64 lieutenant in Prince Rupert's regiment, fought younger son of an old family resident near at the battle of Edgehill; and, subsequently Stratford, who had filled in succession the of betaking himself to the stage, he became the fices of Sheriff and of Lord Mayor of London. most renowned tragic actor of his time. "What In 1563 it was sold by one of the Clopton fa Mr. Hart delivers," says Rymer, (I adopt the mily to William Bott; and by him it was again citation from the page of Malone,) every one sold in 1570 to William Underhill, (the purcha takes upon content; their eyes are prepossessed ser and the seller being both of the rank of es and charmed by his action before aught of the quires,) from whom it was bought by our Poet, in poet's can approach their ears; and to the most 1597. By him it was bequeathed to his daughter, wretched of characters he gives a lustre and Susanna Hall; from whom it descended to her brilliancy, which dazzles the sight that the de- only child, Lady Barnard. In the June of 1643, formities in the poetry cannot be perceived." this Lady, with her first husband, Mr. Nash, "Were I a poet," (says another contemporary entertained, for nearly three weeks, at New writer,) nay a Fletcher or a Shakspeare, 1 Place, Henrietta Maria, the queen of Charles would quit my own title to immortality so that I., when escorted by Prince Rupert and a large one actor might never die. This I may mo- body of troops, she was on her progress to meet destly say of him, (nor is it my particular opi- her royal consort, and to proceed with him to nion, but the sense of all mankind,) that the best Oxford. On the death of Lady Barnard with tragedies on the English stage have received out children, New Place was sold in 1675, to Sir their lustre from Mr. Hart's performance: that Edward Walker, Kt., Garter King at Arms; he has left such an impression behind him, that by whom it was left to his only child, Barbara, no less than the interval of an age can make married to Sir John Clopton, Kt., of Clopton them appear again with half their majesty from in the parish of Stratford. On his demise, it be any second hand." This was a brilliant erup-came the property of a younger son of his, Sir tion from the family of Shakspeare: but as it Hugh Clopton, Kt., (this family of the Cloptons was the first, so it appears to have been the seems to have been peculiarly prolific in the last; and the Harts have ever since, as far at breed of knights), by whom it was repaired and least as it is known to us, " pursued the noise-decorated at a very large expense. Malone afless teuor of their way," within the precincts of firms that it was pulled down by him, and its their native town on the banks of the soft-flow-place supplied by a more sumptuous edifice. If ing Avon." this statement were correct, the crime of its subWhatever is in any degree associated with the sequent destroyer would be greatly extenuated; personal history of Shakspeare is weighty with and the hand which had wielded the axe against general interest. The circumstance of his birth the hallowed malberry tree, would be absolved can impart consequence even to a provincial from the second act, imputed to it, of sacrile town; and we are not unconcerned in the past gious violence. But Malone's account is, un or the present fortunes of the place, over which questionably, erroneous. In the May of 1742, hovers the glory of his name. But the house in Sir Hugh entertained Garrick, Macklin, and which he passed the last three or four years of Delany, under the shade of the Shakspearian his life, and in which he terminated his mortal mulberry. On the demise of Sir Hugh in the labours, is still more engaging to our imagina- December of 1751, New Place was sold by his tions, as it is more closely and personally con- son-in-law and executor, Henry Talbot, the nected with him. Its history, therefore, must Lord Chancellor Talbot's brother, to the Rev. not be omitted by us; and if, in some respects, Francis Gastrell, Vicar of Frodsham in Chewe should differ in it from the narrative of Ma-shire; by whom, on some quarrel with the malone, we shall not be without reasons sufficient gistrates on the subject of the parochial assessto justify the deviations in which we indulge. ments, it was razed to the ground, and its site New Place, then, which was not thus first na-abandoned to vacancy. On this completion of med by Shakspeare, was built in the reign of his outrages against the memory of Shakspeare, Henry VII., by Sir Hugh Clopton, Kt., the which his unlucky possession of wealth enabled hia to commit, Francis Gastrell departed from By intelligence, on the accuracy of which Stratford, hooted out of the town, and pursued I can rely, and which has only just reached me, by the execrations of its inhabitants. The fate from the birthplace of Shakspeare, I learn that of New Place has been rather remarkable. Afthe family of the Harts, after a course of lineal ter the demolition of the house by Gastrell, the descents during the revolution of two hundred ground, which it had occupied, was thrown and twenty-six years, is now on the verge of ex-into the contiguous garden, and was sold by the tinction; an aged woman, who retains in single widow of the clerical barbarian. Having re blessedness her maiden name of Hart, being at mained during a certain period, as a portion of this time (Nov. 1825) its sole surviving repre- a garden, a house was again erected on it; and sentative. For some years she occupied the in consequence also of some dispute about the house of her ancestors, in which Shakspeare is parish assessments, that house, like its predereported to have first seen the light; and here cessor, was pulled down; and its site was finalshe obtained a comfortable subsistence by show-ly abandoned to Nature, fore production of ing the antiquities of the venerated mansion to her fruits and flowers: and thither may we ima the numerous strangers who were attracted to gine the little Elves and Fairies frequently to reit. Being dispossessed of this residence by the sort, to trace the footsteps of their beloved poet, rapaciousness of its proprietor, she settled her- now obliterated from the vision of man; to self in a dwelling nearly opposite to it. Here throw a finer perfume on the violet; to unfold she still lives; and continues to exhibit some re- the first