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Reflections on the Irish Conspiracy, and on the Neceffity of an armed Affociation in Great Britain. To which are added, Obfervations on the Debates and Refolutions of the Whig Club, on the 6th of June 1797. 8vo. 25: Sewell. 1798.

The constitution and spirit of the Irish confpiracy are now well known; and the prefent writer endeavours to flow that the fame plot is going on in Great-Britain, although that point has been contradicted by the evidence of the leaders of the Irish confpiracy. This, we allow, might not have been known to him at the time of writing this pamphlet ; and therefore he might think his plot a very good one when he made it; perhaps, too, he may be pardoned for this ingenious fiction, as his chief motive is to roufe the fpirit of the country against foreign aggreffion. By way of collateral aid, the murders and confifcations which have attended the French revolution, are presented in every horrible form, as what men of property and trade in this country may certainly expect from the defigns of our Jacobins. We are informed (and the intelligence is new to us) that the countefs of Perignan, and her three daugh ters, were stripped, rubbed over with oil, and roafted alive.' If an atrocious band of confpirators at home are preparing these scenes for us,' who can doubt of the neceffity of an armed association ?

The obfervations on the debates of the whig club are calculated to expofe fome of Mr. Fox's political errors. His deteftation of the war is never to be forgiven. Every pamphlet-writer appears to be instructed to attack his character, and artfully interweave his conduct with that of our foreign enemies. For this task, how ever, our author fhows lefs ability than inclination.

A Letter to the Earl of Moira, in Defence of the Conduct of his Majefty's Minifters, and of the Army in Ireland. 8vo. Is



It is well known that the earl of Moira, compaffionating the fufferings of the people of Ireland, recommended a system of conciliation, in preference to the coercive meafures adopted by government, which, he thought, would render the cause more desperate. That advice was not taken; and the rebellion which followed has been confidered as a proof that his opinion refpecting the measures proper to be followed, was not founded upon an actual knowledge of the state of the country. In vindication of government, the author of this letter (written before the rebellion, but not before many diforders had appeared) contends, that many parts in the north of Ireland, in the year 1796, were in a fituation of extreme diforder, from the lawless outrages of incendiaries; that the conduct of government for a series of years towards the people of Irelandhas been fuch as could not in its natural refult have produced thefe commotions; but that they grew out of a traitorous fyftem of difa affection, which had for its object to fubvert, by fanguinary vio lence, the ancient laws and conftitution of the realm; that the spi, CRIT. REV, VOL. XXIV, Sept. 1798.


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rit of difcontent which prevailed at that period, had risen to fuch an alarming height, as to break out into acts of open rebellion against the conftituted authorities of the state, and had rendered it neceffary to enact those restrictive laws which, being fubfequent to the existence of such discontents, could not have been the occafion of them, and which were not, either in their principle or their operation, at variance with the fpirit of our constitution; and, lastly, that it was only when the civil power became too weak to protect the fubject, and when the lenity of government rendered the confpirators more bold, that his majesty's ministers, in the discharge of an imperious duty, had recourfe, in the year 1797, to military authority, to protect those laws which, at different periods, and in various instances, had been fo daringly violated, both before and during the year 1796.

How far a traitorous fyftem of difaffection could prevail to a great extent, without being founded on fome grievances, either arifing from the conduct of an exifting government, or from imperfections and abuses in the conftitution of the country, we shall not at prefent endeavour to decide; but fhall only remark, that the reports of the Irish parliament corroste the author's statements. A fecond Letter to the Earl of Moira on the Commercial Situation of Ireland. By the Author of a Letter to his Lordship in Defence of the Conduct of his Majefty's Minifters and of the Army in Ireland. 8vo. Is. 6d. Bell. 1798.

