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quaternary addition products of sufficiently pure lepidine (or homologs of lepidine) give when treated with alcoholic alkalis in hot, concentrated solution, dyes of the isocyanine type, similar to, but not identical with, those given by the corresponding derivatives of quinaldine. The preparation of 5 such dyes is described. The formation of isocyanines from lepidine confirms the hypothesis, now generally accepted, that these dyes contain two quinoline nuclei attached to a central carbon atom in positions 4 and 2, respectively.

Kryptocyanines: A new series of photosensitizing dyes: ELLIOT Q. ADAMS and HERBERT,L. HALLER. A new type of photosensitizing dye having an absorption maximum near 7,000 Å. and a sensitization maximum near 7,400 Å. is described. These dyes are formed by the action of alcoholic alkali and formaldehyde (or chloroform) on the alkyl halides (or other quaternary addition compounds) of (sufficiently pure) lepidine and its homologs. Dyes of the same or similar type are produced under some circumstances in the absence of formaldehyde or chloroform. Tentative suggestions are made as to the structure of these dyes. The name "kryptocyanine" is suggested.

Synthesis of photosensitizing dyes (II.), dicyaanine A.: L. A. MIKESKA, H. L. HALLER and E. Q. ADAMS. Directions are given for the preparation of 2, 4-dimethyl-6-ethoxyquinoline from pphenetidine; for the preparation of the ethiodide of this base, and, from it, the nitrate and iodide of Dicyanine A.

Naphthalene sulphonic acids. III. An alternative method for the qualitative detection of naphthalene 2-7 and 1-6 disulphonic acids. J. A. AMBLER. In naphthalene sulphonic acids. II. A method for the qualitative determination of some of the naphthalene sulphonic acids, by J. A. Ambler and E. T. Wherry, read at the meeting of the American Chemical Society at St. Louis in April, a method of detecting naphthalene 1-6 and 2-7 disulphonic acids by a microscopic examination of their ẞ-naphthylamine salts, was given. It is also possible to detect these two acids in mixtures by the different solubility of their ẞ-naphthylamine salts in 4 volumes of 95 per cent, alcohol and 1 volume of water, the 2-7 salt being more insoluble. The 1-6 acid is detected by converting to the sodium salts and subsequent treatment with sulphuric acid, in which the sodium salt of the 1-6 acid is more insoluble.


An investigation of the N. S. Passay of phosphoric acid and soluble phosphates: A. E. STEARN, H. V. FARR and N. P. KNOWLTON. The N. S. P. method is incapable of yielding true results except at one specific concentration, namely, 6.2 mg. per c.c. of P2O, in sol. The error varies from about +3 per cent. at a concentration of .62 mg. per c.c. 8 per cent. at a conc. of 10.9 mg. per c.c. This is probably due to the formation of acid phosphates of silver which are slightly soluble, the amount formed increasing rapidly as the phosphate concentration is increased and the excess of silver nitrate is simultaneously decreased. By modifying the method to the extent of transforming the acid to the tri-sodium salt results are obtained which coincide with the results yielded by the pyrophosphate method and are independent of the concentration.

The production of American storax, from the red gum tree: S. A. MAHOOD.

Detection of some substituted sulphonic acids: D. F. J. LYNCH. In the work on substituted sulphonic acids in this laboratory, the need of some quick method of detection and identification for such acids as 1-8 dinitro naphthalene 3-6 disulphonic acid, 1-8 diamino naphthalene 3-6 disulphonic acid, 1-amino 8 naphthol 3-6 disulphonic acid (H acid), and 1-8 dihydroxy naphthalene 3-6 disulphonic acid (chromotrope) was felt. Mixtures of these acids were encountered in our work on the nitration of 2-7 naphthalene disulphonic acid and the subsequent reduction and hydrolysis of the nitro compound formed. Each of these four acids can be identified in the presence of the other three by the formation of salts with organic bases.

Benzene disulphonic acid from benzene monosulphonic acid: C. E. SENSEMAN. Barium benzene monosulphonate is treated with concentrated sulphuric acid at temperatures of 220°, 250° and 280°. The quantities of acid used range from 50 per cent. excess to 700 per cent. excess. The duration of the various experiments is from 8 to 10 hours. The progress of the reaction is determined in each case by removing a sample at the end of each hour and analyzing for the disulphonic acid. Vanadium pentoxide and sodium sulphate are tried out as catalysts. In some cases an increased yield of 20 per cent. results.

