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extinguifhed feeling.-Who can conceive and explain the mutability of the human heart? She who had recently lamented with much bitterness the imprudence of her vow, now applauded herself for having traced it, read it with pride, and renewed it with enthufiafm. This illufion could not long endure; but it left at least in lady Clarendon a determination of fulfilling in all their extent the duties. which he had impofed upon herself. She quitted the cabinet, intent on answering the unhappy Sainville in a manner that should irrevocably take from him all hope. She paffed into the parlour, and with a figh took the pen. She wrote; but her tears foon effaced the falfehood which the traced with fuch difficulty. She collected all her ftrength; fhe began again; fhe could not find the expreffions which the wanted; thofe which offered themselves were either too harsh or too much foftened. She again reflected; but at length fhe became weary of employing herself, mufed profoundly, and dreamed only of her love."

Her reply, and her whole conduct, were intended to deprive Sainville of all hope; and yet her affection for him was evident. Bufinefs called him to Paris; they corresponded; and, in one of her letters, lady Clarendon mentioned the poffibility of his being married to another; he was offended at this hint: the fociety of other women only increased his love of her; and he was miferable. The minifter fent him on public bufinefs to England. He vifited the places where the had refided; from her fervants, from her friends, he received fuch accounts as ftill raifed her in his esteem but he found her vow the fubject of prints, and heard it loudly extolled. He repaired to the tomb of lord Clarendon; and, convinced that not only religious awe would prevent her from violating it, but the opinion of the world alfo, he returned difconfolate to France. Yet, when he faw Conftance, he could not abandon hope; he made one effort to decide his fate; and, when the perfifted in adhering to her vow, he fuddenly departed from his home. Letters from the baron and from Conftance were fent to him, and he ftill correfponded with them. His return was announced; but his phyfician intimated the alarming ftate of his health, and even of his intellect. This intelligence deeply affected Conftance; the baron pleaded for his friend; her own heart pleaded alfo; and the felt it her duty to facrifice every thing to the defire of preferving his life.

At the chateau of Sainville, Conftance expected his return. Suddenly fhe heard the found of rural mufic: at the fame inftant a fervant entered in hafte, crying out, "it is the joyful band of our villagers, preceding monfieur

le marquis!""Heavens! is he arrived?""Yes, madame, he is in the avenue." "Good God! (faid the baron, looking at Conftance), you are ill"-" No, (fhe replied), the effect of joy can never be mournful-run, my friend, to meet him." The delightea baron rapidly defcended the stairs; and, on entering the court, the firft object which met his fight was Sainville, enveloped in a great cloke, and alighting from a carriage. The baron threw himfelf into the arms of his friend; and the marquis, embracing him with a melancholy air, faid, "I must speak to you immediately." The baron led him into a closet in which lady Clarendon was; then, embracing him again, faid, "In what a ftate do you return, how pale! how thin! cruel that you are-you have been fuffering, and without me!--but prepare yourself for a revolution-a happy revolution!--Conftance is here:"-" O Heaven! I cannot fee her at this moment; hear me firft."-" No-it is Conftance who must be heard. I tell you, my friend, you have reached the termination of your fufferings.""God! what do you let me fuppofe ?-speak-what senselefs hope do you conceive for me?"-" it is well-founded. Appear, Conftance! come and reftore life to your happy Jover." Saying thefe words, the baron retired. A door opened fuddenly; and lady Clarendon, with a timid and tottering pace, and a countenance fuffufed with tears, advanced towards Sainville, who stood motionlefs with aftonishment. Extending her hand, fhe faid, "all your fufferings and mine are at an end, if your happiness depends upon me."-" Juft heaven, what do I hear? you love me! you have been able to facrifice your fcruples for me!"-"I have-love at laft has conquered, or rather has annihilated, my remorfe. My deftiny is united to yours. You grow pale-there is grief in your countenance-O God, what is the cause of it ?" Where am I? (cried Sainville), avoid me! abandon a wretch who no longer knows himself!"-" Great God! how wild-what a horrible transport! oh, Sainville, recover your fenfes, recover your reafon!"-"O that it were entirely torn from me !"" recollect Conftance-Conftance, who gives herself to you!"-"Oh! (replied Sainville, with a collected voice), to what a dreadful abyfs have you led me ftep by step? But do not deceive yourfelf: it is compaffion, and not love, that determines you." "You deftroy me (replied Conftance). Ah, Sainville! when I facrifice to you my duty and my reputation; can you mifunderstand the imperious feeling which guides me !"—" At laft (faid Sainville), the meafure is full! know then the horror of my lot! not contented with taking from me all hope, you dared to

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doubt my heart. Well! a dreadful, an irrevocable vow has for ever fettered my liberty. I left you-I went to Malta and this crofs (continued he, throwing aside his cloke) will inform you of the reft!"

There are fentiments which cannot be defcribed, because they are as rapid as thought, and are composed of many contrary emotions. Conftance felt at once the delight of receiving, froin an adored object, the most affecting proof of paffion, and the grief which a facrifice muft coft her, that for ever deprived her lover of all hope of happiness. But, notwithstanding the heart-rending regret excited by love and gratitude, fhe felt at the fame time a kind of joy in finding herself freed from the neceffity of violating her first vow: it feemed to her as if an abyfs had clofed under her feet; and her foul, violently agitated by different emotions, bleffed providence in the midft of its alarms.'

