the pressed. To us, she seems pre-eminentstrength of mind so necessary for a teachly adapted to the station of a of the higher branches. But she has Her gentle, affectionate manners win the, hearts of the little ones; while her pavorable to mental development. Look, never been placed in circumstances fatient, unassuming kindness and cheerful for a moment, at the course of education tones bring hope to older minds, and new which custom has, with unquestioned light to the troubled intellect. 'Tis hers to make the first impressions upon the power, marked out for girls. "The elcplastic mind of youth—" te to reclection-the mere rudiments of science, mumentary branches of an English educaI but ademment to retain." From the time sie, painting, and a little French." This when she first assumes the "fond, yet fearful, task to rule o'er the opening windplish in the short time allotted them for may be all that they are able to accomin the village school," through the long, | happy years, when lisping in occice first school about the time that young men study-for they are withdrawn from calis her “Maruma," till groups of joron enter college. Is it strange that they happy children-or, sill later, nelle have not evinced wonderful mathematiyouths and laughter-loving maidens surcal and round the parental Eoard-'tis hers to powers? impress upon the soul the thought of its own high worth to prepare it for usefulness here, and point it upward to bright-for, despite all there obstacles, the nomes

er realins above.

"Yet lives there many a lofty mind,
In light and fragile fona enshrined";

of Mrs. Summerville and Hannah More have attained distinction in this line; and our worthy friend will please not to foret that it is the name of one of those who "detest those parsioners abstmetiers of Mathematics" which has stood the highest in our Geometry class for the last half year; and, if we mistake not, the same is true with regard to the first

It is an almittel fuel, that females excol as teachers of smell ch'hiren; and, | wesse no good reason why they may not, with equd propriety, if rightly careata, torch those who have advanced far no the "Hill of Sience." The plan has been tried, and we think with good success.In one of our best New England Colleges, a lady-wife of one of the Professors-Algebra and Arithmetic classes. had, for years, regular recitations for the We hardly need mention the objection, several classes in College. Here, truly, that girls should not study Mathematics,


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