Call to mind, O Lord, thy tender Mercy, which hath been of Old. The Secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will fhew them his Law. LESSON III.. Hear my Voice, O Lord, when I cry unto thee; have Mercy on me and hear me. O hide not thou thy Face from me; nor cast ́ ́ thy Servant from thee in thy Wrath. Teach me thy Way, O Lord, and lead me in the right Way. O my Soul, wait thou on the Lord; be ftrong and he fhall comfort thine Heart; and put thou thy Truft in the Lord. LESSON IV. Unto thee will I cry, O Lord, my Strength: Think no Scorn of me, left if thou make as though thou didst not hear, I be made like them that go down into the Pit. The Lord is my Strength and my Shield, my Heart hath trufted in him, and I am helped: Therefore my Heart danceth for Joy, and in my Song will I praise him. LESSON V. I fought the Lord, and he heard me : Yea, he faved me out of all my Fear. O tafte and fee how good the Lord is: Blessed is the Man that trusteth in him. O fear the Lord, ye that are his Saints: For they that fear him, want no good Thing. The Lions do want and fuffer much: But they who feel the Lord, fhall want no manner of Thing that is good. LESSON LESSON VI. What Man is he, that lufteth to live; and would fain fee good Days? Keep thy Tongue from Evil; and thy Lips that they speak no Guile. The Eyes of the Lord are over good Men; and he doth hear them when they pray. The Lord doth fave the Souls of his Servants; and all they that put their Truft in him, fhall not want Help. TABLE II. Words accented on the first Syllable; the Spelling and Pronunciation being different. A L-fo clean-ly clear-ly am-ple brew-is care-lefs clo"fet an"cle brick-kiln cen-fure co"bler cru"fty cry"ftal e"cho flax-en ghoft-ly cup-board eight-fold flo"rid gi❝blets cu"ftom.. eighth-ly fol-low gin-gle dai-ly eigh-ty fon-dle giv-en dai-fy ei-ther foot-pace giv-er damage en-trails foot-pad gliften da"mafk e"ver foot-step gloo-my daugh-ter eye-brow foreign good-nefs dead-ly eye-fight fore-thought go"fpel mourn-ful pif-mire muf"cle pit-chy mu"fket planet muflin plan-tain high-way liquid muftard plea" fant hi"gler liquor mu❝fter plea"fure hi"ther lu-cre mu"ity poi-fon Name-lefs pofture na" sty prat-tle naugh-ty preach-er need-ful prin-cefs neigh-bour produce nei-ther product hun-dredth man-hood ne"ver pro"fer hun"ger mafter noi-fy pro-grefs hungry ma"ftiff nofe-gay pro"mife hu-fky match-lefs nothing pro"spect I'mage mea"fure no" vel profper Oat-meal pfalm-ift Pad-lock pfal-ter pam-phlet punish jour-nal method paf-time puz-zle joy-ful migh-ty pa-ftry Quick-en juice-lefs min"gle pa"fture quick-ly jui-cy mif-chief pa"fty" Ram-ble Kind-nefs mi"ftrefs pea-cock rapid: kna-vish mi"fty pea-hen rat-tle knight-hood modern. peer-efs ra"vel knock-er mo"deft peer-lefs read-er know-ledge monarch pe"nance re"bel knuc-kle mon-ftrous peo-ple. refuge Language mother: pe❝fter re"lifh lan"guid lau-rel mouth-ful phren-zy reft-lefs mountain pi-ous rheu-barb ri-fle ri-fle fmug-gle talent vir-tue rigid foft-en tan"gle tat-tle Up-right Waist-coat ri/fen fouth-ern ri"vet fpeak-er rock-et fpec-kle ro-guish fpi"got thatch-er wea-ver roll-er fpi"nage ro"fin fpirit rough-ly fpit-tle ruf-fle fpright-ly Sal-mon ftar-tle fam-ple fta"tute thred-dle whirl-pool fau-cer ftea-dy throw-fter whirl-wind fau-cy ftee-ple tic-kle whit-low fau"fage fti-fle faw-yer ftock-ings ti-ger wi"dow fcho"lar ftraight-en ti-grefs wo"man fcif-fors ftraight-ly fcrib-ble ftraight-way tip-ple woo"dy fcuf-fle ftream-er trai-tor wool-len feam-lefs ftrength-en fea-fon fuc-kle tre"ble worm-wood fha"dow fup-ple fhal-low fure-ly tribute wran"gle fhow-er fure-ty troop-er wrap-per fic-kle fwar-thy trouble wre"ftle fick-nefs fwea"ty twink-ling wrift-band fim-ple fweep-er Value wri-ter fi"new fweet-nefs fin"gle Ta-ble fkew-er tay-lor vi'fage zeal-ous More |