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Learner from the Attainment of more useful Words by flopping bis Progrefs in Search of thofe Names proper to Places and Things, as others have done before, by filling many Pages with fuch Names of Perfons, which are not commonly received or ufed among us; which too often naufeate the young Beginner, and prevent the defired Effect of the diligent Teacher, whose Place it is to inftruct bis Scholar in the most neceffary Parts of Literature. And

Here I should finish my Account of this firft Part of Spelling, was it not my Province to explode that erroneous Pretence of teaching Children to Spell altogether by the Ear. In Oppofition to which, I will fairly afk thofe Teachers, Whether their Scholars did ever attain to a right Judgment of Spelling by that Method, till they were afterwards better inftructed according to Rule? And if this be true, as most certainly it is, that there can be no true Method of Spelling without Rule, I will appeal to my Readers, how inconfiftent it is first to teach by the former Way, thofe Things which afterwards can never be attained but by the latter. Certainly every one will join with me in this Particular, that it is the greatest Folly in the World to learn Things, that afterwards must be learned in another



Confequently I may prefume to be inftrumental in teaching Children to pronounce their Words clear and diftinct, without Tones or distorted Countenances, which ill Habits, it is well known, are too frequently contracted under fuch bad Methods of Inftruction, which I have endeavoured to root out: Habits, which, it is too true to be concealed, as it were, perfecute the Learners thro' the different Stages of Life: For having been accustomed to a bad Tone in their early Pronunciation, are Searce ever able to quit their lamentable Way of reading with

Hems and Hahs..

The Second Part contains fuch Words, which tho' they agree in Sound, differ in Signification; and therefore the Learner ought to be well acquainted with them, in order to prevent his writing one Word for another, of the fame Sound.akam

The Third Part is a Compendium of English Grammar, deEgned only for English Schools, to enable fuch as are intended to rife no higher, to write their Mother-Tongue intelligibly, and according to the Rules of Grammar: And I hope it will anfwer the End propofed. But

As Practice, in all Arts and Sciences, is the great Medium of Inftruction between Malter, and Scholar, I would advise all Teachers, when they find the Learner relish the Rules of this


Part, to enjoin them at the fame time to read the beft English Authors, as the Spectator, Tatler, Guardian, &c. which will both apply the Rules herein contained towards procuring a good Style, and an easy way of Writing; and banish from their Eyes fuch Grubftreet Papers, idle Pamphlets, lewd Plays, filthy Songs, and unfeemly Jefts, which only ferve to corrupt and debauch the Principles of thofe, who are fo unhappy as to Spend their Time therein.

The Fourth Part contains feveral divine, moral, and biftorical Sentences, both in Profe and Verfe, and feveral ufeful and eafy Fables, with their Morals; which may not only ferve the Mafter to exercife his Scholars with, by way of Evening Copies; but may render the Bufinefs of Reading as ufeful and pleasant as poffible to the Learner.

The Fifth Part is founded upon that excellent Order of all Charity-Schools in thefe Dominions, which obliges every Mafter to join with his Scholars in Prayer, both Morning and Evening; teaching them thereby, as is intended, that all their Dependance is on God, by whom we live, and move, and have our Being. Therefore I have here published feveral foort Forms of Prayer for their Afsistance in this Divine Exercise.


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And now to conclude: "The Knowledge of Letters, (lays "the celebrated Dr. WATTS) is one of the greatest Bleffings, that ever God beftowed on the Children of Men: By this Means, we preferve for our own ufe, through all our Lives, what our Memory would have loft in a few "Days, and lay up a rich Treasure of Knowledge for thofe "that fhall come after us.. By the Arts of Reading and Writing, we can fit at Home and acquaint ourselves with "what is done in all the diftant Parts of the World, and "find what our Fathers did long ago, in the firft Ages of "Mankind. By this Means a Briton holds Correfpondence "with his Friend in America or Japan, and manages all "his Bufinefs. "Tis this which brings all the paft Ages of "Men at once upon the Stage, and makes the most diftant "Nations and Ages converfe together, and grow into Acquaintance. And it is this, by which God has difcovered "his Power, and Juftice, his Providence, Mercy, and Grace "that we who live near the End of Time, may learn the "Way to Heaven and everlasting Happiness."

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To Mr. DILWORTH, on his


THAT Thanks, my Friend, fhou'd to thy Care be given,
Which makes the Paths to Science fmooth and even!
Henceforth our Youth, who tread thy flow'ry Way,
Shall ne'er from Rules of proper Diɛtion stray :
No more their Speech with barb'rous Terms be fill'd;
No more their Pens a Crop of Nonsense yield:
But chofen Words in due Arrangement ftand,
And Senfe and Elegance go Hand in Hand.

