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Mr. KERR. All of these lands were situated in Minnesota, were

they not, Mr. Patterson?

Mr. PATTERSON. I think they were.

(Mr. Patterson submitted the following copy of patent:)

[subsumed][subsumed][merged small][graphic][subsumed]

To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting:
No. 1.

Whereas by the act of Congress approved July 2, 1864, and "joint resolu tions" of May 7, 1886, July 1, 1868, March 1 and April 10, 1869, and May 31, 1870, entitled "An act granting lands to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from Lake Superior to Puget Sound, on the Pacific coast, by the northern route," there is hereby granted to the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, for the purpose of aiding in the construction of said railroad and telegraph line to the Pacific coast "every alternate section of public land, not mineral, designated by odd numbers, to the amount of twenty alternate sections per mile on each side of said railroad line through the Territories of the United States, and ten alternate sections of land per mile on each side of said railroad whenever it passes through any State, and whenever on the line thereof, not reserved, sold, granted, or otherwise appropriated, and free from preemption or other claims or rights at the time the line of said road is definitely fixed and a plat thereof filed in the General Land Office."

And whereas prior to said time any of said sections or parts of sections shall have been granted, sold, reserved, occupied by homestead settlers, preempted, or otherwise disposed of other lands shall be selected by said company in lieu thereof, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, in alternate

sections designated by odd numbers, not more than ten miles beyond the limits of said first-named alternate sections.

And whereas an official statement bearing date of January 7, 1873, from the Secretary of the Interior has been filed in the General Land Office showing that the commissioners appointed by the President under provisions of the fourth section of said act of Congress have reported to him that two hundred and twenty-eight miles of said railroad and telegraph line have been completed and fully equipped in the manner prescribed by said act of Congress, and the same accepted by the President;

And whereas certain tracts have been selected by George B. Wright, the duly authorized agent of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, as shown by his original lists of selections bearing dates of June 12, August 1, and September 30, 1872, and certified under dates of July 1, August 27, and September 30, 1872, by the registers and receivers at Alexandria and Oak Lake, Minnesota. The said tracts being described as follows, to wit:


North of base line and west of the fifth principal meridian, Minnesota, township one hundred and thirty-six, range thirty-six: All of section one, containing six hundred and thirty-three acres and eighty-nine hundredths of an acre. All of section three, containing six hundred and thirty-five acres and seventy-three hundredths of an acre. All of section five, containing six hundred and thirtysix acres and thirty-two hundredths of an acre. All of section seven, containing six hundred and nine acres and fifty-two hundredths of an acre. All of section nine, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section eleven, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section thirteen, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section fifteen, containing six hundred and. forty acres. All of section seventeen, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section nineteen, containing six hundred and ten acres and seventy-two hundredths of an acre. All of section twenty-one, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section twenty-three, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section twenty-five, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section twenty-seven, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section twenty-nine, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section thirty-one, containing six hundred and eleven acres and eighty-four hundredths of an acre. All of section thirty-three, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section thirty-five, containing six hundred and forty acres.

Township one hundred and thirty-five, range thirty six: All of section one, containing six hundred and forty-one acres and twelve-hundredths of an acre. All of section three, containing six hundred and fifty acres and forty-hundredths of an acre. All of section five, containing six hundred and forty-three acres and ninety-four hundredths of an acre. All of section seven, containing six hundred and twenty-six acres and two-hundredths of an acre. All of section nine, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section eleven, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section thirteen, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section fifteen, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section seventeen, containing six hudred and forty acres. All of section nineteen, containing six hundred and twenty-eight acres and twenty-one hundredths of a acre. All of section twenty-one, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section twenty-three, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section twenty-five, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section twenty-seven, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section twenty-nine, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section thirty-one, containing six hundred and twenty-one acres and eighty-one hundredths of an acre. All of section thirty-three, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section thirty-five, containing six hundred and forty acres.

