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cannibals. The inhabitants were few, and not stationary, as decayed habitations were not uncommon.

From these circumftances alone, it may be fomewhat premature to conclude that this delightful country has always been thus thinly inhabited; on the contrary, there are reasons to believe it has been infinitely more populous. Each of the deferted villages was nearly, if not quite, equal to contain all the fcattered inhabitants we faw, according to the customs of the Nootka people; to whom these have great affinity in their perfons, fashions, wants, comforts, conftruction of these their fixed habitations. and in their general character. It is alfo poffible, that most of the clear spaces may have been indebted, for the removal of their timber and underwood, to manual labour. Their general appearance furnished this opinion, and their fituation on the most pleasant and commanding eminences, protected by the foreft on every fide, except that which would have precluded a view of the sea, seemed to encourage the idea. Not many years fince, each of these vacant places might have been allotted to the habitations of different focieties, and the variation observed in their extent might have been conformable to the size of each village; on the fcite of which, fince their abdication, or extermination, nothing but the smaller fhrubs and plants had yet been able to rear their heads,

In our different excurfions, particularly those in the neighbourhood of port Discovery, the fcull, limbs, ribs, and back bones, or fome other veftiges of the human body, were found in many places promifcuously scattered about the beach, in great numbers. Similar relics were alfo frequently met with during our furvey in the boats; and I was informed by the officers, that in their feveral perambulations, the like appearances had presented themfelves fo repeatedly, and in fuch abundance, as to produce an idea that the environs of port Difcovery were a general cemetery for the whole of the furrounding country, Notwithstanding thefe circumstances do not amount to a direct proof of the extenfive population they indicate, yet, when combined with other appearances, they warranted an opinion, that at no very remote period this country had been far more populous than at prefent. Some of the human bodies were found difpofed of in a very fingular manner. Canoes were fufpended between two or more trees about twelve feet from the ground, in which were the skeletons of two or three perfons; others of a larger fize were hauled up into the outskirts of the woods, which contained from four to feven skeletons covered over with a broad plank. In fome of these. broken bows and arrows were found, which at first gave rise to a conjecture, that these might have been warriors, who after being mortally wounded had, whilft their ftrength remained, hauled up their canoe for the purpose of expiring quietly in them. But on a further examination this became improbable, as it would hardly

have been poffible to have preferved the regularity of position in the agonies of death, or to have defended their fepulchres with the broad plank with which each was covered.' Vol. i, P. 254..

The eastern fide was equally pleasant, and, in appearance, equally fertile. Dogs were numerous; and they feemed to be of the Pomeranian kind, with hair unusually fine and matted. Of the hair of thefe dogs, feemingly mixed with the wool of fome other animal, the inhabitants manufactured their clothes. Ornamental articles and copper were the objects which they chiefly withed to procure from the ftrang


Proceeding to the northward, the captain examined every inlet on the western coaft. About 49° 20′, an opening occurred; but it ended in thoals. Another apparent paffage, equally fallacious, occurred in 49° 35′.

With regard to the longitude, that of Port Difcovery is 237° 20′, east of Greenwich; that of the opening, in 49° 20', is nearly 237°; that of the fecond is 2361.

Our voyagers were now behind a clufter of iflands, paffing through a channel which terminated in Queen Charlotte's Sound, in lat. 51°. The coaft, on the eaft, might be fairly confidered as the continent; and, after the very careful examination of the fhore, and of all the inlets in the ftrait of De Fuca, it may be concluded with certainty that no paffage exifts below that point of northern latitude.

Vifiting the inhabitants of Nootka, the captain found them, in their commercial dealings, open and candid, but well acquainted with the value of their commodities, which. the avarice of fucceffive traders had greatly advanced. Their reception of him was hofpitable, and their behaviour kind and friendly.

