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Alfo, Give a

Man his Bread and Cheese when he has earn'd it.

FABLE XI. Of the old Woman and her Maids.


Certain old Woman, having about her a Parcel of idle Maids, would oblige them to rife every Morning at the Cock-crowing.

But the Maids looking on this as an Hardship, refolved to put a Stop to this growing Evil, and, fo cut off the Cock's Head; thinking that they might then lie a-Bed fecurely, and indulge themfelves in their Laziness.

But the careful Miftrefs foon frustrated their` Designs, and ordered a Bell to be brought to her, with which the ever after rung them up at Midnight.

The Interpretation.

It is good to be Industrious for Laziness is commonly punished with Want, and Drowsiness; faith Solomon, witł cover a Man with Rags.

A Bird in the Hand is worth two in the Bush,

FABLE XII. Of the Fisherman and the Fish.


Fisherman having caft his Line in the Water, presently after drew up a Fifh.

The little Captive entreated the Fisherman that he would fpare her (fhe being but fmall) till fhe was grown larger; and then she would fuffer herself to be taken by him again.

No, no, replies the Fisherman, I am not to be fo ferved: If I let you go, I must never expect to fee you any more; neither fhould I have caught you now, if you had known there was a Hook within the Bait: And I was always of that Temper, that whatever I could catch, I had rather take it away than leave it behind me.

The Interpretation.

Never let go a Certainty for an Uncertainty.


A New Guide to the English Tongue.


Particular Forms of PRA Y E R.

Public PRAYERS for the Ufe of Schools.

In the Morning.

Almighty God, the Fountain of all Wisdom, we hum

bly befeech Thee to pour into our Hearts, as into their proper Channels, the pure Waters of Learning. And because Thou haft made no Man for himself only, but all of us for the mutual Help of each other, grant that we may fo diligently apply ourselves to our Studies, that increasing every Day in Piety and good Literature, we may at length become not only ufeful to ourselves, but ornamental alfo, both to the State we live in, and to the true holy catholic Church. More efpecially we pray Thee to give us all Grace to grow wife unto the eternal Salvation of our immortal Souls and this we beg for Jefus Chrift his Sake: In whose holy Name and Words we further pray unto Thee, faying,

OUR UR Father, which art in Heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in Earth, As it is in Heaven. Give us this Day, our daily Bread. And forgive us our Trefpasses, As we forgive them that trefpafs against And lead us not into Temptation; But deliver us from Evil: For thine is the Kingdom, The Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever. Amen.


THE Grace of our Lord Jesus Chrift, and the Love of God, and the Fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen.


In the Eveninge

Almighty God, and moft merciful Father, we hum

Obly pray Thee to forgive all the Errors and Trangrell

ions which thou haft beheld in us, the Day paft; and help us to express our unfeigned Sorrow for what has been amifs, by our Care to amend it. What we know not, do Thou teach us Inftruct us in our Duty, both towards Thee, and towards Men; and give us Grace always to do those Things which are good and well-pleafing in thy Sight. Whatfoever good Inftructions have been here given this. Day, grant that they may be carefully remembered and daily followed; and whatfoever good Defires Thou haft put into our Hearts, grant that by the Affiftance of thy Grace they may be brought to good Effect; that thy Name may have the Honour, and ourselves may have. Comfort at the Day of Account, through Jefus Chrift our Saviour: In whofe holy Name and Words we further pray unto Thee, faying, Our Father, &c.

Private PRAYERS.

A Prayer for Wisdom and Knowledge, to be faid by a Child going to School, or at any other Time.

A'mighty Lord and merciful Father, Maker of Hea ven and Earth, who of thy free Liberality giveft Wisdom abundantly to all, who with Faith and full Affurance afk it of Thee: Beautify by the Light of thy Heavenly Grace, the Towardnels of my Wit, the which, with all the Powers of Nature Thou haft poured into me, that I may not only understand thofe Things, which may effectually bring me to the Knowledge of Thee, and the Lord Jefus our Saviour; but alfo with my whole Heart and Will, conftantly follow the fame, and receive daily Increase through thy bountiful Goodness towards me, as well in good Life, as Doctrin: So that Thou who workeft all Things in all Creatures, mayeft make thy gracious. Benefits fhine in me, to the endless Glory and Honour of thine immortal Majefty. Amen.

A Morn

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A Morning Prayer for a Child.

Lord our Heavenly Father, Almighty and Everlasting God, who haft fafely brought me to the Beginning of this Day, defend me in the fame with thy mighty Power. Direct me in all my laudable and praife-worthy Undertakings for the beft, and bless me in them. Enlighten my Understanding, strengthen my Memory, fanctify my Heart, and guide me in my Life.. Let the Duties of this Day be' cheerfully undergone by me; and give me Grace lo to apply myself to my Learning, that I may thereby become a ufeful Member of the Common-Wealth. Grant that I may be obedient to my Parents, and to thofe who have the Care. of my Education; to behave myself foberly, and with good Manners to every one; and that I may lead an innocent and inoffenfive Life. Lord protect and defend all my Relations and Friends; and grant that none of us may fall into Sin, neither run into any kind of Danger; but that all our Doings may be ordered by thy Governance, to do always that is righteous in thy Sight; through Jefus Christ our Lord, to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all Honour and Glory, World without end. Amen.

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An Evening Prayer for a Child.

And do

Lord God Almighty, by whofe Providence I have been preferved this Day from all Dangers, that might have befallen me, I humbly befeech Thee, to continue thy watchful Providence over me this Night. Let my Guardian Angels defend me from all the Perils and Dangers of it; and from all Affaults of my fpiritual Enemies. Thou, who art always more ready to hear than I am to pray, and art wont to give more than either I defire. or deferve, pour down upon me the Abundance of thy Mercy, forgiving me thofe Things whereof my Confcience is afraid, and giving me thofe good Things which I am not worthy to afk: Graft in my Heart the Love of thy Name, increase in me true Religion; nourish me with all Goodness, and of thy great Mercy keep me in the fame. And grant, O Lord, that I may fo faithfully ferve Thee in this Life, that I fail not finally to attain thy heavenly Promifes, which exceed all that I can defire; through Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen.


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