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Long paft, but happy; thofe, when every field,
If it but yielded bells, difpenfed delight;
When light of heart, with eager fteps' I flew
(While yet the green lanes, wet with inorning dew,
Sparkled beneath the fun) to fcent the bloom
Of bordering hedges where the hawthorn grew,
To pluck the lufcious honey fuckle's fprays,
And gather in my lap the bind-with white.
Then, as I hurried on, my little breast
Beating with blameless joy, the fky-lark's note
Rifing in air, ftill fwelling, tho' remote,
Sudden arrefted me, and I would stand,
(The gay weeds falling from my flacken'd hand,)
To watch its track amongst the clouds, and hear
Its thrilling fong tremble amid the light:

That feeling was most sweet, and fancy bleft

Each rofy cheek's fwift fwelling blissful tear.' Vol. iii. P. 203.

Mifs Porter may with care become respectable as a poetess; but we would advise her to relinquifh the task of writing novels.

George Barnwell. A Novel. By T. S. Surr, Author of Confequences, a Novel; and Chrift's Hofpital, a Poem. 3 Vols. 12mo. 10s. 6d. Boards. Symonds. 1798.

Cuftom has long eftablished the right of dramatifts to a property in the plots and characters of novelifts; and recent inftances might be adduced of novels and romances, which were scarcely fuffered to be read, ere they were converted into dramas.

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• The equal right of the novelift to fimilar trefpaffes upon dramatic ground cannot be contefted; whether the exercise of that right, in the present inftance, will be as favourably received by the public, their voice can alone determine.' Vol. i. P. v.

Mr. Surr's novel does not difplay excellence of the first class ; but in a circulating library it will be very refpectable. The cha "racter of Mental, which feems to have been fuggefted by the 'Albany of mifs Burney's Cecilia, is not confiftently preferved: of this fault, the majority of those who read novels will not be fenfible; and, for the whole of its fentiments and tendency, no work can be more unexceptionable than the prefent.


British Public Characters of 1798. 8vo. 8s. 6d. Boards. Phillips. 1798.

Anonymous memoirs of living characters are generally deficient both in authority of anecdote and the dignity of biography. Thefe characters are drawn by various pens: and, however doubtful may be the credit due to the materials of the work, it certainly difco

vers refpectable traits of difcrimination, and has the merit of being uncontaminated by the virulence of party spirit.

Tros Tyriusve mihi nullo difcrimine agetur,

feems to be the motto of those by whom the lives are written. We felect a part of the biographical sketch of the prefent chancellor of Ireland-a character confpicuous in politics, but with whofe progrefs in public life our readers are perhaps lefs acquainted than with that of many other perfons noticed in the work.

Whether we confider the importance refulting from official fituation, or that which great activity, confiderable talents, and indefatigable zeal, always attach to their poffeffor, this nobleman is certainly the first man, in the Irish administration. Whatever may be the fate of that unhappy country, fo far as that fate is influenc ed by the prefent conteft, it may be fairly attributed to his wisdom or to his weakness, to his firmness or to his folly.

'Lord Clare, although now occupying the highest law-office in Ireland, and poffeffing almoft unlimited influence in its councils, cannot boast a long line of noble ancestors.

He is removed but two degrees from a man in the humblest walk of fociety-a catholic peafant-whofe life was distinguished only by a gradual transition from extreme poverty to an honourable competency, and that too acquired by useful industry.' P. 374.

• He was entered at an early age a ftudent of the university of Dublin, where he was contemporary with fome of the moft celebrated men who have diftinguished themselves in all the recent and important tranfactions that have occurred in Ireland; fuch as the late Mr. Flood, Mr. Grattan, Mr. Fofter, the present speaker of the Irish commons, &c. He is yet remembered by fome of the old members of that feminary, on account of the ability and industry which even then marked his character.

