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QUINCY, JOSIAH. Report in the Maffachusetts Legislature, 1813, on Extenfion of our Territorial Limits, etc. 8vo.

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Oration delivered before the Washington Benevolent Society of
Maffachusetts, April 30th, 1813. 8vo.


Addrefs delivered at the Fifth Anniversary of the Massachusetts
Peace Society, December 25th, 1820.



Remarks on fome of the Provifions of the Laws of Maffachu-
fetts, affecting Poverty, Vice and Crime. Charge to the Grand
Jury of Suffolk, March, 1822.
Cambridge, 1822.
Memoir of the Life of Jofiah Quincy, Jr. 8vo. Boston, 1825.
Addrefs to the Citizens of Bofton, on 17th of September, 1830,
the close of the fecond century from the First Settlement of the
City. 8vo.
Addrefs delivered at the Dedication of Dane Law College, in
Harvard University, Oct. 23d, 1832. 8vo. Cambridge, 1832.

Boston, 1830.

The History of Harvard University. 2 vols., 8vo.

Cambridge, 1840.

The Memory of the late James Grahame, the Hiftorian of the

United States, Vindicated, etc., and the Conduct of Mr. Ban

croft towards that Hiftorian Stated and Expofed. 8vo., pp. 59.

Bofton, 1846.

The History of the Boston Athenæum, with Biographical Notices of its deceased Founders. Cambridge, 1851.



RABAUT, J. P. Precis de l'Hiftoire de la Revolution Francaife, avec une Table des Principaux Decrets rendus pendant les annees 1789, '90, '91, etc. A Paris, 1792. RAFINESQUE, C. S. Ancient Hiftory; or, Annals of Kentucky. With a Survey of the Ancient Monuments of North America, and a Tabular View of the Principal Languages and Primitive Nations of the whole Earth. 8vo. Frankfort, 1824.

A Life of Travels and Researches in North America and the South of Europe, from 1802 till 1835. I 2mo. Phil., 1836. The American Nations; or, Outlines of a National History of the Ancient and Modern Nations of North and South America. Phil., 1836. RAILTON, J. The Army's Regulator; or, the British Monitor, etc.



RAINES, GEORGE W. Practical Obfervations on the

Lond., 1738. Generation of

Statical Electricity by an Electrical Machine. New Haven, 1845. RALEIGH, SIR WALTER. The Discoverie of the Large, Rich, and Bewtifull Empyre of Guiana. With a Relation of the great and golden Citie of Manoa (which the Spanyards call El Dorado), etc. Performed in the year 1595, etc. 4to. Lond., 1596.


The History of the World. Folio. See Rofs. Lond., 1617.
Voyages of, and other Adventurers.
Glafgow, 1791.
Difcourfe on his Life and Character, delivered by J. Morison

Harris, before the Maryland Hiftorical Society, May 19th, 1846. 8vo., pp. 71. Baltimore, 1846. RAMBLES IN ITALY in the years 1816-17. By an American. 8vo. Baltimore, 1818. RAMEL, GENERAL. Narrative of the Deportation to Cayenne, of Barthelemy, Pichegru, Willot, Marbois, La Rue, Ramel, etc., in confequence of the Revolution of the 18th Fructidor (Sept. 4th), 1797, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1799.

RAMON DE LA SAGRA, D. Cinco Mefes en los Estados Unidos de la
America del Norte, 1835. Diario de Viaje. 8vo. Paris, 1836.
RAMOND, M. Travels in the Pyrenees. From the French, by F.
Lond., 1813.

Gold. 8vo.
RAMPOLDI, GIO. B. Annali Mufulmani. 12 vols., 8vo.

Milano, 1822-26.

RAMSAY, DAVID. The Hiftory of the Revolution of South Carolina, from a British Province to an Independent State. 2 vols., 8vo. Trenton, 1785.

The History of the American Revolution. 2 vols., 8vo.

Phil., 1789.

Oration, on the Ceffion of Louisiana to the United States, delivered 12th May, 1804. 8vo.

Charleston, S. C., 1804.
N. Y., 1807.

Life of George Washington, etc. 8vo. The History of South Carolina, from its First Settlement in 1670 to the year 1808. 2 vols., 8vo.

Charleston, 1809.

The Hiftory of the Independent, or Congregational Church, in
Charleston, S. C., from its origin till the year 1814. With an
Appendix. 8vo.
Phil., 1815.

History of the United States, from their First Settlement as English Colonies, in 1607, to the year 1808, or the Thirty-third of their Sovereignty and Independence. Continued to the Treaty of Ghent, by S. S. Smith, et al. Second Edition. 3 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1818. RAMSEY, J. G. M. The Annals of Tenneffee to the end of the 18th Century etc. 8vo. Charleston, 1853. RANBY, JOHN. Short Hints on a French Invafion. 8vo.