Having replied to the earl's ftatement of the political affairs of* Ireland, the author wields his pen a fecond time to disprove what his lordship had advanced on the commercial concerns of that country. Lord Moira had afferted that individuals die of want from the general wretchedness to which they are reduced; that manufactures are fufpended in parts of the country where formerly they flourished moft; that the industry of the people is in confequence destroyed; that the merchants of England are extending their trade at the expense of the fifter kingdom; and that the trade of Ireland is now fo contracted, that in many places the public revenue has almost totally disappeared;' as an inftance of which laft point, he had stated, that the customs of Belfast, which have ufually produced about 150,000l. would not now amount to one fifteenth part of that fum.

The answers to thefe statements are mostly of a general nature, and fome are obviously fallacious; but, with regard to the customs of Belfast, the author appears to have obtained authentic documents, which prove that the diminution is confiderably less than the earl stated.

Report from the Committee of Secrecy, of the House of Commons in Ireland, as reported by the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Caftlereagh, Aug. 21, 1798. 8vo. 45. Debrett.

A sketch of this report was given in the Appendix to our last

volume it is therefore unneceffary to give any account of it on this occafion. The report from the committee of the upper houfe has been published in the fame form.

Democratic Principles illuftrated. Part the Second. Containing an inftructive Effay, tracing all the Horrors of the French Revolution to their real Caufes; the licentious Politics, and infidel Philofophy of the prefent Age. By Peter Porcupine. 12mo. 4d. Wright. 1798. The cruelties which have been committed in France are confidered by this author as an illustration of democratic principles, and are depicted in this and the former part (lee our last volume, P. 217) with a coarseness of colouring peculiar to Peter Porcupine. In this essay, however, he has ventured confiderably beyond his depth, in endeavouring to account for that great change in the character of the French people which induced them to perpetrate or tolerate fuch barbarities. That the French were an amiable people, the whole civilifed world (he fays) has given abundant teftimony, by endeavouring to imitate them.' The imitation of the civilised world is, we apprehend, no proof that what they imitate is amiable. The imitation of French manners has been, for a century past, a conftant reproach on the good fense of the English, and defervedly; for what did we imitate but their follies and licentiousness? But Peter Porcupine was intent upon a change alleged to be produced by democracy; and he proceeds to another affertion equally well founded. The prominent feature of their national character was, it is true, levity; but though levity and ferociousness may, and often do, meet in the fame perfon, no writ er that I recollect, had ever accused the French of being cruel." It unfortunately happens that almost all English writers who describe the manners of the French under the old government, accufe them of cruelty, particularly in their executions, which it was cuftomary for perfons of the first rank and fashion, and even of the softer sex, to behold not only with calmness but with infult. Voltaire, it is generally known, refolved their character into a compofition of the monkey and the tiger. All this was the effect of longcontinued defpotism, which brutalifes the human mind; but this is a subject which we shall not pursue in answer to a writer so weak and infatuated as Peter Porcupine.

Copies of Original Letters recently written by Perfons in Paris to Dr. Priestley in America. Taken on Board of a Neutral Veffel. 8vo. IS. Wright. 1798.

We have here three letters addreffed to Dr. Priestley-one of confiderable length figned J. H. Stone, and two fhort ones without fignatures. The first is written in the genuine cant of modern French politics. Whether fuch a correfpondence may be agreeable to Dr. Priestley, we do not know; but it is certain that the opi nions disclosed in this letter are not very honourable to the writer.

He vindicates projects of revolutionary injuftice as a Robespierre, a Carrier, or a Hebert, would have done. After mentioning the events of the 4th of September, 1797, he adds;

'These events are, no doubt, very distressing; but unfortunately we are so placed as to be obliged to commit one evil to avoid an accumulation: no one pretends that either those men, at least the immenfe majority of them, who have been fent from time to time to Cayenne, or the Dutch deputies now under arreft, are enemies either to liberty or their respective republics; no one of common fenfe entertains this opinion: knowing, many of this conquered party intimately, I can aver, that they have left none behind more pure in manners, or more decided in favour of republican liberty. But unfortunately, thofe of France fuffered their perfonal paffions to interfere with their political duties; and they lent unwittingly their aid to those who wifhed to cruth the republic, while their only aim was to crush the men in power, whom they confidered as ufurpers, and whom they hated. The men in power were too well verfed in revolutions not to amalgamate their own personal enemies, with thofe of the ftate; and hence arifes the expedition to Cayenne.'

