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The first article of the fixth volume is by Mr. Winterbottom, on the use of arsenic in the intermittents of tropical climates. He finds it fucceed equally well in these, as in the more temperate regions, except that the ftrength is not fo foon recovered. From a fhort account of the weather, preceding the appearance of thefe difeafes, we find them following the rainy feason, beginning as remittents, and terminating about November and December in intermittents. The arfenic does not fucceed in the night fevers from irritability, which are fo regular as often to miflead the practitioner. He adds an interefting history of the use of arfenic as a remedy; but, in encouraging larger dofes, and a more general use of this drug, he is lefs judicious than he is in other parts of the effay. II. An Account of the good Effects of a Solution of Sal Ammoniac, in Vinegar, employed, as a topical Application, in Cafes of lacerated Wounds. By Mr. Henry Yates Carter, Surgeon at Kettley, near Wellington, in Shropshire.'

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The application, now recommended, was hinted at in the fecond volume of the Medical Facts.' It is at prefent enforced from having been found ufeful in very violent lacerated wounds, compound fractures, &c.

III. Cafe of a difeafed Kidney. By the fame.'

This is a cafe of nephritis, terminating in fuppuration, in confequence of external bruises; but the kidney had certainly before been difeafed from gravel. The caufe is fingular, and the history deferves to be recorded. The violent pain, it may be remarked, occurred only after the fuppuration.

IV. Cafe of a Gun-Shot Wound of the Head. By the fame.' A Heffian grenadier received a ball on the external canthus of the eye: it paffed through the head, and came out a little below, and behind, the oppofite ear. It evidently missed the optic nerve and the frontal finus; and, as there was the advantage of a of a depending drain, the man recovered completely.

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V. An Account of fome extraordinary Symptoms which were apparently connected with certain morbid Alterations about the Veins and Nerves. By Mr. John Pearfon, Surgeon of the Lock Hofpital, and of the Public Difpenfary.'

This is a curious paper. Many inftances are recorded, in which finall indurated tumours have been attended with much pain and general nervous complaints. It feems, from the cafe before us, and from fome others, that they proceed from a portion of vein and nerve, included in the indurated tumour, which prevents any expanfion at least of the former, and irritates the latter. The fubftance of our author's explanation may be found in the following extra&–

As the preceding history contains fome curious and rather un

common cireumftances, I beg leave to offer a few obfervations upon some of them. The indurated part having been destroyed by a cauftic, it was not in my power to examine its internal structure, fo as to difcover the true nature of the morbid alteration. I ascertained, however, that a portion of the vena faphena major, and that branch of the crural nerve which accompanies it in its course down the inside of the leg, were completely included within this tumour. This fact was clearly demonftrated after the exfoliation of the efchar; for I then faw a portion of the vein hanging down at the fuperior part of the fore, and the naked nerve in contact with it; and on touching the nerve with my probe, Mrs. P. inftantly complained of an acutely painful fenfation, fimilar to that which he had been accustomed to feel before the tumour was re-. moved. I then destroyed that part of the nerve which was exposed with lunar cauftic, and my patient suffered no more uneafiness, After thus proving that a vein, and a confiderable ramification of a nerve, were contained within the diseased part, I proceed to observe, that the paroxyfms of pain were excited by every thing that accelerated or otherwife difturbed the circulation of the blood; whether applied to the induration, or affecting the general system ; as all ftrong exertions of the mufcles, external impulfe, or mental commotion. The afcent of the blood, in the veins of the lower extremities, is neceffarily impeded in the state of pregnancy; and during this period, the fits of pain were always fharper, and were alfo of longer duration; and at the time of parturition, when the action of the heart and blood-veffels is confiderably increafed, Mrs. P. fuffered exceedingly; for, to ufe her own expreffion, the "had all her labour pains in her leg."

