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CORNELL: Roy Glen Wiggans, "Classification of the cultivated varieties of barley." Daniel Scott Fox, "Analysis of the cost of growing potatoes." Frank App, "Farm profits on 370 potato farms in Monmouth, New Jersey." ILLINOIS: Jose Jison Miralsol, "Aluminum as a factor in soil acidity."

MINNESOTA: Paul Harmer, "Uniformity of the
Late Gray Drift of Minnesota.'
WISCONSIN: William Merriott Gibbs, "Isolation

and study of nitrifying bacteria." Tsunao Inomata, "Intensity of culture." Frederick Charles Bauer, I. "Effect of leaching on the availability of rock phosphate to corn." II. "Relation of organic matter and the feeding power of plants to the utilization of rock phosphate."


CHICAGO: Luther Sherman Ross, "Cytology of the large nerve cell of the crayfish (Cambarus).” CORNELL: Lyda May Degener, "Development of dentary bone and teeth in the lower jaw of Amia calva."

HARVARD: Ralph Faust Shaner, "A study in comparative embryology."


COLUMBIA: Leslie Spier, "The Sun Dance of the Plains Indians."

HARVARD: Edward Smith Handy, 3d, "Polynesian religion."


CALIFORNIA: Sophie Hazel Levy, "Theory of motion of the planet (175) Andromache." Charles Donald Shane, "The spectra of certain class N stars."'

CHICAGO: Alice Hall Farnsworth, "Comparison of the photometric fields of the 6-inch doublet, 24inch reflector, and 40-inch refractor with some investigation of the astrometric field of the reflector." Hannah Steele Pettit, "Proper motions and parallaxes of 359 stars in the cluster h Persei." Edison Pettit, "Form and motions of the solar prominences.'' MICHIGAN: Julia May Hawkes, "Photographic determination of the positions of stars and nebulous knote in and around the great nebula of Andromeda."


CALIFORNIA: Theodore Day Beckwith, "Studies upon the chemotherapy of the experimental typhoid carrier condition."

CHICAGO: Ida Albertina Bengtson, "The proteus group of organisms." Benjamin Junior Clawson, "Varieties of streptococci with special reference to constancy.'

HARVARD: Monroe Jacob Schlesinger, "The mechanism of antianaphylaxis.”

NEW YORK: Hassow Otto Von Wedal, "Complement fixation test for tuberculosis."'

OHIO STATE: Edward Everett Hale Boyer, "The chemical nature of the antigenic substances in Bacillus coli."

YALE: William Shelton Sturges, Jr., "Bacterial autolysis."'


BROWN: Eda May Round, "Carboniferous flora of Rhode Island."

CALIFORNIA: Carl Hartley, "Damping-off in forest nurseries."'

CHICAGO: Arthur Wing Haupt, "The life-history of Fossombronia cristula." Ladema Mary Langdon, "Stem anatomy of Dioon spinulosum.”’ John James Willaman, "Function of vitamine in the metabolism of Sclerotinia cinerea." Dean Alvin Pack, "After-ripening and germination of juniper seeds." Scott Verne Eaton, "Sulfur content of soils and its relation to plant nutrition." Hope Sherman, "The respiration of dormant seeds." Perry Daniel Strausbaugh, "Study of dormancy in the plum.” Helen Ashhurst Choate, "Study of certain chemical changes occurring in wheat during germination." Howard DeForrest, "Plant ecology of the Rock River Woodlands of Ogle County, Illinois.''

COLUMBIA: Frederick Vernon Rand, "The chloratic groups of plant diseases with special reference to pecan rosette." Robert Aaron Stemberg, "Stimulation of growth by zinc and ferric sulphates." Harvey Earl Thomas, "Relation of the health of the host and other factors to infection of Opium graveolens by Septearia apiirosti."