Lond., 1794RAMUSIO, G. B. Navigationi et Viaggi. Vols. I. (1588), II. (1559), III. (1565). Folio. A Venetia, 1558-65. RANDOLPH EDMUND.] Vindication of his Refignation. [Pub. about 18th December.] 8vo., pp. 103. RANDOLPH, JOHN. Sermon before the Society for Promoting Chriftian Knowledge, May 20th, 1802. 4to. RANDOLPH, JOHN. Speech in the Houfe of Representatives of the United States, on Mr. Gregg's Refolution for a Non-Importation of British Goods, March 5th, 1806. 12mo. Second Speech on the Non-Importation Refolution of Mr. Gregg. 8vo.

Lond., 1802.

Salem, 1806.

Obfervations on the Speech of, in Congrefs, on the motion for

N. Y., 1806.

Non-Importation, etc. By the Author of "War in Difguife." 8vo., pp. 43. [Rep.] RANDOLPH, JOHN. Vindication of the Doctrine advocated by. By Epaminondas. 8vo. N. Y., 1806. Speech in the House of Reprefentatives relative to the Berlin. and Milan Decrees, etc. With a Dedication to the Freeholders of Charlotte, Buckingham, Prince Edward and Cumberland. 8vo. 1812.

Letters... to a Young Relative, embracing a series of years, from early youth to mature manhood. 8vo. Phil., 1834.

A Biography of, with Selections from his Speeches, by Lemuel Sawyer. 8vo. N. Y., 1844. RANDOLPH, THOMAS. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Oxford, in the year 1771. 8vo., pp. 31.

RANDOM SKETCHES upon Witches, Dreams, Love and

a Freethinker. 8vo.

RANKIN, JOHN. Letters on American Slavery, etc.


Oxford. Romance. By Albany, 1847.

I 2mo.

Boston, 1838. Conquest of Peru,

RANKING, JOHN. Hiftorical Researches on the Mexico, etc. .. in the 13th century, by the Mongols, accompanied with Elephants, etc. Lond., 1827. Supplement to Hiftorical Researches, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1831. [RAPIN, RENE, L'ABBE.] Les Comparaifons des Grands Hommes de l'Antiquite qui ont le plus excelle dans les Belles-Lettres Tom. 2 en I. 4to. Paris, 1684. RAPIN DE THOYRAS, PAUL. The Hiftory of England, as well Ecclefiaftical as Civil. Tranflated by N. Tindal. 15 vols., 8vo. Lond, 1726-31. RATHBUN, G. Speech of, in Favor of an Appropriation for the Heirs of D. D. Tompkins, delivered in the Houfe of Reprefentatives, February 4, 1847. 8vo., pp. 8. Washington,, 1847. RATHBUN, VALENTINE. Some Brief Hints of a Religious Scheme, Taught and Propagated by a number of Europeans, at Nifqueunia, in New York [called Shaking Quakers]. 8vo., pp. 24. [Rep.] Boston, 1781. RAUMER, FREDERICK VON. England in 1835; being a series of Letters written to Friends in Germany during a Residence in London and Excurfions into the Provinces. Tranflated by Sarah Austin and H. E. Lloyd. 8vo. Phil., 1836.

RAWDON, LORD. Hints on the Army and its Abuses, with a Comparative View of this Country and France. In a Letter to. 8vo., Pp. 96. [No title.]

RAWSON, GRINDALL. Maffachusetts Election Sermon, May 25th, 1709. Small 8vo.

Boston, 1709.

Boston, 1849.

RAWSON, SULLIVAN S. Memorial of the Rawson Family. 8vo.

RAY, JAMES. A Compleat Hiftory of the Rebellion, from its First Rife, in 1745, to its Suppreffion, in 1746. 8vo.


RAY, JOHN. Observations, in a Journey through part of the Low
Countries, etc. 8vo.
Lond., 1673.
The Wisdom of God, manifested in the Works of the Creation,
etc. Fifth Edition. 8vo.
Lond., 1709.
RAY, JOHN MEAD. Sermon at Stow Market, December, 1789, on
Chriftian Liberty, etc. [Corporation and Teft Acts]. Second
Edition. 8vo., pp. 26.

Sermon at Wattesfield, in Suffolk, December 7th,
Death of Rev. Thomas Harmer. 8vo., pp. 30.
Sermon at Hadleigh, in Suffolk, January 15th,
Death of Rev. Ifaac Toms. 8vo., pp. 48.
[RAY, NICHOLAS.] North America. The Importance

Lond. 1788, on the Lond., 1789. 1801, on the Sudbury. of the Colo

nies of, and the Interest of Great Britain with regard to them Confidered. 4to., pp. 16. Lond., 1766. RAY, RICHARD. Two Lectures on Claffical Literature; being part of a courfe delivered at the New York Athenæum, in February and March, 1826. 8vo.

