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Abel, O, Die Stämme der Wirbelthiere, W. D. MATTHEW, 37

Absorption-Transpiration Ratio in Nutrient Media, E. S. JOHNSTON, 517

ADAMS, E. Q., Rational System of Units, 527
Aerological Work in the United States, C. L.

African Rift Valleys, W. M. DAVIS, 456
Ages of Animals, J. R. SLONAKER, 134
Agricultural Work at University of Nanking, 192
Agronomist and Food Supply, F. S. HARRIS, 395
Aitoff's Equal-area Projection of the Sphere, 8
Alaska, Agriculture, 101; Surveys in 1920, 125;
Forests, 244

Albino Vertebrates, J. S. DEXTER, 130

ALLARD, H. A., Flight of Fireflies and Flashing
Impulse, 537'

ALLBUTT, T. C., Medical Research, 115
ALLEE, W. C., Journal of Morphology, 84
ALLEN, B. M., Transplantation of Hypophysis, 274
American Association for the Advancement of Sci-
ence: Meeting of Pacific Division, W. W. SAR-
GENT, 113; Grants, 403; Minutes of Executive
Committee, B. E. LIVINGSTON, 495; Chicago
Meeting, 504, B. E. LIVINGSTON, 521; Section
O-Agriculture, J. G. LIPMAN, 64; Section of
Zoology, 461; Status of Affairs of, B. E. LIVING-
STON, 499; Address of the President, SIMON

Ameghino, Works of, R. L. MOODIE, 469
Anatomical Literature, H. V. WILSON, 178
Anopheles, Larvae, J. ZETEK, 15; Swarming of, L.
O. HOWARD, 468

Anthropological Problems of the Far East, A. HRDLICKA, 567

Anthropology, Institutes of, K. PEARSON, 371 Anti-vivisection, California Legislation, 334 ARNOLD, R., Earthquakes at Los Angeles, 121 Astronomical Soc., Amer., J. STEBBINS, 542 Astronomy, Daily Influence of, W. W. CAMPBELL, 545

Atmometers, B. E. LIVINGSTON and F. THONE, 85 Atoms in Common Metals, A. W. HULL, 227 Australia, Booming Lizard, W. H. BONE, 273 Austrian Meteorologists' Appeal for Aid, 357

Bacteriology, Twenty-five Years of, S. FLEXNER, 615

BALDWIN, W. M., X-ray Energy acting upon Frogs' Ova, 229

Banks, Joseph, Centenary of, 123

Barbour Microdissection Apparatus, H. B. GOODRICH, 252

BARTON, S. G., Eric Doolittle, 378

BARUS, C., Spiral Nebulae, 112; Compression of a Sound Wave, 586

BATEMAN, H., Electricity and Gravitation, 314
BATHER, F. A., Fossils and Life, 257

BAUER, L. A., Light Deflection in Solar Eclipse,


HAM, Chromosomal Duplication, 388
BERGEIM, O., R. J. MILLER and P. B. HAWK, Gas-
tric Response to Foods, 253

BERRY, E. W., Diastrophism, 315; Paleontology and Pragmatism, 529

Biochemical Research in England, 37

Biometric Laboratories at University College, 30
Biophysics, A. FORBES, 331

Bishop Museum and Pan-Pacific Scientific Con-
gress, C. SCHUCHERT, 74; Expeditions, 311
Black Fish, Autopsy of, G. A. MACCALLUM, 387
HAM, Chromosomal Duplication, 388
Blatchley, W. S., Orthoptera, A. N. CAUDELL, 251
Blood Coagulation, A. R. RICH, 38

BONE, W. H., Booming Lizard of Australia, 273
Botany, Introductory Course in, B. M. DAVIS, 597
BORING, E. G., Gaussian Law, 129; Human
Heights, 464

