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TATHAM, EDWARD. A View of the propofed Grand Junction Canal, defigned to bring the Commerce of North Carolina to Norfolk by an Inland Navigation, etc. 8vo. Norfolk, 1808. A Comparative View of the Four Projected Coaftwife Canals, which are fuppofed by fome to be in competition for the Trade between Norfolk and North Carolina. 8vo. Norfolk, 1808. TATHAM, W. The Political Economy of Inland Navigation, Irrigation and Drainage; with Thoughts on the Multiplication of Commercial Resources. Lond., 1799. An Historical and Practical Effay on the Culture and Commerce of Tobacco. Lond., 1800. TAXATION. An Argument in Defence of the Exclufive Right claimed by the Colonies to Tax Themselves; with a Review of the Laws of England relative to Representation and Taxation. 8vo.



Lond., 1774: Thoughts on, in a Letter to a Friend; with Obfervations and Reflections on the Plan, fubmitted in New York. 4to. pp. 22. N. Y., 1784. TAXES. The Royal Treasury of England; or, an Historical Account of all Taxes, under what denomination foever, from the Conquest to this present year. 8vo. Lond., 1725.

Act for the Affeffment and Collection of . . . April 23d, 1823. 8vo., pp. 18.

ENGLISH. Duty of Affeffors, etc. 8vo., pp. 24. [TAYLOR, D.] The Confiftent Chriftian; or, Truth, Peace, etc., recommended to all Profeffors of Christianity.

8vo., pp. 100. Lond. [1795]. Studies prior to Lond., 1807. and Vifits to 2 vols., 12mo. New Haven.

The Nature and Importance of Preparatory entering on the Chriftian Ministry. 8vo. TAYLOR, FITCH W. A Voyage Round the World, various Foreign Countries, etc. Ninth Edition.

United States Flag

N. Y., 1848.

The Broad Pennant; or, a Cruise in the Ship, etc. TAYLOR, JEREMY. Difcourfes on various fubjects. 3 vols., 8vo. TAYLOR, JOHN. Oration (July 4, 1796) at Deerfield (Mafs.). 8vo.,

[blocks in formation]

Greenfield, 1796.

Conftruction Conftrued, and Conftitutions Vindi

cated. 8vo.

Tyranny Unmasked. 8vo.

Richmond, 1820. Washington, 1822.

TAYLOR, JOHN. Selections from the Works of Baron de Humboldt, relating to the Climate, Inhabitants, Productions, and Mines of Mexico. With Notes. 8vo.

TAYLOR, JOHN. See Junius.

Lond., 1824.

TAYLOR, JOSEPH. Thoughts on the Production and Formation of

Animal Bodies, etc. 8vo.


TAYLOR, JOSEPHUS. Oratio Funebris (Edvardi Wigglefworth). 8vo.

TAYLOR, JOSHUA. Oration at Portland, July 4th, 1805. 8vo. Portland, 1805. TAYLOR, RICHARD (of Norwich). Index Monafticus; or, the Abbeys and other Monafteries, alien Priories, Friaries, Colleges, etc., in the Diocese of Norwich, arranged and described. Folio. Maps, Lond., 1821. TAYLOR, SAMUEL. An Essay, intended to Establish a Standard for an Univerfal Syftem of Stenography, or Short-Hand Writing. 8vo.


Albany. TAYLER, THOMAS. Sermon on the Prefent State of our National Affairs, Auguft 28th, 1803. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1803. TCHUYKEVITCH (COL.) Reflections on the War of 1812. 8vo. Bofton, 1813.

TEGG, THOMAS. Chronology; or, the Hiftorian's Companion; being an Authentic Document or Register of Events from the earliest period to the present time. 12mo. TEHUANTEPEC, ISTHMUS OF. An Account of, etc.; with Propofals

for Establishing Communications, etc. 8vo.

Lond., 1829.

Lond., 1846.

Obfervations in relation to Communications between the Atlantic
and Pacific Occans, etc. 8vo.

TEIGNMOUTH, LORD. See Sir William Jones.
TEIXEIRA. See Stevens' Collection of Voyages.

N. Y., 1849.

TEMPERANCE. Second Annual Report of the American Temperance Society, January, 1829. 8vo.

Andover, 1829.

TEMPLE, SIR WILLIAM. Mifcellanea. In Three Parts. 3 vols., 8vo.

the United Provinces of the Netherlands.

Lond., 1701-5.

Lond., 1705.

Character of,
Lond., 1750.

