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cats, mice, fquirrels, &c. but elevate their ribs in refpiration as well as depress the diaphragm for the purpose of enlarging the cavity of the cheft, Hence an inflammation of the diaphragm is fudden death to those animals, as horfes and dogs, which can only breathe by depreffing the diaphragm ; and is I fuppofe the cause of the fudden death of horfes that are over-worked; whereas, in the human animal, when the diaphragm is inflamed, so as to render its motions impoffible from the pain they occafion, refpiration can be carried on, though in a lefs perfect manner, by the intercoftal muscles in the elevation of the ribs. In pleurify the ribs are kept motionless, and the refpiration is performed by the diaphragm, as may be readily feen on inspecting the naked cheft, and which is generally, a bad fymptom; in the diaphragmitis the ribs are alternately elevated, and depressed, but the lower part of the belly is not seen to move.

M. M. As in pleurify and peripneumony. When the patient becomes delirious, and fmiles difagreeably by intervals, and is become fo weak, that evacuations by the lancet could be used no further, and I have almost despaired of my patient, I have found in two or three inftances, that about five or fix drops of tinct. thebaic. given an hour before the evening exacerbation, has had the happiest effect, and cured the patient in this cafe, as well as in common peripneumony; it must be repeated two or three evenings, as the exacerbation of the fever, and difficult respiration and delirium generally increase towards night.

• The ftimulus of this fmall quantity of opium on a patient previously so much debilitated, acts by increafing the exertion of the absorbent vessels, in the fame manner as a folution of opium, or any other stimulant, put on an inflamed eye after the vessels are previously emptied by evacuations, ftimulates the abforbent fyftem, fo as to cause the remaining new veffels to be immediately reabforbed. Which fame ftimulants would have increased the inflammation, if they had been applied before the evacuations. When the fanguiferous fyftem is full of blood, the abforbents cannot act so powerfully, as the progrefs of their contents is oppofed by the previous. fulness of the blood-veffels; whence ftimulants in that cafe increase the action of the fecerning fyftem more than of the absorbent one; but after copious evacuation this refiftance to the progrefs of the absorbed fluids is removed; and when ftimulants are then applied, they increase the action of the absorbent system more than that of the fecerning one. Hence opium given in the commencement of inflammatory difeafes deftroys the patient; and cures them, if given in very small dofes at the end of inflammatory diseases.' Vol. ii. P. 199.

The remarks on the other inflammations are correct; but, on the whole, not fufficiently pointed and diftinct to affift the young practitioner, and too trifling for the more experienced.

The third genus, comprehending difeafes of fenfation with

the production of new veffels, by external membranes or glands, with fever, includes the exanthemata, and indeed all exterior inflammations, with thofe of the fauces, throat, and inteftincs, as expofed to air. All these difeafes are contagious, or rather produce contagious matter; but our author's opinions on thefe fubjects are confufed. As the majority of complaints are, he thinks, attended with inirritative fever, this difeafe ftands at their head. He is not, however, accurate in his arrangement; for, in the greater number, many of the varieties are attended with inflammatory fever; and it would' have been more correct, had he faid that a few of the varieties of many fpecies, and fome fpecies generally, are accompanied with inirritative fever.

The obfervations on typhus are judicious; and we would particularly recommend, to the young eager practitioner, thofe which relate to the ufe of Peruvian bark and wine. The di-* ftinction of eryfipelas into irritative, inirritative, and fenfitive, is too minute to be always followed at the bed-fide, though well-founded. In the recommendation of early and active bleeding in the firft kind, Dr. Darwin's advice is too general and ftrong, at leaft for crowded cities. We have feen the moft violent inflammatory eryfipelas degenerate, in a day or two, into a low ftate, attended with mortification, not feemingly, from excefs of inflammation, but want of activity in the conflitution. In this metropolis, bark is often given early, in almost every kind, and is often of effential importance; but it is injurious in the country.

