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Sestine 250.

[ocr errors]

Sir Thopas 184.
Sonnet 165. 205. 248. 249.
Stand 242. 243.
Stanza 4, anisometrical 165,
bipartite 165, Burns' 235,
Chaucer's 170. 172. 237. 238,
classification 65, eight-
line 171-2. 195. 232, ele-
giae 170. 230, Epithala-
mion 241, formation 135,
four-line 168-70, five-line
168, French 250, indivi-
sible 165, In Memoriam231,
isometrical 165, mixed 178,
NE. 226, nine-line 194, Oc-
tovian 180, seven-line 194,
six-line 169, Spenser's 170.
172. 213. 239. 240, structure
161. 200, tail-rime 176-9.
233-4, thirteen-line 175,
tripartite 165, Tristrem 174,
twelve-line 173. 232, unity
of 162, unrimed 166. 244,
Venus and Adonis 170.236.
Stress-units 209.

Syllables, metrical value of

Tercet 248.

Temporal uniformity 209.

Terza rima 150. 195. 205. 226.


Thesis 3.

Triolet 205. 250.

Trochee 217.

[blocks in formation]

Bridges 209 219.

Bunzen 158.

Child 177.

Conrad 217.

Corson 10. 231.

Cremer 86, 87.
Crow 122.

Deutschbein 83. 157.

Doleschal 218.

Dryden 25. 157. 189.

Dunstan 221. 236.

Elste 218.

Elze 224.

Fischer 159. 159.

Fleay 217.

Foster 86, 87.

Franck 44. 87.

Freudenberger 189.
Freymond 145.

Fuhr 39. 46. 47 87. 93.
Furnivall 157. 217.

Gascoigne 8. 157. 248.

Gaspay 248.

Gering 9.

Göbel 18.

Gosse 230.

Graz 81. 95, 97.

Grimm 91.

Guest 9.

Hales 157.

Hampel 189.

Hannemann 218.

Heath 49. 86. 87.
Hertzberg 217.

Heuser 130. 173.

Heusler 44. 86. 87.

Heyne 19.
Hildebrand 22.
Hilgers 217.

Hirt 39. 45. 87.
Höfer 210.

Horstmann 166.

Hunt L. 248.

Ingram 217.

James I 8. 25. 157.

Jasinski 248.

Jessen 19.

Johnson 10. 225. 239. 241.

248 230.

Kail 172.

Kaluza 25. 36. 50. 52. 59, 62.
82. 86, 89. 149. 166. 178.

Kauffmann 9. 41. 86. 87.

Kittredge 189.

Kluge 97. 100.
Knaut 218.
Kögel 56.
Kölbing 184.
König 217.

Köster 157.

Kroder 222.

Kuhnke 157-159.

Kupka 218.

Lachmann 17. 18.

Lang 213.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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