rose of the year, and to tinge its cheek jiques, not reputed to be genuine, of the mighty with a richer blush; and, in their dances bebard, with whom her maternal ancestor was neath the full-orbed moon, to chant their harnourished in the same womb. She regards her-monies, too subtle for the gross ear of mortaself also as a dramatic poet; and, in support of lity, to the fondly cherished memory of their her pretensions, she produces the rude sketch of darling, The Sweet Swan of Avon. a play, uninformed, as it is said, with any of When I have cited, at the close of what I am the vitality of genius. For this information, I am now writing, the description by Jaques, in "As indebted to Mr. Charles Fellows, of Nottingham; who, with the characteristic kindness of his most estimable family, sought for the intelligence which was required by me, and obtained it. you Like it," of the seven ages of man, as an evidence of Shakspeare's power to touch the most familiar topics into poetry, as the Phry gian monarch could touch the basest substances into gold, I shall conclude this Life of Shak speare, by asking if he be not a mighty genius, | On the scath'd heath the fatal Sisters scowl: sufficiently illustrious and commanding to call Or, as hell's caldron bubbles o'er the flame, forth the choice spirits of a learned and intellec- Prepare to do a deed without a name. tual century to assert his greatness, and to march in his triumph to fame ? Where, richly deck'd with laurels never sere, And rosy Laughter holding both his sides. And, as the moon her perfect orb displays, These are thy wonders, Nature's darling birth And Fame exulting bears thy name o'er earth. There, where Rome's eagle never stoop'd for blood, By hallow'd Ganges and Missouri's flood: Where the bright eyelids of the Morn unclose; And where Day's steeds in golden stalls repose; Thy peaceful triumphs spread; and mock the pride Of Pella's Youth, and Julius slaughter-dyed. In ages far remote, when Albion's state Hath touch'd the mortal limit, mark'd by Fate: When Arts and Science fly her naked shore : And the world's Empress shall be great no more; Then Australasia shall thy sway prolong; And her rich cities echo with thy song. There myriads still shall laugh, or drop the tear, At Falstaff's humour, or the woes of Lear: Man, wave-like, following man, thy powera admire ; And thou, my Shakspeare, reign till time ex pire. C. S. TO THE MEMORY OF MY BELOVED MR. WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, AND WHAT HE HATH LEFT US. To draw no envy, Shakspeare, on thy name, But thou art proof against them, and indeed From thence to honour thee, I will not seek To whom all scenes of Europe homage owe. As they were not of Nature's family. Of Shakspeare's mind and manners brightly shines In his well turned, and true filed lines: That so did take Eliza, and our James 1. And despairs day, but for thy volumes' light ON WORTHY MASTER SHAKSPEARE, AND HIS POEMS. A mind reflecting ages past, whose clear In that deep dusky dungeon, to discern What story coldly tells, what poets feign While the plebeian imp, from lofty throne, To strike up and stroak down, both joy and ire; To steer the affections; and by heavenly fire Mold us anew, stoln from ourselves : This, and much more, which cannot be exprest But by himself, his tongue, and his own breast,Was Shakspeare's freehold; which his cunning brain brave, And constant blue, rich purple, guiltless white, The lowly russet, and the scarlet bright: Branch'd and embroider'd like the painted spring; Each leaf match'd with a flower, and each string Of golden wire, each line of silk: "there run But fine materials, which the Muses know, Now, when they could no longer him enjoy, THE PREFACE OF THE PLAYERS. PREFIXED TO THE FIRST FOLIO EDITION PUBLISHED IN 1623. TO THE GREAT VARIETY OF READERS. From the most able, to him that can but spell: Joffice of their care and paine, to have collected there you are number'd. We had rather you and publish'd them; and so to have publish'd were weigh'd. Especially when the fate of all them, as where (before) you were abus'd with Bookes depends upon your capacities: and not divers stolne, and surreptitious copies, maimed of your heads alone, but of your purses. Well! and deformed by the frauds and stealthes of it is now publique, and you will stand for your injurious impostors, that expos'd them: even priviledges wee know: to read, and censure. those are now offer'd to your view cur'd, and Do so, but buy it first. That doth best commend perfect of their limbes; and all the rest, absolute a Booke, the Stationer saies. Then, how odde in their numbers, as he conceived them: Who, soever your braines be, or your wisedomes, as he was a happie imitator of Nature, was a make your licence the same, and spare not. most gentle expresser of it. His mind and hand Judge your sixe-pen'orth, your shillings worth, went together: and what he thought, he uttered your five shillings worth at a time, or higher, with easinesse, that wee have scarse received so you rise to the just rates, and welcome. But, from him a blot in his papers. But it is not our whatever, you do, Buy. Censure will not drive province, who onely gather his works, and give a Trade, or make the Jacke go. And though them you, to praise him. It is yours that reade you be a Magistrate of wit, and sit on the Stage him. And there we hope, to your divers cepaat Black-Friers or the Cockpit, to arraigne cities, you will finde enough, both to draw, and Playes dailie, know, these Playes have had hold you for his wit can no more lie hid, then their triall alreadie, and stood out all Appeales; it could be lost. Read him, therefore; and and do now come forth quitted rather by a againe, and againe: And if then you doe not Decree of Court, than any purchas'd Letters of like him, surely you are in some manifest dan commendation. ger, not to understand him. And so we leave It had bene a thing, we confesse, worthie to you to other of his Friends. whom if you need, nave bene wished, that the Author himselfe had can bee your guides: if you neede them not, you lived to have set forth, and overseen his owne can leade yourselves, and others. And such writings; But since it hath bin ordain'd other-readers we wish him. wise, and he by death departed from that right, we pray you, doe not envie his Friends the l JOHN HEMINGE, |