The difeafe called cynanche, our author calls tonfillitis, with great impropriety, as the inflammation and ulcers are not confined to the tonfils, but occur in the velum pendulum, in the fauces, and the back part of the throat. To make varieties from parts affected, fo near to each other, while the' treatment is the fame, is highly improper. Parotitis, as an external difeafe, could only have been arranged with propriety in this place, if the genus of cynanche had been establithed in its critical accuracy, according to the original meaning of the word. The difcafe, however, is well defcribed, and the mild delirium, the confequence of the fwellings, properly noticed.

Catarrh is defcribed with fome degree of accuracy; but more might have been faid of the contagious catarrh the remarks are more referible to the difeafe in dogs and horses, than in the human fubject. The refemblance of the pertuffis to gonorrhoea is hypothetical and trifling: hydrophobia would come nearer to the latter, and dyfentery to the former; but either refemblance would be of little importance. The obfervations on fmall-pox, meafles, chicken-pox, aphtha, fcarlet fever, &c. deferve our commendation. The fuperficial peri

pneumonia, gaftritis, and enteritis, we do not easily understand from the defcription before us, unless they refer, as is hinted in the laft fpecies, to eryfipelas; but the indications in these. must be taken from the fymptoms, not from the cause, which is always hypothetical, generally imaginary.

The fourth genus relates to the fame changes in internal membranes or glands, without fever; but, in this part, the doctor offers nothing new or interesting.

The fifth genus contains difeafes, with the production of new veffels by external membranes or glands, without fever. They are chiefly the chronic eruptions, including gonorrhoea and fyphilis; but they offer no particular fubject of remark..

The fixth genus comprehends the fymptomatic fenfitive fevers, confequent on the production of new veffels or fluids; or, as a plain practitioner would fay, confequent on fuppuration. Some remarks on phthifis we fhall transcribe: they are highly ingenious; but, perhaps, they will not bear the teft" of medical or chemical criticifin.

As the patients liable to confumption are of the inirritable temperament, as appears by the large pupils of their eyes; there is reason to believe, that the hemoptoe is immediately occafioned by the deficient abforption of the blood at the extremities of the bronchial vein; and that one difficulty of healing the ulcers is occa fioned by the deficient abforption of the fluids effufed into them.

The difficulty of healing pulmonary ulcers may be owing, as its remote cause, to the inceffant motion of all the parts of the lungs; whence no fcab, or indurated mucus, can be formed fo as to adhere on them. Whence thefe naked ulcers are perpetually exposed to the action of the air on their furfaces, converting their mild purulent matter into a contagious ichor; which not only prevents them from healing, but by its action on their circumferences, like the matter of itch or tinea, contributes to spread them wider.

This acidifying principle is found in all the metallic calces, as in lapis calaminaris, which is a calciform ore of zinc; and in ce- ́ ruffa, which is a calx of lead; two materials which are powerful in healing excoriations, and ulcers, in a fhort time by their external application. How then does it happen, that the oxygen in the atmosphere should prevent pulmonary ulcers from healing, and eveninduce them to fpread wider; and yet in its combination with metals, it fhould facilitate their healing? The healing of ulcers confifts in promoting the absorption of the fluids effused into them. Oxygen in combination with metals, when applied in certain quantity, produces this effect by its ftimulus; and the metallic oxydes not being decomposed by their contact with animal matter, no new acid, or contagious material, is produced. So that the combined oxygen, when applied to an ulcer, fimply I fuppofe promotes abforption in it, like the

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application of other materials of the articles forbentia or incitantia, if applied externally; as opium, bark, alum. But in the pulmonary ulcers, which cannot protect themfelves from the air by forming a fcab, the uncombined oxygen of the atmosphere unites with the purulent matter, converting it into a contagious ichor; which by infection, not by erofion, enlarges the ulcers, as in the itch or tinea; which might hence, according to Dr. Beddoes's ingenious theory of confumption, be induced to heal, if exposed to an atmosphere deprived of a part of its oxygen. This I hope future experiments will confirm, and that the pneumatic medicine will alleviate the evils of mankind in many other, as well as in this most fatal malady. Vol. ii. r. 287.