Bouvier, C. L., La Vie Psychique des Insects, W. M. WHEELER, 443

BÖVING, A. G., John Sahlberg, 216

BRASCH, F. E., History of Science Section and Progress of Science, 559

Brewster Collection of Birds, 32

BRIGGS, F. N. and W. W. MACKIE, Fungicidal Dusts for Control of Smuts, 540

British, Association, 209, 233, 257, 273, at Cardiff, 341; Science Guild, 76; Chemists, Headquarters for, 168; Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 288; National Physical Laboratory, 310; Ministry of Agriculture, 485; National Union of Scientific Workers, 576 BROOKS, C. F., Amer. Meteorological Soc., 205 BRUES, C. T., Research Problems, 492

BURR, F. F., H. H. PLATT and S. R. WILLIAMS, Mirages, 290

CAJORI, F., Galileo's Experiment, 409 Calcium Metabolism, E. B. HART, H. STEENBOCK and C. A. HOPPERT, 318; E. F. ROBB, 510 California, Acad. of Sci., Lectures on Astronomy, 335; Collection of Birds, 486; Institute of Technology, 356

CAMPBELL, W. W., Relations with Teutonic Scientists, 109; Daily Influence of Astronomy, 545 Canada, Power Resources, 332

CARLSON, C. O., Nebraska Academy of Science,


Carnegie Foundation and Research in Colleges, L. A. ROGERS, 176


CASTLE, W. E., Linked Genes in Rabbits, 156 CAUDELL, A. N., Orthoptera, W. S. Blatchley, 251 CHAMBERLIN, T. C., Wisconsin Academy of Science, 1

Chemical, Research in France and England, 148; Conference, International, 244; Soc., Amer., 170, C. L. PARSONS, 158, 183, 206, 230, 254, 276, 297, 319, 345, 369, 390, 414, 564, 588, 612, 642, News Service, 403

CHEN, C. C. and J. B. S. NORTON, Corn Seed Parasites, 250

CHENEY, E. G., White Pine Blister Rust, 342 CHILD, C. D., Band Spectrum from Mercury Vapor, 248

Chromosomal Duplication, A. F. BLAKESLEE, J.
Chromosomes, Conjugation of, W. NAKAHARa, 82
Civil Service Employees, 9

Clements, F. E., Plant Indicators, F. H. KEARNEY,


COLE, F. N., Amer. Mathematical Soc., 518
COLLINS, G. N., Maize from Burma, 48
Comstock, J. H, Introduction to Entomology, V.

Conservation of Quality of Water, W. F. WELLS, 279

Corn Seed Parasite, J. B. S. NORTON and C. C.
CHEN, 250

Cornell University, Heckscher Foundation, 357
Corrosion of Firearms, W. J. HUFF, 61

Cretaceous, Recedent Lake Shores of, J. R. WIE-
LAND, 537

Czecho Slovakia, Appeal for Publications, A. HRDLIČKA, 637

Daggett, Frank Slater, J. C. MERRIAM, 242

DAVIS, B. M., Heredity and Evolution in Plants, 410; Gager's Introductory Course in Botany,


DAVIS, W. M., African Rift Valleys, 456

Dean on Helmets and Body Armor in Modern Warfare, D. FRANKLIN, 201

DEGEER, G., Determination of Geochronology, 502 DEMPSTER, A. J., Positive Ray Analysis of Magnesia, 559

DENNISON, D. M., Crystal Structure of Ice, 296
DEXTER, J. S., Albino Vertebrates, 130
Diastrophism, E. W. BERRY, 315

DICKSON, B. T., Staining of Plant Pathogen, 63
Differentials, A. S. HATHAWAY, 35

Digestion, Psychological Factors in, J. R. Kantor, 200

Discussion and Correspondence, 13, 35, 59, 81, 107,

129, 154, 175, 198, 223, 248, 272, 290, 314, 339, 363, 386, 408, 442, 461, 490, 509, 537, 559, 581, 608

Diurnal Migration, C. O. ESTERLY, 307

Dock, G., Cost of German Publications, 608
Doctorates in 1920, C. HULL, 478, 514
Doolittle, Eric, S. G. BARTON, 378

