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Titan, the sun-god; I. i. 226.
To, into; I. i. 421.
Tofore, before; III. i. 294.
Train'd, enticed; V. i. 104.
Tribunal plebs, a blunder for "tri-
bunus plebis "the tribune of the
people; IV. iii. 92.

Trump, trumpet; I. i. 275.
Tully's Orator, i.e. Cicero's De
Oratore; IV. i. 14.

Turn, return; V. ii. 141.
Typhon, i.e. Typhoeus, one of the
giants of ancient fables; IV. ii.

[blocks in formation]

Undertake, answer for, guarantee; I. i. 436.

Unfurnish'd, deprived; II. iii. 56. Unjustice, injustice; IV. iv. 18. Unkind, unnatural; V. iii. 48. Unrecuring, past cure, incurable; III. i. 90.

Unroll, uncoil; II. iii. 35

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Urchins, hedgehogs; II. iii. 101.

Virgo, the constellation of that name;
(in the old myth it represents
Astræa, after she left the Earth);
IV. iii. 64.

Voice, vote; I. i. 21.
Vouch, make good; I. i. 360.

Wags, moves; V. ii. 87.
Wall-eyed, fierce-eyed ; 'V. i. 44.
Ware, wore; I. i. 6.
Weeds, garments; I. i. 70.
Welkin, sky; III. i. 212.
Well said, well done; IV. iii. 63.
What, why; I. i. 189.
Whenas, when; IV. iv. 92.
White-limed, white-washed; IV.ii, 98.
Who, whom; II. iii. 55.
Wind, scent; IV. i. 97.

; "have the w. of you," keep an eye upon you; IV. ii. 133. Wit, mental power (Warburton will"); II. i. 10.


With, by; II. iii. 78.

Witty, possessed of wit; IV. ii. 29.
Wot, know; II. i. 48.

Up and down, exactly, at all points; Wreak, vengeance; IV. iii. 33.

V ii. 107.

Uprise, rising; III. i. 159.

Wreaks, resentments; IV. iv. 11. Wrong fully, wrongful; IV. iv. 76.


I. i. 5-6. 'I am his first-born son, that was the last That ware'; so Quartos; Folios 1, 2, 3 read 'I was the first-born son, that was the last That wore'; Folio 4, 'I was the first-born Son of him that last Wore'; Pope, 'I am the firstborn son of him that last Wore'; Collier, 'I am his That wore'; Collier MS., 'I am the first borne Sonne, of him the last That wore.'

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I. i. 62. 'gates'; Capell reads 'gates, tribunes'; Collier MS., brazen gates,'

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I. i. 138. his tent'; Theobald reads 'her tent' (alluding to Hecuba beguiling Polymnestor into the tent where she and the other Trojan captives were).

I. i. 154. 'drugs'; Quarto 1, 'drugges'; Quarto 2, 'grudgges'; Folios, 'grudges.'

I. i. 485. ' stand up'; perhaps these words were, as Pope suggested, merely a stage-direction.

II. i. 82, 83; cf. 1 Henry VI., V. iii. 77, 78; Richard III., I. ii. 228, 229.

II. ii. 10. Horns winded in a peal.' Cp. the subjoined old French hunting fanfare (here reproduced from Naylor's 'Shakespeare and Music').

Four Horns.



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II. iii. 20. yellowing'; so Quartos; Folios read 'yelping'; Pope, "yelling.'

II. iii. 93. barren detested'; Rowe reads 'barren and detested'; Capell, "bare, detested.'

II. iii. 126. 'painted hope braves your mightiness'; so Quartos, Folio 1;

Folios 2, 3, 4, 'painted hope, she . .'; Warburton, 'painted cope she . . . ' ; Capell, 'paint now braves your mightiness'; Steevens conj. ‘painted, braves your .'; etc., etc.

II. iii. 132. 'outlive, us'; Theobald's pointing; Quartos, Folios, 'outliue us'; Dyce (ed. 2), ' outlive ye.'

II. iii. 152. paws'; Collier MS., ' claws.'

II. iv. 5. 'scrowl'; Quartos, 'scrowle'; Folios 1, 2, 'scowle'; Folios 3, 4, 'scowl'; Delius, 'scrawl.'

II. iv. 9. 'case'; Pope's emendation of Quartos; Folios, 'cause.'


II. iv. 49. 'Which that sweet tongue hath made'; so Quartos, Folios, Hanmer, Which that sweet tongue of thine hath often made'; Collier MS., 'Which that sweet tongue hath made in minstrelsy'; etc.

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III. i. 12. For these, tribunes'; so Quartos, Folio 1; Folio 4, For these, these, Tribunes'; Malone, ' For these, good tribunes'; Jackson conj. For these two tribunes'; Collier conj. For these, O tribunes.'

