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already obliged by treaty to affift the elector of Hanover, if attacked; but as this affiftance was deemed infufficient, he concluded a provifional treaty with the Czarina, in which the engages to act, in cafe of neceffity, against the enemies of Hanover. The king of Prussia, intimidated by this wife precaution, offers an alliance to the elector, by which his dominions are fecured more effectually, and at a cheaper rate than they could have been by the Ruffians. He accepts this alliance, which the intereft of the king of Pruffia will oblige that prince to obferve; or, if he fhould, contrary to his own intereft, and all the maxims he has hitherto purfued, infringe the articles of this treaty; the elector of Hanover will be abfolved from his part of the engagement, and have recourse again to the empress of Ruffia.-Now, where is the inconfiftency or abfurdity of this conduct? has it not established a proper ballance of interefts, and prevented a general war in Europe, which must have proved very grievous to England? for, nothing can be more ridiculous than the supposition that the empress queen of Germany is separated from the intereft of Hanover: the treaty fhe has concluded with France, as being purely defenfive, muft conduce to the prevention of a general war.

The fame fallacious way of reasoning is practifed with regard to the Heffian treaty. He calculates the difference of the price between the Ruffians and Heffians, and exclaims against the ministry, because they have not brought over the former in preference to the latter, as they would have coft lefs money. But he ought to have known, that on any fudden emergency the Heffians can be conveyed to England in half the time, and for half the money, that would be expended in transporting the Ruffians; and that the difference of the charge is a meer trifle, not to be put in competition with the prompt fervice at any critical conjuncture. The yearly expence of eight thousand Heffians he invidioufly overrates, in order to inflame the discontent of the vulgar.

His branding a British parliament, in page 62, for having ⚫ rejected a wife and honourable measure for inattention, profufion, difgrace, difhonour, infecurity, and ruin,' is such an


outrageous infult upon the wisdom and honefty of the legislature, that nothing but fovereign contempt or compaffion can fave him from fevere caftigation.

The elaborate apoftrophe with which he concludes this fubject of the treaties, is a cold effort to excite national animofity; but will hardly kindle any flame in thinking minds, because it is neither nervous nor pathetic.

-Si vis me flere, dolendum eft

Primum ipfi tibi

Male fi mandata loqueris,

Aut dormitabo aut ridebo.

It is not in the power of this wretched politician to perfuade his readers that he feels any part of that anxiety which he profeffes for the fufferings of his country.

Having lavishly fcattered his dirt among those who stand at the helm of affairs by land, he begins to rail like a bedlamite, at the first cr of the ad-y. He calls that nobleman's abilities in queftion, because his dependants have done their duty; and seems particularly incenfed at the fuccess of that fortunate commander, because he himself has not been fo profperous in life. Hinc illa lachrymæ.-Invidus alterius macrefcit rebus opimis. This is the true fource of all our author's patriotifm. L-d A-n is a booby because he did ot block up Macnamara's squadron in the harbour of Brest, by which means that fleet might have been prevented from failing, and the fuccours would have been fent to America from fome other port of France.He is a wifeacre because he could not foresee that de la Mothe would venture to pass through the ftraits of Belleifle, which had always been deemed impaffable by fhips of great burthen; an adventure which nothing but fuccefs could have justified. He is a fool, because he could not poft Sir EH in the Atlantic, fo as that Du Guay's fquadron could not poffibly pass him unperceived. O caput infanabile!He reviles the miniftry for having fent fuch a small number of fhips to oppofe Galiffoniere in the Mediterranean: tho' he himself gives a very fuffici


ent answer to that charge, in obferving that there was not a greater number of fhips ready manned for fervice. Hence he takes occafion to abuse them for having fo few, as if they could have made feamen for the purpose. How confiftent is this reflection with that torrent of reproach he pours forth against them, for preffing failors from the merchant service? In one place he exclaims against them for having preffed fo many; and in another, charges them with having preffed fo few. A writer muft have been very hard preffed for an argument, or else he would have totally suppress'd this paragraph. -But the ministry have ftill another fufficient answer in referve the squadron they fent to the Mediterranean was sufficient to maintain the empire of the fea, and therefore to have fent a ftronger fquadron, would have been fuperfluous. That the English fleet was more than a match for the enemy, appeared but too plainly to thofe brave men who were reftrained from doing their duty, by the c of their A-: and that the A- was a cd, we prefume the mini

ftry could not foresee.

The nature of our undertaking will not admit of a more minute disquisition into the merits of this performance; but, by this time, we apprehend the reader perceives that the fourth letter to the people of England, is made up of malice, abfurdity, and bombaft, embroidered on a very thin ground of truth and probability.