After paffing Queen Charlotte's Sound, he furveyed the coaft to the east of Calvert's Iftand with great attention, but without fuccefs in the principal object. When he had advanced to Point Menzies, in lat. 52° 18′, various reasons, which we need not mention, induced him to return to Nootka. At this fettlement, the conduct of the Spanish commander was, at firft, candid and friendly; but, at last, fufpicious and undecided. He feemed unwilling to cede any ground, but a few yards on which Mr. Meares' hut ftood; and propofed that Nootka, and the land north of De Fuca's Strait, fhould be confidered as neutral. His narrative of the capture of Nootka differed materially from that of Mr. Meares; and the damages, in his eftimation, were trifling. Captain Vancouver, with great propriety, accepted the refig nation provifionally, leaving the final fettlement' to the minifters of Great-Britain and Spain. The Spanish commander

amply fupplied the wants of our voyagers, left them his whole ftock, and communicated the difcoveries which his countrymen had made.

Of the continent to the east of Nootka, captain Vancouver took formal poffeffion in the name of his majefty, and called it New Georgia. To the found a fimilar appellation was given. The ifland of Nootka had the conjoined names of the two commanders, Quadra and Vancouver.

In lat. 46° 10' is a river, called (from the fhip which first difcovered it) Columbia. This river captain Vancouve. could not enter; and the information refpecting it was derived from the Chatham. The Discovery had experienced bad weather; and the fcurvy began to appear among the crew: the captain therefore repaired to the Spanish port of St. Francifco, which he reached in November 1792.

The course of the river Columbia is fucceffively eaft, fouth, and east. In its whole extent, the irregular foundings and fhallows would prevent it from affording a practicable paffage, if its being in any refpect fuch were probable. The foundings however diminished; the fhores were gradually nearer; and a conftant current downward, at every period of the tide, fhowed that a body of water was pouring down from higher lands.

This bay, befides affording good and fecure anchorage, is convenient for procuring wood and water; and, by keeping upon good terms with the natives, who feemed much inclined to be friendly, a fupply of fish, and other refreshments, may eafily be obtained. The heavy and confused fwell that in bad weather conftantly rolls in from the fea over its fhallow entrance, and breaks in 3 fathoms water, renders the space between Baker's bay and Chenoke point a very indifferent roadftead. Cape Difappointment t is formed by high fteep precipices, covered with coarse grafs, the fides and tops of the hills with pine trees. Point Adams being the fouth-eaft point of entrance is low and fandy, from whence the country rifes with a gradual afcent, and produces pine and other trees. Any further nautical information that may be requir ed will be better obtained by reference to the sketch.

With refpect to its natural productions, and other interefting matter; the weather experienced on board the veffel having uniformly been fimilar to that afterwards encountered at fea, precluded any competent knowledge being acquired. The trees principally compofing the foreft, were pines of different kinds, growing to a large fize, but were unequal to those of Nootka. Near the waterfide were found maple, alder, and afh, and at fome distance up the river, befide thefe, the oak, poplar, and oriental ftrawberry tree were produced, "with many other foreft trees, unknown to the gentlemen, who made a fhort excurfion into the country, and who

were only able to judge of the indigenous quádrupedes or animals, by the fkins the natives wore or brought to barter ; these were fimilar to thofe found on other parts of the coaft. The birds that were procured, were large brown cranes, white fwans, white and brown geefe, ducks, partridges, and fnipes; a variety of others were feen, that could not be taken. All that were brought on board, excepting the brown cranes, proved excellent at table. The river feemed to abound with fish, from the fupply the natives provided, confifting of two forts of falmon, both very good; fturgeon of a large fize and very fine flavour, with filver bream, herrings, flat fish, and foirdinias; of thefe four laft forts fome were caught in the feine. The fkirts of the woods afforded a moft excellent green vegetable, resembling in appearance and taste the turnip-top when young. A bulbous root, about the fize, and not unlike the crocus, that ate much like mealy potatoe, wild mint, ground ivy, and wild lavender; all these the natives make great ufe of, together with berries of various kinds, particularly the cranberry, of a moft excellent flavor, and the first we had seen on this coaft.