Qualifications of organic chemists: M. L. CROSSLEY. Uniformity of action by men who employ chemists in passing upon their qualifications is

especially needed. In addition to the training which a man receives fitting him as a chemist, he should also have a definite amount of experience before he is considered a chemist to qualify as such and should have a university training or its equivalent in the fundamentals of chemistry, physics and mathematics, and in addition, have had at least five years experience in a research laboratory connected either with the university or an industry. This can best be accomplished by appointing men who have just been graduated as junior chemists to be advanced to assistant chemist after two years of satisfactory work under the direction of senior chemists. From the assistant grade appointment should be made as a chemist after satisfactory evidence has been given by assistant chemist of his ability to understand and appreciate the responsibility to his profession in rendering efficient and accurate service. The title of chemist should carry with it distinction and should not be lightly given to men whose qualifi cations do not fit them for the kind of service which the chemist should render to his profession.

Laboratory equipment: C. V. OGILVIE, G. S. SIMPSON, M. L. CROSSLEY. In order to secure accuracy and efficient results in analysis in organic research laboratories it is imperative that we use standard equipment in which the factor of equipment error is reduced to a minimum. We propose two such pieces of standard equipment for laboratory purposes, first, a diazotization burette. This is a jacketed burette which can be cooled to any desired temperature by circulating brine and which can be used for diazo solutions easily decomposed by light. The burette is similar to a condenser of the shellback type, having a blue line on a white background. The lower end of this burette should be made of capillary tubing so that only a small volume of solution is held in this portion of the burette. The burette is sealed in a condenser tubing, care being taken to avoid an exposure of much of the burette surface. The inlet and outlet tubes for circulating the brine solution through the jacket are so placed as to allow the water to surround the entire burette. It is protected from the direct rays of the light by standing the jacket leaving only sufficient exposed surface of the jacket to enable the operator to read the volume of the solution. The same thing can be accomplished by using a colored solution for cooling the jacket. Second, a standard stirring equipment for use with volatile liquids. We propose laboratory stirring equipment to be used

for either the extraction or mixing of volatile liquids consisting of a wide mouth flask fitted with thermometer and glass stirrer driven by a shaft which extends through a condenser. This vertical shaft is driven from a 1" horizontal shaft 36" above the bench. The vertical shaft is supported from the wall by iron bearings and placed 7" from the horizontal shaft. By proper adjustment of the driving pulleys, one can carry on stirring at different heights from the operating bench. The bearings are of glass and the pulleys of wood. The pulleys have three speeds and are driven by 1/8" leather belting. This type of equipment does away with the necessity of mercury seal which is usually necessary in work of this kind and which frequently contaminates the reac tion mass.

Action of sulfuric acid on nitro carbocylic compounds: M. L. CROSSLEY. Certain nitro compounds react with sulphuric acid under certain conditions with explosive violence producing aminophenol, sulfonic acids and complex compounds of unknown composition. The reaction is exothermic and is quite general. The temperature at which the reaction takes place is just a few degrees above that at which the substances remain in contact unchanged. It is the purpose of this paper to emphasize the dangerous character of this reaction, especially when the reaction mass is large and is confined in a vessel with a closed top. On a manufacturing scale it is extremely difficult to control this reaction and it should be guarded against in processes where it might be secondary to some main reaction. A few months ago this reaction was brought about by accident in a plant in this country and it resulted in a bad explosion in which several men were badly injured and one man killed. It is hoped that other manufacturers will profit by this experience and thus prevent loss of life and property which would otherwise result.



H. D. Batchelor, chairman
H. E. Howe, secretary

Cellulose Symposium. G. J. Esselen, Jr., chairman Regenerating book-stock: CHARLES BASKERVILLE and CLARENCE M. JOYCE. Attention is directed to the enormous amounts of old magazines and books, much of which now goes to waste, although much is converted into box-board, roofing paper, etc. The term "bookstock" is applied in this communica

tion to used paper made primarily from chemically prepared pulp. Conservation will result in reworking more paper wastes. The differential in value of the regenerated pulp which goes back to bookstock or into boxboard must bear the cost of "de-inking." To conserve the strength and length of fiber and secure the greatest yield, the paper requires mechanical treatment whereby the fibers are loosened and drawn apart with minimum tearing; the chemical treatment should lift the ink, the substances used dissolving or emulsifying the binder and carrying the pigment particles away in the necessary washing. A combination of borax, soap, kerosene and pine oil, does this best; the last mentioned being a natural solvent of rosin, used as size for many kinds of paper, and a solvent and emulsifying body for gums and resins, which are present in ground wood, used in cheaper grades of magazine papers. The process has been patented. Recovering newsprint: CHARLES BASKERVILLE and RESTON STEVENSON. With the prices obtaining, the recovery of old newspapers in such condition as to be used again for newsprint, offers an opportunity for relative conservation, if not distinct economy in fact. Methods previously devised for recovering printed papers made little or no distinction between newsprint stock and book stock. The former normally contains a large proportion of ground wood, which yellows on treatment with caustic soda, the usual basis of chemicals applied in de-inking printed paper stock. The authors, recognizing the difference in character of the fibers in the several kinds of stocks, have studied the fundamental principles involved and devised a novel method for completely deinking newsprint stock containing a large percentage of ground wood with the minimum production of yellowing. The process developed depends upon the addition of American fuller's earth to the alkaline solution in which the printed or soiled newspapers are pulped. The binder is loosened and the ink lifted from the fibers, the oils being absorbed by and the ink particles adhering to the argillaceous earth, which is washed away from the fibers through a fine gauze screen. Temperature factors and concentrations are given. A finished pulp, free from pigment and binder, clean as when first made, has been obtained readymade for the paper mill. If desired the stock may be bleached by treatment with dilute sulphurous acid, but this is unnecessary for ordinary newsprint stock.

