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cies very diffimilar to each other; and our author proposes to reject fuch as are known to be fuci, or have a strong analogy to the fuci; as well as thofe which are terrestrial and gelatinous, or which approach to a globular form. The character will then be better adapted to the fpecies, of which, with these limitations, he has fubjoined a fynopfis, including fome new fpecies.

XIII. Account of a Species of Bark, the original QuinaQuina of Peru, fent over by Monf. de la Condamine to Cromwell Mortimer, Efq. Sec. R. Soc. about 1749. Communicated to A. B. Lambert, Efq. F. R. S. V. P. L. S. by John Hawkins, Efq. of Dorchester.'

It feems that the modern Peruvian bark, though called quina-quina, is not produced from the tree of that name. The bark of the quina-quina was that which was first imported; but it was fuperfeded by the bark of Loxa.

XIV. Natural History of Perca Scandens. By Lieutenant Daldorff, of Tranquebar. Communicated by Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart. K. B. P. R. S. H. M. L. S.'

This climbing fifh is fingular. It feemingly moves like a worm, fixing its hinder part by means of its fpines, and expanding its upper parts. It was found on a tree five feet above a lake, endeavouring to climb higher.

XV. The specific Characters of fome minute Shells difcovered on the Coaft of Pembrokeshire, with an Account of a new marine Animal. By John Adams, Efq. F. L. S.'

Thefe fpecific characters are incapable of abridgment. The animal appears to be a new genus of the vermes zoophyta: it is ftyled derris fanguinea.

XVI. On the Latin Terms used in Natural Hiftory. By the Rev. John Brand, A. M. A. L. S.'

This is an ingenious defence of the new language of natural history, from the practice of the ancients, supported by the authority of Cicero.

XVII. Additional Obfervations on the British Species of Carex. By the Rev. Samuel Goodenough, LL. D. F. R. S. Tr. L. S.'

Thefe may be styled the gleanings of the researches which occurred in the fecond volume of the Tranfactions.

XVIII. A Description of the Porbeagle Shark, the Squalus Cornubicus of Gmelin, Var. a. By the Rev. Samuel Goodenough, LL. D. &c.'

Mr. Pennant did not fee this fpecies. It feems to be accurately defcribed; but fome doubts of its identity with the fqualus Cornubicus may arise.

XIX. Obfervations on the British Fuci, with particular Descriptions of each Species. By the Rev. Samuel Good

enough, LL. D. &c. and Thomas Jenkinfon Woodward, Efq. LL. B. F. L. S.'

The prefent effay would, of itself, form a volume. The writers particularly describe seventy-two fuci, with fome important botanical diftinctions. The account of the places in which they are found, the variation of forms, and other particulars, are correctly stated. The paper terminates with these remarks:

Whatever we have faid in this tract, we again beg may be brought to the teft of the clofeft examination. Particularly we with that gentlemen of science reforting to the fea-fide, and efpecially those who are refident on it, would omit no opportunity of examining the growth of marine plants, their various appearances, and the progrefs of the parts of fructification. We are confident of nothing, but that we have stated what we have actually seen. In a fubject fo intricate as this, it would be highly advisable that all prejudices, and all comparisons and ideas of analogy taken from plants growing on land, fhould be entirely laid afide. This firmnefs of thinking led to a better illustration of the natural orders of the genera, by the indefatigable Juffieu; to a deeper investigation of the nature and properties of the feed, by the celebrated Gaertner; and of the moffes, by the illuftrious Hedwig. Why fhould It be thought impoffible, that the fubmarine plants, like the animals of that element, fhould have powers and properties new, original, and peculiar to themfelves? The power of God is over all his works, and is feen, to the astonishment of man, in the variety of his wonders. But what can equal the fatisfaction which he muft feel, to whofe patient and unwearied obfervation the discovery of this hitherto latent process fhall be made manifest ? What labour would not be well repaid by the discovery of another chain of reafoning, leading us to a farther confirmation of the existence and operations of the eternal Godhead ?? P. 235:

XX. Defcription of Ulva Punctata. By John Stackhouse, Efq. F. L. S.'

It is doubtful whether this plant should be reckoned among the ulvæ or the fuci.

XXI. Obfervations on the Genus of Porella, and the Phafcum Caulefcens of Linnæus. By Mr. James Dickson, F. L. S.'

This genus was established by Dillenius; but his porella appeared to Mr. Dickfon, on examination, to be a jungermannia. The fplachnum was confidered as a phafcum by Linnæus, though without fufficient reason.

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XXII. Defcription of the Ribes Spicatum. By Mr. Edward Robfon, A. L. S.'

This article is of little importance in any view, and might

have been omitted without injury to the credit of the collec tion.

XXIII. Obfervations on the Infects that infefted the Corn in the Year 1795. In a Letter to the Rev. Samuel Goodenough, LL. D. F. R. S. Tr. L. S. By Thomas Marsham, Efq. Sec. L. S.'

The late fown wheat was chiefly fubject to the depredations of thefe infects, which, however, did not materially injure the grain, but confined themfelves to the bufk. They were concealed by an orange-coloured powder, which the farmers called the red gum,' and which feemed to be the farina of a finall lycoperdon. The grain was therefore originally difeafed; and this lycoperdon was the nidus and food of the infect. The thrips phyfapus, and a minute paralitic ichneumon, were found in the difeafed ears.

XXIV. Defcriptions of Actinia Crafficornis and fome British Shells. By John Adams, Esq. F. L. S.'

This paper is unimportant.

XXV. Botanical Characters of fome Plants of the Natural Order of Myrti. By James Edward Smith, M. D. F. R. S.

P. L. S.'

The natural order of the myrtles is not clearly defined or understood. We fhall therefore fubjoin the prefident's cor rected defcription.