Obfervations upon Seventh Edition. 8vo. Works. To which is prefixed The Life and written by a Particular Friend. Folio. 2 vols. TEN-POUND COURT. Letter concerning the . . . in the City of New York, addreffed to the State Legislature. By Mercer. 8vo., pp. 38. N. Y., 1803. TENNENT, GILBERT. Two Sermons, at New Brunswick, in the year 1741, on the Priestly Office of Chrift, and the Virtue of Charity. 16mo., pp. 37. Boston, 1742. Three Sermons on Rev. iii. 3, at New York, April, 1742, relative to the Moravians, etc. 16mo., pp. 110. Boston, 1743. TENNESSEE. A Short Description of the State of . . . lately called the Territory of the United States, South of the River Ohio, etc. Phil., 1796. Conftitution of the State of... unanimously established in Convention, at Knoxville, February 6th, 1796. 12mo., pp. 33. Phil., 1796.


MILITIA MEN. Report of the Committee on Military Affairs, in relation to the Proceedings of a Court Martial, ordered for the Trial of certain Tenneffee Militia Men, February 11th, 1828. 8vo. . Washington, 1828.

TERNAUX-COMPANS, HENRI. Bibliotheque Americaine, ou Catalogue des Ouvrages relatif a l'Amerique qui ont paru depuis fa decouverte jufqu'a l'an 1700. 4to. Paris, 1837. Voyages, Relations et Memoires Originaux, pour fervir a l'Histoire de la Decouverte de l'Amerique, publies pour la premiere fois en Francais. 20 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1838-43.

La premiere ferie, 10 vols., fe compofe de :

Veritable Relation de la Conquete du Perou et de la Province de Cuzco, nomme Nouvelle-Caftille, fubjuguce par Francois Pizarre et dedice a S. M. l'Empereur par Francois Xeres natif de Seville, et Secretaire du fufdit capitaine. (Salamanque, 1547.) 1 vol. in 8. Relation et naufrages d'Alvar Nunez Cabeca de Vaca.. (Valladolid, 1555.) I vol. in 8.

Les Commentaires d'Alvar Nunez Cabeca de Vaca Gouverneur du Rio de la Plata. (Valladolid, 1555.) I vol. in 8.

Veritable Hiftoire et Defcription d'un pays habite par des Hommes fauvages, nus, feroces et anthropophages, fitue dans le nouveau monde, nomme Amerique, inconnu dans le pays de Heffe avant et depuis la naiffance de Jefus-Chrift jufqu'a l'annee derniere, que Hans Staden de Homberg, en Heffe, l'a connu par fa propre experience et le fait connaitre actuellement par le moyen de l'impreffion. (Marbourg, 1557.) 1 vol. in 8.

Belle et agreable narration du premier voyage de Nicolas Federmann le jeune, d'Ulm, aux Ifles de la Mer Oceane, et de tout ce qui lui eft arrive dans ce pays jufqu'a fon retour en Espagne; ecrite brievement et divertiffante à lire. (Haguenau, 1557) 1 vol. in 8.


Histoire de l'admirable navigation d'Ulrich Schmidel de Straubing au Brefil et au Rio de la Plata, depuis l'annee 1534 jufqu'en 1554 (Nuremberg, 1559.) 1 vol. in 8.

Hiftoire de la Province de Santa-Cruz, que nous nommons ordinairement le Brefil, par Pero de Maghalanes de Gandavo, dediee au tres-illuftre feigneur D. Lionis Pereira, ancien gouverneur de Malacca et de plufieurs parties de l'Inde Meridionale. (Lisbonne, 1576.) 1 vol. in 8.

Cruautes horribles commifes par les conquerants du Mexique et par les Indiens qui les aiderent a foumettre cet empire a la couronne d'efpagne. Memoire de D. Fernando d'Alva Ixtlilxochitl. Supplement a l'Hiftoire du pere Sahagun, publie et dedie au gouvernement fupreme de la Confederation Mexicaine, par Charles Marie de Bustamante. (Mexico, 1829.) 1 vol. in 8.

Relation du Voyage de Cibola, entrepris en 1840, ou l'on traite de toutes les peuplades qui habitent cette contree, de leurs mœurs et coutumes, par Pedro de Caftaneda de Nagera. (Inedite.) vol. in 8.


Recueil de Pieces relatives a la Conquete du Mexique. (Inedit.)

I vol. in 8.

La deuxieme ferie, 10 volumes, fe compofe de :

Rapport fur les differentes claffes de chefs de la NouvelleEfpagne, fur les lois, les mœurs des habitants, fur les impots etablis avant et depuis la conquete, etc., par Alonzo de Zurita, exauditeur a l'audience royale de Mexico. (Inedit.) I vol. in 8.

Hiftoire des Chichimeques, ou des anciens rois de Tefcuco; par Don Fernando d'Alva Ixtlilxochitl, traduite fur le manuscrit efpagnol. (Inedite.) 2 vols. in 8.

Hiftoire du Nicaragua, par Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes. (Inedite.) I vol. in 8.