Thefe emotions, however, were too powerful for lady Clarendon; for they occafioned a fever which proved fatal to her.

To an English reader there is fomething ridiculous in the idea of engraving the vow upon her husband's tomb; but this, perhaps, will not be felt by a foreigner; and, to ftrengthen the effect of a vow that he was fo tempted to violate, publicity was neceffary. We can' only object to the novel as too diftreffing, as inflicting pain. But young readers will not object to this: they require to be ftrongly affected; and, to all who can find delight in imaginary diftrefs, we recommend this production.

Die Savoyardifche Familie. Riga. 1797.

The Savoyard Family. 8vo. Imported by Efcher. SOME Savoyards are driven from their refidence by the irruption of the French into their country. A young lady of this family ardently loves a colonel, with whom the became acquainted, when he refcued her from the danger to which the was expofed by the intractability of a horfe. The officer, in due time, addreíles her in form; is accepted by her friends; is attacked on a journey by robbers, dreadfully wounded, and, on his recovery, carried by the French to the caftle of Ham, in Picardy. The lady, in the mean time, is in defpair: but he is wonderfully releafed from the place of his confinement; and the hiftory concludes, à l'ordinaire, with the nuptials of the happy pair.

This piece has little merit; and we do not recommend it as worthy of translation.




THE writers of the republic keep the prefs in conftant employment. Original productions, tranflations, and new editions of old works, are lavished upon the public. Some articles, almoft wholly of the first of these descriptions, we proceed to announce.

Nouveau Spectacle de la Nature, contenant des Notions claires et précises, et des Détails intéreffans, &c. A New Display of Nature, involving clear and precife Notions, and interefting Details, with regard to every Object with which Mankind ought to be acquainted; by A. F. Chevignard, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1798.-From the history of the creation, the author proceeds to a defcription of the heavenly bodies, to an investigation of the nature of light and heat, of the changes of feafons, &c. He then gives an account of the globe that we inhabit, and mentions the changes which have taken place on the furface of the earth. He defcribes the chief-productions of the animal, vege table, and mineral kingdoms; and concludes with a view of universal morality. The work may be useful, but it is not the performance of a profound philofopher.

Nouveaux Principes, &c. New Principles of Geology, by P. Bertrand. Diffatisfied with the opinions both of an cient and modern philofophers, refpecting the difputable fcience of geology, M. Bertrand, not without ability, combats the theories of many writers, particularly that of his countryman M. de la Metherie.

Nouvelle Mécanique des Mouvemens de l'Homme et des Animaux. New Mechanism of the Motions of Men and other Animals. Carcaffonne.-This is a curious work, in which M. Barthez enters into a variety of anatomical, phyfiological, and philofophical details and inquiries, relative to the origin and nature of all kinds of bodily mo◄


La Géometrie, &c. The Geometry of the Compass. Paris. We have here a tranflation of an ingenious work, from the Italian of Mafcheroni.

Effai fur l'Hiftoire des Fourmis de la France. Effay on French Ants, by P. A. Latreille, 8vo. Brive.-This production affords a ftrong proof of the diligence and accuracy of the writer.

Dictionnaire des Termes Latins, &c. A Dictionary of Latin Terms used in Botany, 8vo. Paris.-This voca bulary is not fufficiently copious. Hiftoire des Plantes d'Europe, &c. Hiftory of European Plants, or Elements of Practical Botany, by J. E. Gilibert, 2 vols. 12mo. Lyons.-The Linnæan mode of claffification is followed by M. Gilibert; and the work, upon the whole, is well executed.

Memoirs of Paul Jones.

Mémoires de Paul Jones. Paris. We are informed, that these memoirs were written by the adventurer himself, and tranflated under his eye by M. André, by whom they are now published. They exhibit an air of lively frankness, and will intereft many readers.

Campagnes des Français pendant la Révolution. Account of the Campaigns of the French during the Revolution, by A. Liger. Vol. I. Blois.-This volume contains only the hiftory of the campaign of the year 1792.

Independance abfolue, &c. The Abfolute Independence of the United States of America, 8vo. Paris.-The chief object of this publication is to manifeft the expediency of a complete reconciliation between the French and the Americans.

Voyages d'Antenor, &c. Travels of Antenor in Greece and in Afia, 3 vols. 8vo. Paris.-M. Lautier pretends, that this is a tranflation of a Greek manufcript, found amidst the ruins of Herculaneum: but that is a mere fiction. The work is an imitation of the Travels of Anacharfis, to which, though not deftitute of merit, it is greatly inferior.


Oden en Gedichten. Odes and other Poems, by Rhynvis Feith, 2 vols. 8vo. Amfterdam, 1797.-Some dramatic pieces by M. Feith have been well received; and the poems here announced will enfure him a continuance of the public regard.


Sittliche Gemälde. Moral Pictures, by Henning. 8vo. New Strelitz, 1798.-The reader, we think, will be amufed and instructed with these representations.

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