CORNELL: William Henry Eyster, "Linkage relations of the factors for tunicate ear and starchysugary endosperm in maize." Ernest Gustaf Anderson, "Inheritance of salmon silk color in maize." Vining Campbell Dunlap, "Studies of development in the genus Pleurotus.'' Edwin Fraser Hopkins, "The botrytis blight of tulips." Harry E. Knowlton, "Studies in pollen." Roy David Anthony, "Sexual inheritance in the violet." Harvey Elmer Stork, "Biology, morphology and cytoplasmic structure of Aleu

rodiscus." Harry Wilmer Dye, "The bottomrot and the stunt." Gordon Peter McRostie, "Inheritance of disease resistance in the common bean." Frank Burkett Wann, "Fixation of free nitrogen by green plants."' GEORGE WASHINGTON: William Edwin Safford, "Revision of the genus Datura." HARVARD: Oran Lee Raber, "Effect of anions upon permeability." Alden True Speare, "Morphology and reproduction of Sorosporella uvella.''

ILLINOIS: Lee Ellis Miles, "Leaf spots of the elm." Mary Emma Renich, "Growth as related to specific gravity and the size of seed." Edwin Rollin Spencer, "Some of the causes of decay of Brazil nuts.'' Truman George Yuncker, "Revision of the North American and West Indian species of Cuscuta."

IOWA STATE: Beryl Taylor, "Development of foliage leaves of Vitus vulpina L. and Catalpa bignonoides (Walt.).

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JOHNS HOPKINS: William Ernest Seifriz, "Structure and behavior of protoplasm as determined by the aid of microdissection.' MICHIGAN: Ray Clarence Friesner, "Daily rhythms of elongation and cell-division in certain roots." Frieda Cobb, "Case of mendelian inheritance complicated by heterogametism and mutation in Enothera pratincola."

OHIO STATE: Swarna Kumer Mitra, "Toxic and antagonistic effects of salts on Saccharomyces ellipsoideus."

PENNSYLVANIA: William Randolph Taylor, "Morphological and cytological study of reproduction in the genus Acer." Irwin Boeshore, "Morphological continuity of Scrophulariaceae and Orobanchaceœ.'

PITTSBURGH: Earnest Milton Gress, "Grasses of Pennsylvania.''

RADCLIFFE: Matilda Moldenhauer Brooks, "Quan

titative studies on the respiration of Bacillus subtilis (Ehrenberg) Cohn." WISCONSIN: Clyde Melvin Woodworth, "Inheritance studies in soy beans. I. Cotyledon, seedcoat, hilium, and pubescence colors." Bert Lorin Richards, Title of thesis not given. William Burley Tisdale, Title of thesis not given. Walter H. Snell, Title of thesis not given. Edward Eastman Clayton, "Influence of certain environmental factors on the development of the fusarium wilt of tomatoes." Mabel Mary Brown, "Distribution of sexual characters and regeneration in Funaria hygrometrica (L) Sibth.''

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BROWN: Chester Lewis Knowles, "Preparation of para dephenyl propiolic acid." CALIFORNIA: John Merritt McGee, "Preparation and properties of sodium amide." Roy Frederick Newton, "Equilibria in reactions of methyl alcohol with hydrochloric acid and with hydrobromic acid." George Sutton Parks, "The specific heats of ethyl and propyl alcohols.''

CHICAGO: Ray Quincy Brewster, I. "Symmetrical tetraprophylethane." II. "Reduction of nitrotriphenylamine." Elvah Harley Grafton, "The adsorption of benzene derivatives on the surface of water." Morris Selig Kharasch, "Colors of the second order." George Elmer Miller. I. "Preparation of pure cyanogen chloride. II. Preparation and study of d- and 1-beta gamma diozybutyric acid." Charles H. Milligan, "The preparation of d-1-P-methyl-isopropyl methylphenyl hydrazine. The isolation of pure d-Pmethyl-isopropyl methyl-phenyl aniline." Henry John Rossbacher, "M-tolyl-ethyl-barbituric acid.'' Karl Theodor Steik, "The effect of alkali upon Portland cement.'' Roger John Williams, "The vitamine requirement of yeast.'' Lathrop Emerson Roberts, "A study of phase boundaries." Amando Clements, "The relation between pore size and adsorption in charcoal." Mary Meda Rising, I. "The preparation of phenylethylbarbituric acid. II. The preparation of para-ureido-phenylacetylurea and related compounds. III. An attempt to filter the enzymes of milk.'' John Edward Schott, I.