Hiftoire du Perou, par Miguel Cavalo Balboa. (Inedite.) 1

vol. in 8.

Recueil (fecond) de pieces relative a la conquete du Mexique. (Inedit.) i vol. in 8.

Memoires Hiftoriques fur l'ancien Perou, par le licencie Fernando Montefinos. (Inedits.) 1 vol. in 8.

Histoire du Royaume de Quito, par Don Juan de Velafco natif

de ce royaume. (Inedite.) 2 vols. in 8.

Recueil de Pieces fur la Floride. I vol. in 8.

TERNAUX-COMPANS, HENRI. Notice fur la Colonie de la Nouvelle

Suede. 8vo.


Paris, 1843.

Hiftoire Generale des Antilles, Habitees

par les Francois. Tom. 4 (in 3), 4to.


Paris, 1667. Address delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Boston Natural History Society, May 5th, 1841. 8vo.

TESSIER, M. A Complete Treatife on Merinos and

with Plates. 8vo.

TESTAMENT, NEW, in Hindostanee.


(Printed in Phonetic Characters). 8vo.

Het Nieuwe. 18mo.

Boston, 1841.

other Sheep; N. Y., 1811.

Phil., 1848.

TESTIMONY to the Truth of Jefus Christ, and to our Solemn League

and Covenant, etc. 4to.

Lond., 1648.

and Advice of an Affembly of Paftors of Churches in New England, at a meeting in Bofton, July 7th, 1743, occafioned by the late Happy Revival of Religion in many parts of the_Land. 8vo., pp. 51. Boston.

TEXAS. The Laws of Texas. 3 vols. in 1. 8vo. Houston, 1838–39.
Same. Vols. I. II.

Propofed Treaty with-a grofs Ufurpation of Power, etc. 8vo.
Phil., 1844.

Thoughts on the propofed Annexation of Texas to the United States. First published in the New York Evening Poft, under the fignature of "Veto." 8vo.

See Auftin Settlements.

THACHER, JAMES. The American Dispensary. 8vo.

N. Y., 1844.

Boston, 1810.

A Military Journal during the American Revolutionary War,

[blocks in formation]

THACHER, JAMES. American Medical Biography;

containing BioSecond Edition. Boston, 1827. with a History

of Medical Science in the United States, etc. 2 vols. in I.
Boston, 1828.
History of the Town of Plymouth, from its firft Settlement, ir
1620, to the Prefent Time. With a Concise History of the
Aborigines of New England, etc. Second Edition. 12mo.


Boston, 1835.

The Sentiments of a British American.

Boston, 1764.

THACHER, PETER. Maffachusetts Election Sermon, May 25th, 1726.

Boston, 1726.


THACHER, PETER. Sermon, September 13th, 1778, on the day of the Death of Rev. Dr. Andrew Eliot. 8vo., pp. 40.


Sermon, June 2, 1790, at the Ordination of Rev. William Fred. Rowland. 8vo., pp. 44.

Sermon on the Death of Governor John 20th, 1793. 8vo., pp. 30.

Exeter, 1790.

Hancock, October

Boston, 1793.


Artillery Election Sermon, June 3d, 1793. 8vo.
Sermon in Boston, before the Maffachusetts Congregational
Charitable Society, etc. 8vo., pp. 24.
Bofton, 1795.

Funeral Sermon delivered in Bofton, April 6th, 1798. (John
Clarke.) 8vo.

Boston, 1798.
Sermon at the Interment of his Excellency Increase Sumner,
Boston, June 12th, 1799. 8vo., pp. 18.
Century Sermon, preached to the Church and Society in Brattle
Street, Boston, December 29th, 1799. 8vo., pp. 18.

Boston, 1800.

Sermon on George Washington, preached February 22d, 1800, at Boston.



Oration delivered before the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston,
on the 31st Anniversary of the Independence of the United
States of America. 8vo.

THACHER, PETER O. An Addrefs pronounced on
March, 1831, before the Members of the Bar
Suffolk, Mafs. 8vo.

Boston, 1807. First Tuesday in of the County of

Boston, 1831.

THACHER, THOMAS. Funeral Sermon delivered at Milton, May, 1795. (Nathaniel Robbins.) 8vo.

Difcourfe before the Humane Society of Massachusetts, June 10th, 1800. 8vo., pp. 31.


Boston, 1796.

Boston, 1800.

8th, 1805. 8vo.,

Cambridge, 1805.

Dedham, 1807.

Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Jofeph Tuckerman, Chelsea,
November 4th, 1801. 8vo., pp. 40.
Dudleian Lecture, Harvard College, May

Pp. 26.

Discourse at Milton, September 9th, 1807, at the Dedication of

the Academy. 8vo., pp. 23.

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