Township one hundred and thirty-four, range thirty-six: All of section one, containing six hundred and forty acres and eighty-hundredths of an acre. All of section three, containing six hundred and forty-nine acres and eightyhundredths of an acre. All of section five, containing six hundred and fortyfour acres and thirty-eight hundredths of an acre. All of section seven, containing six hundred and eight acres and seventeen-hundredths of an acre. All of section nine, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section eleven, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section thirteen, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section fifteen, containing six hundred

and forty acres. All of section seventeen, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section nineteen, containing six hundred and twenty-five acres and twelve-hundredths of an acre. All of section twenty-one, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section twenty-three, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section twenty-five, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section twenty-seven, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section twenty-nine, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section thirty-one, containing six hundred and thirty-two acres and forty-eight hundredths of an acre. All of section thirty-three, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section thirty-five, containing six hundred and forty acres. Township one hundred and thirty-three, range thirty-six: All of section one, containing six hundred and thirty-nine acres and thirty-seven hundredths of an acre. All of section three, containing six hundred and forty acres and fifty-two hundredths of an acre. All of section five, containing six hundred and thirty-seven acres and seventy-seven hundredths of an acre. All of section seven, containing six hundred and forty-two acres and fifty-six hundredths of an acre. All of section nine, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section eleven, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section thirteen, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section fifteen, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section seventeen, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section nineteen, containing six hundred and thirty-five acres and twenty-hundredths of an acre. All of section twenty-one, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section twenty-three, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section twenty-five, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section twenty-seven, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section twenty-nine, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section thirty-one, containing six hundred and thirty-nine acres and twenty-hundredths of an acre. All of section thirty-three, containing six hundred and forty acres. All of section thirty-five, containing six hundred and forty acres.

Township one hundred and thirty-six, range thirty-seven: Southwest quarter of northeast quarter of section one, containing forty acres. Northeast quarter east half of northwest quarter, and south half of section three, containing five hundred and sixty-seven acres and forty-seven hundredths of an acre. South half of southwest quarter and north half of section five, containing four hundred and thirteen acres and forty-four hundredths of an acre. Southeast quarter of northeast quarter and northwest quarter of northwest quarter of section seven, containing ninety-five acres and sixty-five hundredths of an acre. Southwest quarter and west half of southeast quarter of section nine, containing two hundred and forty acres. Southeast quarter of northeast quarter and southeast quarter of section eleven, containing two hundred acres. North half of section, southeast quarter of southwest quarter, north half of southeast quarter, and southeast quarter of southeast quarter of section thirteen, containing four hundred and eighty acres. Northeast quarter and south half of southwest quarter of section fifteen, containing two hundred and forty acres. Northeast quarter of section seventeen, containing one hundred and sixty acres. Northwest quarter of northeast quarter, northeast quarter of northwest quarter, and southeast quarter of southeast quarter of section nineteen, containing one hundred and twenty acres. Northwest quarter and north half of southeast quarter of section twenty-one, containing two hundred and forty acres. West half of northeast quarter, southeast quarter of northwest quarter, west half of northwest quarter, northeast quarter of northwest quarter, southwest quarter of southwest quarter, east half of southwest quarter, and southeast quarter of section twenty-three, containing five hundred and twenty acres. South half of southeast quarter and northwest quarter of southeast quarter of section twenty-five, containing one hundred and twenty acres. Southwest quarter of northwest quarter, southwest quarter, and west half of southeast quarter of section twenty-seven, containing two hundred and eighty acres. West half of section, west half of southeast quarter, and northeast quarter of southeast quarter of section twenty-nine, containing four hundred and forty Northeast quarter, east half of northwest quarter, west half of southwest quarter, northeast quarter of southwest quarter, north half of southeast quarter, and southwest quarter of southeast quarter of section thirty-one, containing five hundred and eleven acres and fifty-nine hundredths of an acre. Northeast quarter of northeast quarter of section thirty-three, containing forty South half of northeast quarter, northwest quarter of northeast quarter, 39564-25-PT 439



northwest quarter, west half of southeast quarter, north half of southwest quarter, and southwest quarter of southwest quarter of section thirty-five, containing four hundred and eighty acres.

