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that Mrs. Powell, then Miss Pope, introduced Dr. Sutherland by letter to me, at the request of a friend of hers; a most happy event for me, for he has been a most sincere friend, as well as attentive physician, during my long, long illness.

April 23rd.

A new cage was bought for the bird, and he seemed to be more alive in it than in the old one.

April 25th.

A melancholy exhibition of the morally perverting influence of Orthodoxy. I have this day received a letter, of which the following is a copy.

My dear Sir,

You will be glad to hear that I am elected at Oriel. I fear that you must have thought it strange, nay, ungrateful, that I have not written to you lately. At the same time you may guess the cause. I have been afraid to do it. I am very young, and though you may wish not to influence others, you cannot help doing it; in fact, I never feel more perplexed than when I have been with you, and it cannot be right for me, so unprepared, to expose myself to what I do feel so dangerous. Believe me still, my dear Sir,

Your sincerely attached young friend.

I will not mention gratitude, to which this good young man alludes. I never did anything in my life for the sake of gratitude; but I confess that the withdrawing of an affection, which I have deserved,


very painful to me. Accidentally, indeed, but most zealously, did I employ myself in promoting the welfare of whose great talents I discovered when he was yet a boy. All has succeeded, very much to his credit, for he has been indefatigable as a student, and perfectly correct in his conduct. What he has obtained, he deserves; but were it not for my good luck in having had various means of assisting him, his talents would not have been cultivated.

But see the result of his fanaticism. He will not see me, he scarcely ventures to write to me, though I never touched upon any religious subjects, either when speaking with, or writing to him. My only advice has been-do not give yourself up to a party till you have prepared yourself to judge. He is afraid of me; i. e. my very existence is to him a source of perplexity. He is unprepared to meet so dangerous a


What preparation does he mean?-I know it; a considerable degree of hardening against the affection he had for me; an increase of such prejudices as will make me appear a spiritual monster in his eyes that will remove his perplexity.-He is unprepared, and yet he forms a most intimate alliance with the Puseyite party, as if that choice did not require any preparation.-I confess that this result, though long foreseen by me, has given me much pain. There is no moral poison equal to Orthodoxy.

May 1st. Accident has brought me acquainted within the last three or four days, with a work of great religious importance-Salvador, Jésus-Christ et sa doctrine : Histoire de la naissance de l'Eglise, de son organisation et de ses progrès pendant le premier siècle, 2 vols. 18mo. Bruxelles. This title engaged my attention in a Catalogue of French books, which a French bookseller in this town lent me previous to his going abroad with commissions for purchases. My greediness of books made me forget all considerations of economy, and Salvador came among a lot of works which tantalize me into a kind of mental fever.

I remember that many years ago I had seen a French pamphlet at Holland House, which it was said had raised considerable attention. I heard it was written by a Jew, and some recollection of the name seemed to revive in me, when now I saw the word Salvador. I was right: the publication in question is among the list of the author's works; though at present it forms a chapter of his Histoire des institutions de Moïse, under the title Procès de JésusChrist. I have asked for a copy of that book, the publication of which very properly preceded the one I am reading. What I have already seen, makes me expect great profit from the rest.

Salvador, I conjecture, is a Jew, the French descendant of a Spanish Jewish family. Their name must have been JOSHUA, which, for the sake of safety, they probably translated into the Spanish word Sal

vador. A few accidental statements in the preface lead me further to think that J. Salvador is a physician, and that he studied at Montpellier. I cannot find the name in either of my two Conversations-Lexikons.

Just at the time, when Strauss was employed in his examination of the Life of Jesus, and Gförer devoted all his mind to the study of the Talmud, in reference to the Gospels, Salvador had devoted himself to a profound inquiry of the law of Moses, and the Rabbins, as a means of examining the authenticity and origin of the Gospels. In the Preface he acknowledges his unacquaintance with Strauss, till it was too late to compare its individual results with those of Salvador himself. The general view he takes of the Leben Jesu is not quite correct. Salvador represents the two final results as totally opposite. Strauss, according to our author, rejects the authenticity of the Gospels, and reduces Jesus to l'idée symbolique de l'humanité. He (Salvador) believes the Gospels to be genuine, and Jesus Christ's history true upon the whole, though he puts miracles out of the question. Now, I conceive that Salvador has not read Strauss attentively. The ideal he speaks of is not Strauss's view, but Kant's. He quotes it at length, and declares it insufficient. In point of authenticity, I believe Salvador does not use the word authentic in the sense required by the present subject. No well-instructed person doubts that the three first Gospels especially were written in Judea, by Jews, very near the time

of Jesus. What Strauss in my opinion demonstrates, is, that those documents (not including the Gospel of John) are not the writings of the immediate disciples of Christ, nor the testimony of eye-witnesses. This I believe is Salvador's opinion, for he considers these documents as made up of the traditions of those times in Judea.

My dear Sir,

To Dr. Channing.

22, Upper Stanhope-street, Liverpool, May 15th, 1840.

Your letter of the 13th April last came to my hands only yesterday evening. Your conjecture is perfectly right; increase of suffering has hitherto prevented my writing to you. A most distressing pain at the top of the left shoulder has almost filled the measure of my endurance for a very long time. Nevertheless when I received your last, but one, letter, I entered a note of its principal topics, that I might notice them whenever I should be able to write. But a miserable want of mental energy has been incessantly growing upon me, which gives me a distaste for philosophical discussion. For a long time I have scarcely been able to feel interest in any book. One of the earliest and most permanent tastes of my life-Music—has been the only relief I have found. Not being able to rise from my chair, and having my hands constantly swollen to a certain degree, practical music, in which I had always found amusement, has long ceased to afford it and I content myself with the examination of some theoretical Works, by the side of my Piano Forte. Thus I have dreamt away many months. Far however from forgetting that I owed you a letter, as well as my best thanks for your two excellent Discourses on Dr. Follen, and on the Labouring Classes, I


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