"Oxidation of benzamide. II. Derivatives of

phenylethylbarbituric acid." Dwight Tarbell Ewing, I. "The densities and adsorption and desorption properties of gas mask charcoals. II. The effects of acids and bases on the surface energy of B-B-dicolorethyl sulphide ('Mustard gas')."

Steward Basterfield, "Derivatives of isourea and their pharmacological action."' Ying Chang Cheng, "Cohesion, adhesion, tensile strength, tensile energy, negative surface energy, interfacial tension, and molecular attraction." Frank Louis DeBeukelaer, "Derivatives of phenylethylacetic acid and of phenyldiethylacetic acid." Warren Walter Ewing, "Attractions of mercury for other liquid." Louis Melvin Larsen, I. "Nitrotriphenylamines. II. Oxidation of diaminophenols."'

CINCINNATI: Clarence Alonza Mills, "Distribution, nature and method of action of tissue coagulants."'

CLARK: Chung Yen Chiu, "Nature of the complexes formed between the alkali metals and certain heavy metals in liquid ammonia.'' Henry Cole Parker, "Conductance of iodic acid in aqueous solution.''

COLUMBIA: Eliz Brakelly, "Factors affecting the stability of addition compounds in solution and their influence upon viscosity." Paul Maymes Gross, "Factors affecting the stability of addition compounds in solution and their influence on ionization-equilibria.'' Theodore Clinton Taylor, "Fat associated with starch."' Marguerite Wayman, "The effect of certain antiseptics upon the activity of amylases." Francis J. Fuchs, "Effect of foreign oxides upon the decomposition of silica oxide, mercuric oxide and barium peroxide.'' Paul M. Giesy, "Chemical study of the placental harmone." Mary Louise Landon, "Formation of addition compounds between 100 per cent. sulphuric acid and the neutral sulphates of the alkali metals.'' Ida Pauline Rolf, "Contributions to the chemistry of the unsaturated phosphatids."' CORNELL: Frank William Douglas, "Chemistry of germanium." Ralph W. G. Wyckoff, "Crystal structures of cassium dichloroiodide and of sodium nitrate." Major Edward Holmes, "Contributions to the chemistry of the hydronitrogens and pernitrides.''

GEORGE WASHINGTON: Elias Elvove, "The detection and estimation of small amounts of organic nitro compounds with special reference to the examination of the urine of TNT workers." Edward Elmer Smith, "The effects of bleaching with oxides of nitrogen upon the baking qualities and commercial value of wheat flour." Peter John Donk, "A thermophilic bacterium causing flat-sour in canned goods."' HARVARD: Edward Adelbert Doisy, "Determination of sodium, potassium and chlorine in small samples of tissue.'' Webster Newton Jones, I. "Study of 1, 2-dibenzoyl-3-phenylcyclopane. II. 1-Iod-2, 4, 6-tribrom-3-nitrobenzene. III. 2, 2, 3-trimethylpentane. Alexander Donald Macdonald, "Addition of phosphorus trichloride to saturated aldehydes and ketones." Robert Merrill, I. "On catalytic oxidation. II. On certain cyclopropane derivatives.'' ILLINOIS: Miner Manly Austin, "Potash in Illinois shales.'' Herbert Ephraim French, "Preparation of substituted alpha halogen benzyl