It is also highly probable that the portion of vein which passed through the tumour was unusually diftended with blood at the time of the paroxyfm; for upon thefe occafions, the morbid furface became redder than common; and the tumour was fenfibly elevated. We may therefore, perhaps, venture to conclude, that the vein and the nerve being confined within à fubftance that could not be easily diftended, whenever the vein became preternaturally turgid, the nerve was compreffed between its parietes and the internal furface of the induration; and that confequently the fymptoms. were connected with this state of the part.' Vol. vi. P. 99.

VI. An Account of the Extraction of an extraneous Subftance from the Rectum. By Mr. William Blair, Surgeon of the Lock Hofpital, and of the General Difpenfary in Newman Street, St. Mary-la-bonne.'

Næ ille, Herc'le, magno conatu magnas nugas dixerit.

VII. A Cafe of Aneurifm of the Crural Artery. By Mr. Thompson Forfter, Surgeon on the Staff of the Army, and Surgeon to Guy's Hofpital.'

- The aneurifm was feated in the upper part of the thigh, almost as high up as where the profunda paffes off. The event was fortunate.

VIII. An Account of a Key Inftrument of a new Conftruction; with Obfervations on the Principles on which it acts, in the Extraction of Teeth, and on the Mode of applying it. By Mr. Robert Clarke, Surgeon at Sunderland, in the County of Durham.’

This article is incapable' of abridgment, and unintelligible without the plate, which however is not a very striking illuftration of the improvement.

IX. 'An Account of a new Species of Swietenia (Mahogany), and of Experiments and Obfervations on its Bark, made with a View to afcertain its Powers, and to compare them with thofe of Peruvian Bark, for which it is propofed as a Subftitute being an Abftract of a Paper on this Subject, addreffed to the Honourable Court of Directors of the United Eaft-India Company. By William Roxburgh, M. D.'

The account of the fpecies of cincona (which, though concife, is correct), we should here notice, if we had not a more full defcription before us in another publication, which we fhall foon examine.

X. An Account of the Effects of Mahogany Wood in Cafes of Diarrhoea. By Mr. Francis Hughes, Surgeon of the General Infirmary at Stafford.'

All the fpecies of Swietenia are aftringent, as well as all the genera of its natural order.

The remainder of the volume confifts of extracts from philofophical collections.

The feventh is more bulky than any of the former volumes; and the extracts from the tranfactions of different focieties are mingled with the original communications, inftead of following them.

I. Practical Obfervations on the Treatment of acute Difeases; particularly thofe of the Weft Indies. By William Wright, M. D. Fellow of the Royal College of Phyficians of Edinburgh, and of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh; and Phyfician to the Forces in the Weft Indies."."

Thefe obfervations begin with fome account of the fuccefs of cold washing in nervous fever; a Perfian practice, which Chardin defcribes in fpeaking of the fever at Gomron, and of which De Hahn gave a favourable report when it was applied to the malignant remittent of Breflaw. It is faid to be very useful in typhus, except where there are infarctions of the vifcera, or inflammations of any internal organ.The practice in the yellow fever of hot climates is next detailed, without any confiderable variation from the accounts of the best writers. This fever, our author contends, is not a

remittent, because remittents are not infectious: bụt, if out recollection does not fail us, many inftances of infectious remittents have occurred. Some remarks on the pleurify, pe ripneumony, hepatitis, and dyfentery, follow.

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II. Facts relative to the Origin of intermittent Fevers. By Thomas Beddoes, M. D.'

Dr. Cullen has obferved that intermittents arise from the effluvia of marshes; but three cafes occurred to Dr. Beddoes, in winter, where this caufe was not to be difcovered: Ergo, &c. Nothing can be more trifling than this reafoning. When intermittents were referred to these miafmata, it was never maintained that this was the only caufe, or that it was always to be traced.

III. Obfervations on the Nature of Corns, and the Means of removing them. By Mr. Anthony Carlisle, Surgeon to the Westminster Hofpital.