P. 21.

What more could Carrier have said in vindication of his noyades and fufillades?

An Addrefs to the Yeomanry of Great Britain, on the Subject of Invafion. By a Seaman. Svo. IS. Cadell and Davies. 1798.

This addrefs breathes a spirit of loyalty and love for the country, which the author wishes to diffufe among the armed yeomanry, by arguments and obfervations adapted to the critical predicament in which we now stand.


A Medical Gloffary; in which the Words in the various Branches of Medicine are deduced from their original Languages; properly accented and explained. By W. Turton, M. D. 4to. 17. 105. Boards. Johnfon. 1797.

It has been Dr. Turton's chief aim to collect from various fources those terms which are used in the different departments of medicine, to deduce them from their roots, and give just and clear definitions of them. This task he has performed with credit to himfelf and utility to the profeflion. He has thought proper to omit the technical jargon of Paracelfus and his followers; but most of the compound words employed by the phyficians of the Greek fchool, which are to be found in the writings of fucceeding ages, are preferved in this gloffary.

An extract will beft fhow the nature of the work, and the mans ner in which it has been compiled.

Jacynthus (axuvbos, from iacutha, Arab.) The ja

cynth, a precious ftone of a purple colour. The hyancinth or harebell may probably be named 'from its likeness in colour to a jacynth. See Hyacynthus.

Iamblichus (aucaixos, from Iamblichus the inventor). Applied to a preparation of fal ammoniac and some aromatic ingredients. • Iatraleiptes (ιατράλειπτης, from ιατρος a phyfician, and αλειφω to anoint). A phyfician who cures difeafes by ointments and frictions.

"Iatreúma (iaтpeva, from carpevw to heal). Medication. The healing of diforders.

Iatreúfis (largeurs). The fame.

• Iatrochy'micus (ιατροχυμικος, from ιατρος a phyfician, and χυμία chemistry). A phyfician who cures difeafes by chemical prepa-rations only.

latropha (arpopa, from aqual to heal, and rpɛw to nourish). The Barbadoes nut, fo called because it is healing and nourishing. • l'atros (largos, from aquas to heal). A phyfician.

Ibérica (from Iberia, the place where it flourishes). A small herb called wild crefs.

Ibéris (Cnpis). The fame.

'l′bex (ing, from Cyw to vociferate). The mountain goat, fo named from its noisy cry.

I'biga. See Abiga.

'I'bis (1615 or bus, from Cu to cry out). A kind of stork, named from its noify cry.

Ibifcus (bionos, from 6is the ftork, who is faid to chew it and inject it as a clyfter). The marsh mallow.

Ibixuma (ciguua, from 6ixos the mallow, and έos glue). The herb foap-wort; named from its having a glutinous leaf like the mallow.

• Ichneumon (ixvɛuμwv, from ixveuw to feek out). An Indian rat, fo called because it is faid to feek out the crocodile and destroy it while asleep.

'I'chnos (xvos, from xve to go). The part of the foot on which we tread.

• Ichor (from 1xwp). A thin acrid fluid which diftils from


Ichoroides (ix@posions, from xap ichor, and ados a likeness). Ichorous; refembling ichor.

Ichthya (ixova a fifh-hook, from 1x9us a fish). An inftrument like a fish-hook for extracting the fœtus. It alfo means a fish

fcale, or the scale or rasping of any metal or wood.

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Ichthyela'um (xuɛnalov, from 1xbus a fish, and exatov oil). Fish

Ichthyéma (Bunua, from 1x0ua the fcale of a fifh). A fcale or rasping from any metal or wood, resembling the fcale of a fish. "Ichthyites (xburns, from 1x0us a fifh). A ftone in which is a cavity resembling in shape a fish.

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