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benzoates, and a study of the reactions of these compounds. Ralph William Hufferd, "Application of Victor Meyer's esterification law to neighboring xylic acid and its reduced derivatives." Carl Shipp Marvel, "Study of the possible asymmetry of the aliphatic diazo compounds." Ruth Evelyn Merling, "Methods of arylaton." Sargent Gastman Powell, "Unsaturated phenyl ethers and their rearrangements.'' Lynne Herman Ulich, "Reactions between acid halides and aldehydes."' William Alexander Van Winkle, "Study of the determination of the halogens in volatile organic compounds.'' JOHNS HOPKINS: Frederick Keller Bell, “Effect of copper on the solubility of iron in acids." Charles Edward Lanning, “Study of an oxidizing catalyst.'' Edward Otis Holmes, Jr., "Action of ultra-violet light on gels." Frederick Collins Lee, "Electrolytic preparation of ammonium permanganate." Paul Lange Lotz, "Osmotic pressure of sucrose 30° and 55°.7 as determined by the water interferometer.'' George Edgar Miller, "Anthraquinone, 1, 8 aliphatic thioether-sulphonic acids and di-thioethers.'' Colin MacKenzie MacKall, "Anthraquinone 1, 5 aliphatic thioether-sulphonic acids and di-thio-ethers."' Charles Snowden Poggott, "Catalytic oxidation of ammonia." Lloyd Hilton Reyerson, Nature of the interfaces existing in the pores of silica gel and the retention of bromine by silica gels." Thomas Cobb Whitner, Jr., "Study of the reactions of normal butyl mercaptan and some of its derivatives.'' MASSACHUSETTS: James Alexander Beattie, "Investigations in the electromotive forces of concentration cells of lithium and potassium chlorides." Ming Chow, "Investigations in the electromotive forces of concentration cells of potassium hydroxide, and on the activities of ions in mixed electrolytes." Yu Liang Yeh, "Investigations of liquid junction potentials, and on the activities of ions in mixed electrolytes." Charles Ernest Ruby, "Investigations of the equilibria and free energies of mixtures of manganate, permanaganate, and hydroxide of potassium and manganese dioxide." MICHIGAN: Dorothy Hall, Separation of copper and cobalt by phenythiohydantoic acid and the volumetric determination of cobalt." Earl Grover Sturdevant, "Electrodeposition of brass from cyanide solutions."


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methane." Melvin Guy Mellon, "Further study of a lead standard cell.'' PITTSBURGH: Emil Harold Balz, "Derivatives of 2, 4, 6, trinitrobenzaldehyde." PRINCETON: Arthur Ferguson Benton, "Gas flow meters and the end correction in the determination of gas viscosity by the capillary tube method." Homer Hiram Lowry, "Studies in the absorption by charcoal." Merwyn Clarence Teague, "Efficiency, testing and improvement of gas warfare box respirators." VIRGINIA: Judson Hall Robertson, "Hydrolysis and heat of formation of urea sulphate, and the relation of these factors to the decomposition of urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide in aqueous solutions." WISCONSIN: George J. Ritter, "Catalytic hydrogenation of cotton seed oil." Van Lorens Bohnson, "Contribution to the study of the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide."' Barnett Sure, Title of thesis not given. Wallace Headen Strowd, "Studies in the nitrogen metabolism of the soy bean." Daniel Christopher Leander Sherk, "Thymol and carvacrol problems in connection with the Monardas." George Robert Shaw, "Chemistry of platinum at high temperatures and pressures." Clifford Shattuck Leonard, Title of thesis not given. Clinton B. Clevenger, I. "The accurate determination of the hydrogen-ion concentration of plant juices by means of the hydrogen electrode. II. Factors affecting the acidity of hydrogen-ion concentration of plant juices."'

YALE: Charles Barkebus, "Some constituents of Viburnum Prunifolium or Black Haw." Stuart Robert Brinkley, "Equilibrium in the system ammonia-ammonium nitrate-ammonium thiocyanate." Florian Anton Cajori, "Nutritive properties of nuts." John Joseph Donleavy, "Alkylation of aromatic amines by interaction with aliphatic alcohols." Jacob Benjamin Fishman, "New derivatives of benzylalcohol possessing possible therapeutic interests." Martha Richardson Jones, "Studies on carbohydrate metabolism in rabbits." Frederick William Lane, "Study of certain alkyl derivatives of resorcinol and their value as antiseptics."' Walter Gerald Karr, "Studies on nutrition." Icie Gertrude Macy, "Comparative studies on the physiological value and toxicity of cotton seed and some of its products." Lyman Edwards Porter, "Analytical chemistry of gallium." George Walter Pucher, "Development of the intermediate stages of a new method of

synthesizing histamine.'' Arthur Henry Smith, "Effect of solutions of certain salts and colloids on the permeability of the capillary walls.’’ CALLIE HULL, Technical Assistant



ON June 17, 1920, Professor J. C. McLennan, of the University of Toronto, gave a lecture before the Chemical Society in London, on "Helium, Its Production and Uses." This lecture has been printed in the July, 1920, number of the Journal of the Chemical Society. At the close of his lecture Professor McLennan gave special emphasis to the great need of a properly equipped cryogenic laboratory somewhere within the British empire. To quote his own words:

The list of problems rendered capable of attack by the use of liquid helium might be easily extended, but those cited already will serve to show that the field is large and that it is well worth while for us to make a special effort to secure adequate financial support for the equipment and maintenance of a cryogenic laboratory within the Empire. It is probably beyond the ordinary resources of any university to equip and maintain such a laboratory, but the project is one which merits national and probably imperial support. It should appeal to private beneficence as well for it is a project deserving strong and sympathetic help.

