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THE sixteenth annual meeting of the Livingston County Historical Society was held at Mt. Morris on Tuesday, January

12th, 1892.

and was called to order by Hon. O. D. Lake, President.
The business meeting convened at the Scoville House parlors

The Secretary and Treasurer presented his annual report as


I herewith present my second annual report as Secretary and
Treasurer, and first give you the financial report:

The receipts at the annual meeting, January 13th, 1891, were..........
During the year I have received on account of annual dues......
There was on hand at date of last report..........

Making total receipts.........

I have paid the outstanding debts of the Society to

Messrs. Bunnell & Oberdorf......

And I have paid them for pamphlets of 1891..

Leaving the Society in debt to me.........


42 00

18 27

$67 27

$43 15

50 00

$25 88

Hanford Collection

The receipts above named have been for dues as follows:

Avon-J. A. Dana, $2; E. H. Davis, $1

Caledonia-A. H. McLean, $1; D. Menzie, $1; Dr. Menzie, $1; D. Mc

Kenzie, $1; M. M. Campbell, $1........

Conesus-A. D. Coe, $1; W. P. Boyd, $1; S. E. Hitchcock, $1.......
Geneseo-N. Janes, $1; W. Willard, $1; J. L. Scott, $1; H. V. Colt, $1;
W. A. Stevens, $1; T. F. Olmsted, $1; A. J. Willard, $1....
Leicester-E. W. Sears, $1....

Lima-E. S. Jenks, $1..


5 00


7. 00 I 00

I 00

14 00

Livonia-S. G. Woodruff, $1; S. Baker, $1; H. D. Kingsbury, $1; C. D.
Ward, $2; Dr. Bettis, $2; L. E. Smith, $1; A. Hamilton, $1; H. S.
Gilbert, $1; J. C. Reed, $1; B. Coy, $1; J. S. Beecher, $1.
Mt. Morris-M. W. Brooks, $1; H. E. Brown, $1; A. O. Dalrymple, $1.. 3 00
N. Dansville-F. Fielder, $1; Mrs. W. B. Lemon, $1; W. T. Spinning,
$1; Dr. Perine, $1; B. H. Oberdorf, $1; C. W. Woolever, $i; C. H.
Readshaw, $1; J. A. VanDerlip, $1; G. Bastian, $1....

Nunda-W. Y. Robinson, $1; C. K. Sanders, $1; B. P. Richmond, $1.
Portage-C. D. Bennett, $1......

York-A. D. Newton, $1; C. Cocher, $2; S. Blakesley, $1...

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9.00 3.00 I 00 4 00

$54 00


1 00


2. 00

$59 00

During the year death has removed two of our members, Dr. L. J. Ames, of Mount Morris, who died May 3d, 1891, and J. H. McNaughton, of Caledonia, who died December 22, 1891.

Memorials have been prepared by Norman Seymour, Esq., on Dr. Ames, and by A. J. Abbott, Esq., on Mr. McNaughton, the last named to be ready for publication in pamphlet.

All of which is respectfully submitted.

Geneseo, N. Y., January 12th, 1892.


Sec'y and Treas.

The report was referred to the Finance Committee. The committee subsequently presented a report approving of the said report, which was adopted.

Dr. M. H. Mills offered the following which was adopted:

RESOLVED, That the Secretary prepare a letter embodying the names of delinquent members and send the same to Town Committees, with request that collections be made and that efforts be made to increase the membership.

Reports from Town Committees were called for and responses were had from Avon, Conesus, Leicester, Portage and York. Such of these reports as were presented in writing appear in that portion of the proceedings devoted to the public meeting.

The President named Messrs. Davis, Newton and Boyd a committee to nominate officers for the ensuing year.

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