Having completed his courfe of collegiate ftudies, and kept his terms at the Temple, he was at length called to the Irish bar, with advantages poffeffed by few at the outfet of life, and these were fupported by a high character, and a fortune which, even independent of any encrease from the success of forenfic labours, fecured to him fomething infinitely beyond a compétence. Affluence, however, did not produce in Mr. Fitzgibbon what is too commonly its effect on the youthful mind--an indolent apathy. His affiduity in profeffional purfuits was not exceeded by any of his rivals at the bar; and though there was no man who drank more deeply of the cup of pleasure, yet few toiled through more bufinefs, or in the difcharge of it difplayed more. of that accuracy of knowledge which is the refult only of attentive industry.

It was by the obfervance of a rule of life which none but ftrong minds have ever prescribed to themselves, namely, “to fufCRIT. REV. VOL. XXIV. Dec. 1798.


fer no portion of time to pafs without filling it either with bufinefs or with pleasure," that Mr. F. was enabled to unite thofe generally incompatible pursuits. With fuch application, and with talents certainly above the common level, though perhaps far below that at which his friends would place them, he foon rofe to emi


In the houfe of commons, of which he became a member fhortly after his call to the bar, by the operation of this principle, aided by a kind of eloquence, which, though it was neither very brilliant nor very perfuafive, yet being accompanied by a certain air of confident fuperiority, a confiderable effect was produced; and he was foon efteemed one of the most efficient supporters of the party he efpoufed.

Without affecting popularity at any time, he launched into political life, uninvited and unbought, the partifan of the court, and the profeffed contemner of the profanum vulgus in this fentiment he has been wonderfully confiftent. From his firft entrance he has not, in one fingle instance, started from the track before him. His conduct has been marked by an unvaried and uniform. fupport of the Britifh cabinet, and an avowed, perhaps a revolting contempt, for the principles, motives, and objects, of what has been called the popular party.' P. 375.

When Mr. Scott was appointed chief juftice of the King's Bench in Ireland, Mr. Fitzgibbon fucceeded him as attorney-general. No man was ever better fitted for the office. His firmness, his confidence in his own powers, and the bold tone with which he hurled defiance at his parliamentary opponents, on every question connected with legal or conftitutional knowledge, often appalled the minor members of oppofition, and sometimes kept even their chiefs at bay. Thefe qualities, however, did not always conftitute a fure defence. The repulfe which on one memorable evening of debate he experienced on the part of the prefent lord, then Mr. O'Neil, of Shane's caftle, whofe manly and honest mind caught fire at the haughty and dictatorial language with which the attorney-general had dared to address him, is remembered by those who were then converfant in the politics of the day, and probably will not foon be forgotten. P. 378.

Hitherto Mr. F. had acted with an administration which posfeffed both the power and the will to reward his exertions. When the event of the king's illness, in 1789, unhinged the Irish government, he stood in different circumftances. On that occafion, a' majority of the parliament, among whom were many of the oldeft fervants of the crown, declared for the right of Ireland, as an independent country, to choose its own fegent. The British cabinet controverted that right, and infifted that the regent chofen by the British parliament fhould be the regent for both countries. Mr. F.

though no longer fupported by a majority, remained firm to his English friends, and refifted, with his wonted boldness, not only the voice of the people, but what was of more immediate concern, a vaft parliamentary majority. The unexpected recovery of his majefty, to Mr. F. certainly an happy event, rewarded his fuperior wifdom, or his greater forefight; for on lord Lifford's death he was created a baron, and appointed chancellor : it is also not a little memorable, that he is the first Irishman who has filled that important office.

So far as refpects justice, the country has had no reason to lament his appointment, for his activity and difpatch have made chancery-suits almost cease to be an inheritance. He has banished chicane and unneceffary delay from his court; and though his decrees may fometimes be blamed as premature, the paucity of appeals feems to augur, that all complaint on this fcore is groundless.

