pay uncommon attentions, requested him to procure for her a pair of small monkies from East India - I forget the kind. Lord Harry, happy to oblige her, wrote immediately, depending on the best services of a distant friend, whom he had essentially served. Writing a bad hand, however, and spelling what he wrote for with more haste than correctness, he charged the gentleman to send him over two monkies, but the word being written too, and all the characters of one height, 100,what was poor Lord Harry Powlett's dismay, when a letter came to hand, with the news that he would receive fifty monkies by such a ship, and fifty more by the next conveyance, making up the hundred according to his lordship's commands! Note. They said Pitt and Legge went together like Cæsar and Bibulus, and so they did; all the attention paid the first, and none to the last-named consul. Note. The following epigram was handed about to ridicule Sir Thomas Rumbold: : crew, "When Mackreith liv'd 'mong Arthur's And Rumbold answered, Yea, Bob. But when return'd from Asia's land, He proudly scorn'd that mean command, Another version runs thus: "When Bob Mackreith, with upper servant's pride, But, when returned from India's plundered land, Note. On this occasion (his victory over De Grasse in 1782) Rodney is said to have taught them the method of breaking the line, by which I have heard it asserted that Lord Nelson won all his victories by sea, and Buonaparte by land; but which is still a stranger thing, Lord Glenbervie told me (and I believe him) that Epaminondas won the battles of Leuctra and Mantinea by the same manœuvre 2178 years ago. "The Princess of Franca Villa was commonly supposed to have bestowed on him (Lord Rockingham) the same fatal present, which the Belle Ferroniere' conferred on Francis the First, King of France; and which, as we learn from Burnet*, the Countess of Southesk was said to have entailed on James, Duke of York, afterwards James the Second."- Wraxall. In Italy it was supposed to have been the succession powder mingled with chocolate whilst in the cake, not in the liquid we drink. Acqua Toffana, and succession powder (polvere per successione) were administered, as I have heard, with certain although ill-understood effects. Lord Rockingham desired to be opened after his death, and was so. On the application of the term "disinterested" to Archbishop's Moore's conduct, in communicating to his *The story is also told in Grammont's Memoirs. Burnet adds that Lord Southesk denied the share in the transaction attributed to his lordship. The story of La Belle Ferroniere is declared apocryphal by the author of "L'Esprit dans l'Histoire." pupil the Duke of Marlborough, the advances of the Duchess Dowager, her note is: Disinterested is not quite the word to use. He served his interest in preferring the Duke's power to a connection with the Duchess, who had only her life income to bestow, and a faded person possessing no attractions. "There was a number of Members who regularly received from him (Pelham's Secretary of the Treasury) their payment or stipend at the end of every session in bank notes."—Wraxall. Note.-I am sorry to read these things of Mr. Pelham, whom everybody loved, and Garrick praised so sweetly, saying: "Let others hail the rising sun, I bow to that whose course is run, "See as you pass the crowded street, That Pelham is no more." This ode*, from whence I have selected two stanzas, not the best, and a comical thing called "The News * It was on the coincidence of his death occurring on the day when Bolingbroke's works were published. Writers' Petition," that came out a very little while before, give one the impression of his having been a very honest man. I am quite sorry Wraxall's book tends so much to destroy that impression. Pelham's death was curious, and he thought so; for it was his favourite maxim in politics, never to stir an evil which lies quiet. "And now," said he, upon his death-bed to his doctor, "I die for having acted in contradiction to my own good rule-taking unnecessary medicines for a stone which lay still enough in my bladder, and might perhaps have never given me serious injury." But so it is, that though death certainly does strike the dart, it is often vice or folly poisons it with regard to this world or the world to come. MARGINAL NOTES ON BOSWELL'S LIFE OF On the friendship between Warburton and Richardson: Very curious, and an odd friendship somehow between men so completely dissimilar. The elephant and zebra drawing together. On a story of a clergyman preaching to convicts about to be hanged and promising them a continuation of his discourse: Like the hangman, who when some generous fellow gave him a guinea, cried out, "Long life to your honour," whilst he was tying the knot. In reference to a parody of Johnson's style under the title of "Lexiphanes" (1767): It vexed him however, I well remember. On the reported remark that no child has affection for a parent whom it has not seen: No-nor whom it has seen, I believe, except by chance. Johnson to Boswell, 1772. "Mrs. Thrale loves you." Not I. I never loved him. As to Lady Emily Harvey having been mad: She was never mad as I know of. Seven years after this date, or more, we met in a library at Brighthelmstone. "Don't * Most of her marginal notes on Boswell have been used for the Introduction. |