Township one hundred and thirty-five, range thirty-seven: West half of northeast quarter, southeast quarter of northeast quarter, north half of northwest quarter, southeast quarter of. southwest quarter, and southeast quarter of section one, containing three hundred and ninety-nine acres ad twenty-fivehundredths of an acre. Northeast quarter of southwest quarter and east half. of section three, containing three hundred and fifty-nine acres and sixty-eight. hundredths of an acre. All of section five, containing six hundred and thirtysix acres and forty-eight hundredths of an acre. Southeast quarter of northeast quarter, north half of northwest quarter, southwest quarter of southwest quarter, and northeast quarter of southeast quarter of section seven, containing two hundred and twenty-nine acres and ninety-five hundredths of an acre. East half of section, south half of northwest quarter, west half of southwest quarter, and northeast quarter of southwest quarter of section nine, containing five hundred and twenty acres. North half of northwest quarter, southeast quarter of northwest quarter, southwest quarter, north. half of southeast quarter, and southwest quarter of southeast quarter of section eleven,. containing four hundred acres. East half of northeast quarter, south half of southwest quarter, and east half of southeast quarter of section thirteen, containing two hundred and forty acres. Southwest quarter of northwest. quarter and west half of southwest quarter of section fifteen, containing one hundred and twenty acres. West half of northeast quarter, east half of northwest quarter, and south half of section seventeen, containing four hundred and eighty acres. All of section nineteen, containing seven hundred and fiveacres and one-hundredths of an acre. All of section twenty-one, containing six hundred and forty acres. North half of section, north half of southwest quarter, southeast quarter of southwest quarter, north half of southeast. quarter, and southeast quarter of southeast quarter of section twenty-three, containing five hundred and sixty acres. West half of southeast quarter, southeast quarter of southeast quarter, east half of southwest quarter, and. southwest quarter of southwest quarter of section twenty-five, containing two. hundred and forty acres. Northeast quarter, north half of northwest quarter, southwest quarter, north half of southeast quarter, and southeast quarter of southeast quarter of section twenty-seven, containing five hundred and twenty acres. All of section twenty-nine, containing six hundred and forty acres.. North half of section, southeast quarter, north half of southwest quarter, and southeast quarter of southwest quarter of section thirty-one, containing six hundred and fifty-two acres and thirty-eight hundredths of an acre. West half of northeast quarter, northeast quarter of northeast quarter, southeast quarter, and west half of section thirty-three, containing six hundred acres. All of section thirty-five, containing six hundred and forty acres.

Township one hundred and thirty-four, range thirty-seven: Northwest quarter of northeast quarter, north half of northwest quarter, of section one, containing one hundred and eighteen acres and ninety-four hundredths of an acre. All of section five, containing six hundred and twenty-nine acres and twenty hundredths of an acre. All of section seven, containing seven hundred and two acres and fifty-nine hundredths of an acre. Northwest quarter and northwest quarter of southwest quarter of section nine, containing two hundred acres. Southeast quarter of northwest quarter and south half of northeast quarter of section eleven, containing one hundred and twenty acres. North half of northwest quarter, southwest quarter of northwest quarter, and east half of section thirteen, containing four hundred and forty acres. Northeast quarter, northeast quarter of northwest quarter, south half of northwest quarter, and south half of section fifteen, containing six hundred acres. Southeast quarter of northeast quarter, northwest quarter of northwest quarter, northeast quarter of southwest quarter, south half of southwest quarter, northwest quarter of southeast quarter, and south half of southeast quarter of section seventeen, containing three hundred and twenty acres. Northeast quarter of northeast quarter, northwest quarter of northwest quarter, southeast quarter of northwest quarter, south half of northeast quarter, northwest quarter of southwest quarter, northeast quarter of southwest quarter, and lot number one of section nineteen, containing three hundred and sixty-seven acres and seventy-four hundredths of an acre. All of section twenty-one, containing six hundred and forty acres. Northwest quarter of northeast quarter, northwest quarter, and northeast quarter of southeast quarter of section