N. Y., 1826.

RAY, WILLIAM. Horrors of Slavery; or, The American Tars in Tripoli, etc. 12mo. Troy, 1808. RAYMOND, David. Oration delivered on the 22d of February, 1813, before the Hamilton Society. 8vo. N. Y., 1813. RAYMOND, D. Argument in Cafe of the State of Maryland vs. Buchanan and Others, for a Confpiracy to Cheat the Bank of the United States, December, 1821. 8vo. [RAYNAL, M. L'ABBE.] The Sentiments of a putes of Great Britain with America. French.


Baltimore, 1828. Foreigner, on the DisTranflated from the Phil., 1775. British Settlements French. 2 vols., Edinburgh, 1776.

A Philofophical and Political History of the and Trade in North America. From the


Hiftoire Philofophique et Politique des Etabliffemens et du Commerce des Europeens dans les Deux Indes.

Tomes 7. 8vo.
A Paris, 1778.
Dublin, 1781.

Revolution de l'Amerique. 8vo.
Staatfomwenteling van Amerika. Uit het Fransch.

8vo. Amfterdam, 1781.

The Revolution of America. 8vo., pp. 92. Salem, 1782. A Philofophical and Political Hiftory of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. Tranflated by J. O. Juftamond. Second Edition. 6 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1798. RAYNOR, B. L. Life of Thomas Jefferson; with Selections from the most valuable portions of his voluminous and unrivalled Private Correfpondence. 12mo. Bofton, 1834READ, CHARLES. Copy of a Letter from, to Hon. John Ladd (relative to Indian affairs). Curious Plate. 8vo., pp. 8. Phil., 1764. READER, THOMAS. Letter to the Rev. Sir Harry Trelawny, Bart., occafioned by his Sermon at Taunton, May 26th, 1779. 8vo., PP. 44. Lond., 1780.

REASONS in Support of an Opinion offered to the Public, respecting the Votes of Otfego County, on the 7th June, 1792. 8vo., pp. 30. N. Y., 1792. REBELLION. A Declaration of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Bishops in and near London, testifying their Abhorrence of the Prefent Rebellion, etc. 4to. Lond., 1715. RECHERCHES PHILOSOPHIQUES fur les Americains ou Memoires intereffants pour fervir a l'Hiftoire de l'Efpece Humaine. Par M. de P * * *. Avec une Differtation fur l'Amerique et les Americains, par Dom. Pernety. 4 vols., 18mo. Londres, 1771. RECHERCHES HISTORIQUES fur les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique feptentrionale. . . Par un Citoyen de Virginie . . . Tomes 3. 4to. A Colle, 1788. RECORD, ROBERT. The Ground of Arts, Teaching the Perfect Worke and Practice of Arithmeticke, etc., augmented by John Dee and enlarged by John Mellis. 8vo. Lond., 1636. RECORDS OF LITERATURE, Domestic and Foreign. No. 1, January, 1807. 8vo. Lond., 1807.

RECREATIONS IN AGRICULTURE, ETC. Nos. 32-3, October, 1801. Second Series, Vol. II., Nos. 2, 3. 8vo.

REDFIELD, WILLIAM C. Remarks on Mr. Espy's Theory of Centripetal Storms, etc.


Reply to Dr. Hare's Further Objections relating to Whirlwind
Storms, etc.


On Three Several Hurricanes of the Atlantic, and their relations to the Northers of Mexico, etc. 8vo., pp. 118.

New Haven, 1846. series of Letters Providence.

REED, JOHN. Apology for Infant Baptism, etc., in a
addreffed to Daniel Merrill. I 2mo.
Convention Sermon, Boston, May 27th, 1807. 8vo.

Boston, 1807.

[REED, WILLIAM.] Addrefs to the Inhabitants of Marblehead, relative to the very Bad Police of the Town. 12mo., pp. 12. REED, WILLIAM B. Address delivered before the Philomathean Society of the Univerfity of Pennsylvania, November 1ft, 1838. 8vo. Phil., 1838. The Infancy of the Union; a Difcourfe delivered before the New York Hiftorical Society, December 19th, 1839.

8vo. Phil., 1840.

Phil., 1847.

Phil., 1848.

A Letter on American History. 8vo. Addrefs before the Hiftorical Society of Pennfylvania, 28th January, 1848, on the occafion of opening the Hall in the Athenæum. 8vo. Reprint of the Original Letters from Washington to Jofeph Reed, during the American Revolution. 8vo. REES, ABRAHAM. Sermon on the Death of the Rev. Andrew Kippis, at the Meetinghouse in Prince's Street, Westminster, October 18th, 1795. 8vo., pp. 70. Lond., 1795.

Phil., 1852.

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