DRESDEN, A., Amer. Mathematical Soc., 393

Drift Bottles in Gulf of Maine, J. W. MAVOR, 442

DUBIN, H. E. and C. FUNK, Vitamine Requirements of Rats, 447

DUERDEN, J. E., Mutations in Ostrich, 165

EARLE, F. S., Tropical Research, 363


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FAIRCHILD, H. L., Pleistocene Clays, 284
Families and Subfamilies in Zoology, H. C. OBER-

Family Names in Zoology, M. W. LYON, JR., 291;
T. L. CASEY, 491

FARNHAM, M. E., A. F. BLAKESLEE and J. BELLING, Chromosomal Duplication, 388

Fat-soluble A and Xerophthalmia, A. D. EMMET, 157

Filters, Wrattan, C. E. K. MEES, 608

Fisheries, on the Gulf States, 31; Fairport Biological Station, 310; Bureau of, Laboratory Building at Fairport, Iowa, 503

FLEXNER, S., William Henry Welch, 417; Twentyfive Years of Bacteriology, 615

Flight of Fireflies and Flashing Impulses, H. A. ALLARD, 537

Floods, C. L. MEISINGER, 17

Foods and Drugs Act, Enforcement of, 124
FORBES, A., Biophysics, 331

FORBES, A. W., and A. G. WEBSTER, Thermal Calculations, 175

FORBES, E. B., Influence of Fresh Food in Lactation, 467

Forest School, Yale, 602 Forestry Education, 168

Fossil, Use of Term, A. M. MILLER, 408
Fossils and Life, F. A. BATHER, 257
FOULQUIER, J. H., S. J., Joseph Pantel, 266
FRANKLIN, D., Dean on Helmets and Body Armor
in Modern Warfare, 201

Free Martin and its Reciprocal, C. G. HARTMAN, 469

Freezing Point Lowering and Electrical Conductivity, J. A. HARRIS, R. A. GORTNER and J. V. LAWRENCE, 494

Fungicidal Dusts for Control of Smuts, W. W. MACKIE and F. N. BRIGGS, 540

FUNK, C. and H. E. DUBIN, Vitamine Requirements of Rats. 447

Fur-seals. W. T. HORNADAY, 81; D. S. JORDAN, 225; of the Pribiloff Islands, 333

GAGER, C. S., Introductory Course in Botany, 597


Galileo's Experiment, F. CAJORI, 409 GARRISON, F. H., Greek Science and Modern Science, 178; Scientific and Medical Manuscripts,


Gastric Responses to Foods, P. B. HAWK, R. J.
Gaussian Law, E. G. BORING, 464

Genera and Supergenera, A. S. HITCHCOCK, 107
Geneticists interested in Agriculture, Call for
Meeting of, 513

Geochronology, Determination of, G. DEGEER, 502 Geographers, Assoc. of Amer., 438

Geographical Distribution of Marine Algae, W. A. SETCHELL, 187

Geological Excursion, New England Intercollegiate, 334, 458; Soc. of Amer., 486 Geology, Agricultural, J. E. SMITH, 139 GERICKE, W. F., Protein Content of Wheat, 446 Germany, Purchases in, J. L. HowE, 510; G. Dock, 608

Germination of Urophlyctes alfalfa, C. E. SCOTT,


Gilman Memorial Lectures on Geography, 358 GLEASON, H. A., Postglacial Time, 340; Biological Journal, 387

GODDARD, R. H., Recording Apparatus for Meteorological Research with Rockets, 559 Gold, World's Production of, 55

Gold, E., Aids to Forecasting, A. M., 155

GOODRICH, H. B., Barbour Microdissection Apparatus, 252

Gorgas, William C., M. W. IRELAND, 53

GORTNER, R. A., J. A. HARRIS and J. V. LAWRENCE, Freezing Point Lowering and Electrical Conductivity, 494

Greenland, Plan of Expedition to, L. KOCH, 552 GUDGER, E. W., Whale Shark on Florida Coast, 191 GUNTHORP, H., Distribution and Spermatogenesis of Myriapoda, 36