Were we to joke upon fuch a fubject, we should compare the author to a species of vermin, peculiar to Lapland, which, according to the description given by Mr. de Futerbag, rife in the fummer from the filthy bogs and marshes, fly, ftink, fting, and perish in the courfe of a few hours. This venomous infect, during it's fhort period of existence, buzzes about in continual agitation, to the great terror of the horned cattle, until it drops it's egg on the fkin of fome unlucky rain deer, where a rancorous grub being hatched, inflames and corrodes the part so as to subject the poor animal to inexpreffible torment, Our pfeudo-politician refembles this Lapland mofqueto in his rife, buzzing, virulence, and agitation; and his performance is the egg, which being depofited in its proper nidus, may


produce rankling and exulceration among the herd of cattle. which have not sense enough to guard themselves from its pernicious effects.

To view him in a more ferious light, we fhall not scruple to pronounce him a defperate incendiary, who avails himself of the present fears, jealousies, and disgusts of the nation, to create a spirit of discontent and diffaffection, which may destroy the union fo neceffary for oppofing the defigns of a powerful enemy, and involve the kingdom in civil broils and confufion.

If the intereft and glory of Great Britain, have been betrayed by the treachery of an Ad-n, let the individuals, who compofe that Ad-n, be fairly tried, convicted, and punished for their perfidy. If our miscarriages by sea and land, have been owing to the weakness and misconduct of the miniftry; let that my be removed from his majesty's councils but let us not miftake indifcretion for guilt, accidents for defign, and confound the well meaning with the wicked. Let us not, at fuch a crifis, be hurried into rash and dangerous resentments, that may produce convulfions in the ftate, by the infidious fuggeftions of an obfcure fcribler, a profeffed enemy of the government under which he lives, without principle, talent, or common difcretion, who has neither friend, property, nor intereft, in the country where he affumes the character of patriot and reformer, and who could not live in this or any other country, but by fomenting difcord, and fowing the feeds of civil diffention.

ART. IV. A TREATISE of the Caufes and Symptoms of the STONE; and of the chief Remedies now in Ufe to cure this Distemper. Containing, A History of Mrs. Stephens's Medicines, and her Receipt. Obfervations upon them. Anfwers to the Objections made against; and Cautions to those who use them. An Examination of Lime-water and Soap, and Cafes concerning them. Of Dr. Jurin's Lithontripticum, or Soaplye; and Remarks relating thereunto. Of Soap. Of the Liquid Shell, and other Noftrums. Of Forcing and Softning Medicines. Cafes of Perfons who have taken Mrs. Stephens's


Medicines in a folid Form, with the Sequel of a few printed before. By D. d'Escherny, Brother-in-law to Mrs. Stephens. 8vo. Pr. 2 s. ftitch'd. Griffith.


HIS boafted alliance with the noted Mrs. Stephens, is to be fure a feather in Mr. d'Efcherny's cap, which cannot fail to attract the notice of the public; and is a flourish of the fame nature with the challenge of the renowned F. O Sherlock, mafter of the moft noble fcience of defence, and brother to Dennis O Sherlock, by whofe unfortunate arm the ever memorable Timothy Buck, received his death's wound. Not that we would be thought to accufe either Mr. D. d'Efcherny or his fifter-in-law of homicide. We only find the resemblance in Mr. d'Efcherny's addrefs to the public.

We do not much approve of this gentleman's theory with refpect to the causes of the ftone, which we apprehend is vague, trivial and fuperficial: his diction in general is but humble, and his notions are frequently incorrect, such as that of the liver's promoting, by its heat, a more plentiful fecretion of urine on the right-fide: his epithet of biting ulcers, and his mistaking a dysury for an incontinence of urine: nevertheless, we think the performance deserves perufal, from the honesty with which it feems to be written, and the importance of the fubject of which it treats.

The preference which he gives to the remedy of Mrs. Stephens, over the lime-water as a lithontriptic, feems to be founded not only upon repeated practice, but alfo upon a very judicious experiment, p. 50.

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"I thought the only way to come at the truth, and put the thing quite out of doubt, was to make experiments upon pieces ' of ftones with the urine of two perfons, one of whom took C two ounces and a half of our medicines, in a folid form, every day, and the other three pints of lime-water, made exactly according to the receipt given in the above-mentioned effays, and one ounce of foap daily. I took two pieces of the fame ftone, each of which weighed ten grains, I put each into a different phial, one I marked No. 1. upon the cork, and the other N°. 2. I placed them both in a pipkin full of water, ' covered,

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