Division, variation, modulation; III. | Fearful, full of fear; III. iii. 1. v. 29. Doctrine, instruction; I. i. 236. Doff, put off; II. ii. 47. Doubt, fear, distrust; V. iii. 44. Drave, did drive, urged (Quarto 2, "driue"); I. i. 119. Drift, plan, scheme; IV. i. 114. Dun's the mouse, keep still; (a proverbial expression not yet explained); v. Note; I. iv. 40. Elf-locks, hair supposed to be matted together by the elves (Quartos 2, 3, Folio 1, "Elklocks "); I. iv. 90. 66 Empty, hungry; V. iii. 39. Evening mass, the practice of saying Feeling, heartfelt; III. v. 75. Fee-simple, hereditary and unconditional property; III. i. 34. Festering, rotting; IV. iii. 43. Fettle, prepare; III. v. 154. Fine, penalty (Warburton's emendation of Quartos, Folios, " sinne" and "sin"); l. v. 96. First house, "first rank among duellists," or, "of the best school of fencing"; II. iv. 25. Fits; "it fits," it is becoming; I. v. 76. Flecked, spotted [Steevens' reading (from Quarto 1); Quartos, 'fleckeld"; Folio 1, "fleckled"; Pope, "flecker'd"; Capell, 'flecker'd"]; II. iii. 3. Fleer, sneer; I. v. 59. Flirt-gills, flirting women (Gill was a familiar name for a woman); II. iv. 157. Flowered, alluding probably to the shoes pinked or punched with holes; II. iv. 63. Fond, foolish; III. iii. 52. Forth, from out of; I. i. 118. Frank, liberal; II. ii. 131. From, away from, to avoid; III. i. 32. Furnish, deck; IV. ii. 35. Gear, matter; II. iv. 103. Give you, i.e. retort by calling you; IV. v. 117. Gleek, scoff ("give the g., to pass a jest upon a person); IV. v. 115. Glooming, gloomy; V. iii. 305. God-den, good evening; I. ii. 57. God gi' god-den, God give you a good evening (Quartos, Folios 1, 2, 3, Godgigoden"; Capell, "God gi go' den"; Collier, "God gi' good den"; Staunton, "God ye good den "); I. ii. 58. 66 = God save the mark, "originally a phrase used to avert the evil omen, saving your reverence, under your pardon; here God have mercy""; III. ii. 53. God ye good den, God give you good evening; II. iv. 112. God ye good morrow, God give you good morning; II. iv. 111. Good goose, bite not, a proverbial expression (found in Ray's "Proverbs "); II. iv. 80. Goodman boy, a familiar appellation; I. v. 78. Good pilgrim, I. v. 97. (Cp. illustration.) From a sketch by Inigo Jones of the Palmer's dress worn by Romeo in the Masquerade Scene. Gore; "gore blood"-clotted blood; III. ii. 56. Grace, virtue, potency; II. iii. 15. ii. 190. Harlotry, a term of contempt for a silly wench; IV. ii. 14. Have at thee, be warned, take care; Haviour, behaviour; II. ii. 99. Healthsome, wholesome; IV. iii. 34. Heartless, spiritless, cowardly; I.i.65. 'Heart's ease,' a popular tune of the time; IV. v. 101. (Cp. music on next page.) Heaviness, sorrow; III. iv. 11. 66 High-lone, alone, without help (Quarto 2, hylone"; Quarto 3, "a lone"; other editions, "alone"); I. iii. 36. Highmost, highest; II. v. 9. Hilding, base wretch; III. v. Hinds, serfs, menials; I. i. 65. 169. His, its; II. vi. 12; V. iii. 203. Jaunce, jaunt; II. v. 26. Jealous, in any way suspicious; V. iii. 33. Jealous-hood, jealousy; IV. iv. 13. Joint-stools, folding chairs; I. v. 7. 