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High Temperature and Emission from Gases, G. M. J. MACKAY, 636

History of Science Section and Progress of Science, F. E. BRASCH, 559

HITCHCOCK, A. S., Genera and Supergenera, 107 HOAGLAND, D. R., Nutrient Solutions for Plants, 562

HOBBS, W. H., Radicalism and Research, 177
HOLLINGWORTH, H. L., Psychology of Nationality
and Internationalism, H. A. Pillsbury, 511
Honey, a Luxury, M. C. TANQUARY, 538
Calcium Metabolism, 318

HORNADAY, W. T., Fur-seal Industry, 81
HOWARD, L. O., Swarming of Anopheles, 468
Howchin, W., the Geology of South Australia, R.

HOWE, J. L., Purchases in Germany, 510
HRDLIČKA, A.. Anthropological Problems of the
Far East, 567; Publications for Czecho Slovakia,

HUFF, W. J., Corrosion of Firearms, 61
HULL, A. W., Atoms in Common Metals, 227
HULL, C., Doctorates in 1920, 478, 514
Human Heights, E. G. BORING, 464

HUXLEY, J. S., Intersexes in Drosophila, 59
Hybridizing, Laws of, L. J. C., 492
Hydrogen, Peroxide, Decomposition of, S. MOR-
GULIS and V. E. LEVINE, 202; Molecule and Hy-
drogen Ion, Structure of, I. LANGMUIR, 433
Hygiene, Amer. Jour. of, 602
Hypophysis, Transplantation of, B. M. ALLEN,


Ice, Crystal Structure, D. M. DENNISON, 296
Iceland, Eruption of Katla, 243

Illinois Academy of Science, Council Meeting, 533
Industrial Laboratory Apparatus, 600

Influenza in England, 123

Intersexes in Drosophila, J. S. HUXLEY, 59
Iowa Academy of Science, J. H. LEES, 87
IRELAND, M. W., William C. Gorgas, 53

JACKSON, H. H. T., Amer. Soc. Mammalogists, 19 JOHNSTON, E. S., Absorption-Transpiration Ratio in Nutrient Media, 517

JONES, A. T., Sounds of Splashes, 295

JONES, E. L., Surveying from the Air, 574
JONES, L. R., Pasteur, History of a Mind, 15
JORDAN, D. S., Orthogenesis among Fishes, 13; Fur
Seals, 225

Journal, Biological, H. A. GLEASON, 387; of Morphology, W. C. ALLEE, 84

KANTOR, J. R., Psychological Factors in Digestion, 200

KASNER, E., Notes on Einstein's Theory, 413 KEARNEY, T. H., Plant Indicators, F. E. Clements, 609

KELLOGG, V., Entomology, J. H. Comstock, 61 KEMBLE, E. C., Helium and Hydrogen Models, 581 KENT, N. A., Potential Difference in Electric Cell, 205

Kentucky Academy of Science, A. M. PETER, 41 KIRBY, R. S., and H. E. THOMAS, Disease of Wheat, 368

KOCH, L., Plan of Expedition to Greenland, 552 KLOPSTEG, P. E., Titrating Electrometrically, 18

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LIND, S. C., Radium Emanation, 640
Linked Genes in Rabbits, W. E. CASTLE, 156
LIPMAN, J. G., Section O-Agriculture, 64
Lister, Institute, 15; Memorial, 150
LIVINGSTON, B. E., Minutes of Executive Commit-
tee, 495; Chicago Meeting of the American As-
sociation, 521; Status of Affairs of American
Assoc., 499; and F. THONE, Atmometers, 85
LOCKWOOD, E. H., Efficiency in Thermal Phenom-
ena, 366

LOEB, J., Proteins and Colloid Chemistry, 449

LYON, M. W., JR., Family and Subfamily Names in

Zoology, 291

MACKAY, G. M. J., Helium Arc, 366; High Tem-
peratures and Emission from Gases, 637
MACKIE, W. W., and F. N. BRIGGS, Fungicidal
Dusts for Control of Smuts, 540
MACMILLAN, W. D., Structure of the Universe, 67
MCNAIR, F. W., Sidewalk Mirage, 201

