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lytes and of total solutes (molecules and ions) in the leaf tissue fluids.3



THE meeting was called to order at the Hotel Belmont, New York City, on October 17, at 11 A.M., with Dr. Simon Flexner in the chair. The following members were present: Cattell, Fairchild, Flexner, Humphreys, Livingston, Nichols, Osborn. 1. Minutes of last meeting (published in SciENCE, May 7, 1920) were approved.

2. Audited report of retiring permanent Secretary (Dr. L. O. Howard, for period from November 1, 1919, to April 1, 1920, was accepted and ordered to be filed and published in SCIENCE.

3. Summarized report of new permanent secretary (Dr. Burton E. Livingston) for period from April 1 to September 30, 1920, was accepted and it was ordered that such parts of it be published in SCIENCE as seem desirable to the permanent secretary. (The financial statement will be presented to the council before publication; other features will shortly appear in SCIENCE.)

4. Election of section officers.-Dr. A. E. Jenks was elected to be vice-president and chairman of Section H (Anthropology). Dr. E. A. Hooton was elected secretary of Section H.

5. A special committee on the organization of Section H (Anthropology), which is a new section, formed by the division of the old Section of Anthropology and Psychology, was established, this committee to be appointed by the president and permanent secretary in collaboration and to cooperate with the section officers just elected. (This committee will shortly be announced in SCIENCE.)

6. Present permanent secretary was nominated to the council, to continue to serve during the ensuing 4-year term as heretofore; that is for one third of his time.

7. Other nominations for Association officers This result holds within the individual classes. In comparing ligneous and herbaceous growth forms we note that the growth form with the higher total concentration has the lower conductivity. This is shown by the fact that the ratio of KX 106 to A is 10923/1.217 for trees and shrubs but 14308/0.846 for herbs.

(president, general secretary, treasurer, five council members, two executive committee members). It was voted that these nominations be made at the first meeting of the council at Chicago and that elections occur at a later meeting of the council.

8. Nominations for Committee on Grants (3 members), to be appointed by the president with advice of the council. The executive committee recommends to the council that it is desirable to nominate members who are not now members of the Grants Committee, but the various branches of science should continue to be severally represented as heretofore. This matter should receive attention at first Chicago meeting of Council and nominations should be made at second meeting.

9. Science News Service, supported by Mr. W. E. Scripps. Dr. J. McK. Cattell and Dr. Geo. T. Moore were elected to represent the association in an advisory committee of this service.

10. Editorial Committee for Science.-It was voted that this committee continue to be constituted as heretofore; namely, of (a) its original members, (b) the chairman of the association sections for each year, and (c) the members of the executive committee.

11. Determination of the chairman of Executive Committee. It was voted that chairman of this committee is to be elected by the committee at its last session at each 4-year meeting of the association, the term of office of the chairman to be for no more than four years.

12. Election of Fellows.-Three hundred and seven members were elected to fellowship, their nominations having been received from the following sources: by Secretary of Section A, 6; by Secretary of Section B, 37; by Secretary of Section E, 35; by Secretary of Section G, 162; by Secretary of Section O, 5; by Secretary of Section Q, 56; by permanent secretary, 6. It was voted that nominations for fellowship received by the permanent secretary shall hereafter be referred to the secretary of the proper section, so that all nominations shall come to the executive committee from the section secretaries. (Nominations for fellowship should be sent to section secretaries rather than to permanent secretary. Section secretaries are urged to send their lists of nominations to the permanent secretary in time so that they may be acted on at each meeting of the executive committee.)

13. Auditor for permanent secretary's annual report. The resignation of Mr. Herbert A. Gill was accepted and filed, and the committee passed

a unanimous vote of thanks to Mr. Gill for his valuable and much appreciated services as auditor. The appointment of an auditor for this year was referred to the president and permanent secretary, with power.

14. Organization of Committee on Grants.-It was voted that Committee on Grants shall elect its chairman and secretary.

15. Place of 1922-23 annual meeting.—This was discussed, and Boston was tentatively recommended. (The 1921-22 annual meeting is to be held at Toronto.)

16. Expenses of section secretaries attending annual meetings.-It was voted to recommend to the council that Art. X., Sect. 2, of the by-laws be so amended as to authorize the permanent secretary to pay section secretaries who attend annual meetings a refund amounting to four cents per mile for the round trip in each case.

17. Expenses of section secretaries attending the Chicago meeting. The permanent secretary was authorized to refund to each section secretary attending the Chicago meeting a sum amounting to four cents per mile for his round trip.

18. Expenses of executive committee members attending spring and fall committee meetings. It was voted to recommend to the council to take under consideration the amendment of Art. X., Sect. 3, of the by-laws so as to authorize the permanent secretary to pay executive committee members attending spring or fall meeting of this committee a refund amounting to four cents per mile for the round trip in each case.

