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Washington, D. C., May 30, 1890.

SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith the following reports relating to the exhibit of the agricultural products of the United States at the Paris Exposition of 1889. These reports should properly form a part of the general report on the Paris Exposition which is being prepared in your Department for publication, by Gen. William B. Franklin, United States Commissioner-General at that Exposition. They include, first, a brief history, by Dr. C. V. Riley, Representative in Charge, of the preparation of the exhibit, and a full list of the articles exhibited, made by this Department in accordance with the act of Congress making the necessary appropriation for the representation of this country at that Exposition, which especially enjoined upon the head of this Department the duty of preparing an exhibit of the agricultural products of the United States, and requiring that the same be accompanied by a report upon our agricultural products, specially prepared for the purpose, and intended for translation and distribution abroad; which reports were duly handed over to the Commissioner-General, March 26, 1889, for said purpose.

I also transmit herewith a Report upon the International Congress of Agriculture, held at Paris during the Exposition, prepared by Dr. C. V. Riley, who was its representative delegate at that Congress. This Congress having been held in connection with the Exposition, it will no doubt be found desirable to include it in that volume of the general report devoted especially to agriculture.

The special reports pertaining to the Meat and Dairy Products were prepared under the direction of Dr. D. E. Salmon, Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry of this Department. The Report on Economic Entomology was prepared by Dr. C. V. Riley, Entomologist of the Department, with the aid of Mr. Philip Walker, at that time in charge of the Silk reeling, and Mr. C. L. Marlatt, one of the assistant entomologists. The Reports on the Cereal Products. were prepared by Mr. Geo. Wm. Hill and Mr. Milton Whitney, and that on Vegetables by Mr. M. G. Kern; that on Fruits, by Prof. H. E. Van Deman, Pomologist of this Department, and that on Viticulture, by Messrs. Geo. Husmann and B. F. Clayton. The Report on Sugar and Sirups was prepared by Prof. H. W. Wiley, Chief Chemist of this Department; that on Textile Fibers, by Mr. Charles Richards Dodge, and that on Tobacco and Peanuts, by Mr.

Alexander McDonald; the Report on Forage Plants and Grasses, by Dr. Geo. Vasey, Botanist of this Department, and that on Ensilage, by Herbert Myrick; the Report on Forestry, by Prof. B. E. Fernow, Chief of the Division of Forestry; the Report on Ornithology and Mammalogy, by Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Chief of the Division having charge of this work; the Report on Food Adulteration, by Dr. Thomas Taylor, Microscopist of this Department; the Report on Fungous Diseases, by Prof. B. T. Galloway, then Chief of the Section, now the Division, of Vegetable Pathology; the Report on Agricultural Statistics, by Mr. J. R. Dodge, Statistician of the Depart ment, and the Report on Agricultural Science and Education, by Mr. A. C. True, of this Department, under the direction of Prof. W. O. Atwater, then Director of the Office of Experiment Stations. I have the honor to remain, your obedient servant,

J. M. RUSK, Secretary.

The Honorable, The SECRETARY OF STATE.


U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Washington, D. C., May 30, 1890. SIR: In pursuance of authority granted me by Commissioner Colman, October 6, 1888, by him as Secretary, February 2, 1889, and confirmed and extended by yourself, March 19, 1889, I submit herewith my report, as Representative in Charge, on the agricultural exhibit of this Department at the Paris Universal Exposition of 1889. I submit this report in the form of a brief history of the exhibit, together with an account of the International Congress of Agricul ture held at Paris during the Exposition, which I attended as the representative delegate of this Department. To these I have attached as appendices a full list of the articles exhibited, and sundry circulars and documents necessary to complete the history of the work of preparation. I have also added copies of articles relating to the exhibit, taken from." Le Temps" and the London "Morning Post," because of their critical nature and the high authority of the writers thereof. I recommend the publication of these reports, which, in connection with the special reports on the agricultural resources of the United States, prepared in accordance with the act of Congress respecting our agricultural productions, made by officers of this Department and other specialists engaged for the purpose, will form a comprehensive account of the agricultural exhibit.

I have the honor to remain, yours, respectfully,
Representative in Charge.

Hon. J. M. RUSK, Secretary of Agriculture.

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