'Heart's ease. From Naylor's Shakespeare and Music. Homely, plain, simple; II. iii. 55. Honey nurse, a term of endearment; II. v. 18. Hood, cover with a hood (as the hawk was hooded till let fly at the game); III. ii. 14. Humorous, moist, capricious (used quibblingly); II. i. 31. Humour,inclination,bent (Quartos 4, 5, "humour"; Quarto 2, "humor"; the rest read "honour"); I. i. 128. Hunts-up," the tune played to wake and collect the hunters "; III. v. 34. I'll be a candle-holder, I'll be an idle spectator (a proverbial phrase); I. iv. 38. Ill-divining, misgiving; III. v. 54. Inconstant, capricious, fickle; IV. i. 119. Indite, (?) insist on inviting (Quarto 1, Folios 3, 4, "invite "); II. iv. 131. In happy time, à propos, pray tell me; III. v. 112. It, its; I. iii. 52. Jack, a term of contempt for a silly fellow; III. i. 12. Lady, lady, lady,' a phrase quoted from the old ballad of Susanna; II. iv. 147. Lammas-eve, the day before Lammastide, i.e. July 31st; I. iii. 17. Lammas-tide, the 1st of August; I. iii. 15. Lantern, a turret full of windows; V. iii. 84. Late, lately; III. i. 128. Lay, wager, stake; I. iii. 12. Learn, teach; III. ii. 12. Margent, margin; I. iii. 86. Mark-man, marksman; I. i. 204. Marriage (trisyllabic); IV. i. 11. Married, harmonious (the reading of Quarto 2; other editions "seuerall"); I. iii. 83. Learn'd me, taught myself; IV. ii. 17. | Maskers, I. iv. Direc. (Cp. illustra Let, hinderance; II. ii. 69. Level, aim; III. iii. 103. Lieve, lief, gladly; II. iv. 208. Like, likely; IV. iii. 36. Like of, like; I. iii. 96. List, choose; I. i. 40. Logger-head, block head; IV. iv. 2c. Long; "1. to speak," long in spcaking, slow to speak; IV. i. 66. Long spinners' legs, long-legged spiders; I. iv. 59. Love, i.e. Venus; II. v. 7. tion.) Minstrel; "give you the m.," i... call you a minstrel, glee-man (with a play upon "to give the gleek "); IV. v. 116. Minute, minutes; V. iii. 257. Misadventure, misfortune; V. i. 29. Mistemper'd, compounded and hardened to an ill end; I. i. 86. Modern, commonplace, trite; III. ii. 120. Moody, peevish, angry; III. i. 14. Morrow, morning; II. ii. 186. Mouse-hunt, a woman hunter; IV. iv. II. Moved, exasperated; I. i. 7. Much upon these years, about the same age; I. iii. 72. Muffle, hide; V. iii. 21. My heart is full of woe,' a line of Passado, a thrust in fencing; II. iv. a popular ballad of the time; IV. v. 104. Natural, idiot; II iv. 96. ii. 117. Needy, joyless (Quarto 1, "needful"); III. v. 106. Neighbour-stained, stained with the blood of countrymen ["neighbourstained steel," instead of "neighbourstained soil" (Daniel)]; I. i. 81. Nerv, just; I. i. 159. afresh, anew; I. i. 103. Nice, trifling; III. i. 156. None; "she will n.,' "i.e. she will none of it, she will have nothing to do with it; III. v. 140. Note, notice; I. v. 72. grief, lamentation; III. iii. 90. O', on; [Quartos, Folio 1, "a"; Folios 2, 3, 4, 66 of"; (Quarto 1), "on"]; III. i. 92. Odds; "at o.," at variance; I. ii. 5. O'er-perch, leap over, fly over II. ii. 66. 26; III. i. 84. -, a motion forwards and thrust in fencing; II. iv. 27. Passing, surpassingly; I. i. 232. Past compare, past comparison; II. v. 43. Pastry, the room in which pies were made; IV. iv. 2. Pay, give; I. i. 236. Peevish, silly, childish; IV. ii. 14. Perforce, compulsory; I. v. 90. Perdona-mi's, people who are continually saying pardon me [Quartos 4, 5, pardona-mees"; Quarto 1, "pardon-mees"; Quarto 2, dons 66 "par 66 par mees"; Theobald, donnez moy's "]; II. iv. 35. Peruse, examine; V. iii. 74. Phaethon, the son of Helios, the Sun god, who ambitiously tried to drive the chariot of his father; III. ii. 3. Pilcher, scabbard (used contemptuously); III. i. 82. Pin, the centre of the butt in archery; II. iv. 15. Plantain-leaf (supposed to be efficacious in healing wounds); I. ii. 52. Plats, plaits, braids; I. iv. 89. |