10. Sonora and Chihuahua.-It was voted to recommend to the council that Art. VI., Sect. 1, of the by-laws be so amended as to remove the Mexican states of Sonora and Chihuahua from the province of the Pacific Division and to place them in that of the Southwestern Division.

20. Benjamin collection of portraits and autographs of association presidents.-It was voted to recommend to the council that it authorize the permanent secretary to purchase for the association the Benjamin collection of portraits and autographs of the presidents of the association (74 portraits, each with autograph letter), at a price of $300.

21. Proposal to inaugurate a section on History of Science.-This action has been recommended by a large number of members. The proposal was thoroughly discussed but the committee did not feel justified in recommending it, since the proposed section would not be coordinate with the sections already established. It was suggested

that this very desirable aspect of scientific advancement (which is thoroughly approved by the committee) be organized in the new section L (Historical and Philological Sciences), to which it appears logically to pertain.

22. Committee vote by mail.-It was voted that Professor Pickering's method for voting by mail be generally used by the permanent secretary when such voting of this committee is requisite.

23. The Gamma Alpha Graduate Scientific Fra ternity was made an affiliated society by vote of this committee. (It will have two representatives in the association council.)

24. Affiliation of state academies. It was voted to extend the special offer on this subject through 1921. Academies becoming affiliated before October 1, 1921, are to receive from the permanent secretary a payment amounting to one dollar for each academy member who has paid his annual dues ($5) to the association for the year 1921.

25. Stationery for use of section secretaries.— Proposal that permanent secretary's office furnish uniform stationery to all section secretaries was referred to permanent secretary, with power.

26. Sectional committee personnel.-It was voted that when an affiliated society embraces more than a single section of the association, its representatives in the association council shall not be members of any sectional committee.

27. Railway rates for annual meetings.-It was voted that the permanent secretary be instructed to investigate the basis on which reduced railway rates are sometimes granted to societies, with the aim of obtaining these rates for annual meetings of the association in the future. (Reduced rates for the Chicago meeting have been denied.) The committee adjourned at 4.

Permanent Secretary

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HE BATH maintains the contents of the graduated cylinder at a temperature of 55°C. There is a special stirrer, with motor and governor, for maintaining a constant speed of of 1500 R.P.M.

This apparatus is used and is especially recommended for determining the quality of Fuel oils for internal combustion engines. It has also been recommended for Physical Chemical Laboratory experiments, as the emulsification quality is a factor of the Surface Tension.

E.&A. improvements are the arrangement whereby the bath moves up and down instead of the motor, and the governor for the motor. The apparatus is furnished complete with motor, governor, stirrer, electric heating arrangement, and 6 cylinders.





3rd Ave., 18th-19th St.

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[blocks in formation]

Optical Society of America

The Journal of the Optical Society of America is a bimonthly publication devoted to all branches of Optics.

The current number of 164 pages contains sixteen articles on lens design, photography, colorimetry, optical glass. etc.

The Journal is sent free of charge to members of the Optical Society of America. The Subscription rate to non-members and to libraries is $5.00 per year.

The unexpected demand for back numbers has depleted the supply of certain issues. Libraries desiring the complete issue for 1920 should place order immediately.

New contributors to the Journal are hereby informed of the Editorial Policy of this Journal which insures prompt publication of all accredited short papers in optics.

For further information address


Bureau of Standards


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[blocks in formation]


AFTER a long life spent in service in Johns Hopkins University Professor Morse died September 8, in the seventy-second year of his age. He was born October 15, 1848, at Cambridge, Vermont, the son of a farmer, and died at Chebeague, Maine, where he had spent his summers for many years. He was graduated from Amherst College in 1873, then went to Göttingen, and received the degree of Ph.D. from that university in 1875. The year 1875-76 was spent at Amherst as assistant in chemistry. In 1875 it was announced that the Johns Hopkins University would begin its work in the year 1876. Shortly after it became known that the writer of this notice was to be the professor of chemistry in the new university he received a call from Morse who brought a letter of introduction from Emerson. This letter led me to take more than ordinary interest in the bearer. Whatever we were to do in Baltimore, it seemed clear that I should need an assistant, and I told him I would in due time arrange for his appointment. Hearing a little later of the fellowships that were to be awarded I secured one of these for Morse and so his connection with the Johns Hopkins University began. Before the doors were opened, however, he was designated associate, and we began our work together for better or for worse. We had no laboratory. We had less than a handful of students. What was to come of it? I need not go into the story, thus suggested except to say that we were absolutely untrammeled and left to work out our own salvation. Morse and I were of one mind as to the object to be attained and there were no discussions in regard to the methods to be adopted. They were not original, but they had never been tried in this country. There had never been an opportunity. The opportunity that many of us had hoped for, had dreamed of, was furnished by the bounty

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