The other obfervations on phthifis relate chiefly to the refpiration of different airs, or of different fubftances in vapour or powder. On these we fhall not enlarge, as they all proceed on the idea that phthifis is produced by ulcer, and probably benefited by what would heal ulcers, particularly of the fcrophulous kind, out of the body. But there is no doctrine more firmly fupported, than its being founded in a particular disease of the whole fyftem, a peculiar irritability and inflammatory ftate of the arterial fyftem. The other fpecies, which might have been rendered much more numerous, are not of importance. Puerperal fever is improperly arranged among thefe; for the fever is not fenfitive, and none of its fymptoms arife from fuppuration: the formation of purulent matter is the effect only of the complaint.

The laft genus of this order is, with increased action of the organs of fenfe,' including delirium, wanderings of the mind, &c.

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The order of decreased fenfation,' is divided into those cafes where the whole fyftem is, or where particular organs are, affected. The fpecies are very trifling diseases, and the obfervations are of little importance.

In the order of retrograde fenfitive motions,' the writer refers only to thofe of the excretory ducts; and we meet nor with a fingle remark of fufficient novelty or utility to detain us. (To be continued.)

EMEA ПITEPOENTA. Or, the Diverfions of Purley. By John Horne Tooke, A. M. late of St. John's College, Cam bridge. Second Edition. Part I. 4to. 21. 2s. Boards. Johnfón. 1798.

THE name of Mr. Horne Tooke muft be familiar not only to philological readers, but to all who have attended to

the political hiftory of this country within the laft thirty years. In the character of a politician, the very zealous exertion of his acute, if not comprehenfive talents, has been marked by a fatality of mifcarriage, extremely mortifying to his conceptions of the importance of the objects which he had in view. As a philofophical grammarian, however, the author of the Diverfions of Purley has won, as it were by force, the fame which he could not fecure in contefts of another kind; and, as he discovers a temper not flow to enjoy a triumph, he muff feel it a gratifying revenge, that thofe who deteft his politics are conftrained to adopt his etymological fyftem.

To the originality and the merit of the work before us, we on its first appearance bore teftimony; and we now congra tulate the literary world on the republication of thefe grammatical fpeculations, in a form fuitable to the dignity of the fubject; the more particularly, as we deem the prefent volume a pledge for the communication of the writer's thoughts on other important parts of grammar, which yet remain to be elucidated. Mr. Tooke has apparently withdrawn from the bufy and vexatious fcenes of political life; and it is devoutly to be wifhed,' that no perfonal infirmities may interrupt his opportunities of enlarging the limits of the philological sci


Additional illuftrations of Mr. Tooke's etymologies are given in this edition of the Επεα Πτερόεντα ; and they are, in general, appofite and pointed; but we are forry to observe, that, in many inftances, political fpleen deforms the pages which fhould have been exclufively devoted to the investigation of an important science. It is faid of fome celebrated painters, that they made it a practice to revenge themselves on those who had offended them, by reprefenting in their pieces the features of the obnoxious perfons under evil characters. Mr. Tooke has availed himself of his vehicle, and, with marked acerbity of conftruction, has adopted the fentiment of the poet, through the medium of profe.

Who-e'er offends, at fome unlucky time,

Slides into verfe, and hitches into rhime.'

If he has fuffered by the neglect or the perfecution of the great, he has taken ample revenge by making them, in this new philological fyftem, hewers of wood and drawers of water.'

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Both in the text and in the notes of this ingenious work, many public characters are rendered fubfervient to the purposes of grammatical illuftration, with a farcastic feverity that

*See our LXIId volume, p. 47.

CRIT. REV. VOL. XXIV. Nov. 1798.


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