Since his elevation to the bench and the peerage, he has had repeated opportunities of difplaying his former fpirit, and expreffing, with even more effect than before, his detestation of popular claims, and particularly that of reform. He has fhewn an equal abhorrence of the catholic pretenfions to fhare in the privileges of the conftitution. Of their claim to the reprefentative, franchise, it is known that he was the decided enemy; and though by the paternal regard of his majefty, and the prudence of the British cabinet, the conceffion of that privilege was recommended to the Irish legiflature, and adopted in confequence of that recommendation, yet his opinion remained unchanged. With refpect to fubfequent claims, the British miniftry have paid more attention to his advice.' P. 380. The volume is accompanied with an etching of heads; but it is miferably executed. Critical, Poetical, and Dramatic Works. By John Penn, Efq. Vol. II. Svo. 65. Boards. Hatchard. 1798.

The poetical part of this volume confifts of the Art of English Poetry; a piece written in imitation of Horace. Like all Mr. Penn's, poetry, this is not above mediocrity. Our fpecimen will fhow it to be tame and feeble.

'What measure the relation needs
Of heaven's or earth's heroic deeds,
Milton points out, unless I err;
Though fome a different verfe prefer.
But lefs do judges difagree
On that which fooths in elegy.
A ftanza that four equal lines,
Framed of five feet, diftinctly joins,
With rhymes alternate, pleafes most.
Critics that would its fitness boast
For other strains, through the repute
Of bards relinquifh'd their difpute.

* For an Account of the first Vol. fee Vol. XXIII. New Arr, p. 118.

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Pope well, for fatire, fpleen alarm'd
With his own iron couplets arm'd;
Which verfe the drama chofe to quit,
Experience proving it unfit.

To enforce belief of feign'd diftrefs;
And ftill to copy manners, lefs,
That, all their nicer grace to fave,
Exacteft imitation crave.

To fing of peaceful deeds, or one
In battle brave as Ammon's fon;
Or, to the skies, in lafting lays,
The pallions, virtues, arts, to raise;
Or joys with which the bofom glow'd

Of frolic youth, has waked the ode.'

P. 55.

The criticifins are contained in the preface and notes. They are too diffuse; and Mr. Penn attributes, to his own opinions respecting tragedy, an importance which they do not poffefs. The remainder of the volume confifts of Samfon Agoniftes, the Silent Woman, and Voltaire's Semiramis, reduced according to Mr. Penn's dramatic principles. We mifs many beauties, and perceive little improvement.

Porto Bello: or, a Plan for the Improvement of the Port and City. of London. Illuftrated by Plates. By Sir Frederick Morton Eden, Bart. &c.' 8vo. 25. 6d. White. 1798.

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Several plans have been lately propofed for the improvement of the port and various ftreets of London. The patriotic baronet, who has paid fo much attention to the concerns of the poor of this kingdom, is defirous of augmenting the accommodations and the beauty of the metropolis; and, as the independence of his fituation exempts him from the prejudices which wharfingers, merchants, aldermen, et hoc genus omné, feel on such a fubject, he has fuggefted various hints worthy of their confideration. He recommends, among other points, the demolition of London-bridge, and the erection of another of iron, fufficiently elevated to admit the paffage of fhips of the burthen of 200 tons. A magnificent pile of buildings for warehouses, and wet docks in Wapping, are parts of his scheme. It is alfo propofed, that an embankment hall take place from Scotland-yard to Blackfriars'-bridge, by which a fpacious street will be obtained, and a commodious paffage from the city to Westminster; and this street is to be continued from Blackfriars'-bridge to St. Paul's church. Other improvements are fuggefted, which might be easily carried into execution, if private intereft did not contend fo ftrongly againft public good and our author increases this inconvenience, by endeavouring to augment rather than to diminish the confequence of the corporation of London. When we reflect on the magnitude of the fuburbs of London, compared with the mere city, we fee no reason for increasing


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