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وزیر دامن آن کوه درياي عظیم موج زن و بر لب جویبار گلهاي شگفته و رنگین چمن چمن خوانهای اطعمه گوناگون که

از چاشنيهاي تازه اش حلاوت جان توان یافت همه جا برچیده و سله هاي فواكه بوقلمون که از ذائقه حیات بخشش چاشنی زندگي توان چشید بهرجا کشیده هنگام فراغ طعام پردگیان زهره جبين و مخدرات حور العین با جازت شوهر خودشان که رضوان آن انجمن رشک برین و خلد تزئین توانند شد بصومعه زاهدان سبز پوش که مانند غلمان فردوس دران مجمع حيرت افزاي دید اهل هوش بودند روان شدند *

درین میان زنی که فراست بنده و گیاست آزاد کرده او تواند شد دست در کمر قلندري انداخت و تازیانه که سزاي مجرمان بدان میدهند بخواست تا کفارت گناه خود نماید قلند ر برنازنيني او اندیشه کرد و در محرابی که سجده گاه ایشان بود رفته پشت برهنه چند تازیانه بر خود میزد و میگفت که الهي جرمهاي اين حورلقا ماه سیما درگذار و قلم عفو برگناهش کش زن از مشاهده این واقعه سخت درهم شد و گفت که

riages cannot ascend. They were all therefore conveyed to the summit, in chaises, of a peculiar construction; from whence they had a pleasing, as well as romantic prospect over the adjacent country, including that of various branches of the Danube flowing through the vales beneath.

Under the extensive shade of trees, the table was spread, and covered in such a manner as became the rank of the guests, and the hospitality as well as dignity of those who invited them.

As there was a convent in the neighbourhood, some of the good fathers came during the dessert with baskets of fruit and sallad, which they presented to the company; among whom were some of the first and finest women of the German capital.

Being invited to sit, the ladies pledged the monks in imperial tokay, which challenge they were not at all disposed to decline; but, on the contrary, they drank pretty freely. As leave had been obtained to visit the convent, the ladies went thither, attended by the rest of the company as soon as they arose from dinner; and it was apparent that the return of the visit, notwithstanding the gravity necessary for the fathers, was very agreeable.

The most remarkable incident that occurred, was an instance of an extraordinary species of gallantry, which one of them displayed on this occasion. A lady of no small degree of vivacity, laying her hand on a scourge (called his discipline) that hung at his belt, desired he would favour her with it, to take home, where she intended to

ای عزیز این چه حرکت است که میکنی و این چه تازیانه است که جرم ناکرده بر خود مه زني یقین میدانم که گناه خود برمن می افگني زياده ازین خود را رنجه مسار و مارا در زندان دوزخ

مینداز زاهد دست بداشت و او را در گذاشت * مثنوي منه بر من ای پارسا جرم خویش * که فرق است بسیار در نوش و نیش تو زنبور عسلي يقينم چنین * که دیگر کسان نیش و خود

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طبیبان روم

محض غیر مفید است بلکه هلاك جان است اگر

انها را از روم بدر فرمانی انسب مینماید پوپ جواب داد نفعی که اندیشیده ام از وجود آنها متصور است و در صورت عکس نتیجه نخواهد داد یعنی افزایش مردمان آنچنان خواهد بود که گنجایش بفراغت نتواند شد *

use it on herself, to make some expiation for her faults, acknowledging that she had been a great sinner. But the kind father intreated, she would spare herself, and said he would give himself a hearty scourging for her sake that very evening. Lest his veracity in this matter should be suspected, he resolved to give earnest immediately; and, therefore, falling on his knees before a little altar, he laid the scourge in question very smartly on his own shoulders, declaring in order to re-assure his fair penitent, being resolved she should be as free from sin as on the day when she was born, he would use it with the same violence, on his naked body, as soon as the company had withdrawn themselves. However, being much moved with this proceeding, the lady, now not willing he should take any more of her faults on his own shoulders, altering her tone, declared to this obliging and gallant ecclesiastic, that her faults had been such as were venial; and she entertained no doubt, but that his vicarious punishment had already made sufficient atonement.



A CARDINAL, high in the confidence of pope Alexander the Sixth, told him one day, that it would be expedient to banish the physicians out of Rome, for they were entirely useless. "No," said the pope, "they are quite the reverse; for without them the world would increase so fast, that one could not live by another."


قصه در بیان جوانمردي

آورده اند که مردی بود از حلیه علم معرا و از زیور هنر مبرا زنی داشت نیک سرشت پاک نهاد مرد بی حمیت برقعه بي حياتي در بر و مقنعه عروسي برسر مثل زنان پرده نشین می بود و زن مردانه دست و بازو میکشود و از دست رنج و پاي مژد خويش پرورش اطفال و شوی مینمود قضارا چشم زخمی در حشم جمیعت خاطر آن زن رسید ناگاه طفلی علیل گشت زن از محبت مادري مضطرب شد و از تیمار بیمار فرصت پیشه نمی یافت و در پی تحصیل روزی نمی توانست شتافت از فقر و فاقه و نایابی آزقه حال تنگ گردید و نوبت بجان رسید مرد نامرد باوجود این حالت با از حجره بیرون نمیکشید و در تجسس رزق نمی دوید و از گرسنگی می طپید زن هرچند شكيبائي می ورزید اما از عدم استقلال اطفال جگرش پاره میگردید ناچار عزم جزم نمود و در حجره مخدوم قدیم خویش کشود و نقدی در ربود *

و در دل خود عهد کرد که بعد رفع تردد و اطمینان خاطر بهرطوری از محنت ومشقت بدل كالاي مسروقه دوچند همانجا

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