Thefe plants agree in having an arborefcent ftem, the wood of which is generally hard, and of flow growth. Their leaves are fimple, for the most part entire, and evergreen; often dotted with clear refinous fpats, and almost always more or less aromatic, fometimes aftringent. Calyx monophyllous, urceolate, or tubular, with feveral, generally five, teeth, the body of the calyx being permanent, and investing the fruit (in fome inftances pulpy), though the teeth are very frequently deciduous. Petals equal in number to the teeth of the calyx, alternate with them, and inferted into the rim juft within them. Stamina inferted into the fame rim within the petals, numerous, rarely only equal to the petals in number, or about twice as many; for the moft part very long, but, in fome inftances, fhorter than the corolla. Germen in the bottom of the calyx, fimple. Style one. Stigma undivided. Fruit either a berry or capfule, formed of the body of the calyx, or invefted with it, confifting of one or more cells, each cell containing one or more feeds. White is the prevailing colour of the flowers. know no inftance of an inclination to blue.' P. 255.

He afterwards particularifes many fpecies, belonging to imbricaria and eight other genera. The paper is a very correct and fatisfactory morceau of botanical criticifm.

XXVI. Obfervations on the Genus ftrus. By Mr. Bracy Clark, Veterinary Surgeon, and F. L. S.'


Thefe obfervations are new and curious; and a scientific defcription of each fpecies, with the fynonyms, is fubjoined. The ceftrus bovis has been overlooked, or confounded with the c. equi. It is, however, a diftinct fpecies; and the larva buries itfelf in the backs of oxen, forming an abfcefs, in which it lives till it becomes a chryfalis, feeding feemingly on the purulent matter. This animal, being little known, is defcribed at length. The apparatus of air veffels is extenûve and highly curious. It is found in all the ceftri, and in moft other infects. In thofe which are expofed to fo warm a temperature, it cannot be for the purpose of keeping up given heat in the animal. As the fyftem of air veffels is much lefs in the perfect infect, Mr. Clark fufpects that its chief ufe is in digefting and affimilating the food; for the fly eats little, and often nothing. To this opinion, however, we cannot affent; and we rather confider this apparatus as defigned to collect a fupply of air or fome other neceffary for the future ftate of the infect. The noife of the fly is fharp, and eafly heard by the oxen. It throws them into violent agitations, and they run off with the moft active exertions to the water, hurrying along with them the plough or any carriage to which they may be faftened. The ceftrus injures the hide by its numerous perforations; for it is known that the fkin is never re-produced; and, in general, the moft healthy animal is fixed on by the parent fly for the nidus of its young.

The ceftrus equi gives birth to the larvæ which refide in the horfe's ftomach. Mr. Clark thinks that these are not fo injurious as they have been fuppofed. All the larvæ inhabit-ing the internal parts of the body, and the mucous membranes, are furnished with hooks or tentacula: thofe which infeft the fkin have none.

The ceflrus hæmorrhoidalis is found in the rectum; but the eggs are depofited on the lips and fwallowed. The larva arrives at its perfect ftate, when it has, in a gradual progrefs, reached the part where it is found. The e. veterinus (nafalis L.) feems, in our author's opinion, to inhabit the fromach; but he is lefs acquainted with it than with the other fpecies.

The ce. ovis is found in the maxillary and frontal finufes, and discharged through the nofe; the egg feems to be depofited on the inner margin of the noftril, and the young animal to pafs into the finus.

Some directions are added for preventing the attacks of the fly, drawn from the economy and habits of the animal; but Mr. Clark is inclined to believe, that thefe irritations may be of fervice, and prevent glanders, farcy, and other diforders of cattle.

XXVII. Characters of a new Genus of Plants named Salisburia. By James Edward Smith, M. D. F. R. S P. L. S.'

This article, and the extracts from the minute-book, offer nothing very interefting.

The Influence of local Attachment with respect to Home, a Poem, in feven Books: a new Edition, with large Additions: and Odes, with other Poems. By Mr. Polwhele. 2 Vols. Sve. 8s. Boards. Johnfon. 1798.

THIS interefting poem, which we noticed with approbation on its anonymous appearance *, has now received confiderable alterations, and is, in our opinion, much improved. The tale of Ellen and Danvert is judiciously feparated from the poem: the arrangement of the whole is better; and many beautiful parts have been added. We extract one of those paffages from which we derived most pleasure.

• How wearifome "the race my feet have run,"
Since on this green I gather'd infant flowers!
Ah! little dream'd I, when life's morn begun,
That I fhould pass my exile-faddening hours,
Where pale amidst her cloud affliction lours;
Where ficknefs gives to bitter tears the night :
Yet, diftant from Polwhele's deferted bowers,
Hath forrow, tainting the purpureal light,

Render'd thofe profpects dim, which once were lovely-

Each object by a few fhort years how chang'd;

The hall, where once we hail'd the cheerful blaze;
The chairs in focial order once arrang'd;

Thofe mouldering pannels where we us'd to gaze,
On the light fhadework that in many a maze
Danc'd to the foliage of yon falling elm,

While evening ting'd its boughs with faffron rays;
Thofe portraits, where the golden-pictur'd helm-
The hauberks' mimic steel, dark webs and duft o'erwhelm.

And, as the parlour hinges harfhly grate,

The torn prints flutter but the type of me,

Where once fo warm each crimfon-gleaming feat,
And once fo rich appear'd the soft settee;
Where, the flower'd carpet as I trod with glee,


The mirror would reflect my frolic smile:
Where from yon fcreen, once wrought in filligree

See Crit. Rev. New Arr. Vol. XVIII. p. 19.

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