Page images

Complement, the Remainder
Compliment, to speak obliging
Concert, of Mufic

Confort, Wife of a Sovereign
Coufin, Relation
Cozen, to cheat

Council, an Affembly
Counsel, to Advise

Cruife, to Sail up and down
Crufe, a little Veffel
Current, a running Stream
Currant, paffable
Courier, a Meffenger

Currier, a Dreffer of Leather

Creek, of the Sea

Creak, to make a Noise

Cruel, fierce

Crewel, Worfted

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Dredge, a Flour-Box Drudge, a Slave

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Damn, to condemn

Day, 24 Hours

Dey, a Magiftrate in Barbary

Dear, of great Value

Deer, in a Park

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Furr, Skin

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Dye, to ftain Cloth

Dire, dreadful

Dyer, a Stainer of Cloth

Difeafe, a Sickness

Diffeize, to difpoffefs

Doe, a Female Deer

Dough, Pale or Leaven

Done, acted
Dun, Colour

Fourth, in Number

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Gargil, a Diftemper in Geefe Gargle, to wath the Mouth

Gilt, with Gold Guilt, Sin

Glair, the White of an Egg,
Glare, to dazzle

Grate, for Coals
Great, large

Grater, for the Nutmeg
Greater, larger
Grays, a Town's Name
Graze, to eat Grafs

Greafe, nafty Fat
Greece, a Country

Groan, to figh
Grown, increased

Hail, to falute
Hale, to draw along
Hart, a Beaft

Heart, the Seat of Life

Hare, in the Fields
Hair, of the Head

Here, in this Place
Hear, to hearken

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Indict, to profecute

Indite, to compose

Kill, to murder
Kiln, for Bricks
Knave, a difhonest Man
Nave, of a Wheel
Knight, by Honour
Night, the Evening
Know, to be acquainted
No, not fo

Knew, did know
New, not old or used
Known, difcovered
None, neither

Knows, he knoweth

Nofe, of the Face

Lade, to carry Water
Laid, placed

Lain, did lie

Lane, a narrow Paffage Leak, to let in Water

Leek, a Pot-Herb

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Limb, a Member

Limn, to paint

Line, length

Loin, of Veal

Moat, a Ditch

Mote, in the Eye

More, in Quantity

Mower, that moweth

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Rain, Water

Reign, rule as a King
Rein, a Bridle

Raife, to fet up
Rays, Sun Beams

Race, to run
Rafe, to demolish

Red, a Colour
Read, did read

Reddife, fomewhat red
Radish, a Root

Reed, a Shrub
Read, in a Book

Rere, the back Part
Rear, to erect
Reft, ease
Wrest, to force

Retch, to Vomit

Wretch, an unhappy Man
Rhyme, in Verfe
Rime, a freezing Mist

Rial, a foreign Coin
Royal, Princely

Rice, Corn

Rife, Advancement

Rie, Corn

Wry, crooked

Ring, the Bells Wring, the Hands Rite, a Ceremony Right, juft and true Wright, a Workman Write, with a Pen

Rode, did ride
Road, the Highway
Row'd, did row

Roe, a Kind of Deer
Row, a Rank


Rood, fourth Part of an Acre

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Sink, to go down
Cinque, five

Sloe, Fruit
Slow, tardy

So, thus
Sow, the Seed

Sew, with a Needle

Soal, of the Shoe
Sole, a Filh

Some, a Part

Sum, the Whole

Son, a Man-child

[ocr errors]

Sun, the Heavenly Light

Sore, an Ulcer

Soar, to mount upwards Stare, to look carnestly Stair, a Step

Stains, Spots

Stanes, the Name of a Place

Starling, a Bird

Sterling, English Mony

Steal, to rob

Sees, feeth

Seize, to lay hold of

Steel, Metal

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Stear, a young Bullock
Steer, to guide a Ship

Stile, for a Paffage
Style, for Writing

Straight, not crooked
Strait, narrow

Succour, Help

Sucker, a young Twig

Subtil, cunning

Suttle, weight

Shone, did fhine

Site, Situation Cite, to fummon

Sight, fecing

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