twenty-three, containing two hundred and forty acres. Northeast quarter, south half of northwest quarter, northeast quarter of northwest quarter, north half of southwest quarter, southwest quarter of southwest quarter, and northwest quarter of southeast quarter of section twenty-five, containing four hundred and forty acres. Northwest quarter of northeast quarter and north half of northwest quarter of section twenty-seven, containing one hundred and twenty acres. East half of northeast quarter, west half of northwest quarter, southwest quarter, and east half of southeast quarter of section twenty-nine, containing four hundred acres. South half of northeast quarter, northeast quarter of northeast quarter, west half of northwest quarter, southeast quarter of northwest quarter, southwest quarter, and west half of southeast quarter of section thirty-one, containing five hundred and fifty-one acres and forty-three hundredths of an acre. North half of section and southwest quarter of southeast quarter of section thirty-three, containing three hundred and sixty acres. Northeast quarter, north half of northwest quarter, southwest quarter of northwest quarter, and northwest quarter of southwest quarter of section thirty-five, containing three hundred and twenty acres.

Township one hundred and thirty-three, range thirty-seven: South half of northeast quarter, southeast quarter, and west half of section one, containing five hundred and fifty-nine acres and forty-hundredths of an acre. Northeast quarter, north half of northwest quarter, southeast quarter of northwest quarter, northeast quarter of southwest quarter, northwest quarter of southeast quarter, and southwest quarter of southwest quarter of section three, containing three hundred and ninety-seven acres and ninety-two hundredths of an acre. Northwest quarter, north half of northeast quarter, and southwest quarter of northeast quarter of section five, containing two hundred and seventyseven acres and one-hundredth of an acre. South half of northwest quarter and northwest quarter of southwest quarter of section seven, containing one hundred and fifty acres and nineteen-hundredths of an acre. South half of northeast quarter, south half of northwest quarter, and south half of section nine, containing four hundred and eighty acres. North half of northeast quarter, southwest quarter of northeast quarter, south half of northwest quarter, and south half of section eleven, containing five hundred and twenty acres. Northeast quarter, north half of northwest quarter, southeast quarter of northwest quarter, north half of southwest quarter, southwest quarter of southwest quarter, and west half of southeast quarter of section thirteen, containing four hundred and eighty acres. Northeast quarter of northeast quarter, west half of northeast quarter, west half of southeast quarter, southeast quarter of Southeast quarter, and west half of section fifteen, containing five hundred and sixty acres. South half of northeast quarter, south half of northwest quarter, and south half of section seventeen, containing four hundred and eighty acres. All of section nineteen, containing six hundred and eighty-four acres. Northeast quarter of southeast quarter and north half of section twenty-one, containing three hundred and sixty acres. Southwest quarter of northeast quarter, east half of northeast quarter, south half of northwest quarter, and south half of section twenty-three, containing five hundred and twenty acres. Southwest quarter of northeast quarter, northwest quarter, west half of southeast quarter, north half of southwest quarter, and southwest quarter of southwest quarter of section twenty-five, containing four hundred acres. East half of section twenty-seven, containing three hundred and twenty acres. Northeast quarter, east half of northwest quarter, north half of southeast quarter, southeast quarter of southeast quarter, and southwest quarter of section twentynine, containing five hundred and twenty acres. All of section thirty-one, containing six hundred and fifty-seven acres and seventy-seven hundredths of an West half of northeast quarter, east half of northwest quarter, and north half of southwest quarter of section thirty-three, containing two hundred and forty acres. Southwest quarter, northwest quarter of southeast quarter, and north half of section thirty-five, containing five hundred and twenty acres.



Township one hundred and thirty-seven, range thirty-six: All of section one, containing, six hundred and fifty acres. All of section three, containing six hundred and fifty-one acres and thirty-six hundredths of an acre. All of section five, containing six hundred and forty-four acres and eighty-eight hundredths of an acre. All of section seven, containing six hundred and thirty-five acres

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