I hope my master's suit will be but cold, What should it be, that he respects in her, I should have scratch'd out your unseeing eyes, [Exit See, where she comes: Lady, a happy evening! I fear, I am attended by some spies. SCENE II. [Exeunt. The same. An Apartment in the Enter THURIO, PROTEUS, and JULIA. Thu. I'll wear a boot to make it somewhat rounder. Thu. Nay, then, the wanton lies; my face is black. Pro. But pearls are fair; and the old saying is, Black men are pearls in beauteous ladies' eyes. Jul. 'Tis true; such pearls as put out ladies' eyes; For I had rather wink than look on them. [Aside. Thu. How likes she my discourse? Pro. Ill, when you talk of war. Thu. Considers she my possessions? Pro. O, ay; and pities them. Thu. Wherefore? Jul. That such an ass should owe them. [Aside. Pro. That they are out by lease. Jul. Here comes the duke. Enter DUKE. Duke. How now, sir Proteus? how now, Thurio? Which of you saw sir Eglamour of late? Thu. Not I. Pro. Duke. Pro. Nor I. Saw you my daughter? Neither. Duke. Why, then, she's fled unto that peasant Valentine; And Eglamour is in her company. 'Tis true; for friar Laurence met them both, At Patrick's cell this even; and there she was not: [Exit. Pro. And I will follow, more for Silvia's love, Than hate of Eglamour, that goes with her. [Exit. Jul. And I will follow, more to cross that love, Than hate for Silvia, that is gone for love. [Exit. Thu. But well, when I discourse of love, and SCENE III. peace? hold your [Aside. Thu. What says she to my valour? - Frontiers of Mantua. The Forest. Enter SILVIA and Outlaws. Out. Come, come; Be patient, we must bring you to our captain. 1 Out. Where is the gentleman that was with her? Jul. True; from a gentleman to a fool. [Aside. But Moyses, and Valerius, follow him. 1 Head-dress. 2 Own. Ꭰ Ꭶ 3 Careless. + Val. How use doth breed a habit in a man! This shadowy desert, unfrequented woods, I better brook than flourishing peopled towns: Here can I sit alore, unseen of any, And, to the nightingale's complaining notes, Tune my distresses, and record my woes. O thou that dost inhabit in my breast, Leave not the mansion so long tenantless; Lest, growing ruinous, the building fall, And leave no memory of what it was! Repair me with thy presence, Silvia; Thou gentle nymph, cherish thy forlorn swain!. What halloing, and what stir is this to-day? Val. Thou common friend, that's without faith or love; (For such is a friend now,) treacherous man! I am sorry, I must never trust thee more, The private wound is deepest: O time, most curst! These are my mates, that make their wills their law, 'Mongst all foes, that a friend should be the worst! Have some unhappy passenger in chase: They love me well; yet I have much to do, Enter PROTEUS, SILVIA, and JULIA. Pro. Madam, this service I have done for you, (Though you respect not aught your servant doth,) To hazard life, and rescue you from him That would have forc'd your honour and your love. Vouchsafe me for my meed but one fair look; A smaller boon than this I cannot beg, And less than this, I am sure, you cannot give. Val. How like a dream is this I see and hear! Love, lend me patience to forbear a while. [Aside. Sil. O miserable, unhappy that I am! Pro. Unhappy were you, madam, ere I came ; But. by my coming, I have made you happy. Sil. By thy approach thou mak'st me most unhappy. Jul. And me, when he approacheth to your pre[Aside. sence. Sil. Had I been seiz'd by a hungry lion, Pro. What dangerous action, stood it next to death, Would I not undergo for one calm look ? Sil. When Proteus cannot love where he's belov'd. 4 Sing. Pro. My shame and guilt confound me. — Forgive me, Valentine: if hearty sorrow Be a sufficient ransom for offence, Look up; speak. Jul. O good sir, my master charg'd me Jul. Why this is the ring I gave to Julia. [Shows another ring. Pro. But, how cam'st thou by this ring? at my depart, I gave this unto Julia. Jul. And Julia herself did give it me; And Julia herself hath brought it hither. Pro. How! Julia! Jul. Behold her that gave aim to all thy oaths, And entertain'd them deeply in her heart: How oft hast thou with perjury cleft the root?7 O Proteus, let this habit make thee blush! Be thou asham'd, that I have took upon me Such an immodest raiment; if shame live In a disguise of love: It is the lesser blot, modesty finds, Women to change their shapes, than men their minds. 6 Direction. "An allusion to cleaving the pin in archery. Pro. Than men their minds? 'tis true: O heaven! | And think thee worthy of an empress' love. were man But constant, he were perfect: that one error Know then, I here forget all former griefs, Cancel all grudge, repeal thee home again. Fills him with faults; makes him run through all Plead a new state in thy unrivall'd merit, Thu. Yonder is Silvia; and Silvia's mine. Thu. Sir Valentine, I care not for her, I; I claim her not, and therefore she is thine. I do applaud thy spirit, Valentine, -- To which I thus subscribe, sir Valentine, I now beseech you for your daughter's sake, Duke. I grant it, for thine own, whate'er it be. Duke. Thou hast prevail'd: I pardon them, and thee; Dispose of them, as thou know'st their deserts. Val. And, as we walk along, I dare be bold With our discourse to make your grace to smile: What think you of this page, my lord? Duke. I think the boy hath grace in him: he |