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English Tongue:

In Five PARTS.


1. Words, both common and proper, II. A large and ufeful Table of
from one to fix Syllables: The fe-
veral forts of Monofyllables in the
common Words being diftinguish-
ed by Tables, into Words of two,
three, and four Letters, & with
fix fhort Leffons at the End of
each Table, not exceeding the, or-
der of Syllables in the foregoing
Tables. The feveral forts of
Polyfyllables alfo, being ranged in
proper Tables, have their Sylla-
bles divided, and Directions pla-
ced at the Head of each Table for
the Accent, to prevent falfe Pro-
nunciation together with the
like Number of Leffons
foregoing Tables, placed at the
ons on the
End of each Table, as far as to
Words of four Syllables, for the
cafier and more fpeedy Way of
teaching Children to Read.

Words, that are the fame in
tion, very neceffary to prevent
Sound, but different in Significa-
the writing one Word for another
of the fame Sound.
III. A fort, but comprehensive
Grammar of the English Tongue,
delivered in the moft familiar and
inftructive Method of Queftion
Perfons as have the Advantage
and Answer; neceffary for allfuch
only of an English Education.
IV. An ufeful Collection of Sen-
tences in Profe and Verfe, Divine,
Moral, and Hiftorical; together
with a felect Number of Fables,
With proper Sculptures,
for the better Improvement of
V. Forms of Prayer for Children,
the Young Beginner. And
on feveral Occafions.

The Whole, being recommended by feveral Clergymen and
eminent Schoolmasters, as the moft ufeful Performance
for the Inftruction of Youth, is defigned for the Ufe of
SCHOOLS in Great Britain and Ireland.

The Thirteenth Edition&ef


AUTHOR of the

SCHOOLMASTERS ASSISTANT; and Schoolmaster in Wappin.


Printed and Sold by HENRY KENT, at the Printing Office
in Finch-Lane, near the Royal Exchange. M,DCCLLɔni

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Being delivered in the most familiar Way of Question and Answer, is recommended by feveral eminent Mathematicians, Accomptants and Schoolmasters, as neceffary to be ufed in Schools by all Teachers, who would have their Scholars, thoroughly understand, and make a quick Progrefs in ARITHMETIC.

To which is prefixt,

An Essay on the Education of YOUTH, humbly offer'd to the Confideration of PARENTS.

The Fifth Edition.


AUTHOR of this

New Guide to the English Tongue; and Schoolmaster in Wappin. All Things, which from the very firft Original Being of Things, bave been framed and made, do appear to be framed by the Reafon of Number; for this was the principal Example or Pattern in the Mind. of the CREATOR. Anitius Boetius,

Thou [O LORD] baft ordered all Things in Meafure, Number, and Weight Wifdom xi. 20. Printed and Sold by HENRY KENT, at the Printing Office in Finch Lane, near the Royal Exchange.

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