RepresentationSuvan Somensohein & Company, 1906 - 90 pages |
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actually adopted advantages Andrae Andrae's Belgium Bill choice committee Conservatives constituencies returning contested Cumulative Vote Democrats Denmark distributed divided division Electoral Law electoral system element of chance entitled fact favour gain representation give Hare's HARTINGTON INDEPENDENT NORTHCOTE Home Rulers House of Commons instance interests joint candidates large constituencies Liberal candidates Limited Vote Liverpool Lord Hartington majority minority Moreover number of members number of representatives number of seats number of votes objection obtained operation opinion opponents Parliament parties are evenly political polled practical preference present system principle Proportional Representation proposed question quota quotient R. A. Cross repre Republican result return three members Rigsraad rule School Board Scrutin de Liste secure Senate sent seven single member system single seats single transferable vote Sir Stafford Northcote Suppose system of representation system of single tion tional Representation tives Unionists unrepresented voters votes given voting papers voting power whole