The natives differed in nothing very materially from those we had vifited during the fummer, but in the decoration of their perfons; in this refpect, they furpaffed all the other tribes with paints of different colours, feathers, and other ornaments. Their houfes seemed to be more comfortable than thofe at Nootka, the roof having a greater inclination, and the planking being thatched over with the bark of trees. The entrance is through a hole, in a broad plank, covered in fuch a manner as to resemble the face of a man, the mouth ferving the purpose of a door-way. The fireplace is funk into the earth, and confined from fpreading above by a wooden frame. The inhabitants are univerfally addicted to smoking. Their pipe is fimilar to ours in fhape; the bowl is made of very hard wood, and is externally ornamented with carvings; the tube, about two feet long, is made of a small branch of the elder. In this they fmoke an herb, which the country produces, of a very mild nature, and by no means unpleasant; they however took great pleasure in smoking our tobacco; hence it is natural to conclude, it might become a valuable article of traffic amongst them. In most other refpects they refemble their neighbours, as to their manners and mode of living, being equally filthy and uncleanly.

The foil of the low ground was moftly a ftiff, rich clay, ca. pable to all appearance of being made very productive; that on the high land amongst the pine trees, a black mould, feemingly compofed of decayed vegetables.' Vol. ii. P. 76.

The Dedalus ftore-fhip, fent out with a fupply to captain Vancouver, difcovered fome ifles between the Marquefas and Sandwich Islands, fcattered from feven to nine degrees of la

titude, and from 139° to 140° of longitude, weft from Greenwich. The inhabitants appeared to be civil; but they were thievifh, and feemingly perfidious. In thefe feas, lieutenantHergeft was once in confiderable danger, from which he efcaped with great ability; but he did not live to rejoin captain. Vancouver. Going on fhore unarmed, with few attendants, at Woahoo (one of the Sandwich Islands), he was furrounded, stripped, and murdered, falling a victim, like M. de l'Angle in the voyage of La Péroufe, to too great confidence and fecurity.

At Port Francifco, in about 37° 50' N. latitude, our navigators received every affiftance which the eftablishment could afford. The good fathers of the miffion are rich in flocks and herds, but poor in grain, and in luxuries. This moft northern fettlement of Spain on the fhores of the Pacific, is weakly defended; and the friars depend more on their perfo-› nal influence and their holy functions, than on their power. The female Indians are employed in manufacturing wool, and are confined to the diftrict of the miffion, as hoftages for the fidelity of their relatives. The men of this neighbourhood are indolent, nafty, and careless in the highest degree.

The port of St. Francifco is, in captain Vancouver's opinion, one of the fineft in the world; the foundings are good, and the harbour is well fheltered. It feems to want wood and water; but thefe wants, by farther examination, may, he thinks, be supplied.

Close by ftood, the church, which for its magnitude, architecture, and internal decorations, did great credit to the conftructors of it; and presented a striking contrast between the exertions of genius, and fuch as bare neceffity is capable of fuggefting. The raifing and decorating this edifice appeared to have greatly attracted the attention of the fathers; and the comforts they might have provided in their own` humble habitations, seemed to have been totally facrificed to the accomplishment of this favo-" rite object. Even their garden, an object of such material importance, had not yet acquired any great degree of cultivation, though its foil was a rich black mould, and promised an ample return for any labour that might be bestowed upon it. The whole contained about four acres, was tolerably well fenced in, and produced fome fig, peach, apple, and other fruit-trees, but afforded, a very fcanty fupply of ufeful vegetables; the principal part lying wafte and over-run with weeds.

On our return to the convent, we found a moft excellent and abundant repaft provided of beef, mutton, fish, fowls, and fuch vegetables as their garden afforded. The attentive and hospitable behaviour of our new friends amply compenfated for the homely

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