would have search should be a cucko) ite for a search, so Mkes. But wirk The tural the pangs pl telerable fright, Bang bell-wetha el bilbo, in the point, heel to% a strong di fretted m the of ray khine to be and tha And Intele dash, ch, glowing think of that, Ker Brook.. si I am sorry that I All this. My suit, th Motake ber no more? i will be throw into Et into Themes, ere I will learn thus 1r bathand is this morning gone able I have received for her mother embassy wight and nine is the boos appointment. Come to me at your convenient leisure, and you shall know how I speed; and the conclusion shall be crowned with your enjoying her. Adieu. You shall have her, Master Brook; Master Brook, you shall cuckold Ford. [Exit. 122 Ford. Hum! ha! is this a vision? is this a dream? do I sleep? Master Ford, awake! awake, Master Ford! there's a hole made in your best coat, Master Ford. This 'tis to be married! this 'tis to have linen and buck-baskets! Well, I will proclaim myself what I am: I will now take the lecher; he is at my house; he cannot 'scape me; 'tis impossible he should; he cannot creep into a halfpenny purse, nor into a pepper-box: but, lest the devil that guides him should aid him, I will search impossible places. Though what I am I cannot avoid, yet to be what I would not shall not make me tame: if I have horns to make one mad, let the proverb go with me,I'll be horn-mad. [Exit. 134 ACT IV. SCENE I. A street. Enter MISTRESS PAGE, MISTRESS QUICKLY, and Mrs. Page. Is he at Master Ford's already, think'st thou ? Quick. Sure he is by this, or will be presently: but, truly, he is very courageous mad about his |