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Theoclea.....the divine Theoclea !...... in my transported embrace!

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"Is it possible.....I exclaimed with ecstacy.......that I again fold Theo"clea to my heart......and as a Chris"tian too?"

"And wherefore not ?"....she answered smilingly........." I have acted



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many parts.....This, perhaps, is the only one worth my study."

"A part, Theoclea !"

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Nay, Proteus, do not start...... "I mean no disrespect by the expression......It is a language custom has familiarized me to......We do "not, you know, throw off old ha"bits in a moment....I mean, simply, "that we have both improved our pursuits, and are doubtless wiser "and better for the change."

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"But art thou.......really......what "thou seemest?.......How was this "miracle performed ?"

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By Kerinthus !"

Kerinthus," I replied,....." Kerin"thus, who so wonderfully saved me? .......and, has this Kerinthus also "rescued Theoclea from the fangs of "Demons, to make her an associate "with the Angels of Light?"

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Many, and dear "Proteus,......are the events I have to "relate......But prithee cease this language, which you utter with as much fluency as if you had never spoken any other......Come, be intelligible. "But first attend to me.......I am...... "what you will never suspect me to " be.....I am.....'

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Nay......speak......or I shall burst "with impatience....What art thou?" "I am....." said she, and smiled,.... "the sister of the great Kerinthus."

"Art thou in earnest ?.......Say!...... "The sister of Kerinthus !...Thou,....

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Anagallis !....Theoclea!...thou,... the "sister of Kerinthus!"

"Own sister, dear Peregrine, " the great Prophet."

She took my hand, and pressed it affectionately, as if in confirmation of the fact.

I believe, Lucian, I could have resisted this enchantress notwithstanding the delicious recollections which her presence called to my mind, had she not been thus armed with a new and unexpected charm......To that I yielded;....and the confirming....gentle pressure of her hand, carried its enfluence to my heart.

I fell.....staggering, her feet,.... clasped her knees with the convulsive grasp of madness.....Then starting,..... I pushed her from me......and the next moment held her in my arms, folding her with tumultuous transport....Then I ran my head against the wall, like

one frantic, and......rebounding,.....fell on a couch; when,....sobbing as if my very heart would rush from its confinement.....I burst into a flood of tears and found relief.

This saved my reason.....I gazed for some time on Theoclea with indiscribable emotion, as she hung over me .....terrified at my frenzied conduct..... and, drawing her towards the couch, my head sank on her bosom, and her circling arm supported me.

"Well then,"....I faintly uttered... "this too has been all illusion....... "but thou art still reality;...and, whe"ther as Anagallis......Theoclea......or "in what other shape thou comest "before art.....disguise or "circumstance, can make the other "than thyself...Tell me, Oh! Theoclea "......thou dost not deceive me?"

Instead of replying.....she embraced me.....not as she had been accustomed ...with all the prolific eagarness of

love....but with the calm composure of a sister,...entreating me to moderate my transports.

"When thou art calm, ".....she added......" I have much to tell thee...... "Be seated, dearest Peregrine, here are 66 some refreshments which will do. "thee good;....and I am not without a hope, that the pleasure of my pre



sence will beguile thee of all sad re"flection......No one will interrupt us ".....this night is all our own,....even

your partizans without the door are "sent away by order of the police..... "Theoclea,.....thou well knowest...... "never does things by halves."

While speaking, she unpacked the basket, and then throwing off her leathern girdle and the woollen robe

..she stood before me the bewitching Representative of every earthly joy.

A white muslin tunic, easy

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