The nature of the cuticle is well explained in this article ; but we do not think that the causes of corns are stated with equal correctness.

The modes of cure, recommended for corns, are these. They may be diffolved by cauftic alkali, deftroyed by a blifter, or cured in the following manner. By cutting a hole in a piece of adhesive plafter, large enough for the corn to pass through, and placing others over it, till they rife above the apex of the corn, the preffure of the foot is brought to reft on the base; and thus the fwelled inflamed part is preffed out.

IV. Some Obfervations relative to the Anguftura Bark. By Thomas Masterman Winterbottom, M. D. Physician to the Settlement at Sierra Leone.'

Our author's abftract of his experience with the Anguftura bark, in fevers, we fhall tranfcribe.

In feveral comparative trials made with the Anguftura and common Peruvian barks, in regard to their febrifuge and tonic powers, I have always found the former to be equally efficacious with the latter, and that frequently in fmailer dofes. In thofe cafes, however, where it is neceffary to give this medicine in fubftance, and in large dofes, as in the remittent fever, with a view to put a ftop to the return of the paroxyfm, the Anguftura bark could not always be given for a fufficient time, without exciting naufea; but where this effect was not produced, I have trufted the course of a remittent fever to the Anguftura with the fame confidence as to the Peruvian bark, which laft is ufually confidered as a specific for that disease. It must, however, be observed, that in the cafes of fever where the Anguftura bark was employed, the dofes were perhaps larger than might be abfolutely neceffary; but the fever of this country is ufually fo rapid in its progrefs, that if the paroxyíms be not foon put a stop to, the remiflions become obscure, or

fcarcely perceptible, and the patient is fuddenly carried off. I did not venture, therefore, to use it in fmaller doses than what I had from experience found neceffary to be given of the Peruvian bark; nor did I confider my patient as fecure unless he had taken, during the time of a remiffion, as much of it as his ftomach would bear.

Towards the decline of a fever, when debility is the chief fymptom, I prefer the use of the Angustura bark, in infufion, to a farther continuance of the Peruvian bark; this change is generally very agreeable to the patient; the infufion fits easy on the ftomach, and is attended with the most beneficial effects in restoring the strength and appetite. I have alfo found Anguftura bark very effectual in the cure of intermittents: but as these most commonly occur among the feamen and Nova-Scotian settlers, who are not eafily induced to take a difagreeable medicine for any length of time, I have been almost always obliged to substitute the arfenical folution in place of the bark.' Vol. vii. P. 42.

In dyfentery, diarrhoea, hemicrania, and fever from irritability, it appeared very ufeful. We have alfo found it, we think, a valuable tonic in the laft ftages of phthifis pulmonalis.

V. An Account of a remarkable Affection of the Teftes. By Mr. Widdows Golding, Surgeon at Wallingford, in Berkshire, and Member of the Corporation of Surgeons in London.'

The affection (a fwelling) of the teftis occurred in an epidemic fever, at Wallingford. In fome of the cafes, there was no reasonable fufpicion of fyphilis. No catarrh preceded; and no delirium attended or followed, though this fymptom is confidered by Dr. Darwin as almoft effential.

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VI. Cafe of a Man who caftrated himself. By the fame.'

The man, after his rash action, managed the wound himfelf. It may bé fuppofed that he was not very dexterous; and to remedy his aukwardness was the chief business of the furgeon.

VII. Cafes and Remarks on the external Application of Charcoal; by Mr. Willian Simmons, Member of the Corporation of Surgeons in London, and Surgeon to the Manchefter Infirmary.

Charcoal is now, we believe, generally used in foul and carious ulcers; and it is employed with advantage.

VIII. Cafe of Pins extracted from the Breast of a Woman, after remaining there fixty Years. By Mr. Henry Fryer, Surgeon at Stamford, in Lincolnshire. Cominunicated in a Letter to Dr. Simmons, by John Clarke, M. D. Phyfician in London.'

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