On the cellulose content of various compound celluloses: LOUIS KAHLENBERG. Using the ferric

chloride hydrolysis method described at the Urbana meeting of the American Chemical Society, various compound celluloses were decomposed and their cellulose content estimated. The following materials were thus investigated: (1) Woodsbass wood, birch, black walnut, cherry, hemlock, maple, redwood, red oak, white ash, Washington fir, white pine, yellow pine; (2) Straws-wheat, oats, rye, barley, millet, soy beans, corn stalks, corn husks, timothy hay; (3) Nutshells-black walnut, English walnut, hickory, filbert, Brazil, pecan, almond, peanut, horse chestnut; (4) Barks -hemlock, pine. So far as comparable results have previously been presented in the literature by others, the values obtained are found to be, in general, of the same order of magnitude as those in this research.

The constitution of cellulose: HAROLD HIBBERT. The acid hydrolysis of sugar cane fiber and cotton seed hulls: E. C. SHERRARD and G. W. BLANCO. Sugar cane fiber and cotton seed hulls were hydrolyzed by digesting with dilute sulphuric acid under 115 to 120 pounds steam pressure. About 27 per cent. of total sugar was obtained from the bagasse and about 14 per cent. from the cotton seed hulls. Of the total sugar obtained from these materials very little was fermentable, the greater proportion being xylose. The yield of sugar from bagasse using Hudson and Harding's method was 21.22 per cent. of the original dry fiber. Of this 57 per cent. was obtained as crystalline xylose and shown to be identical with that from cotton seed hulls. Attention is called to the fact that pentose sugar influence the equilibrium established in the hydrolysis of cellulose of hexose sugars. When present in sufficient quantities they prevent the formation of fermentable sugars. It is pointed out that bagasse is a promising source of xylose or furfural. CHARLES L. PARSONS, Secretary

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By EDWARD J. KEMPF, M.D., Clinical Psychiatrist to St. Elizabeths Hospital (Formerly Government Hospital for the Insane), Washington, D. C.; Author of "The Autonomic Functions and the Personality."

762 pages + xxiii, 634 x 934, with 97 illustrations. Printed on beautiful India tint paper, and bound in silk cloth, with gold stamping. Price, $9.50

This work on psychopathology is the first of its kind in the English language and differs decidedly from most current works on psychiatry and abnormal psychology. It does not proceed from the sterile assumption that the brain is the organ of the mind and the conclusion that, because in some cases undeveloped or diseased nervous tissue causes abnormal behavior, therefore in all neuroses or cases of abnormal behavior a diseased or inherently deficient nervous system or some obscure constitutional inferiority exists.

In the first chapter Kempf shows how the entire body is the organ of the mind; showing how its visceral segments produce normal and abnormal emotional cravings and mental states.

The second, third, and fourth chapters demonstrate how environmental influences distort the emotions, and the fifth chapter shows how all abnormal people are classifiable according to their dominant cravings and the manner in which they try to control them.

¶ Chapters six to thirteen discuss, with numerous case illustrations, how people develop into different abnormal types, how these types may be changed what causes them to change and how many again readjust to normal, and why others of the same type can never become normal again.

Chapter fourteen recapitulates the entire work for the student, writer, and lecturer.

¶ Chapter fifteen discusses psychotherapeutic principles and what society must do for the individual to enable him to achieve a full normal growth and healthy personality.

An ample series of illustrations is used to explain the significance of common symbols to be found in dreams, delusions, hallucinations, fancies, art and ritual and why they are valuable for the emotions.

The book is fully and carefully indexed in order to bring together the more important similar features to be found throughout the


For those who have not the time of opportunity to make exhaustive, intimate, analytical studies of normal or abnormal people, but who need such case studies for their work as advisors, teachers, lecturers, or writers, Kempf's Psychopathology will fill an important need. It is presented to psychopathologists, physicians, sociologists, psychologists, teachers, judges, lawyers, custodians and directors of educational, military and custodial institutions to assist them to a clearer understanding of the abnormal or potentially abnormal individual.

The cases are presented fully and without prudish reservation. They will be of assistance to educators and advisors on sex education in their work of keeping normal people normal.

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