All. Amen! K. Hen. Prepare we for our marriage: on which My Lord of Burgundy, we'll take your oath, 400 EPILOGUE. Enter Chorus Chor. Thus far, with rough and all-unable pen, Mangling by starts the full course of their glory. Henry the Sixth, in infant bands crown'd King Of France and England, did this king succeed; 10 Whose state so many had the managing, That they lost France and made his England bleed : Which oft our stage hath shown; and, for their sake, In your fair minds let this acceptance take. 2. bending, i.e. under the weight of his task. 4. by starts, i.e. by breaks of [Exit. continuity, involved in the scenic method of drama. DRAMATIS PERSONE KING HENRY the Eighth. CARDINAL WOLSEY. CARDINAL CAMPEIUS. CAPUCIUS, Ambassador from the Emperor Charles V. CRANMER, Archbishop of Canterbury. DUKE OF NORFOLK. DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM. DUKE OF SUFFOLK. EARL OF SURREY. Lord Chancellor. GARDINER, Bishop of Winchester. Bishop of Lincoln. LORD ABERGAVENNY. SIR HENRY GUILDFORD. SIR THOMAS LOVELL. SIR ANTHONY DENNY. CROMWELL, Servant to Wolsey. GRIFFITH, Gentleman-usher to Queen Katharine. Three Gentlemen. DOCTOR BUTTS, Physician to the King. Garter King-at-Arms. Surveyor to the Duke of Buckingham. Door-keeper of the Council-chamber. Page to Gardiner. A Crier. Porter, and his Man. QUEEN KATHARINE, wife to King Henry, afterwards divorced. ANNE BULLEN, her Maid of Honour, afterwards Queen. An old Lady, friend to Anne Bullen. PATIENCE, woman to Queen Katharine. Several Lords and Ladies in the Dumb Shows; Women attending upon the Queen; Scribes, Officers, Guards, and other Attendants. Spirits. SCENE: London; Westminster; Kimbolton. VOL. VII 145 L |