It may be of interest to American scientists to know that the need of such a laboratory in this country was recognized by the Bureau of Mines more than a year ago. The immediate need was for the obtaining of certain scientific data which is necessary for the improvement and development of the commercial work in connection with the government helium plants, but there is a large field outside of this immediate need which can be covered by such a laboratory.

Through the interest and broadmindedness of Commander A. K. Atkins, of the Navy, and Colonel C. DeF. Chandler and Lieutenant R.

S. Olmsted, of the Army Air Service, necessary funds for the purchase of equipment and the maintenance of this laboratory were furnished to the Bureau of Mines late last spring. This equipment is now being received and installed by the Bureau of Mines in the New Department of the Interior Building at Washington. The equipment consists of two four-stage Norwalk compressors with a capacity of 75 cu. ft. of free air per minute each. These will be used for making liquid air and for other purposes in connection with the experimental work. There will also be one vertical submarine type Norwalk compressor with a capacity of 12 cu. ft. of free air per minute to be used in connection with a liquid hydrogen cycle, and a similar compressor with a capacity of 8 cu. ft. of free air per minute for use in connection with a liquid helium cycle. These compressors will all be driven by variable speed motors, and be equipped with unloading valves so that the capacities can be varied within wide limits. In addition, there will be an adequate equipment of gas holders, a machine shop, and a chemical and physical laboratory. The force will consist of four technical men and two mechanics, and the whole laboratory will be under the direction of the writer. It is hoped that the equipment will be completely installed by January 1.

Whereas the main object of the laboratory will be to assist in every possible way the whole helium project, both on the production and refining ends, there is a strong desire that this laboratory shall be of material use to science in general, and that it may be possible later on to make arrangements for its facilities to be used in special cases by men outside the government service who are specially equipped for such work.



IN times of peace this country, according to the Geological Survey, has in a single year sent abroad, mostly to Europe, 1,250,000 long tons or more of high-grade phosphate rock, or more than 40 per cent. of its total annual output. The exports decreased during the war

until, in 1918, they amounted to only 143,000 tons, or 6 per cent. of the domestic output. They increased to 379,000 tons in 1919, but these reports of newly discovered large deposits in Morocco, which, like those in Algeria and Tunis, are near to the large fertilizer market in southern Europe, may mean that the American exporter of phosphate rock will have formidable competition in that region.

As superphosphate fertilizer is manufactured chiefly from phosphate rock, France, by her control of the deposits in Algeria, Tunis and Morocco, has a practical monopoly of the North African sources of a commodity that is essential to the restoration of European agriculture. When these deposits have been further developed and adequate transportation facilities have been provided the market for phosphate rock in southern Europe will probably be supplied from northern Africa, so that the American exports to Europe will be confined to the northern countries.

The principal deposits in Morocco are about 80 miles southeast of Casablanca and consist of three beds or series of beds of phosphatic sand in a formation that is 50 to 200 feet thick. The uppermost phosphatic bed contains 67 per cent. of tricalcium phosphate, the middle bed 30 per cent. and the lower beds 53 per cent., and the commercial average for the group is about 59 per cent. Water and hydroelectric power for the exploiting of the deposits can be obtained from a river near by. In order to market the rock, however, a railroad would have to be built from the deposits to Casablanca, the nearest port.

Another deposit, which consists of soft phosphatic material carrying 72 to 75 per cent. of tricalcium phosphate, lies 40 miles northeast of the principal one. Still another deposit lies a short distance southeast of Rabat, a coast town. This deposit consists of sandy clay 16 feet thick containing nearly 47 per cent. of tricalcium phosphate.


THE Paris correspondent of the Journal of the American Medical Association writes:

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