Maine Agricultural Station, Directorship of, C. D.
WOODS, 584

Maize from Burma, G. N. COLLINS, 48

MALOTT, C. A., Static Rejuvenation, 182

Mammalogists, Amer. Soc., H. H. T. JACKSON, 19

Mathematical, Requirements, National Committee,

289; Soc., Amer., A. DRESDEN, 393; F. N. COLE,

518; Assoc. of Amer., 577

Mathematische Zeitschrifte, G. A. MILLER, 155
MATTHEW, W. D., Die Stämme der Wirbelthiere, O.
Abel, 37

MAVOR, J. W., Drift Bottles in Gulf of Maine, 442
Mayer Memorial Medal, 9

Mechanical Engineers, Amer. Soc., 437; Aeronaut-
ical Section, 401

Medical, Education, 109; Research, T. C. ALLBUTT,

115; Education in the United States, 148;

Schools, Scholarships, 169; College, University

of Cincinnati, Centenary, 505

MEES, C. E. R., Wrattan Filters, 608

MEISINGER, C. L., Floods, 17; Tornadoes, 293;

Aerological Work in the United States, 410;

Hurricanes, 638

MELTZER, S. J., Men of Science in Rumania, 292

Mendola, Lake, Flora of, H. W. RICKETT, 641

Mercury Vapor, Band Spectrum, C. D. CHILD, 248

MERRIAM, J. C., Frank Slater Daggett, 242; Re-

search Spirit of Average Man, 473

METCALF, M. M., Kofoid on Noctiluca, 110; Classi-

fication of Opalinidæ, 135

Meteorological Soc., Amer., C. F. BROOKS, 205; Re-

search with Rockets, R. H. GODDARD, 559

Meteorology, Notes on, LE ROY L. MEISINGER, 17;

293, 410; 638

Microscopic Under-sea Life, 102

MILLER, A. M., Use of Term Fossil, 408

MILLER, G. A., Mathematische Zeitschrifte, 155

MILLER, R. J., O. BERGEIM and P. B. HAWK, Gas-

tric Response to Foods, 253

Mills and Fishways, R. T. MORRIS, 365

Mines, Bureau of, 149; Missouri Experiment Sta-

tion, 245; Low Temperature Laboratory, R. B.

MOORE, 483

Mirages, H. H. PLATT, F. F. BURR, S. R. WIL-
LIAMS, 290

MONTGOMERY, P. M., Reprints from Scientific In-

stitutions, 583

MOODIE, R. L., Works of Ameghino, 469

MOORE, C. R., Hermaphrodites in Mammals, 179

MOORE, R. B., Low Temperature Laboratory of

Bureau of Mines, 483

MOOREHEAD, W. K., Explorations in Panhandle of
Texas, 339

MORGULIS, S., Scientific Men in Russia, 108; and
V. E. LEVINE, Decomposition of Hydrogen Per-
oxide, 202

MORRIS, R. T., Mills and Fishways, 365

Morse, Harmon Northrup, I. REMSEN, 497

Museum, of Nat. Hist., Expedition to Asia, 380;

of Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci., 632

Myriapoda, Distribution and Spermatogenesis of,


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Naturalists, Amer. Soc., 437

Nebraska Academy of Science, C. O. CARLSON, 471

New York, Acad. of Sci., 633; Botanical Garden,

Lectures, 268

Nela Research Laboratory, Reorganization, 150
Nervous System, Efferent Path of, F. H. PIKE, 111
Nomenclature, Zoological, 291, 491, 603
North Carolina Acad. of Sci., R. W. LEIBY, 185
NORTON, J. B. S. and C. C. CHEN, Corn, Seed Para-
sites, 250

Nutrient Solutions for Plants, D. R. HOAGLAND,


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