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Bag cag fag gag hag nag rag tag. Beg leg. Big dig fig gig jig pig wig. Bog dog fog hog jog log. Bug dug hug jug lug mug rug tug. Dam ham ram. Gem hem. Dim him rim.c


Gum mum rum fum. Can fah man pan (wan). Ben den fen hen men pen ten. Din fin gin kin pin fin tin win. Con (fon ton won). Bun fun gun nun pun run fun tun. Two.

Cap gap lap map rap tap. Dip hip lip nip rip fip tip. Fop hop lop mop fop top. Cup fup. Bar far jar mar tar (war). Her. Fir fir. For. Has (was). His. Bat cat fat hat mat rat,

Bet get jet let met net fet wet yet. Bit fit hit nit pit wit. Dot got, hot jot lot not pot rot fot. But cut gut hut nut put rut tut. Lax wax. Kex fex vex. Fix fix.

Box fox. The. Who. Cry dry fly fry pry fhy fly fty thy try why. Act, all, and, apt, ark, arm, art, afh, afk, afp, afs. Ebb, egg, ell, elm, end. Ill, ink. Odd, off, oft, old.


Words of Three Letters, viz. One Confonant
and two Vowels, or a Diphthong.


EA fea tea yea. Bee fee fee. Die fie lie. Doe foe roe toe. Due rue fue. Awe daw jaw law maw paw raw faw. Dew few hew mew new pew (few). Bow low mow row fow tow.

Cow how mow now fow vow. Coo too woo. Bay day gay hay jay lay may nay pay ray fay way. (Key) (eye). Boy coy joy toy. Ace, age, ape, are, aid, aim. Ear, eat. Ice. Oak, oil, oar, oat, one, our, out, owl, own. Ufe, (ufe). You.


Seme eafy Leffons on the foregoing Tables, confifting of Words not exceeding Three Letters.



N may put off the Law of God.

The Way of God is no ill Way.
My Joy is in God all the Day.
A bad Man is a Foe to God.


To God do I cry all the Day.
Who is God, but our God?

All Men go out of the Way.

In God I do put my Joy, O let me not fin.

Pay to God his Due.

Go not in the Way of bad Men,
No Man can see God.

Our God is the God of all Men.


Who can fay, he has no Sin?

The Way of Man is ill, but not the Way of God.
My Son, go not in the Way of bad Men.
No Man can do as God can do.


Let me not go out of thy Way, O God. O do not fee my Sin, and let me not go to the Pit. Try me, O God, and let me not go out of the Way of thy Law.


The Way of Man is not as the Way of God.
The Law of God is Joy to me.

My Son, if you do ill, you can not go to God.
Do as you are bid; but if you are bid, do no Ill.



Words of Four Letters, viz. A Vowel placed between the two former Confonants.


ICH. Much fuch. Back jack lack pack fack tack. Deck neck peck. Kick lick nick pick fick. Dock lock mock rock fock. Buck duck fuck fuck tuck. Fact. Buff cuff huff muff puff. Haft. Left. Gift lift fift. Loft foft. High nigh figh. Held. (Gild) mild wild.

Cold fold hold fold told (gold). Calf half. Self. Wolf. Gulf. Balk talk walk. Milk filk. Folk (yolk), Bulk hulk. Call fall gall hall tall wall. Bell. fell fell tell well. Bill fill hill kill mill-pill till will. Bōll põll rōll tōll. (Bull full pull), dull gull hull. Balm calm palm. Alms.

Help yelp. Gulp pulp. Halt malt falt. Belt felt melt pelt. Gilt hilt jilt milt wilt. Colt jolt polt. Lamb. Limb. Comb (bomb tomb womb). Dumb. Hymn. Camp damp lamp ramp-vamp. Hemp. Pomp. Bump jump lump pump. Band hand land fand (wand).

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Bend fend lend mend rend fend tend. Bind find kind mind rind wind. Bond fond pond. Bang gang hang. King ring fing wing. Long fong. Bung dung Bank lank rank. Link pink fink wink. Monk. Cant pant rant (want). Bent dent lent rent fent tent vent went.

Dint hint lint mint (pint). Hunt runt. Garb. Herb verb. Curb. Card hard yard (ward). Herd. Bird gird. Cord lord (förd) (word). Curd. Turf. Bark dark lark mark park. Jerk. Fork (pork) (work). Lurk turk. Girl. Curl hurl purl, Farm harm (warm). Term. Firm.


Form (worm). Barn yarn (warn). Dern fern hern yern. Born corn horn morn (born tōrn wōrn). Burn turn. Carp harp (warp). Cart dart hart part tart (wart). Dirt girt. Fort pōrt fört (wort). Hurt. Cafh dah gafh hash lash mash rash sash (wash). Dish fish. (Bush push) gush hush rush tufh. Cafk

mask task: Desk. Risk,

Bufk dufk hufk mufk. Gafp hafp rafp (wafp). Lifp wifp. Lafs pafs. Lefs mefs. Hifs kifs mifs. Mofs tofs. Caft faft laft paft vaft (haft) (waft). Best jeft neft reft veft weft yeft. Fift lift mift. Cost lost toft dōft hōst mōst põst rõft. Duft luft muft ruft. Bath lath path (hath). Pith with. Bōth dōth loth moth. Next.

Some eafy Leffons on the foregoing Tables, confifting of Words not exceeding Four Letters.

H My Son,


OLD in the Lord, and mind his Word. hold faft the Law of the Lord. My Son, mind not thy own Way, but the Way of God.

Do not tell a Lye, and let not thy Hand do hurt. LESSON II.

Let all Men mind the Will of the Lord. Let no Man hurt you, if you can help it. Do as well as you can; and do no Ill. The Lord is my Rock.


Who is God but the Lord! And who is on High but our God!

I will call on the Lord, all the Day long.
To the Lord will I lift up my felf.

O caft me not out with bad Mens


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God is kind to me, and doth help me. Mark the Man that doth well, and do fo too. Let thy Eye be on me, O Lord, my God. Help fuch Men as want help; and do not fin. LESSON V.

Hurt no Man; and let no Man hurt you. Let thy Sins paft put you in mind to mend. Send Aid to help me, O Lord my God. Ufe not thy felf to tell a Lye.


My Son, walk not in the Way of bad Men, but walk in the Law of the Lord.

Let not God go out of thy Mind, for he is thy Rock.

The Lord can tell what is beft for me: To him will I go for Help.


Words of Four Letters, viz. A Vowel placed. between the two latter Confonants.

LAB crab drab scab stab (swab). Crib drib


glib. Knob. Chub club drub grub snub. Brad clad glad fhad. Bred bled fled fhed fped. Clod plod fhod trod. Stud. Brag drag flag fhag fnag tag fwag wrag. Grig fwig trig twig. Clog flog frog prog.

Drug plug flug fnug. Dram fham. Them. Brim grim fkim fwim trim whim. From (whom). Crum drum fcum. Bran clan plan fpan than (fwan). Then when wren. Chin grin fhin fkin fpin thin twin. Shun ftun. Chap clap flap flap fnap trap wrap (fwap).


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