III. i. 17. 'urns'; Hanmer's emendation of Quartos, Folios 1, 2, 3, ' ruines'; Folio 4, ' ruins.'

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III. i. 34-36. Quarto 2 reads 'or if they did marke, All bootlesse unto them' ; Folios, 'oh if they did heare They would not pitty me'; Capell, or, if they did mark, All bootless unto them, they would not pity me,' etc.

III. i. 67. 'sight'; Theobald, 'spight.'

III. i. 86. Sweet varied notes, enchanting every ear'; Collier MS. reads 'Rich varied notes, enchanting old and young'; Folio 4, 'Sweet various


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III. i. 125. 'as'; the reading of Collier, from Collier MS. and Long MS.; Quartos, Folios, 'in'; Rowe, 'like.'

III. i. 210. 'would'; so Quartos; Folios read 'wilt'; Capell conj.


III. i. 226. blow'; the reading of Folios 2, 3, 4; Folio 1, Quartos, 'flow.'

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III. i. 282-3. employ'd in these things,' etc.; so Folios; Quartos, 'imployde in these Armes'; perhaps, as the Cambridge editors suggest, the original MS. had as follows:

"And thou, Lavinia, shalt be imployd,

Bear thou my hand, sweet wench, between thy teeth,"


the Quarto reading being due to a correction of teeth' to the latter being taken by the printer as belonging to the previous line.

III. i. 292. 'leaves'; Rowe's emendation of Quartos; Folios, loues.' III. ii. The whole of this scene is omitted in Quartos.

III. ii. 13. with outrageous beating'; Folio 1 reads without ragious beating.'

IV. i. 9. Fear her not'; so Quartos; Folios read 'Feare not'; Rowe, Fear thou not.'

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IV. i. 45. 'Soft! so busily'; Quartos; Folios read Soft, so busily'; Rowe, 'Soft! see how busily'; Capell, Soft, soft; how busily'; Knight, 'Soft! how busily'; Keightley, Soft, soft! so busily'; Collier MS., Soft! see how busily.'

IV. i. 81-82. · Magni Dominator poli, Tam lentus audis scelera? tam lentus vides?'; i.e. Great ruler of the skies, dost thou so tardily hear and see crimes committed? (Seneca's Hippolytus, ii. 671); Theobald,' Magne Dominator'; Hanmer, Magne Regnator:'


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IV. i. 129. Revenge, ye heavens,' Johnson conj.; Reuenge the heauens,' so Quartos, Folios.

IV. ii. 8, 76. Omitted in Folios.

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IV. ii. 20-21. He who is pure in life, and free from sin, needs not the darts of the Moor, nor the bow' (Horace, Odes I. 22).

IV. ii. 26. 'sound'; Theobald conjectured 'sound' is probably to be taken ironically.

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Fond,' i.e. foolish; but

IV. ii. 165. 'take no longer days'; Collier MS., ' make no longer delays.' IV. iii. 16. 'then,' a misprint for 'that.'

IV. iii. 2. 'let'; so Quartos, Folio 1; Folios 2, 3, 4, ' now let.'

IV. iii. 4. 'Terras Astræa reliquit'; i.c. Astræa (the goddess of Justice) left the earth (Ovid. Metam. i. 150).

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IV. iii. 56. To Saturn, Caius'; Capell's emendation; Quartos, Folios read 'To Saturnine, to Caius'; Rowe (ed. 1), 'To Calus and to Saturn'; (ed. 'To Saturn and to Cælus.'


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IV. iv. 37. Thy life-blood out'; Folio 2, 'ont'; Folio 3, 'on't'; Walker suggested that a previous line had been lost, but the text seems correct= "and drawn thy life-blood out."

IV. iv. 103. Omitted in Quarto 2 and Folios; the reading of Quarto 1. V. i. 17. 'All the Goths,' should be 'The other Goths,' as the 'First Goth' is kept distinct.

V. i. 42. An allusion to the old proverb, "A black man is a pearl in a fair woman's eye" (Malone).

V. i. 93. And cut her hands'; so Quartos; Folios, And cut her hands off"; Collier MS., 'Cut her hands off.'

V. i. 122. A proverb found in Ray's collection.

V. i. 132.

'break their necks'; Malone conj. 'break their necks and die'; Jackson conj. 'stray and break their necks'; Collier MS., 'ofttimes break their necks'; etc.

V. ii. 80. 'ply'; so Quartos; Folios, 'play.'

V. ii. 162; iii. 52. Omitted in Folios.

V. iii. 73. Lest Rome'; Capell's reading; Quartos, Folios, 'Let Rome'; Malone, Lest Rome.'

V. iii. 124. And as he is'; so Quartos, Folios; Theobald reads "Damn'd as he is.'

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