Attend ye fprightly Youth, ye modeft Fair ;
Awhile be Arts of Dress your flighter Care ;-
Awhile the Precepts of thefe Pages heed,
And richer Ornaments will foon fucceed;
Your Friends delighted, fhall your Talk attend,
And think too foon your pleasing Letters end.
How do we blush to hear th' untutor'd Tongue
Of fome gay Ideot, painful Speech prolong?
The dark Difcourfe no Ray of Reafon clears;
An uncouth Chaos, void of Form appears:
What Pity! to behold fome beauteous Toast,
Whole piercing Eyes a Thoufand Conquests boaft,
With fuch prepoft'rous Terms her Billet fwell,


prove the Nymph can neither Read nor Spell.
But fuch Reproach no more fhall stain the Fair,
Who make thy eafy Rules their timely Care:
Nor Teachers more bewail their ill Success,
Who on young Minds these useful Lessons prefs.


To Mr. THO. DILWORTH, Author of the


Have had fo many Opportunities, not only to be thoroughly acquainted with your Abilities for fuch a ufeful Work as this; but also to be well verfed in the best Methods for the Inftruction of Youth, (which I have been engaged in for upwards of Twenty Years) that I fhould be wanting in my Duty as a Friend, both to Yourself and the Public, fhould 1, after reviewing your excellent New Guide to the English Tongue, neglect to recommend your Labour,

as much as

lies in my Power, which I am fatisfied was undertaken purely with a View to inftruct the Ignorant, and, when generally known, muft prove to be a general Advantage to all thofe who defire to attain to the true Knowledge of the English Tongue. I am, SIR,

Bancroft's School

at Mile - End,

May 16. 1740.

Your Friend and Admirer,


To the Author of the New Guide to
the English Tongue.



HEN I first heard that you were engaged in writing your New Guide to the English Tongue, I conceived great Expectations from your known Abilities, for fuch a Work: And fince you have favoured me with a Review of it, I fincerely profefs to you, that it appears to me to be much better calculated for the Ufe and Inftruction of Children, than any Piece of that Kind I have ever seen. heartily with you Succels in the Publication of it, and doubt not of its being of general Ufe to all who are engaged in the Education of Youth I am, SIR,

Rather bithe, May 17. 1740.

Your fincere Friend, and bumble Servant,



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whofe Names are underwritten, haperufed this Book, intitled, A New Guide to the English Tongue, do recommend it to be used in Schools for the Education of YOUTH, as the best of its Kind, that hath yet been made public.

Robert Warren, D. D. Rector of Stratford Bow, and Minister of Hampstead. Samuel Shenton, M. A. Rector of Wappin, and Vicar ofEwel. Farmery Maltus, M. A. Citrate and Lecturer of St. Mary Magdalen's, Bermondsey. Samuel Peers, M. A. Gurate and Lecturer of St.Paul'sShadwel. Leonard Howard, D. D. Rector of St. George in Southwark, and Chaplain to bis Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.

Richard Nangle, A. B. Curate. of St. John's Wappin. William Jackfon, B. A. Vicar of Addington in Surry. Thomas Broughton, Lecturer of Alhallows in Lombard-ftreet.

B. A.

Rowland Sandiford, B. A.
Schoolmaster of the London

Jofeph Harris, M. A, Lecturer
at Stratford Bow, and at
Weft Ham in Effex.
Charles Bellenger, M. A. Lec-
turer of Trinity, Minories,
and Mafter of the Free School
belonging to the Worshipful
Company of Brewers, London..
James Dalton, M. A. Mafter
of the Boarding-School at
Stanmore in Middlefex.

Daniel Bellamy, formerly of

St. John's College, Oxford Samuel Stonehouse, Philomath. Strand. BrightWhilton, Writing-mafter and Accomptant, in Fenchurch-freet. Nathaniel Dove, Mafter of the Academy at Hoxton. John Bland, Mafter of the Boarding-School, in Bishopfgate-street.

Jofeph Champion, Accomptant and Writing-mafler to St. Paul's School, and private Teacher of the Nobility and Gentry. Emanuel Austin, Writingmafter and Accomptant, at the Academy in Tower-street. Francis Hopkins, Writingmafter and Accomptant, in Cavendish-Court, near De vonshire-fquare. William Colės, Teacher of the Mathematics, in Twelve-Bell Court, Bow-Church-Yard.. James Willis, Teacher of the

Mathematics, Limehouse.. William Mountaine, Teacher of the Mathematics, and Accomptant, in Gainsfordftreet, Shad-Thames, in Southwark.

John Day, Writing-mafter and
Accomptant, at Doctors-


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